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10/04/2013. Bet7 Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! Bet7 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Continuing with the latest batch of programs joining the MNO Premium List in the last couple of days, before we get to this evening’s news stories I want to look at a promising brand new medium term HYI program called Bet7 which just opened a couple of days ago. It’s quite a simple and straight forward set up, just one plan to chose from, but at the same time is quite well organized and designed. Fingers crossed the admin’s intentions will match up to the quality of his program, though we’ll only know that in the coming weeks. For now though we can take a look at the main features of the Bet7 website, see what they have to offer, and see if you think any of this is suitable for your own online investment portfolios.

Before getting to the actual investment plan itself, there’s just one thing about the process of joining Bet7 that I want to make clear. Now, more experienced players will probably be familiar with this, but I just want to mention for the benefit of those new to the HYIP industry that Bet7 is a little different from the usual programs you might be used to. Nothing difficult mind, so don’t worry, it’s just running off a less commonly used script so the investment process is slightly different. Basically when you first join Bet7 in order to make a deposit you need to first fund your e-wallet in your member’s area. Only then do you purchase the investment from your available balance by clicking the “Bet-7 Plan” tab in your account.

So as long as that’s clear, there’s only one plan to choose from in Bet7. Therefore it’s not a difficult choice for anyone to make. You’ll either like it and find it suitable for your portfolio or you won’t and you look elsewhere. As I mentioned above it’s more of a medium term plan, requiring a $10 minimum deposit to join and running for a term of 25 calendar days. During this time Bet7 are offering a daily interest payment of 7%. Your initial investment is factored into those payments and so will not be returned to you separately on expiry. This means that your total earnings will add up to 175%, which is your own money back plus 75% net profit for yourself. The same rate of interest applies to all deposits no matter how big or how small, subject to the $10 minimum of course. Bet7 have a maximum spending limit of $50,000, and the same 7% rate is paid to everyone with an active deposit of any size.

To put that into more practical monetary terms, let’s say we invested a nice easy figure of $100 here. Bet7 will then pay you back $7 in interest payments every day for the following 25 days. This allows you to break even (earn back an amount equal to your initial spend and therefore have no further personal risk) 15 days into the 25 day term, and start counting pure profit after that. Payments eventually add up to $175 from which Bet7 include your initial hundred, so that’s your own money back plus an extra $75 on top for yourself.

The choice of payment processors is quite good, or at least up to the minimum standard you might expect from new programs trying to establish a name in the industry. Currently Bet7 have all the main industry players with the likes of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Unfortunately one criticism of Bet7 – and it’s not that big a deal as it’s one that’s easily corrected – is that there’s no explanation of the payout schedule at the moment. I can only tell you that payouts are made manually by the admin and need to be requested from inside your private Bet7 members account area. Once done it’s unclear as to how long this takes to process, though my own was done within a couple of hours. I can only assume that this will hopefully remain the case as long as Bet7 is still a brand new program, though I can also only make the suggestion that you allow 24 hours (until the admin clarifies this) for payments to be completed. Smaller investors please note that Bet7 have a minimum withdrawal requirement of $1.

So far I guess everything is up to a fair enough standard in Bet7, nothing to complain about if nothing particularly distinctive either. That changes however when we see the design and security features of the program with the admin opting for one of the better scripts available on the HYIP market at the moment. That of course is ShadowScript which regular readers might recognize as being what several of the better programs chose to run off recently. Not exactly a “cheap” alternative to the usual generic providers, you get what you pay for and their record on security is probably better than anyone else’s right now (to read more the developer was interviewed on MNO a while back here). The Bet7 website has an extra layer of security with SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions, and hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of CloudFlare.

Other features include a built-in translation system (by Google) so anyone not so strong in English can change the texts into something easier for them to understand. These things are far from grammatically accurate of course, sometimes even laughably so, but it’s close enough to give non-English speakers a fair idea of what’s going on in Bet7 and how to participate. Hopefully that will help the program in the long run, but certainly it can’t hurt anyway. Also included is a page full of various computer video games, though I’m not sure what purpose this is supposed to serve as currently none of them actually work, so it only serves to distract you from the program. Anyway, if you have any further questions for the Bet7 admin about the program and its plans or any account related issues you need to have taken care of then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page.

