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24/02/2013. Daily News from the Industry


Hi everyone! Hope you’ve all been having a nice weekend. I didn’t post last night because basically I didn’t have a lot of news stories to report. Today is a different matter though as I have three new programs to introduce and more news from the programs I monitor on MNO. But let’s get started with the day’s news events.


What I like about monitoring HYIPs is that sometimes you get programs which you never thought would last for so long which really makes for a pleasant surprise. Plus it makes a real difference to their investors who could see huge profits. One such program is undoubtedly PerfectForex which is a project offering mostly short term plans with principal return on expiry – 104%-125% after 1 day, 122%-250% after 5 days, 172%-800% after 15 days, 400%-2000% after 30 days, 900%-3500% after 45 days, 1000% after 10 days. With a $10 minimum requirement to join via SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, or EgoPay and a flawless record of prompt payouts for 40 days now PerfectForex has been an exemplary short term HYIP. If all projects were run like this we would have a much more profitable industry. So kudos to the admin of PerfectForex Jim who was interviewed on MNO just ten days ago (click here to read it) while for more info on the program you can also refer to my original review of PerfectForex published here. Today Jim issued a newsletter celebrating 40 days online to around 5,000 investors who joined the program since its first inception. While we can’t predict for how much longer PerfectForex is going to last, one thing is for sure – the admin is doing great job in paying promptly and it’s definitely appreciated by the members while I can still see huge interest in the program from readers, especially recently when PerfectForex increased its advertising campaign on MNO by purchasing banners and upgrading its listing to Sticky where it’s listed now. The latest newsletter commemorating 40 days of PerfectForex online can be read below:

40 Days Online
I am very pleased to say that we already passed 40 Days of successful works.
More than 4900 customers around the world have chosen our company as a reliable and effective partner.
We want nothing but the absolute best for our clients, and more often than not, that is exactly what we and our clients get.
Thank you for staying with us, we will try to meet your expectations
Yours truly, Jim Courtney
PerfectForex – Your Perfect Partner


The admin of MajestiCrown (his program was reviewed here) also stepped up his advertising campaign on MNO by purchasing an additional banner on my blog and upgrading the listing to Sticky where it went straight to #1 due to its enormous popularity. Referral commissions received by me which, as you might know, are included in the total amount of earnings displayed on my monitoring page so I can better judge its popularity among readers that way. So you can see that for only 11 days online many MNO readers already took advantage of depositing into the 3.2%-3.5% for 90 business days with principal return on expiry and are now withdrawing profits paid instantly to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney accounts. Last night the admin also announced about a second-tier referral commissions level that was introduced, so now the best promoters have a chance to earn even more on their second level referrals too. Please read more details on this in the recent short newsletter from MajestiCrown posted below:

MajestiCrown Referral Commission Changes
We have added second level commission for members. It means that if you refer friend and he invites another friend and deposits, you will receive 2% commission from your friends downlines deposit.
First Level 5% ( your referrals )
Second Level Referrals (users referred by your referral) 2%


The admin of BensonUnion Ragnar (interviewed here) sent a reminder newsletter today regarding the contest where members can win a vacation in the Dominican Republic by sharing their positive experience with the program with other investors. The only limit placed by Ragnar allows only big investors to participate. Only those with a $5,000 and higher investment in the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days with principal return on expiry plan may enter. The first success stories of such people will be posted on BensonUnion website in a couple of days, but those who qualify to take part shouldn’t miss the opportunity and try to win the trip or its money equivalent. BensonUnion (reviewed here) has been running since January 2012 and is one of the most popular programs right now offering instant withdrawals to most of the accepted payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, or BitCoin. Please read the latest newsletter from BensonUnion regarding the contest below:

Contest progress
Dear investors! We almost collected enough applications of contest participants and the list of participants with payment proof screenshots and success stories will be published on the website in 2-3 days. Please don’t miss an opportunity to travel to Dominican Republic or to receive cash refund if you have no time for vacation in March. Everyone who already invested $5,000 and more can participate, just click Join or Contest button in account area. These buttons are visible for everyone who has over $5,000 invested. The contest ends on March 10, then we will announce 5 winners and book tickets and a resort. Stay tuned!


I’m glad to report that Nubcoyu (reviewed here) was successfully restored to Paying Status on MNO after a week long vacation when no new deposits were accepted or withdrawals paid out on the 1.4% for 200 business days plan to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, or PerfectMoney. For all this time I thought it was fair to move Nubcoyu to Waiting status on MNO as in the past I heard many such excuses that led to eventual collapse. In this case though I had more faith in Nubcoyu returning as during the holiday the deposit button was also disabled and that could only mean that the program was going to come back. And I was right. Nubcoyu opened deposit and withdrawal options yesterday and I was even paid one of my pending withdrawals then which prompted me move the program back to Paying status on MNO. All pending payouts are promised to be paid by Monday and the admin of Nubcoyu (interviewed here) sent an uncharacteristically short newsletter explaining the resumed deposit and withdrawal process:

Nubcoyu RETURNS!!!
Dear Valued Investors,
Greetings to NY family all over the world! I’ve just returned from the work training trip at Hokkaidou! Although it was tiring and stressful, you simply can’t deny the tastes of fresh and unique seafood and spectacular mountain top hot spring!
Back to our subject. We’ll start processing pending withdrawals since the 15th. Please don’t expect it to be completed instantly or anything, since all payouts are hand-made. Please expect up to Monday for everything to be completed. Also, we’ll boot up the system engine for NY so that everyone will:
– Be able to make deposits and make investments
– Receive earnings starting the next business day (Monday)
– Make Withdrawals
– Resume regular activities with Nubcoyu, including start recruiting
For those who have questions, please contact me live on Facebook ( or Skype: nubcoyuadmin
Please refrain from using support ticket for now as we have to go through some “real” issues that might be occurring with certain accounts.
I’m sorry to keep you all waiting. Omatse shimashita! The wait is over! Push up and gear and get ready! The NY family is rocking again!
Best Regards, Nubcoyu


There was some technical work on the AxiomInvestingGroup website today resulting in the temporary disruption of services such as accepting deposits and processing withdrawal and even a short downtime. The site is back to normal now and I was paid promptly today. A warning about the deposit and withdrawing difficulties was posted beforehand on the program’s own forum which certainly eliminated some of the investors concerns and made everyone aware of what was happening:

Technical work (24 Feb)
Due to the connection of the new payment system will be temporarily not available operations and deposit and withdrawal options. Work will take approximately 2-3 hours. Thank you.

