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26/03/2013. EaglesInvestment Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! EaglesInvestment has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! First of all sorry for there being no updates for a while now. This was due to me upgrading my DDoS protection to BlockDos so of course MNO had to be offline while that was going on. There’s never exactly a good time for these things to happen, but being over the weekend meant there’s be less news and less disruption, so hopefully we can get back to normal now. Also for the benefit of any admins reading this let me just clarify that as a good will gesture I’m extending all advertising banners for two days in lieu of the time offline, so you all still get the full length term you paid for. Anyway, there’s a few things to catch up on so let’s get started with a new long term program recently added to the MNO monitor’s Premium Listing called EaglesInvestment. It’s not a bad looking program and hopefully, looking to be quite well organized as it is, might turn out to be a popular and successful pick. We’ll see in time I suppose but let’s start today with a closer look at the EaglesInvestment plans and other main features, and see if you think they might have something suitable for you.

Starting with the plans then, like I said EaglesInvestment is a long term investment program. They have four plans to choose from, though it’s probably more accurate to say it’s just one plan with four variations based on how much you’d care to spend. While a number of them are going to be well outside the normal spending range of most industry players, you can at least join EaglesInvestment for a very affordable $10 minimum. This gets you into what’s called Verraux’s Plan, and it runs for 180 business days (36 weeks, or about nine months). During this time you are paid a daily return on business days only, Monday to Friday, of 1.8%. This will eventually come to 324% which can be considered as net profit, because at that point EaglesInvestment should then return your initial principal.

So let’s look at that in monetary terms and pretend you invested a nice round figure of $100 here. Every day from Monday to Friday would then pay you back $1.80. You break even (earn back an amount equivalent to your own principal) after 56 payments so there’s no personal risk to you anymore from that point on. Payments continue until you have eventually amassed $324, when EaglesInvestment then add your original hundred on top. Maximum spend for this plan is $1,000 by the way so I guess this is where the majority of members will be going.

For slightly more ambitious investors looking to spend anything between a $1,001 minimum and a $5,000 maximum, EaglesInvestment have The Crested Plan. The term remains unchanged at 180 business days, though the payment increases significantly to 2.3% per day. That comes to 414% in total (breaking even after 44 days) upon which EaglesInvestment should then return your initial deposit.

The Golden Plan is what’s offered by EaglesInvestment to anyone prepared to join with a $5,001 minimum. For 180 business days they offer you a daily interest rate of 3%, paid Monday to Friday. This allows you to break even after 34 days and complete the term with payments totaling 540%. EaglesInvestment should then add your original principal on top of that. Maximum spend here is capped at $20,000.

And finally completing the list is The Balden Plan. Given that this would set you back a $20,001 minimum to join I doubt there’s going to be many takers, but let’s have a look anyway just out of curiosity. The term is still 180 business days, during which EaglesInvestment are now offering 4% interest paid from Monday to Friday. Assuming everything goes according to plan, that would allow you to break even after 25 days, complete the term with 720% in interest payments, and then have EaglesInvestment add your principal on top of that again. There’s no upper limit on what you are allowed to spend under this plan.

A couple of other things you’ll need to know about the EaglesInvestment investment plans will of course include any early withdrawal options. 36 weeks in an online HYIP is pretty long by anyone’s standards so I guess it’s fair to say that not everyone is really going to want to go for it. Well, if you’d like to pull out before the 180 business day term is finished then EaglesInvestment will allow it you’ll be pleased to hear. It’s not exactly free by the way, or cheap either, as it comes with a 25% fee. A bit much I suppose but to be fair I’ve seen worse (much worse) so just let it be an example to you to never spend beyond your means, because spending money you might need back in an emergency is never going to be a good idea.