Website content and texts, though giving next to nothing away, are at least original. They pertain to Bet7 being involved in online gambling, mostly though not exclusively sports events, though I’d have to say anyone who believes gambling can either a) guarantee any returns at all, or b) seemingly guarantee you the same fixed return every day would be misguided. There’s nothing I can see to prove Bet7 have a no risk formula so I wouldn’t waste my time digging too deeply if I were you. Best to treat Bet7 as exactly what it is – an online HYIP where the only real gamble is taken by the investors. So at all times stay within a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, and if joining Bet7 at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



SplitProfit was reviewed on MNO blog last night (read it here) and just a few hours later the admin sent a newsletter inviting everyone to read this detailed look at his program. I guess this qualifies as the first official newsletter from SplitProfit then, which is yet to complete the first round of the payouts on the 114%-115% after 3 days, 138%-140% after 7 days, 190%-200% after 15 days investment plans via SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay for a $10 minimum. Hopefully tomorrow we will see the first payouts from SplitProfit from the 3-day plan and of course, I will report on my blog as soon as I get my own. I also hope it’ll be processed instantly just like the referral commissions received earlier. Here’s the newsletter in full:

First of all thank you for joining our program!
The review of SplitProfit has been posted on MNO and you can find it here:
Thank you for your time in reading our newsletter. We appreciate your business and thank you for your support as always.
SP (SplitProfit)


It looks like the admin of 306BZ really likes sharing his funny stories no matter how inappropriate, but I’m glad to say that at least this time there’s finally some real news being sent as well. The thing is the program now has a lack of SolidTrustPay funds to pay investors due to a pending exchange to STP from EgoPay and therefore the members requesting payouts to STP are asked to either wait or to exchange the STP funds to other currencies to be paid faster using the internal exchange centre located in the member’s area. Ironically it’s the payouts to STP that were processed for 306BZ members instantly, while payouts to EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve took a few hours after requests were sent. The thing is that using the internal exchange centre in 306BZ you can only exchange STP to other currencies for a ridiculous 90% fee, so I guess the only way out for the investors with STP deposits is to wait till tomorrow. Hopefully the exchange will be approved and completed by then. Meanwhile I can confirm that the payouts to other payment processors rather than STP from 306BZ are continuing uninterrupted on the three investment plans described in my review of the program published here – 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, 306% after 36 days. Let’s hope the situation with the pending exchange will be resolved soon and I’ll update you on my blog tomorrow. Here’s the latest newsletter where you can read more on the subject and laugh (or cringe!) at the latest joke from the admin too:

Daily Joke From 306BZ And Solidtrustpay Payment
It is time for our daily joke today. Before reading the joke, we have something about Solidtrustpay withdraws to clarify. We have enabled instant withdraw to Solidtrustpay and free internal exchange to Solidtrustpay from other e-currencies which causes us lack of funds in our Solidtrustpay now. We have placed an order of $40,000 on from our Egopay account to Solidtrustpay account yesterday and it is expected to be completed on April 11th. Some withdraws to Solidtrustpay maybe affected. If you don’t want to wait, we can exchange your balance to other e-currencies. We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused to you.
Here is the daily joke.
A guy goes into a tattoo parlor and asks for a tattoo of a $100 bill on his penis. Curious, the tattoo artist asks him why he would possibly want that.
‘Three reasons: I like to play with my money, I like to watch my money grow, and a hundred dollars seems to be the only thing my wife will blow these days.’ ”
Best Regards. 306BZ


AppleInv is eight days online today and has so far been paying promptly on the 5% for 30 days plan, and also putting the first lucky investors who joined the other plan, paying 110% after 7 days, in profit. I imagine the daily paying plan is the more popular options among AppleInv investors, taking a $10 minimum via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and EgoPay. In today’s newsletter the admin praised the program’s growth which already has over 500 members after just 8 days online and encourages everyone to try it out with at least a minimum deposit and not to forget to support it after the payments are processed by submitting paid votes on forums and monitors. Here’s the latest update from AppleInv (reviewed here):

Newsletter update!
Dear AppleInv Member’s
Welcome to all our valued Members, Before we start with our company updates, we would like welcome and embraced our new members who recently joined our AppleInv family. We at AppleInv are truly grateful having you on our company.
AppleInv is now 8 days old, and we already processed the withdrawal request of the first people who invested on our weekly plan, We are very thankful for the support of the online investment community on our company, as of now, we have 500+ members in just 8 days online, a great milestone to start our 2nd week of our program.
For those of you who are still free members, we encourage you to get started with as little as $10.00. There are very few businesses in this whole wide world with the profit viability that AppleInv is offering you. I am sure most of you won’t miss a chance to earn a couple of bucks, so don’t miss it.
Here is what you have to do to benefit from AppleInv Simply log in to your account and upgrade with minimum of $10
As soon as you receive your payment from us, please ensure to vote for AppleInv right on our monitor sites and paste your payment proofs in MMG, DTM and TG. Voting and Posting of payment proofs on forums is a way of letting everyone know that AppleInv pays which is an integral part of the program’s success.
We will continue to strive more to achieve our company goals to provide sustainable investment environment for our clients.
Regards, AppleInv Admin


As expected two programs which I already alerted readers about for the last couple of days – OptiEarn and AxiomInvestingGroup – have stopped paying and have been moved to Scam status on MNO monitor today. I already wrote about that, but decided to remind you again and recommend you avoid any investments in either program.

