08/04/2013. Daily News from the Industry
Hello everybody! Hope you all had a nice weekend and are looking forward to getting back to work again. It’s not really been a busy start to the business week in terms of news stories so there’s not a great deal to report on just yet, though there was a couple of stories you might be interested in. I’ve also got a couple of new additions to the MNO monitoring page to tell you about as well so hopefully you might find something you like there. You may as well have a look anyway. I’ll get to that in a few minutes, but first let’s get on with the news.
It’s a rare event to get some good news in the HYIP industry these days but one major boost to a lot of people’s confidence will be the fact that InvestiField, currently the number one program leading the MNO Premium List, has just completed the first cycle of its shortest term plan. This in turn means that InvestiField have started returning the members deposits through SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve as outlined in their terms and conditions and explained in my original review of the program first published on MNO here. As the program was listed on my monitor right from the very beginning that means my own deposit has been returned already, and anyone who joined on the same day should be well into profit now. We’ll hear a few more success stories in the coming days I’m sure as the payouts have been pretty flawless up until now which I guess is just one thing that’s helped drive InvestiField into some high positions in a lot monitors now and not just MNO. Among the plans on offer you can choose from 2% for 30 days (the one which has just expired), 2.5% for 60 days, and 3% for 90 days all with principal back on expiry.
MalaysianINC is now the #1 program on what is admittedly a pretty short Sticky List on the MNO monitor at the moment, though to be fair they have done exceptionally well in their own right so far with almost two months behind them now paying on medium to long term plans. These include 1.62%-2.06% for 15 business days, 1.81%-2.18% for 30 business days, 2.15%-2.43% for 60 business days, 2.63%-2.95% for 120 business days, all with your principal back through SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. So as you can see, there’s been plenty of room to profit from MalaysianINC since they were first reviewed on MNO here. Payments have been near perfect so far and always completed within five minutes. Anyway, something that you might not have been aware of about MalaysianINC is that they have their own YouTube channel. This has proved a handy tool for explaining how the whole thing works and documenting some of the improvements there. So yesterday a second video was added which explains the investment plans once more but also gives a little background information on what MalaysianINC claim to be doing. You can see the link to the video in the newsletter included below, however this is already out of date as a third video has been added today which you will also see by visiting the MalaysianINC channel:
“MalaysianINC video#2
We have added the video #2 on our video channel on YouTube.
If you interested, you can watch it at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGhfOLaI734
Thank you for choosing our company!
Best regards, MalaysianINC Team”.
It doesn’t exactly contain a lot of news, in fact to be honest I’m not even sure what the point of sending it was at all, but the admin of 306BZ has something of a sense of humor and wants to share it with his members. He has some money related jokes to tell, though I guess the real point of the exercise is to keep the name of 306BZ in the public eye as much as possible, even if there isn’t really a whole lot going on in the program otherwise. 306BZ is a short to medium term program with a fairly interesting mix of plans that include 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, and 306% after 36 days, all of which include your principal as part of the payments via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. The program has been monitored on MNO since they first opened just under three weeks ago, and was first reviewed on my blog here:
“Daily Joke From 306BZ
We hope you are enjoying our service. We’d like to tell a joke about Money everyday from now on. If you like,you smile, if you don’t like, you make a deposit to 306BZ and earn some extra money.
Three ladies go to an exotic male strip club.
One friend pulls out a $10 bill, licks it and sticks it on a stripper’s left butt cheek.
Not to be outdone, the second friend pulls out a $50 bill, licks it and sticks it to his right butt cheek.
The third friend pulls out her ATM card, swipes it down his crack, grabs the $60 and goes home.”
Thank you. 306BZ”.
It looks like not many people are familiar with the licensed Shadow script which MoneyInSports is running off. In the latest newsletter issued yesterday, the admin Justin gave detailed instructions on how to re-invest from your account balance without the need to withdraw first, therefore saving on payment processors fees. This may also apply to any of the programs from my monitor running off a Shadow script (read the interview with the script’s creator here), but in particular to MoneyInSports which offers 2% for 80 calendar days for a $5 minimum via SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, PexPay and EgoPay. I must tell you that I’m quite surprised on how a program offering such low returns and only listed on Standard status with MNO managed to attract so many readers. I guess many of you were already sick and tired from the recent wave of scams that has been going on for two weeks already, and are looking for something less risky for their funds with reasonable returns and an experienced admin. I believe MoneyInSports (reviewed here) ticks all the boxes and is surely worth considering if you’re looking for something like that. Please read the latest newsletter from the MoneyInSports admin below:
“Can I Reinvest?
