March 2013 Archives

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Beware! MasterEarn has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! This isn’t a line I get to start a news update with very often but today I’m writing from 10,000 meters above your heads as I’m heading towards the Caribbean island of Barbados for a short break over the next eight days. I’m really looking forward to it but won’t really be stopping work for too long. In fact I already have articles lined up every day for the remainder of the current week, and no doubt something new might pop-up before then as well. So not having a whole lot to look at out my window now it’s a perfect opportunity to catch up on some work, and before today’s news section I’d like to continue with the list of new programs coming to the MNO monitor by looking at a new addition called MasterEarn.

Having been online only a couple of days so far, MasterEarn are brand new. It’s also a long term HYIP with quite a wide array of investment plans, though it must be said the most lucrative of them are also the highest risk and the most expensive, so not everything here is really going to be suitable/affordable for everyone. But it doesn’t have to cost you that much to participate as MasterEarn have a basic $10 minimum requirement to join. One thing we need to be very clear on before going any further, and I do hope the admin will fix this, is that the plans I’m going to describe for you below are all measured in business days, ie with payments made to members on Monday to Friday only. OK, there’s nothing unusual about that you might think but the thing is it isn’t specified anywhere on the MasterEarn website and in this event the natural assumption is that they are calculated in calendar days. Well, they’re not. It’s business days only for all plans.

So like I said you can join MasterEarn for a $10 minimum deposit, and the first plan runs for a term of 60 business days (12 weeks). You earn a daily rate of interest based on how much you are willing to deposit with rates calculated to pay the higher returns to the bigger investors. Deposits starting from the minimum up to an amount of $100 will see MasterEarn pay a return of 1.1% per day. That should eventually add up to 66% by the end of the term so clearly MasterEarn have to be returning the investors principals before any one ever sees a profit.
Larger investors can avail of the following rates on their deposits:
1.5% per business day on amounts from $101 to $1,000 which brings a total return of 90% in addition to your principal being returned, 1.8% per business day for $1,001 to a $5,000 maximum which gives a net profit of 108% on return of your principal, and 2% for anything bigger than that up to a top value of $50,000, or 120% plus your own money.

That’s followed by a substantially longer term plan that runs for 120 business days (24 weeks) though is still very affordable to investor from all backgrounds with a $10 minimum deposit required by MasterEarn to join. Anything from that minimum up to a value of $100 can expect to earn a return of 1.3% interest per business day (Monday to Friday) for the duration. That comes to 156% in total which can be deemed net profit only when MasterEarn return your principal as promised, though you do at least break even after 77 days which is significantly faster than the term runs for. For larger deposits MasterEarn make the following offers:
Invest from $101 up to a maximum of $1,000 to earn an improved rate of 1.7% per business day, adding up to 204% in total and MasterEarn returning your principal. Spend from $1,001 up to $5,000 and get 2% per business day, coming to 240% all together before your principal is then added. Investments between $5,001 and $50,000 are offered 2.4% per day (288% net profit) and even more unlikely deposits from $50,000 to $100,000 are offered 2.8% per day, or 336% net profit on top of your principal which should be returned.

The third and longest term plan runs for a term of 180 business days (36 weeks) which is long enough to put you in the mood for planning Christmas were you to join up today! Unfortunately this carries a much less inviting minimum investment requirement as the two previous offers, with MasterEarn asking for a $101 deposit before making any payments. Anything from that up to $1,000 is offered a daily return of 2%, which allows you to break even after 50 days and complete the term with payments totaling 360%. MasterEarn should again return your principal making this your net profit. For payments on larger deposits rates are calculated as follows:
Investments between $1,001 and $5,000 are offered 2.3% per business day or 414% in total, spend from $5,001 to $50,000 to receive 2.7% per business day or 486% in total, or from $50,001 to $100,000 to receive 3% per business day, all with principals returned on expiry. Anyone prepared to spend upwards of $100,000 is offered a rate of 4% per business day.

Payment options are up to a decent standard which I’m pleased to say seems to be the accepted industry norm these days, especially with long term HYIPs, rather than the exception. Gone are the days when HYIP admins simply dictated to investors that it was going to be LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney and nothing else was to be considered. You can still use those of course, but MasterEarn are also accepting SolidTrustPay and EgoPay so I guess that covers just about everything most investors will be looking for. Payouts to members are made instantly, though you’ll still be required to log into your private MasterEarn account area and make the request. Once done you can expect to see your online request turn into cash in your payment processor account in under a minute. Despite all of this I still think it unlikely for MasterEarn to be an overnight success. A success maybe, just not a fast one. This is due in part to the relatively low returns on their more affordable plans in comparison to other long term HYIPs with similarly designed plans, and of course the time spent waiting just to break even. But there’s still bags of potential in the program, and it’s happened so many times in the past that it can be the relatively slow burners that eventually surprise us all.

Design and security features are up to a high enough standard for the industry so it’s always nice to see another admin get this right on the first day. MasterEarn is running off a script that’s under license from GoldCoders though it took me a second look to recognize it due to it being so heavily customized. For more secure transactions and safer browsing the website is SSL encoded by GeoTrust. As for hosting, MasterEarn are being kept on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks by the leading service provider in BlockDos so there’s unlikely to be any serious problems on that front. If you have any further questions for the MasterEarn admin then you can get in touch with them by filling out your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page, or else by simply writing directly to the listed e-mail address. If you prefer to speak to someone directly then MasterEarn have a telephone number though I can’t say when or if anyone will answer it or what their connection with the program would be if they did. Also included is a postal address though I have seen this one before and recognize it as one of hundreds that can be used as serviced offices for mailing purposes but not necessarily where you would find anyone working were you to call.