Payment options are pretty good, up to the minimum standard one hopes for from new HYIPs wanting to put themselves forward as serious programs from the investors point of view. EaglesInvestment are currently handling deposits and withdrawals via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve, so no real grounds for complaint there. So far, and I think I do have to stress that EaglesInvestment is still a very new program, payments have been made instantly. You just log into your account, request the withdrawal, and it’s in your payment processor account in under a minute. This isn’t actually guaranteed on the EaglesInvestment website and in fact the program’s terms and conditions stipulate that payouts are to be done manually and processed within 48 hours, but for now that’s the way things have been going.

One other thing is that the practice of compounding is definitely ruled out, not that I object very much to that rule anyway being no great fan of compounding in the first place. It is however strongly suggested that it may be offered at some point in the future.

As for the design and security features, you’ll find the EaglesInvestment website is fully SSL secured by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by Staminus, and, I must say most unusually of all for wat appears to be such a professionally designed website that EaglesInvestment appears to be running off a script (that’s been licensed) from GoldCoders. Though it should also be noted that it’s been custom modified to meet the particular needs of the EaglesInvestment website. If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues then EaglesInvestment can be contacted by a variety of methods. You can start I suppose by the most common one in the HYIP industry by filling out your details in the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. On top of that you’ll see a tab that you can click to retrieve their other details which include an e-mail address you can mail the admin directly at, two telephone numbers including one to speak with an operator and one you can use for SMS text messaging, and a postal address in the US. I’d probably ignore that last one mind given the questionable legal status of HYIPs in the US and that from previous experience these things generally turn out to be virtual hosted offices anyway used for no more than message forwarding. I mean it’s entirely possible, quite likely in fact, that the address is genuine but you’d be unlikely to find anyone connected with EaglesInvestment physically located there were you to call.

Regarding the alleged business plan backing it all up, EaglesInvestment are supposedly involved with ForEx trading. OK, nothing we haven’t heard a million times in the HYIP industry, but to their credit they have put together a highly organized and professional looking website with quite an extensive list of articles and reading material. And what’s more, it looks to be unique and original too, so you could spend quite some time going through all that. There’s some interesting reading in there if you like that sort of thing, though exactly how much of it you wish to believe is entirely up to you because at the end of the day the actual mechanics of EaglesInvestment work just like any other HYIP – you hand your money over to a random stranger on the internet and hope for the best. So with that in mind you should know how to behave sensibly, which means knowing what a safe spending limit that you can afford to lose is, and staying comfortably within it. That, and if joining EaglesInvestment at all then try and use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



First of all I would like to issue a warning of utmost importance that could affect you
your money in LibertyReserve if you’re not careful. It concerns SphereINV that stopped paying last night and turned into a scam. We all know that such short term programs don’t last forever and SphereINV was quite while it lasted, successfully paying to everyone for almost 20 days which was enough to complete six three-day investment cycles and put plenty of investors in profit. However things took a turn for the worse last night and to be blunt it’s getting pretty ugly. First the admin sent an update regarding some issues with LR API and promised to pay all the pending withdrawals to that payment processor as soon as it gets back to normal. Then, just an hour later another email followed saying that the payments to LR are back to normal. Obviously nobody got paid to LibertyReserve so I decided to check my balance in SphereINV. To my surprise, when I tried to withdraw I was redirected to a new page that stated that I had some “suspicious account activity” and had to verify my payment processor ID by paying one cent to the admin’s LibertyReserve account using the provided link. Experienced readers already know this is just a trap to re-direct you to a phishing LR website to steal your passwords and empty your account in the near future (and possibly do it many times if you don’t change your password straight away). Please beware of this and do NOT submit any LibertyReserve or any other payment processor information in order to get paid from SphereINV. The program has finished and the only result will be the theft of any remaining funds you have in LR and the frustration of getting scammed twice. Just for your information I will post the message you’ll find in your account in SphereINV, but please ignore it and do NOT follow the instructions provided there:

