16/01/2013. AIOFinance Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! AIOFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everybody! As expected the HYIP industry is well into recovery again after the recent and annual slowdown over the holidays as evidenced by the recent spate of new programs coming to the MNO monitor. There’s no doubt that some of those programs will be better than others as is only natural, but I do hope we’ve seen at least one or two early trendsetters for the industry in 2013. One new program that several observers have expressed high expectations for however is AIOFinance, a brand new short/mid term HYIP that’s gathering a fair bit of support at the moment. Personally while stopping short of declaring it “the next big thing” or whatever, but I’d still be more or less enthusiastic about AIOFinance‘s prospects of making a profit for anyone other than its admin. So before moving on to this evening’s news stories I’d like to take a closer look at AIOFinance and the program’s main features for you, and see if you also think it might be worth taking a risk on.
There’s basically only one investment plan in AIOFinance to speak of, though it comes with several variations depending on how much you’d like to invest. But you can join for a $10 minimum, so in financial terms the otherwise high risk of playing with online HYIPs doesn’t have to be all that high unless you make it so. The plan then runs for a term of 20 calendar days, during which time AIOFinance will make a daily interest payment based on the size of your principal. The rate available to most investors will be 6% daily, as that’s what gets on all deposits between the $10 minimum up to a maximum value of $750. The final return therefore adds up to 120% by the time the plan expires, which may sound unsustainable at first but consider that, like most shorter term programs, AIOFinance are actually including your initial deposit as part of those payments and won’t be returning it on expiry. That leaves the investor with his own money back in that case, plus a 20% net profit for himself.
Or to put that into more practical terms let’s say you invested $100. That means AIOFinance should pay you back $6 per day, every day, for 20 days. At the end of that you should hopefully have $120 for yourself, and your dealings with the program are over (unless you opt to try another cycle). From that final return your initial principal has already been factored in, leaving you with an extra $20 for yourself.
And that’s pretty much how the program continues, with the slight variation of interest rates increasing marginally if the size of your investment goes up. For instance, those willing to spend between $751 and $2,500 are offered a daily payment of 6.25% interest, adding up to 125% by the time the plan comes to an end. AIOFinance are factoring your initial deposit into the payments, so from your final return 25% is profit.
The remaining two options are really for the big industry spenders I guess, with AIOFinance offering a 6.5% daily interest rate to anyone risking a $2,501 minimum up to a $5,000 maximum. Your principal is counted as part of the payments so the total return of 130% contains your own money plus 30% net profit on top.
And lastly for investors looking to spend even more than that, up to the maximum allowed by AIOFinance of $10,000 in fact, the daily interest rate climbs to 7% per calendar day. Twenty days later and this should we hope come to 140%. With your own money counted as part of the payments, this leaves you with a final net profit of 40% in total.
Payment options are quite good by most standards, not quite a complete list of the usual HYIP industry providers but I think enough to satisfy the requirements of the majority of investors so there’s unlikely to be much call for expansion (even if there’s room for it). As of now AIOFinance are using SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payments are made manually by the admin and so need to be requested by members from inside their private members account area. Once done you are asked to allow up to 24 hours for all transactions to be completed. Just one thing you should keep in mind about the plans is that because of the particular script AIOFinance is using, deposits are made in two steps. First of all you need to fund your account wallet in the program, and then only after you have done that you will need to re-direct that money into your chosen plan. OK, I know that might sound pretty straight forward to many of you but you’d be surprised how many people let it slip their attention. So remember your investment doesn’t become active and won’t start earning you any interest until after you move the funds from your account wallet to the investment area.
Everything so far is up to a high enough standard with AIOFinance, and that certainly doesn’t change when we get to the design and security features. It looks really good and definitely organized by an experienced industry professional. For a start they’re running off a script under licence from the always dependable ShadowScripts which is widely acknowledged as one of the best on the market and I think something a lot of regular players might be pleased to see a bit more of in the industry (see my interview with its developer here). Hosting is also up do a decent standard, with AIOFinance on a dedicated server with support and protection by BlockDos. So little expense spared on either of those two features which is always a good indication of where the admin is hoping to lead the program. The website has an additional layer of security in SSL encryption from GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any further questions for the admin then AIOFinance‘s admin can be contacted by either filling in your details on the online support form, or by e-mailing them directly at the address listed. AIOFinance have two phone numbers if you want to try your luck and see if anyone picks up and try speaking to someone in person, and a postal address in Panama, though these things are usually just serviced offices used for mail forwarding and not likely to be where you’ll find anyone even remotely involved with running the program.