Hello Everyone,
Hope you are all having a great weekend!
We are getting more and more tickets asking us if one can take their cashout request and put it back into the system to reinvest instead of taking the funds to their payment processor. The answer is yes you can do this. We thought it would be good to explain this in detail.
From within your account you would select the request cashout link located at the top of your back office under the member info icon. This is the same way you request a cashout back to your selected processor. Once you select the request cashout link you will see your available cash balance, under that you will see how much you have in each processor. Select the processor you have funds in that you want to put back into your E-Wallet to purchase more tokens. Then under the action section you will select the send back to E-wallet option, enter the amount you wish to put back to your E-wallet, enter your secondary password, then click the request cashout button.
Once we process your request the funds will be back in your E-Wallet and you can use the funds reinvest with more token purchases all without having to pay any fees to the payment processors.
We hope this helps clear this up for folks, but if not please feel free to open a support ticket anytime.
We will create a smaller FAQ for this soon as well.
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.”
Unfortunately there’s still some bad news to report and the week starts with two programs going to Problem Status – SwissInvestFund and TrueFinance. In the case of TrueFinance I don’t really have a whole lot to say as this was always going to be a high risk gamble with a limited shelf life anyway. Having said that, at least some of the members would have been comfortably in profit, maybe even several times depending on your timing. The program offered 105%-130% after 1 day, 117%-200% after 3 days, 134%-345% after 5 days, 156%-700% after 10 days, 749%-1800% after 25 days, 1295%-2700% after 37 days, 5000% after 55 days, 9000% after 75 days. Clearly most of those plans are utterly ridiculous and would struggle to attract even the most naïve of HYIP players, though with nine days online at least some of the more realistic plans managed a couple of cycles. It’s hardly an impressive life cycle, some similar programs to TrueFinance have managed well over a month, but I hope it was long enough for at least some of you to get in and get back out with a profit.
A bit more disappointing was the longer term SwissInvestFund which collapsed before any members were anywhere near seeing a profit from their plan that offered 1.6%-2% for 90 days (principal back). Some of the bigger investors who spent the minimum $501 required to join the 4.8% for 30 days (principal included) plan fared a little better and would have come out on top, but given that SwissInvestFund only lasted for well under two months that number would have been small at best. This will be of very little comfort to anybody who lost money in the program but the admin has at least been up front about the exact nature of the problem and has admitted straight up that SwissInvestFund cannot continue and that it’s a bad idea to deposit any money there. In a nutshell this seems to stem from a combination of bad luck with certain things being outside of his control, but also bad judgement and bad timing. Basically the cash reserves in LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney were severely depleted so the admin tried to boost this by exchanging some of the excess cash he had in SolidTrustPay. The exact reason this exchange couldn’t be carried out in time to support outstanding payments to LR and PM investors is purely academic now – it simply didn’t happen and the admin can’t continue. It’s entirely possible that STP themselves were not satisfied that the admin wasn’t transferring the money to LR in order to help himself to a big pile of cash that he would otherwise not have been allowed to withdraw through the regular channels, though I admit that’s just speculation. I do think however it would raise a lot less suspicion had he not waited until the LR and PM funds were quite so low and had rather tried to do smaller exchanges more often. Anyway, to his credit the admin is at least being honest about facing the facts now – SwissInvestFund is/was a Ponzi that depended on cash flow, and new money paying interest on old deposits. This is no longer working so commiserations if you lost but that’s a risk you take by gambling in HYIPs in the first place. The last e-mail I received from the SwissInvestFund admin is included below, and please do not make any further investments either there or in TrueFinance. You have been warned!
On Monday evening there was problem with hosting. So for 2-3 days site didn’t work for lot of people and also because of that we didn’t had almost any investments. So we just paid payouts for these days from our reserves. Site finally got back normally to work in Friday evening, but starting from that we received investments ONLY in STP, we are trying to exchange that to LR and PM, but it is “pending” from xchanger.com Problem is that we have 8000$ pending on STP, but we do not have any LR and PM reserves left, as soon exchange will happen we will continue to pay everyone.”