Due to Suspicious Activity and to protect your payouts from going into some hacker’s accounts, we have started a secondary verification procedure.
In order to set your Payment Processor ID and make sure that is your real account you must send $0.01 (one cent only) for it to be verified. Your withdrawal request will include this $0.01 as re-payment.
Press Secure Withdrawal Now to withdraw
If you have any trouble using the below links, please try a different browser.
For Liberty Reserve Withdrawals:
Process Secure LIBERTY RESERVE Withdrawal Now
Process Secure SolidTrustPay Withdrawal Now
Process Secure EgoPay Withdrawal Now
Process Secure PerfectMoney Withdrawal Now


Please note that SuperWithdraw is also a scam now. When the payouts became no longer instant a couple of days ago the admin failed to explain why. However for a day or so the payouts were still paid to my e-currency accounts, and I assumed everything was alright. Some of my readers reported yesterday about their pending withdrawal requests in SuperWithdraw which made me act fast and move the project to Problem status on MNO. Today, after I was able to access my site I also removed their banners and put a warning so nobody will be mistaken and deposit there. SuperWithdraw has been a decent program for a while and paid for about two weeks on a 107% after 1 day plan, but it turned into a selectively paying scam now so don’t even think about investing there anymore.


For the last 24 hours I also moved AirCargoXpress to Problem and then back to Paying status on MNO a couple of times. Finally I decided to move the program to Problem status permanently after I saw too many complaints on forums regarding the pending payouts and although the admin paid me fine I knew exactly it was going to scam within the next couple of days as selective payouts always mean exactly that. One more very clear sign was given by the admin himself in his newsletter sent to the members of AirCargoXpress last night. In it a new plan was introduced paying 10% for 3 days and even instant withdrawals were promised for those who join. Now I wonder how it’s possible to pay instantly on that plan while having a lot of frustrated investors waiting for over 48 hours in some cases for their pending requests. Although I’ll re-post the newsletter for your information below, I would like to warn you that it’s extremely dangerous to invest there now as it’s paying selectively and was moved to Problem status on MNO and some other monitors already:

Greetings Dear Investors,
Today our company achieved it’s first greatest milestone! We’re celebrating 100 days online and we welcome you to join us in this celebratory event!
We’ve been going through our numbers and concluded that since December 15th 2012 AirCargoXpress achieved the best profit margin in the history of the company. It proves that business model that has been provided by Dylan Middleton works! It’s been concluded that with such company growth it’ll become soon the biggest investment company in the world and will produce income for a huge amount of people. And for you to take part in this wonderful celebration we prepared specially for you great opportunity to invest in our 3 DAYS ONLY Anniversary plan! It’ll pay you 10% daily and will mature in 3 days from the moment you invested! And the good news is that WITHDRAWALS for this plan are INSTANT and you will not have to wait for request to be processed as usual! On 28th March 11:59 PDT is the last day you will be able to make a last deposit to this plan and after that we’ll resume our regular plans!
We’ve also added testimonials to our website left by our investors. Currently only comments sent to our support team from our grateful investors are included. But if you would like us to include your personal testimonial you’re welcome to send it to
As we promised we’re working on the video for our affiliate program and we’ll post it on Friday 29th for you to understand and enjoy our superior affiliate program!
If you will have any questions or suggestions as always feel free to contact us on online support or write a letter to
Kind Regards, AirCargoXpress


The admin of EliteCapitalClub certainly got his program noticed among MNO readers and so decided to upgrade his listing on MNO to Sticky which he did today for one month. After two weeks online EliteCapitalClub (reviewed here) already put their first members into profit – those who joined on day one and get paid on the only plan offering 12.5% daily payouts for 12 business days paid on deposits from a $20 minimum via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney with the withdrawals always processed instantly. In a couple of days the first investment cycle in EliteCapitalClub will be completed and the first lucky investors could then enjoy up to 50% pure profit on their investments.

