Jan 20th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! AirCargoXpress has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having a good Sunday so far. As you might know if you’ve been following my blog, and it’s hardly a surprise as January is usually one of the busier months in the HYIP calendar, there’s been a number of new programs coming my way recently that I’m slowly but surely making steady progress getting through for you here. So before getting to today’s main news stories in the second half of today’s update I want to look at a short term program called AirCargoXpress which was added to my monitor around the middle of the week. Before we go any further however I should just emphasize that AirCargoXpress is by no means a new program, being online since the middle of December, about five weeks or so now and enough time to complete a number of cycles of all their available plans. So let’s take a closer look at the main features and you can decide how long you think is left in them before deciding to join or not.

As I said it’s a short term program with just the two plans on offer. Interest payments are made daily in both plans, though the rates themselves are quite low and you will be nowhere even close to making a profit until the AirCargoXpress admin returns your original investment principal to you on expiry as promised. So the first of these options is called The Standard Plan and can be joined for a $5 minimum. The plan runs for a term of 10 calendar days, and interest payments will be based on how much you deposit. The starting rate is 2% per day on all investments up to a maximum value of $500. On expiry this adds up to a total of 20% which becomes your net profit only when as I said the AirCargoXpress admin returns your principal. The rates paid to bigger deposits include 2.5% per day (25% total profit) on anything between $501 and $2,000, and 3% per day (30% profit) on anything above that to a maximum value of $5,000.

Something that’s even a bit more high risk but also a bit more profitable if it pays off is AirCargoXpress‘s second investment plan, called The Express Plan. A bit more expensive to join, it carries a $50 minimum deposit and runs for 15 calendar days. During this time AirCargoXpress again offer daily interest payments while promising to return your principal on expiry. The rates are again based on the size of your deposit, and start at 3% per day on amounts starting at the afore mentioned minimum up to a value of $1,000. That comes to 45% in total which again is only profit once AirCargoXpress return your principal. For larger deposits between $1,001 and $5,000 the rate jumps to 3.5% per day, coming to 52.5% total profit on return of your principal, and for the really big spenders out there willing to part with anything bigger than that up to a $15,000 maximum AirCargoXpress offer 4% per day, or 60% net profit.

Payment options are up to a fairly reasonable industry standard with AirCargoXpress taking all the popular processors. You can deposit or withdraw using SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve so I guess most players will be happy enough with that. Payouts to members are made manually by the admin so need to be requested from inside your AirCargoXpress private members area, after which you will need to allow anything up to a maximum of 24 hours for all transactions to be completed. Bank wires are also accepted (though I myself don’t know anyone who uses them) but as this will involve an entirely different set of rules for things like minimum transactions, withdrawal schedules, and so on, it’s probably best you contact the AirCargoXpress admin directly for further information on that if you’re genuinely interested.

On the design and security side of things AirCargoXpress is running off a script under license from GoldCoders, so most users will recognize it and find it easy enough to find their way around the members area. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and DDoS protection of GeniusGuard. This is a bit misleading as for some reason they’re displaying a small banner from BlockDos, though they do not currently host this program. For any further questions or account related issues for the admin to deal with you can get in touch with AirCargoXpress by filling in the online ticketing support for and submitting it via the website’s contacts page. Fans of social networking sites can also find AirCargoXpress on the likes of Facebook and Twitter if you want.

The alleged business plan supporting the whole thing, and cynical as I am about these things I simply must tip my hat to the admin here for coming up with a story even I don’t remember hearing before, is supposedly international cargo transport for industrial goods. Well, at least it’s original but whether it is or not it’s still typical for the HYIP industry insofar as no solid evidence whatsoever is provided for you to research by yourselves. Of course I know the experienced players that make up the bulk of MNO readers will be all too aware of what they are getting into and pay no heed to such stories, I do find it necessary to repeat this time and time again for the benefit of those still finding their feet in the industry. No business can sustain those kind of interest payments unless it’s from gambling, and that’s basically what you have before you in AirCargoXpress. A high risk game, pure and simple, so don’t treat it like something it’s not, and don’t get too serious with it. By all means play if you like your chances of winning a couple of bucks, pass if you don’t, and never ever spend what you can’t afford to comfortably lose. And as always if joining AirCargoXpress at all then keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



This weekend proved to be extremely tough on anyone preferring shorter term programs as three quality projects that all have been paying for a while seem to be coming to an end – CashROTOR, ZionFinance, and SafeguardWallet.