Finally, one more blow for investors today was the bad news from AxiomInvestingGroup (reviewed here), the admin of which claims the site was hacked and a lot of funds stolen. This allegedly happened a few days ago but was only revealed now when the admin admitted cashflow issues and promised to pay everyone as soon as the funds are available. I had no issues with AxiomInvestingGroup so far myself and was paid promptly to my SolidTrustPay account as usual. However as the admin reported, only LR and PM funds were stolen and therefore I’m not sure payouts to SolidTrustPay or EgoPay are affected. Anyway, at this moment I have no reason to move AxiomInvestingGroup to Problem status on MNO, however I will have to do it soon enough if I receive confirmed complaints from any of my referrals there. The project managed to last for a little bit more than two months so far which was not enough even for the first investors to be in profit, let alone finish a single investment cycle paying 1.5%-3% for 100 days with the principal returned on expiry. So if AxiomInvestingGroup is going to Problem status on MNO soon (which is likely!) then we can conclude that the program was a total failure with all investors being at a loss to some extent. At this point no further investments can be recommended there, and you can see for yourself why not by reading the latest newsletter from them sent a couple of hours ago:
Dear investors!
Our team is always trying to do their job well, as quickly as possible to answer the questions of our customers as quickly as possible to carry out financial transactions. But sometimes problems occur against which we are absolutely powerless. April 5th our site was hacked (first cracking a 2 March we rescued) by a group of professional hackers from Turkey on unconfirmed information from this group suffered not only our project, but a few large investment projects. Suffered serious damage, stolen money from accounts Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, QIWI. In addition the database destroyed (restored backup for 07 april). From April 5, investors may withdraw funds from reserve accounts, but the limits are not infinite, and the current time we are not able to ensure the withdrawal of all users. As funds to the accounts of the output will be on all applications as long as possible. Understand your dissatisfaction, but the other way out of this situation, we do not see.
We’re sorry.”
SplitProfit is the first out of the two brand new programs that was added to the Premium List on MNO tonight. SplitProfit is a short term program offering three investment plans with the interest and profit returned on expiry. Plans include 114%-115% after 3 days, 138%-140% after 7 days, 190%-200% after 15 days. The interest rate depends on how much you spend and the minimum to invest starts with $10 in all plans via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. The good thing is the withdrawals are processed instantly most of the time, and if not then the admin asks for up to 6 hours process it manually. Otherwise SplitProfit is a typical program that is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, SSL secured by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server with Koddos protection. By the way, I’ve already tested the withdrawal system in SplitProfit many times, as I have some ref commissions in my account. Processed instantly every time as promised. I believe in the current volatile market in the HYIP industry short term programs like SplitProfit have to be assessed as soon as possible, which is why you’ll be able to read a more detailed review on my blog tomorrow. Stay tuned for that, guys!
The second program to join MNO Premium listing today is another brand-new project called Bet7. As implied by its name, Bet7 offers 7% daily interest paid for the duration of 25 calendar days. 75% will be your net profit by the end of the term as the initial principal is already included in the payments and will not be returned on expiry. The minimum to invest is $10 and all the popular payment processors are taken – SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and Egopay. Although I couldn’t find on the website how long it takes for a withdrawal to be processed, my first withdrawal in Bet7 was processed within a couple of hours. So I assume the withdrawals, especially while the program is still so new, will be fast enough. Since Bet7 website is running off a licensed Shadow script, in order to make a deposit you need to first fund your e-wallet in your member’s area and then purchase the investment from your available balance by clicking the “Bet-7 Plan” tab in your account. Bet7 is an SSL secured by Comodo website and is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by CloudFlare. All in all, the website gives a good first impression, although I was kinda distracted by the Games link which looks unfinished as neither of the games seems to be active. Anyway, you need to click on the Investment tab instead to see the details of the only plan on offer, and I guess the experienced investors will have no issue with understanding that. If you want to read more about Bet7 please check out my blog on Wednesday when I’ll have more.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, OptiEarn.
From MNO Premium list: InvestiField, TureProfit, BensonUnion, 306BZ, RewardsWeekly, HytexAG, NorthlandOpps, WorldGemsInvest, Financa, EaglesInvestment, AppleInv, EarningAlliance, SplitProfit (the first instant payments received), Bet7 (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports.
From MNO Basic list: StrongForex, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, GalaxySaving, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, ForexInvest, ForexShare, HYIPRoyale (the first payments received).
That’s all for today, guys. I hope you found the information useful as I tried to highlight all the important issues from the last 48 hours. Tomorrow like I said I’ll have a more detailed review of SplitProfit and tell you more about the latest updates from the programs monitored by MNO. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!
Filed under Daily News by on Apr 8th, 2013.