09/02/2013. ExpressProfitShares Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! ExpressProfitShares has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! Hope your weekend has been going well so far. Being Saturday things are a little slow in the industry for news stories, though I still have quite a bit to catch up on with a couple of new programs on my monitor still to be featured. So I’m continuing this evening with one called ExpressProfitShares which I want to take a closer look at for you before we get to the news updates.
There’s only one plan to tell you about so at least it makes for an easy review if nothing else. You’re either going to like it or you’re not, so I guess it also makes for an easy decision as to whether you’d like to take a chance on joining or not. If you’re in, then ExpressProfitShares require a minimum deposit of $10 to join. Please note that because of the particular script in use deposits can only be made in blocks of $10, a bit like buying shares. So you can only $10, $20, $30, $40, and so on like that, up to the maximum allowed sum of $10,000. The investment term then runs for the duration of 15 calendar days, during which ExpressProfitShares are offering a daily interest payment of 8%. By the end of the term your payments “should” (though they won’t, and I’ll explain why in a moment) come to 120% of your original deposit. ExpressProfitShares are including your initial deposit as part of that, so you earn back an amount equal to your investment (and break even) 13 days into the term, and finish up with a net profit of 20% for yourself.
A couple of other things you should be aware of in the ExpressProfitShares plan include a relatively hefty minimum withdrawal rule. If you’re spending upwards of $100 then it probably won’t affect you so much, but smaller investors will certainly be put off by the $10 minimum limit placed on payments. The other thing, and this is also going to eat away at your profits is a 3% withdrawal fee charged on all your payments. Strangely enough (well, maybe not that strange when you come to think of it!) the admin has left that bit out of the FAQ, omitting any mention of it whatsoever. In fact the first time you’ll be informed of the 3% “admin tax” is after you’ve already made an investment and are expecting to get the full 8% payment you signed up for in the first place. Stealthy is one word I can think of for this tactic, though I’m sure you guys can come up with something much more colorful!
Payment options are quite good, up to an acceptable industry standard anyway, with ExpressProfitShares taking all the popular ones and with no real need to expand on them. Currently you can join the program with funds moved via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. However I must say there’s a far too casual attitude taken to the actual process of paying the members what they are owed and this is really going to do nothing to help ExpressProfitShares achieve any level of serious popularity. Payments are made manually by the admin and will need to be requested from inside your private members account area. After that payments are supposed to be made every day, though you are told to allow as long as four days to pass before reporting a problem. That, plus the fact that ExpressProfitShares are saying that there’s a good chance they might soon put a stop to daily withdrawals completely and only process them once or twice per week will test the patience of a lot of members here I think.
Moving on to the design and security features, there’s much room for improvement here. There’s no SSL encryption for the website for one thing, and for any website handling financial transactions like that is simply unbelievable. The hosting provider is Koddos who have recently moved the program to a dedicated server, and the website is running off a script from PHPFlux. If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can get in touch with ExpressProfitShares by filling in your details on the customer support e-mail form and submitting it via the contacts page.
The pretext for the program being in business, ie how they’re supporting the whole thing, is that ExpressProfitShares is supposedly an advertising based website. There’s no actual surfing involved and even though there’s plenty of adverts on the website you’re under no obligation to give them any attention whatsoever. However upon making a deposit with the program you are allocated a certain number of advertising credits to use advertising a program or website if you have one. If you don’t then I imagine you’d be free to advertise a ref link, though of course it’s not compulsory for you to do anything at all with them either. What I don’t see is how this by itself is supposed to actually generate any income, the “advertisers” and the “members” being basically the same thing and the only source of money being whatever’s been put there by them. So that means you shouldn’t really be treating ExpressProfitShares much differently than any other online HYIP. Set yourself a sensible spending limit based on how much you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t work out, and if joining ExpressProfitShares at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Without prior warning and out of the blue as is so often the case with LibertyReserve, they decided it would be a good idea to tweak their API system today which prevented many HYIPs from processing instant payouts to investors for some time. As far as I can see everything is working fine again now and it didn’t interrupt the payment schedule for many programs too badly. Still it was the main topic of conversation among numerous admins on an otherwise quiet and lazy Saturday afternoon.
The first newsletter regarding the LibertyReserve payment interface being down for maintenance was received from the admin of StockEvoTrade (reviewed here). This program is very new, but already famous for instant payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. Deposits are accepted starting from a $10 minimum to the following plans – 7% for 20 days, 8.5% for 18 days, 10% for 16 days, 12% for 14 days. So not to scare the investors off the admin released a newsletter with the emphasis on the LR downtime to discuss the issue in a detailed and constructive manner. He also hinted that if someone doesn’t want to use LibertyReserve anymore, he would recommend a move to EgoPay as an alternative. Here’s the latest newsletter from StockEvoTrade for your attention:
“Liberty Reserve Maintenance Downtime
Dear customers,
It has come to our attention that Liberty Reserve is undergoing its regular maintenance at this time and as a result their API is currently down. For this reason it prevents us from processing any withdrawals to Liberty Reserve users, and we will be able to process all pending Liberty Reserve payouts as soon as this payment processor gets their issues all sorted out. In the meantime, our banking operations analysts are hard at work to process all payouts to other payment processors we support, such as Perfect Money, Solid Trust Pay and Ego Pay.