Some important things were discussed in the first official newsletter from EliteCapitalClub posted on the website last night. In it the admin dealt with the issue of spam and gave some advice on how to get a fast reply to your support tickets while live chat operators could be busy. Also such important things like the compounding option in EliteCapitalClub and EgoPay withdrawals which in some cases could result in technical error and then to be processed manually. Please read more below:

Newsletter #1. Important!
Dear members,
I would like to bring your attention to this questions. This is a must read, so please don’t miss it.
About online chat. At present, we have only two operators working in the chat. Consequently, they can’t assist everyone. Also, the chat operators are constantly being distracted by spammers’ solicitations – we block such users but, nevertheless, they occupy a great deal of our time.
That’s why we have a big favor to ask – if you have MANY questions, send them via email to support@???.com, and we will reply to you within the next few hours. If, on the other hand, you have only 1-2 questions (which can be replied to in a brief, quick manner), write in the chat. Starting next week, we plan on hiring two more support operators.
About compounding. Some users have a problem with setting up compounding for their deposit. You can do that in your account, in the section “Your deposits”. Select one of your deposits and click on “Active”. Here, in the “Reinvestment percentage (compounding)” field, you can set up Compounding for the deposit at any time.
About EgoPay withdrawal. Sometimes, when you withdraw EgoPay from your balance, you get an error – as a result, your money goes to your account in EgoPay but doesn’t get deducted from your ECC balance. Please don’t attempt withdrawing the money a second time – our operator will deduct them from your balance manually at a later time.
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards, EliteCapitalClub Support.


Some good news came from the admin of 306BZ Kelly over the weekend when it was announced that withdrawals to SolidTrustPay are going to be processed instantly from now on. There wasn’t a word as to why the payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay will still be processed manually within 12 hours, but even one payment processor is already good news. I remind you that 306BZ is takes its name from paying 306% after 10 days, and 306% after 36 days. However the most popular plan with investors is definitely the one paying 20% to 30% for a period of 6 calendar days. Here’s the latest news from 306BZ (reviewed here):

Instant Withdraw To Solidtrustpay
We are glad to announce that now instant withdraw to Solidtrustpay processor is available. For secure reason, withdraw to Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney and Egopay will be processed manually as usual. Please notice that all withdraws are processed in 12 hours. We are trying to do it faster. Please don’t make any negative comment before 12 hours reaches.
Best Regards. Kelly Buckley


If you’re a member of HytexAG (reviewed here) you should know that in most cases you will get paid instantly to your SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, or PerfectMoney accounts. However due to security concerns any withdrawals over $100 have to be verified by the admin and paid manually. HytexAG has been monitored on MNO for 25 days now. The program is offering a wide variety of plans paying 8% for 14 days with no principal return on expiry while also accepting deposits for longer term plans which do return your principal – 1.5% for 25 days, 1.8% for 35 days, 2.2% for 50 days. So far almost every time the withdrawal requests were processed instantly for me so I hope that the program will continue, even with $100 limitation for instant withdrawals in place now:

Dear clients.
In response to numerous requests to our customer support, please note that for your safety and the safety of the project, instant payouts are available for amounts up to $ 100. Payouts over $ 100 will be processed manually, in accordance with our rules. But we want to assure everyone that it will be very fast.
Enjoy you investments with HytexAG


The admin of AXAIndustries reported a server problem that caused some downtime, however it’s all been fixed now as mentioned in a brief update sent yesterday:

Server issues.
Dear members,
Earlier today we had some server issues which have been fixed already. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this downtime.
Warm Regards, AXAIndustries Team

AXAIndustries (reviewed here) is accepting all the main payment processors starting from a $10 minimum – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. It has been paying for nearly seven weeks already the following rates – 5%-6% for 30 days – with the original principal included in the earnings and not returned on expiry.


The site of EmpireFinanceGroup was offline over the weekend for some time and those who tried to access their accounts were surprisingly met with the following message:

Dear EmpireFinanceGroup clients,
For technical reasons, your personal account is temporarily unavailable. At the moment, our specialists are working on it.
We are changing our ddos protected hosting provider at this time, please wait.
In the near future it will be finished and access to your personal account and website will be restored.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for working with us!