Of course the biggest shock was CashROTOR‘s demise. It looks like only a few hours after the last newsletter was issued the site went offline and when it finally returned the instant withdrawals didn’t work anymore. I suspected a script problem at first and immediately contacted the admin Steven, especially considering that many members were already panicking. To his credit, he answered me quickly and honestly admitted that CashROTOR came to an end due to a lack of deposits not covering the huge withdrawals during the last couple of days and that the newsletter was the last chance for him to collect then money necessary for processing them. Obviously he failed to achieve this and the program did collapse after three successful cycles paying 50% pure profit on each, so please do not invest there! I still believe CashROTOR is the most successful project so far in 2013 and though it’s only January will still take a fantastic program to beat that performance this year. During one month online CashROTOR became incredibly popular with thousands of investors and proved that such programs can become profitable even during the festive season. It’s bad to see it go, but I’m sure other successful short-term projects will spring up and take its place. There’s bound to be an abundance of them soon, as they proved to be extremely popular once managed professionally.

The second program that was moved to Problem status is ZionFinance. The reason for this one remains unknown, though I can speculate that the program was badly affected by the recent hacking attempt and despite the admin’s assurance that it didn’t affect the funds it could not be completely true and some funds were indeed stolen. Anyway, although some selective payouts (mostly to STP) are still being made by ZionFinance, don’t let this mislead you as some of the live stats were removed from public view and the rating page was taken down as well (which only ever indicates a scam). ZionFinance has been a quality project as well, and despite its short-term plans managed to pay investors for over two months. The program never became as successful as CashROTOR, but it still had its own fans and many members did see some good profits from it. Please note that now that ZionFinance is on Problem status on MNO all the further investments in the project are not recommended!

The same can be said now of SafeguardWallet – the program seems to have been lasted for 15 days only which is even less than two cycles. However, it also proved to be a popular project and could bring some good profits who recognized the potential early enough. Then I noticed that one of my payments processed by SafeguardWallet to LR last night was fake and therefore was never actually paid. Coincidence or not, it was the biggest withdrawal request to LibertyReserve for the day. Today I got more complaints from concerned investors regarding their payouts pending to STP for over 60 hours already and the admin trying to feed them some stupid excuses. I believe the inability to explain that little stunt with the fake payout and the delayed payouts to SolidTrustPay were reason enough to move them to Problem status on MNO and warn against putting any more money there at the moment.

I’ll report here if any thing changes regarding those three programs but I would highly doubt any will recover and resume payments.


I would like to send best wishes to any US based readers celebrating Martin Luther King day on Monday. As you can imagine many HYIPs that usually pay interest on business days only will use it as an excuse to not credit the members’ accounts. So please expect more announcements about that from other admins by tomorrow, when profits from trading on various markets cannot be “generated”.

The first update regarding this holiday I came across was on StallionGold (reviewed here). I remind you that the project is currently ranked #5 on MNO’s Premium listing after being monitored for 125 days. Therefore, those who trusted StallionGold with their money at the beginning should be in well into profit by now as the project pays from 1.5% to 4% interest for the duration of 100 business days and returns your original investment in four instalments to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, and OkPay. If you wish to find out more about StallionGold first-hand please read my interview with the admin here. Please note that most of the withdrawal requests in StallionGold are processed instantly, and withdrawal payments will not be affected by the coming US holiday at all, only the interest will not be credited as stated in the latest short update:

Martin Luther King Day
Dear investors and website visitors, due to the Martin Luther King Day holiday celebration within the locales affecting our business operations, no profits will be credited to user accounts for the day of upcoming January 21, 2013.