Nice and all as AIOFinance undoubtedly is as an online HYIP, I think most sensible people will by now accept that paying 6 to 7% interest to your members per day is something not even resembling a responsible business plan. In fact you’d do well to find something legal that paid you that in a year these days. But for the record what AIOFinance are listing as a “business activity” is ForEx trading, something regular players will probably snigger at when hearing due to it being the supposedly fool-proof guaranteed money spinner behind so many online HYIPs. It’s never once prevented any of them from scamming of course, making it unlikely at best to be true. But as long as you go into this business with your eyes open, fully aware of the risks, and knowing how to cover them then it gets a little easier to avoid heavier losses. That means not treating online HYIPs, either AIOFinance or otherwise, like the businesses they claim, set yourself a manageable spending limit that you can easily afford to lose, and of course keeping a wider more diverse portfolio.
Despite only being monitored for 12 days on MNO, ZionFinance has in fact been online for a full two months already and proved itself a reliable and sustainable project. They pay promptly to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve and offer variable plans to satisfy all tastes – 3.5%-5.5% for 12 days (principal back), 15%-19% for 8 days, 160%-200% after 14 days. In the latest newsletter the admin of ZionFinance Alfred shared some stats on growing membership numbers which can be found on the website itself and mentioned some other exciting plans for the future that include phone support and their own members forum, work on which has started already. I hope Alfred can make the program even more successful with continued prompt payouts and excellent support. I wish them every success and if you want more info please refer to my detailed review posted here. The full version of the newsletter from ZionFinance (reviewed here) can be found below:
“2 months online
It has been exactly 2 months now, since we have started our online adventure. That is really amazing result to have achieved, especially in high yield industry. ZionFinance has been growing strongly, and at a very swift pace all these time, and we have proved ourselves to be one of the best in this market. Our customers have been a good support for us, all along the way, and you are the reason why we have reached this exact position where we are at now. I have no words to express my happiness and enjoy.
The growth of ZionFinance has been fantastic all of the time. ZionFinance has managed to conquer the hearts of 1100 online investors at this moment. Our database has grown to 2500 members, and as I write this, the count is increasing at a rapid pace. Daily member registrations have soared to 100, which is even increasing day by day.
We have many more improvements coming in our way, like a Phone support, own own forum and many others, and all those will be done gradually. Together, we can do more. When the other programs become a history, we will still be here, and our customers will still get a lot of money from us.
ZionFinance Team wishes good luck and happy investing to all of our members. Let your dreams come true with the ZionFinance!
Have a nice day, Alfred Silva, ZionFinance.
Admin ZionFinance.”
For the last four months they’ve been online, StallionGold have been one of the steadiest and most dependable performers in the longer term HYIP market. The program was first reviewed on MNO here, where I described the program and its plans as they were at that time. Well. Some things haven’t changed in StallionGold (interviewed here), but other things have. The plans available to investors still include 1.5%-4% for 100 business days with instant payments and, uniquely, your principal back in four instalments. But what’s new is the list of payment options. Granted it’s probably not something that most HYIP investors are going to get over excited about, but it’s news and it’s a step in the right direction. So joining what we already thought was an extensive list of payment processing options that included SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and PexPay, we now have OkPay added to the list who themselves accommodate funding via BitCoin if that helps make them more appealing to any of you. The announcement naming this was taken from the StallionGold website’s own news section just today, and I’m re-publishing it below for you if you didn’t already hear about it:
“OkPay payments
Dear investors and website visitors, it is our pleasure to announce the addition of another deposit option at Stallion Gold. From now on, all of our members can use payment processor OkPay.com to make their investments and request withdrawals via this system. OkPay is serving customers all over the world, it has low processing fees and it offers great variety of account funding options, including BitCoin.”
I must say Nubcoyu (reviewed here) have always been slow in paying withdrawal requests and in many cases fall behind the promised timeframe of 48 business hours, which even made me move it to Problem status on my monitor a few times already during its three and a half months of monitoring on MNO. So I guess a wise decision was taken to avoid such delays on the 1.4% for 200 business days plan again. We are talking about the minimum payout request increasing from $1 to $5 which will reduce the number of payment requests needing to be manually verified before being processed to the four payment processors accepted by Nubcoyu – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. I hope the decision announced in the latest newsletter from Nubcoyu (interviewed here) will put an end to constant payment delays that certainly doesn’t aid trust in the program from either current or prospective investors. Here’s the latest news from Nubcoyu explaining the move:
“Minimum Withdrawal Raised
Dear Valued Investors,
Finally, I’ve arrived at my home after being struck in the traffic for 14 hours from Narita Internation Airport due to the heavy snow fall. The weekly newsletter will be delivered tomorrow, however today I’d like to discuss a topic.