Fortunately it didn’t last too long and EmpireFinanceGroup managed to move to a more powerful and DDoS protected Staminus server within just 24 hours. Now the site is back online and EmpireFinanceGroup keeps paying instantly on the three plans all of which return your principal back on expiry – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days. Only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted by the program and the current minimum is quite high at $50. EmpireFinanceGroup is famous for its age as it’s been paying for about three years now with a proven track record. To find out more about the program please read my review here and for the latest news regarding the site’s move please refer to the update below:

We rent more powerful DDoS protected server
Dear EmpireFinanceGroup customers,
During this day our website may not be available because we transfer it to another more powerful DDoS attacks protected dedicated server, we apologize, soon everything will work even faster and secure.


Another program on MNO – AxiomInvestingGroup (reviewed here) – also reported possible downtime that could be faced when trying to deposit or withdraw. So please be aware of that and possibly it’s best to refrain from making new deposits for the moment. Their plan offers 1.5%-3% for 100 days with principal return on expiry via SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and some others. Here’s the latest message from the admin informing about the possible downtime and account issues during specific hours due to server software update:

AxiomInvestingGroup – Update server software
Dear investors!
On March 26th, in the period from 16-00 to 06-00 London time on our server will be updated software and configure a new firewall. In this period will not be available and some withdrawal deposits, it is also possible site is temporarily unavailable.
Thank you! AxiomInvestingGroup

By the way, to help the program develop and have your say every investor of AxiomInvestingGroup is invited to participate in a survey aimed at improving the program’s service and adding new features and payment options in the future. If you wish to share your thoughts with the admin please click the link below and answer the questions there:

AxiomInvestingGroup Survey
Dear customers!
A view of improvement the quality of service we ask you to take a small survey. It is important to us.
Link to the survey:
Best regards, AxiomInvestingGroup


I’d like to finish the news for today with the regular newsletter from ChessInvestment because, well, it contains no practical information apart from a reminder of existing features already discussed in the MNO review published here. I’d also like to remind you that ChessInvestment is paying for about two weeks now on plans offering 5% for 30 days, 7% for 20 days, and 10% for 13 days – while accepting deposits starting from $10 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. More on that can be read in the newsletter below:

ChessInvestment Newsletter
Today’s News on ChessInvestment
Thanks for been a part of ChessInvestment Project. It is a new week and we are enthusiastic about have a profitable offer to our members.
Our plans remains the same Paying;
5% Daily For 30Days with a Minimum of 10USD.
7% Daily For 20Days with a Minimum of 250USD.
10% Daily For 13Days with a minimum of 500USD.
Our minimum withdrawal is 2USD and we pay a referral commission of 6%.
For today, All withdrawal request have been processed. Our customer representative are online to assist you 24/7.
Thanks for your time.
ChessInvestment Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: OilOfAsia, MajestiCrown, ProForexUnion, EliteCapitalClubSwiftMoney, ADSolid, OptiEarn, SwissInvestFund, MoneyBox, BriscoFund.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, TureProfit, AXAIndustries, InvestiField, BensonUnion, Stravia, Nubcoyu, RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, MalaysianINC, NorthlandOpps, ChessInvestment, WorldGemsInvest, ZenithPay, ElegantForexHytexAG, RFIGroup, MasterEarn, EmpireFinanceGroup, EaglesInvestment.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessCorp, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: VenturInvest, 12ProFinance, SixDaysProfit, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7Money&Credit, Fxen, ForboEstate, TheInvestmentBank, PrimeLookUp, ForexShare.

That’s it for today, guys. I’ll probably not be publishing tomorrow, unless I have some really important news or some interesting new investment projects coming my way. Hopefully by tomorrow, when the site is propagated everywhere around the world, it will be available in all locations. Thanks for your continued support and many thanks to BlockDos for providing me with their highly acclaimed DDoS protection which will hopefully help me avoid such downtimes in the future. See you on MNO soon, guys!

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