Another successful program running for over a year now – BensonUnion (reviewed here) – didn’t even mention their own first anniversary in the last newsletter, but did remind investors that no interest would be paid on Monday. Their plan offers 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days with principal return on expiry. Just like StallionGold, it shouldn’t affect withdrawals which are still processed instantly to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PexPay and BitCoin. BensonUnion has definitely been a great project so far, and I hope the admin Ragnar (interviewed here) is planning to keep up the good work in the program’s second year of operation too. Here’s the latest short reminder sent to BensonUnion members today:

Non-trading day
Dear investors! Please note that there will be no profit accrued for Monday, January 21 due to legal public holiday in the USA (Birthday of Martin Luther King).


I must say I quite missed Nubcoyu (interviewed here) and his epic newsletters while he was on vacation, but today I was rewarded with a brand new one covering all sorts of things. Topics included the development of Nubcoyu itself (Facebook support enhancement, first assigned local representatives / ambassadors, etc.) and the latest happenings in the offline business that allegedly funds Nubcoyu (anything from restaurants to horseshoes!) Nubcoyu (reviewed here) pays 1.4% for 200 business days via EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. The new update can be read with some interest and amusement as it’s always different from anything else in the industry and is included in full below:

Nubcoyu Magazine Issue 11 (Sunday, 20th January 2013)
Greetings! Our valued investors,
It’s been a while since I’ve written a newsletter myself. I’d say the “Matsuri-Kibun” is all about to end (Lit. Festival emotion. Basically means getting too carried away by holiday seasons). The New Year has ended and I sincerely hope everyone is in good hale and health as always.
You might notice the difference in the title. Eh? Where’s our usual Nubcoyu Friday? To be exact, this is our Nubcoyu Friday. However, due to my schedule changes at the Janet Office (the company I currently work for), Friday is no longer free for me. Thus, I can only write newsletter only when I’m free, crossing out the name of the NY Friday.
We’re back with usual reports on site progresses, critical updates and business focuses.
Part 1: Nubcoyu The Website
1) Social Media Platform in Full Deployment
We’ve decided to take the direction of Social Media Marketing as our mainstream support system and communication. There are many reasons for the change. For example, I can access Facebook when I’m on mobile, which makes it possible to provide longer time support. As most of you might already know, I’m not a full time HYIP admin, so sitting in front of the computer all day nearly impossible. With Facebook, one can send us messages about any issues you might have, and those will be addressed notably faster than other means. Support tickets will still be answered, but do expect delays due to heavy spamming. Facebook is also another good way to get to know each other personally and develop long term friendship.
2) Meet Your Local Ambassadors
Nubcoyu has opened its official Facebook groups available for anyone to join. We’re in the process of expanding the access worldwide so expect more groups in the near future. Each group has its leaders or ambassadors. Could be 1 or more. Most of them are also available on Skype too, so chatting is another option. Also, these leaders will also provide support for you in your local languages and English, and also can provide you with online marketing knowledge, something essential for the success of any online businesses. Below is the list of Official Nubcoyu Groups:
Nubcoyu Thailand: http://www.facebook.com/groups/279904612111761/
1) Channarong Punpoo (Tatar Godlike)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tatar.godlike
Skype: casanota
Comment By Nubcoyu: He’s a friendly leader in Thailand. I talk to him all the time and is contributing greatly to our program. You’ll love simply talking to him ;)
2) Chaichan Punpoo (Uited Love)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/love.uited
Skype: chaichan.punpoo
Comment By Nubcoyu: The best leader in Thailand and the head of the NY Thailand group. He’s meticulous, disciplined and is outright with his plans. He’s also the most experienced here in the Thailand group.
Nubcoyu India: http://www.facebook.com/groups/nubcoyu.india/
1) Naresh Kumar
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/naresh.kumar.7545
Skype: crazyclub737
Comment By Nubcoyu: He’s a real enthusiastic investor and leader of ours. Supportive and friendly, you’ll never find talking to him boring ;) He’s also caring to his investors and me so why not talk to him!
Nubcoyu Hungary: http://www.facebook.com/groups/471132389609553
1) Balog Zoltan
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Zotyamester
Skype: dj_balog
Comment By Nubcoyu: Balog is one high spirited man with enthusiasm in online marketing and our Nubcoyu family. He’s the one who contributes the most to our Nubcoyu family and even going as far as to look out investment opportunities for us. Great job Balog!
Nubcoyu Turkey: http://www.facebook.com/groups/turkey.nubcoyu
1) Queen (HyiperStock Hyip)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/newhyipstocker
Skype: celebi3485
Comment By Nubcoyu: She’s notable for making new banners for NY on regular basis, an evidence for her artistic skills. She’s also collaborative and elegant that she stirs the storm in our Skype Chatroom (lol)
You’ll also get access to special promotions on offers only found on the groups. So why wait? Get up and get ready to join the party!
3) Nubcoyu‘s Hybrid Revolution
I’m sure you know programs with lucrative pay plans and trusted admins such as Wealth4All, RicanAdfunds, FastCashMega, right? Those usually comes with multiple income streams, including complex algorithm. We’re taking that direction at the moment. In compliance to Nubcoyu‘s “Investor Centered” mindset, we’d like to contribute a pay plan by everyone for everyone. You can feel free to send in your ideas in at ideas@nubcoyu.com until 15th of March. Founder positions will be awarded to those who participates, even if their plans aren’t selected. I wish for everyone’s cooperation for our community.
Part 2: Nubcoyu Business
1) Suzy Per-Order Restaurant
Per-order food refers to food made as instructed by customers. You might get accustomed to restaurants for specific foods, but in Asian cultures, there are restaurant without fixed menus or only have general menus. You can order a fried egg and friend rice and still order some sausages in addition. Our dealer, Jay is on the look out. He’s got in touch with Suzy restaurant. Though quite small, it is stuffed with travellers all day and night at the Silom 22 Avenue. That’ll be a lucrative income for our community. I’ll have a look into this and see if I can somehow join her business.
2) Balog’s Smith Ideas
Our leader from Hungary submitted in the Nubcoyu Ideas about investing in horseshoes, which can be sold in festivals at Hungary. He also suggested we also sell a variety of Hungarian foods. There’re also on ideas on selling NY T-shirts and grocery goods. Whoa! Sounds interesting. That’ll surely bring more incentive to our program if all goes well. I’ll have a deep look into this and see how we manage it.
I think that’s all for this week’s newsletter. Hope you enjoyed it just like the Nubcoyu Fridays. I’ll see you next weekend!
Regards, Nubcoyu
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2013