I must admit that recent withdrawal requests have overwhelmed Misaki and my workload, causing payout delays and frustration. I can understand that myself, and I’m an investor in many other programs myself. As I have announced at the launch of the program (not sure anybody remembers) that I’d lower the minimum withdrawal to $1 for a limited time. Now that the workload is starting to be unbearable to us, I’ve decided to raise the minimum withdrawal to $5. This not only gives us less issues, but will also speed up withdrawal timeframe. In addition, it’ll give us more time to concentrate on other works and external income.
I’d like to ask for everyone’s understandings. We’re the same family!
Regards, Nubcoyu”.
Please note that at the moment I can’t recommend any further investments in EpicRoyalFund and have already moved it to Waiting status on MNO due to an unexplained glitch affecting the withdrawal system last night which sent all the requested withdrawals back to wallet balance where they can only be reinvested into the program but not actually withdrawn. I would not have been so concerned about this if the admin simply replied to my email, which he has not done as of now. Usually, he was pretty fast in replying to my emails, but now apparently he’s on vacation which cannot be used as an excuse because someone still has to run the program and process the payouts and that’s not happening now. EpicRoyalFund has been already moved to Problem status on several monitors and I do believe it might be the beginning of the end for them. I’m not sure what the admin is trying to achieve by moving withdrawal requests back to wallets, but surely nothing good will come out of it. Please note that I will try to determine a final status for EpicRoyalFund on MNO by tomorrow, but for now I would not suggest investing there!
A brand-new program called TradExFund joined my Standard listing today. They accept deposits via EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney automatically. While SolidTrustPay is also accepted, but manually as you will have to transfer funds directly to an account specified by the admin if you wish to do so. Deposits are accepted into three plans and please note that the principal will not be returned in any of them – 5% for 30 business days, 40% for 4 weeks, 170% after 30 business days. Withdrawals have to be requested from your members area and are processed manually within 24 to 48 business hours. The investment plans are kinda odd but I will discuss that in more detail in the upcoming review of TradExFund on MNO over the weekend. For now I just want to say that the site has quite an average and unappealing appearance, is running off a unique ARM HYIP script as the admin stated (although the license checker tool from GoldCoders site shows a GC script also licensed for this domain) and is SSL-secured by Comodo with hosting on a dedicated server provided by Koddos. Despite claiming that TradExFund started in December 2012 I couldn’t find any open thread for it on investment forums before today, so I suggest to treat it like brand new. More on TradExFund will be on MNO soon!
After more than a month online another popular program made its way to MNO as the admin requested Standard listing today – AirCargoXpress. A name more suited to a delivery service than an online HYIP is allegedly involved in of “air cargo transportation” hence the name. Anyway, according to the admin that’s what helps AirCargoXpress pay the quite high interest on two short-term investment plans with principal back on expiry of both – 2%-3% for 10 calendar days, and 3%-4% for 15 calendar days. The minimum to invest starts at $5 in the shorter term plan and $50 in the longer term one. SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and LibertyReserve are all accepted by AirCargoXpress who promise to pay withdrawals within 24 hours of request. There’s no compounding allowed, so the maximum net profit you can get is 30% on the 10 day plan and 60% on the 15 day plan. The site itself is up to a decent standard and contains quite a lot of information explaining many aspects of the program. AirCargoXpress runs off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DDoS protection by GeniusGuard. More info about the program will be discussed in the upcoming review by the end of the week. Stay tuned for that, guys!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CashROTOR, ProForexUnion, UsdTrading, ForexTMS.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, SureInv, SafeguardWallet, StallionGold, DiamondAsset, 4FXInvestment, TureProfit, BensonUnion, ZionFinance, Stravia, Xgolding, BankPaying, AlevrasInvestments, MGProfit, GISolutions, AIOFinance, OilOfAsia (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: PremierLeagueProfits.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, Sun7Life, Monearn, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, TheInvestmentBank, Money&Credit, HourlyAdvertise (the first payment received), EveryHourPaid (the first payment received), FinanciaLtd (the first payment received).
That’s it for tonight, guys. See you tomorrow and stay tuned for a full review of OilOfAsia the first payouts from which I successfully received today, along with the latest news from the HYIP industry.
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jan 16th, 2013.