Overall it’s quite an original and good looking website that features an extensive list of articles for you to read, all of which appear completely original so well done to the admin for being so highly organized. There are some registration documents added to the MasterEarn website relating to them being a genuine business. Now, don’t get me wrong here, I have no reason to think they’re not completely genuine, but what a lot of people don’t always realize is just how easily (and legally) these documents are to obtain over the net. So don’t think they somehow mean you’re not joining another online HYIP when you’re joining MasterEarn. That’s exactly what you’re getting in to as far as I can see because despite all the interesting and original articles there’s still very little in the way of solid evidence to suggest otherwise. The official line is that MasterEarn are involved with “gold, oil, stock, and ForEx” which is nothing we haven’t heard before. I must say the admin adding a scan of his passport (well, a scan of some passport anyway) was an unusual touch. Make what you will from it and feel free to do your own research into that. As for myself, it’s not a bad looking program and well enough organized, though I would still listen to my own advice which is to set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t work out, and if joining MasterEarn at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



So, it took EmpireFinanceGroup only a few days to reverse their earlier decision and open the program to new deposits again. I remind you that for some weird reason the admin of EmpireFinanceGroup suspended all new deposits and no one was able to invest for a couple of days. Plans, all with principal returned on expiry, include 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days. If you haven’t read my full review of EmpireFinanceGroup posted here I would like to remind you that the program made headlines after the completion of more than 1,000 days online. Unfortunately it looks as if the limited payment options which only include LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are preventing EmpireFinanceGroup from finding larger investors, and therefore the admin had to pull every stunt to make investors talk about the program and discuss the reasons a really pointless move. Their latest brief update is below:

EmpireFinanceGroup resume accepting new deposits
Dear EmpireFinanceGroup customers, we are excited to announce you good news, from today (03.05.2013) we resume accepting new investment deposits.


After the gradual addition of Korean, Japanese, Chinese Indonesian and Vietnamese language versions the admin of ADSolid Timoleon (interviewed here) continued with Spanish and Russian. And even that’s not enough for ADSolid who have now added three more languages in French, Polish and Portuguese. I imagine that as with the other languages these versions were also completed by professional translators to a very high level. As discussed in my review of the program published here, ADSolid looks overcomplicated at first and despite always instant withdrawals to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay the investment plans themselves will provide a lot of difficulties for less fluent English speaking users. I’ll admit I was struggling with some aspects to the program myself but put simply what you really need to understand is that plans provide from 1.2% to 2.1% daily profits with profits credited on business days during a 150 calendar day term. Principals are returned on. Here’s the two short updates in the news section of the ADSolid website:

We have just launched localized site for French and Polish languages!
We have just launched localized site for Portuguese language!


For AxiomInvestingGroup (reviewed here) a Chinese version of the website joins the Russian and English ones. I believe the admins might be of Russian origin, so communicating in English is not ideal for them which we can see by the newsletters posted on the site. To switch between languages on the AxiomInvestingGroup website simply click the appropriate flag on top of the page and you will be able to better understand everything. I must say that unlike the previously discussed HYIP AxiomInvestingGroup is a very simple program offering investments starting from $10 via such popular payment options like SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and a couple of other options. AxiomInvestingGroup will pay you from 1.5% to 3% interest for a duration of 100 days with the original principal return on expiry. From the latest newsletter I can see the administration added more communication options which include a ShoutBox where members of AxiomInvestingGroup will be able to chat with each other and the admin and share their experiences and views on the program’s future. For now the program has been running for over a month and is paying promptly to everyone, and hope it will continue for a long time:

News AxiomInvestingGroup
Some news from the company AxiomInvestingGroup.
1. We have changed the rules of the withdrawal. Withdrawal now available daily!
2. New language version of the site – the Chinese.
3. A new form of communication – chat room! Communicate with management and investors, learn the latest news, share payout.
Best regards, Susan Williams
Public relations specialist


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrownOilOfAsiaProForexUnion, PerfectForex, AirCargoXpress, ForexPlaza, GSAOnlineInvestments,  BriscoFund.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, StallionGold, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, Stravia, AXAIndustriesRewardsWeekly, ADSolid, MyFxCapital, HurricaneAssets, MalaysianINC, HytexAG, EmpireFinanceGroup, MasterEarn, RFIGroup (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list:AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic listXtremeRichness, PayTrade, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7Money&Credit, KoForex, SwissInvestFund.

Only a short update for you tonight but that’s just as well. After spending most of the day on a plane and only being able to publish now I was unable to look into possible issues with some programs that might still be listed as Paying on MNO. I requested confirmations from my readers who complained to me and hopefully, by tomorrow the situation with them will become clear but I’m afraid we will see a couple of programs on Problem status. Please check again tomorrow for more accurate info. See you all tomorrow with the latest news from HYIP industry and a more detailed review of one more program from Premium listing on MNO. Bye for now and see you all then!

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