Please note that Liberty Reserve does this kind of maintenance from time to time and there is nothing to worry about. Though Liberty Reserve officials never disclose or inform customers beforehand about their maintenance downtime durations which leads to inconveniences of this kind. If you are willing to switch from Liberty Reserve to any other payment processor, we recommend Ego Pay.
All the best,
The StockEvoTrade Team”.
The same message about outstanding withdrawal requests to LibertyReserve usually processed instantly to members of FatProfit (reviewed here) was left by the program’s admin who also promised to process them as soon as possible. He also mentioned that the withdrawals to the other three payment processors accepted by FatProfit to its 10% for 15 business days plan – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney – were not affected and continued to be paid instantly:
“API Problem Of Libertyreserve Now
Hello everyone,
We suddenly find some pending Libertyreserve withdraws in our system and we tried to process them manually but failed. Now we can confirm that there is a problem with the API system of Libertyreserve. Please notice that it is not the problem on our side. We will process all pending Libertyreserve withdraws when Libertyreserve has fixed this problem. And instant withdraw for Libertyreserve will be available again then. Withdraw to Perfectmoney, Egopay and Solidtrustpay are still instant.
Sincerely, FatProfit Admin”.
And finally, the admin of GoldenPayment Dennis (interviewed here) also reposted the message from the LR blog and noticed that the payouts to three other payment processors were paid as usual. I remind you that GoldenPayment accepts SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney along with LibertyReserve deposits into multiple plans with payouts on expiry – 105% after 1 day, 120% after 3 days, 150% after 7 days, 325% after 15 days. More about GoldenPayment can be found in my review posted here. And these are the two latest messages from the admin:
“Liberty Reserve Maintenance
Liberty Reserve API is currently under maintenance. Payouts for Liberty Reserve will resume after maintenance is complete. All other withdrawals have been processed for Perfect Money, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. The message from Liberty Reserve’s Blog:
“Dear Friends,
Liberty Reserve Technical Team is presently doing system updates on the API Servers. This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive system.
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.”
“Liberty Reserve API Back Online
Liberty Reserve API is back online and we were able to process Liberty Reserve Withdrawals. Of course Perfect Money, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay withdrawals went unaffected earlier today for regular processing.
As usual on Saturdays the admin of PremierLeagueProfits Tony issued a newsletter, with his latest effort marking the first month online and reporting the program had reached 1500 members already. I remind you that you can also read more information on PremierLeagueProfits in my review published here, or just note that the program pays 1% for 180 business days and 7% for 30 weeks with the principal return on expiry of each plan paid via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve – which are the accepted payment processors. More weekly news from PremierLeagueProfits and its admin is included below:
“Weekly Update from PremierLeagueProfits
We have very little to update you on this week as things are going very well and we are still growing at a steady pace and this week we passed three milestones, the first one was that we passed the 1500 member mark, then the next day we had our 500th Investor. We have also passed 30 days online.
Just to remind everyone that we do not pay interest on saturday or sunday on the daily plan but we do make payouts at weekend because many on weekly plans are getting interest paid at weekends and we want to pay you fast. 70% of our investors are in the weekly plan making it the most preferred plan.
We hope you have a perfect weekend and we look forward to making you more money next week and far beyond.
Tony Admin.”
WaldmanDiamond has joined Premium Listing on MNO tonight. The program started a couple of weeks ago and originally only accepted LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, while later on SolidTrustPay and EgoPay were added as payment options. Investment plans in WaldmanDiamond fall into two categories – 1.3%-1.5% for 30 calendar days with the principal return on expiry (for investments from $10 to $350) and 1.3%-1.5% for 30 calendar days with no principal return (for investments of $351 and higher). The withdrawals have to be requested from your member’s area and are promised to be processed manually within 24 hours. WaldmanDiamond is running off a custom made script and the website is SSL secured by Comodo. Hosting is on a dedicated server by Koddos who also provide protection from DDoS attacks. Further information will be in the more extensive review of WaldmanDiamond which I’ll have next week.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ProForexUnion, OilOfAsia, MGProfit.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, StallionGold, TureProfit, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, VisitAd, Stravia, PerfectForex, GoldenPayment, Black&WhiteFund, FatProfit, Profitable2013, RewardsWeekly, StockEvoTrade, ExpressProfitShares, HurricaneAssets, AXAIndustries.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, TradExFund, PremierLeagueProfits, PureIncome, AxiomInvestingGroup (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Fxen, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, StableInv, CashInTryIn, MoneyPlanet (the first instant payments received).
That’s all for tonight, guys. I’ll see you back here tomorrow first with an interview with the admin of Profitable2013 followed later by a full review of AXAIndustries plus all the regular news updates from the best investment projects online. So expect a busy day on Sunday, guys!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Feb 9th, 2013.