I’d like to move on now to the most recent MNO readers survey that regular visitors here will know are an on-going feature on the MNO TalkBack page. About once a week or so (though to be honest I don’t keep an exact calendar on this) I ask readers a couple of questions about either their opinion on something related to the HYIP industry or else something more specific related to their own activities in it. As well as that I usually try to add one other question not entirely related to the industry at all and up there just for fun. So last weeks industry question related to the often controversial subject of compounding in HYIPs, which is the practice of deliberately not withdrawing interest payments so admins will add them to your principal in the hope (sometimes a faint hope!) of getting an even bigger payout if the risk pays off. If you read my blog often enough then it’s no secret what I think of compounding myself (I’m generally against it) but the whole point of the exercise is not about what I think about anything – that much I already know! – it’s to hear about what you guys think.

So the exact question was “How do you feel about the use of compounding in online HYIPs?” and I must say it was a close enough thing. The biggest single bloc, comprised of 40% of voters, say they in fact have no fixed or pre-conceived notion of the practice, deciding to consider whether to use it or not on an individual program-by-program basis depending on how good they think the program making the offer is in general. In second position with 33% of votes were readers who share my own thoughts and say they prefer to avoid compounding completely. After all, if you really insist on not spending your earnings and putting it back into an online HYIP, better spread it out a bit and put it back into a different one than you took it out of. 26% of readers on the other hand are far more enthusiastic about the whole thing, saying they think it’s a great opportunity and use it regularly. That’s quite a lot of you but then again I guess admins wouldn’t be offering it if investors weren’t taking them up on it. And finally just 1% of you said they never really bothered with compounding simply because they never quite understood it properly. Well, I’m kinda glad about that for a number of reasons. Firstly because if you don’t understand something then common sense will tell you to stay as far away from it as possible until you do, secondly because most of you believe you have a good enough grasp of the subject to make an informed decision either one way or another, but also because it would indicate that MNO readers in general seems to be made up of more experienced players.