AxiomInvestingGroup complained that their accounts in LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney were hacked and they suffered huge losses. However the administration promised to still pay investors, but slower than usual. No surprise that AxiomInvestingGroup didn’t actually live up to their seemingly empty promise and stopped paying yesterday with my own latest withdrawal to SolidTrustPay (which has absolutely nothing to do with their alleged hacked LR and PM accounts) still on pending status for over 36 hours with no hope of being paid. That’s why I have made a decision to move AxiomInvestingGroup to Scam status on MNO. Please do not invest there!

As for OptiEarn, I reported the imminent scam yesterday when they opened a new short term investment plan and removed the MNO monitoring button replacing it with a static saved image for the sole purpose of misleading investors. Of course the payouts stopped today as well which was fully expected and very predictable judging by their activities. Please note that OptiEarn is currently on Scam status on MNO ind it’s confirmed and the program is not paying for over 24 hours despite promises to process all the pendings within a 12 hour timeframe as stated in their terms. Do not invest in that scam!


StrongForex was first listed on MNO monitor ten days ago straight after launching, but the admin only upgraded to Premium Listing today which allows it to be covered on the MNO blog. I’ll have a more detailed review in a couple of days, but for now I just want to give a brief description. StrongForex is a short term project offering several plans paying on expiry via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. Plans start from $10 and include 104%-130% after 1 day, 117%-300% after 4 days, 140%-700% after 9 days, 400%-1600% after 18 days, 700%-3000% after 33 days. I guess the one and only hourly paying plan in StrongForex offering 5% for 21 hours without principal back is also very popular and with it you can get 5% pure profit on top of your deposit if you have at least $300 to invest in it. The withdrawals, according to their terms, are usually processed very fast but the admin reserves the right to pay you within a 16 hour maximum which is very reasonable for this type of a program. Everything else is typical – a licensed GoldCoders script, decent design, SSL-security by Comodo and hosting on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by Koddos. Today the StrongForex admin also issued a short newsletter where he informed members that he added both Live Chat and telephone support which you can use to contact them. Here’s the latest from StrongForex:

Support Service is became closer to you
I hope you can enjoy your day and I have a some good news for you.
For now we want to be a closer to our clients and introduce Live Chat Support and international phone support it is a good start for successful cooperation.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions.
Kind Regards, Brian Weston
StrongForex – Strong Earnings


One of the newest long term programs launching just today is SecureAssets. I can see some excitement around the program already on the main forums, but I’m not sure if the project is going to become popular among investors as it only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney at the moment. And though I’m not sure whether the admin is planning to add more in the future, in the current competition it will be hard enough for SecureAssets to get noticed by investors if they insist on staying with only two payment gateways. The investment plans SecureAssets is offering pay from 2.2% to 2.8% daily depending on the size of your principal from a $10 minimum for the duration of 100 business days (Monday to Friday) and the original principal returned on expiry. Withdrawals have to be requested and will be paid manually to your LR or PM account within 24 hours. SecureAssets is running off a licensed GoldCoders script which is nicely customized and almost unrecognizable at first. There’s an easy-to-use layout though that is however a template used by several other HYIPs in the past. The domain is registered from 2004 to 2018 to support the myth that SecureAssets is an international investment company based in the US and trading with investors’ money since 1998. The website is SSL-secured by Comodo, and has an impressive list of certificates listed including Verisign, TrustWave, TRUSTe and GeoTrust which are also fully verifiable if you click on them. The website of SecureAssets is also hosted on a dedicated SoftLayer server and protected by the world leader in DDoS protection Prolexic which doesn’t come cheap. Overall it looks like the admin of SecureAssets is trying hard to get noticed and he just might succeed. He even asked me to review his program in a week, so hopefully he’ll add more payment options by then because it would be a shame to limit its growth with a small obstacle. Despite of all the features we should always remember that it’s just a high-risk HYIP and only invest what you can afford to lose. More on SecureAssets will be on my blog next week. Here’s the opening message from the admin:

SecureAssets Goes Online
We are pleased to welcome you to the SecureAssets official website. Investors from all around the world are invited to participate in our investment program. In order to understand the structure of SecureAssets and the services we offer, we recommend you to read our web pages.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us by using one of the support methods. Our support staffs will be available 24 hours a day to help you. Your inquiry will be received, immediately proceeded and you will receive the answer within 24 hours.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC.
From MNO Premium list: InvestiField, TureProfit, BensonUnion, Stravia, RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, HytexAG, WorldGemsInvest, NorthlandOpps, Financa, EaglesInvestment, RFIGroup, BriscoFund, MasterEarn, AppleInv,  EarningAlliance, SplitProfit, Bet7, After100Days (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, GalaxySaving, Money&Credit, Fxen, TheInvestmentBank, HYIPRoyale, S&PForex (the first payment received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. See you tomorrow with a detailed review of a new short term project called After100Days and the regular daily updates from the programs monitored on my site. Bye for now and see you all then!

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