I would like to remind you that you can find all the necessary information about AxiomInvestingGroup in my review posted here. The program accepts the deposits starting from $10 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney payment processors and pays 1.5%-3% for 100 calendar days also returning your original investment on expiry of the term.


As I said at the top of the page I have several new programs to introduce on MNO today. I want to start with a short term program called ForexPlaza which has been running for 19 days already but was listed on my monitor only today, so it’s not exactly brand new, just new on MNO. ForexPlaza accepts all the four big payment processors in LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay starting from $10 and withdrawals processed within 12 hours of request. Plans include several options with payouts processed on expiry of the term with rates depending on the size of your deposit – 105%-135% after 1 day, 126%-300% after 5 days, 155%-700% after 10 days, 350%-1600% after 20 days, 800%-4000% after 45 days, 888% after 8 days. Judging by how long the program has been running already I suspect an experienced admin behind it who also prefers ForexPlaza to increase gradually, that may be the reason, I guess, it took him almost three weeks to come to MNO. On the technical side of things the site of ForexPlaza is SSL secured by Comodo, is hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos with DDoS protection by them too, and the project is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. More on ForexPlaza will be discussed in the upcoming review tomorrow.


The second addition to MNO is GSAOnlineInvestments could possibly be the next big program in the industry. It only launched yesterday and the admin already purchased Sticky/Premium listing on MNO and invested in advertising on other sources. The site is based on a custom script with a lot of interesting features. For instance it’s already got four language versions built-in, a lot of flashy graphics, educational videos and others which I’ll try to highlight in the upcoming review next week. There’s a good choice of investment plans with different terms on offer all of which return your original principal on expiry – 0.75% for 15 business days, 1.25% for 20 business days, 1.75% for 30 business days, 2% for 50 calendar days, 3.5% for 90 calendar days. Please note that some plans pay you on business days while others on calendar days, so make sure you know the difference before joining. The last plan for VIP investors starting from a $5,000 minimum only pays you twice per month, so please take note of this too. The interest can be withdrawn from your account in GSAOnlineInvestments manually, or you can set it up in your account that the withdrawals will be paid to your e-currency accounts automatically every day which will definitely be another attractive option for investors. Unfortunately, having such a great website with a unique script and a lot of interesting features GSAOnlineInvestments only accepts two payment processors – LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Both USD and EURO deposits are taken starting with a $5 minimum. I’m afraid this limited choice in payment processors options is the only thing that could scare off some investors who prefer other payment options, and I hope that the admin will fix it soon. The GSAOnlineInvestments website is secured by SSL from GeoTrust, hosted on a dedicated server which the admin claims to be DDoS protected by BlockDos though I can’t verify that yet. Since GSAOnlineInvestments was only launched yesterday there was a welcome message posted on the website and also a promise to add their own forum in a month or so. Here’s what you can see in the news section now:

Grand opening
Inform you about the launch of a new investment system that lets one get passive income – GSAOnlineInvestments!
Its main difference from other systems is that GSAOnlineInvestments guarantee your income that depends on the sum contributed.
Trading on the basis of high-income strategy, developed by the experts of GSAOnlineInvestments
Oil products trade
Money input and output is only available online. All operations are ciphered with the most contemporary data security system.
Join GSAOnlineInvestments right now – it means to be wealthy tomorrow! See the details and join us!

Opening of the forum
A month from now we’re planning a forum which is implied to facilitate fruitful cooperation and development of our systems.


Finally, the last program joining my Premium Listing today is EmpireFinanceGroup. The most incredible thing about this program is its age and apparently it has been online and paying since June 2010 (!) which comprises more than a thousands days online. I have no idea how EmpireFinanceGroup managed to do this and achieve such a long period of time online, but it’s been independently verified by different forums and monitors who have threads and listings starting in 2010, so I would not question this fact in this case. EmpireFinanceGroup accepts exclusively LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney options starting from a $10 minimum. The investment plans include three options with the principal return on expiry of either of them – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days. The program is running off a custom made script though looks similar to GoldCoders. Withdrawals have to be requested and are promised to be paid within 12 hours. The EmpireFinanceGroup website is SSL-secured by GeoTrust and hosted on a dedicated server. More will be in my detailed review to be published in a couple of days, so stay tuned for that!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrownOilOfAsiaProForexUnion, PerfectForex, AirCargoXpress.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, SureInv, FelminaAlliance, StallionGold, TureProfit, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, GoldenPayment, Stravia, Nubcoyu, FatProfit, Xgolding, Black&WhiteFund, CostaAlliance,  AXAIndustries, ForkStrategy, RewardsWeekly, ADSolid, HurricaneAssets, MalaysianINC, ForexPlaza (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: TradExFund, AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome, AxiomInvestingGroup.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Fxen, Money&Credit, VenturInvest, TheInvestmentBank.

That’s all I have for you today, guys. I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow with another review and all the daily news from the HYIP industry. Bye for now and see you all then!

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