The other question (which was actually listed first on the MNO TalkBack page) related to how interested you might be in a discussion forum being attached to my blog and monitor. The MNO Shoutbox has proved to be hugely popular with some lively debates going on there most days, but as I’ve said in the past it does have some very obvious limitations to it. So I asked the question “Would you like to join an MNO members only discussion forum focused on the HYIP industry?” and I must say was taken aback by the enthusiasm for it among readers. Well over 80% of you in fact were in favor. More exactly however, 43% of readers said they though it was a great idea and said they would contribute regularly. A further 40% also said they were in favor of it, though said that they themselves don’t necessarily participate in online forums as often as others. The remaining 17% they had no particular interest in taking part, though I’m glad you at least took the trouble to say so and vote.

So that settles it then! I (or rather my programmer) have already started working on adding a members only forum. This doesn’t absolutely have to entail a great deal of work as adding just any old forum wouldn’t be all that difficult. However I’d rather not bother doing it at all unless it was going to be something a little different and unique. I mean it’s not as if there’s a shortage of them out there or anything, so I really need to give readers a reason for joining, right? This will take another couple of weeks to plan and execute properly (your ideas and suggestions are always most welcome by the way, so don’t be shy!) and fingers crossed I might have something for you in February. Membership will be need to be activated by me manually on all accounts by the way, as it’s the easiest way to eliminate the spam bots and repeat trolls. So the rest of you won’t have to worry about being bombarded with (cough) “performance” boosting pills and Chinese Rolex watches, lol!

Anyway, on to the next question and tonight I just want to ask you one – how big an investor are you? HYIP investments now I mean, not real ones. Do you play for fun like you might buy the occasional lottery ticket, or are you really moving big money around online? I mean of course I know there are going to be exceptions, and some programs inspire more confidence than others and are therefore more deserving of the extra risk, but I’m just talking about averages here. What would be a typical amount for you? So the exact question is as follows:
How big is an average deposit for you in an online HYIP?
The answers are:
a) Anything from the minimum up to approximately $100
b) Rarely less than $100 and as much as $500 if I really like it
c) I usually start around $500 and might go to $2000
d) I see no reason to play unless it’s for big money. $2,000 or more

Thanks in advance for voting here, and I do hope you’ll check out the results in about another week or so.


I want to finish by introducing a new Premium listed program on MNO that’s been online and paying for over two weeks already – HurricaneAssets. The program looks quite good at the first glance – nice sleek design, customized script, SSL security by Geotrust, and hosting on a dedicated server with BlockDos protection. All apart from the choice of payment processors indicates a quality project as HurricaneAssets will take only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney from you. Please note that the depositing process is actually done in two stages – first fund your account in the program by clicking the “Deposit Funds” tab in the member’s area menu, and only then make the actual investment via the “New Investment” tab. Depending on the amount you then have two choices – either a 0.9% for 30 business days plan available for smaller deposits starting from $10, or for at least $60 you can try a longer term paying from 1.1% to 2.4% for 150 business days. Compounding can be set on joining, and expiry of your investment term your original principal will be available for withdrawal too. By the way, the payments are promised to be processed instantly to both payment processors, but if manual payouts become necessary the maximum time required should not exceed 6 hours, which is pretty fast for such a long-term program. Please read more on HurricaneAssets on my review next week, and stay tuned for that!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listProForexUnion, MGProfit, OilOfAsia.
From MNO Premium list: EurexTrade, StallionGold, TureProfit, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, Stravia, AlevrasInvestmentsAIOFinance.
From MNO Standard list: EveryHourPaid, AustralianBusinessGroup, PremierLeagueProfits, AirCargoXpress.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, CheeseCash, PerfectForex, Sun7Life, PerfectLottery, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, TheInvestmentBank, Money&Credit, FinanciaLtd.

That’s about it for tonight. It mightn’t be all the good news you were hoping for, but that’s part of the unpredictability and excitement of the industry, and it’s not always a good thing. See you tomorrow with a more detailed review of the (still paying) short-term program EveryHourPaid plus the daily news from the HYIP industry. Bye for now and enjoy whatever’s left of your Sunday!

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