22/04/2013. TechProfit Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! TechProfit has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend. To start things off again for the new business week I want to take a closer look at a shorter term HYIP called TechProfit as the first program of a couple of new programs. Keep in mind that the program itself isn’t entirely new, and the reason I didn’t do it earlier is explained below. I’ll have all the main news stories for you as well in the second half of today’s update by the way, but first let’s see what TechProfit are all about.
Although TechProfit have been online for almost two weeks, it’s only been monitored on MNO for less than one, and during that time I was waiting for the first plan to pay on expiry before reviewing them. Though they had in fact done that some time earlier they hadn’t done it while listed on my monitor, but as I can now confirm that TechProfit paid me on expiry of their shortest plan I guess it’s time to take a more detailed look at them. So as I said they’re generally focused on shorter term investment plans, and have four of them to choose from. They all run for different terms, all cost a very affordable minimum to join, and all pay their members back just once on expiry.
I have to say the plans aren’t particularly well explained at all, in fact the casual browser or surfer coming across the site will find a lot of details missing from the main public area that you only see after you sign up with TechProfit and enter your account area. But it’s all quite straight forward anyway with a lot of the details being the same for all the plans. The first one for instance runs for a term of 5 calendar days and will cost you a $10 minimum to join, as will all of TechProfit‘s plans. They offer you one single payment on expiry that will include your principal, which in this case should be 125%. So that’s basically your own money back plus 25% net profit for yourself. Or to put it in monetary terms, were you to join TechProfit with $100 they are offering you $125 in return for doing so five days later. The maximum spend is $250,000 as it is for all the program’s plans.
Second on the list is a plan that runs for 10 calendar days, making a single payment on expiry which includes your principal. In return for your $10 minimum deposit – or anything up to $250,000 as the case may be – TechProfit offer members a payment of 175% interest, or your own money back plus 75% on top. With one cycle already completed, it’ll be interesting to see for how much longer TechProfit can sustain this one.
The third plan runs for a 15 calendar day term. Also for a $10 minimum deposit which is returned to you as part of the single interest payment that’s due to be made on expiry, TechProfit are offering their members a single payment of 250%.
And lastly the highest risk plan, also the least sustainable, sees TechProfit offering 300% interest paid in one single installment on expiry of a 20 calendar days. The minimum cost of joining is kept low with a $10 deposit being the basic requirement so it doesn’t have to be that much of a risk in financial terms unless you make it so, and again the maximum deposit is $250,000.
The list of payment options is fair enough, or about what you might be hoping for from a new program at least with TechProfit taking all the main popular ones. You can join via any of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. There was some contradictory information displayed on their website regarding their payment schedule, with one statement telling us that payouts were instant and you should expect them in your account in a matter of seconds, while a second claim was made stating that this is not the case and payments were to be done manually by the admin. Well, I had to wait until my own first deposit expired to find out first-hand, and it seems that payments are indeed made manually by the admin. You should request them from inside your TechProfit private member’s account area, and once you’ve done so allow a further 12 hours for the transaction to be completed. If you ever do receive any instant payouts though, take them as a bonus but do try not to expect it all the time.
Moving on to the design and security features, TechProfit as a website is really a pretty basic and no frills affair. Not entirely in a good “less is more” kind of way that can be subtle but stylish at the same time, TechProfit are quite simplistic. Running off a licensed GoldCoders script and SSL encrypted by Comodo, a lot of you will at least find it easy enough to navigate. I’m not so sure about the hosting however. The admin actually tried to convince me that this was on a high quality and very reputable industry provider, though when I discovered it wasn’t he then told me he meant he’s going to move it to one soon. Oh well, I’m still waiting to see the move (I suspect I’ll be waiting a very long time) and in the meantime you can find TechProfit on a dedicated server by a company called Hivelocity. If you have any questions about this, the plans, or any other aspect of the program then you can reach the TechProfit admin by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page.
There’s really not much further comment I can make on the texts and website content of TechProfit as there really isn’t much information of any practical use for you there. For the record the claim being made is that the business is the manufacture of components for domestic electric small appliances, something I doubt can be so profitable in such a such turnaround time, but that’s just what I think. You’re the one spending the money so it’s your decision whether you think TechProfit still have enough left in them to put you into profit were to to only join them now. If you do then remember to protect yourself and your finances by always staying under a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose, and if joining TechProfit at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
As of today 306BZ (reviewed here) lifts their self imposed mourning period for the victims of the Chinese earthquake and started posting their usual daily jokes. Also due to LibertyReserve’s downtime today (now back to normal at the time of writing), the admin Kelly also covers this in the second update today and reminds investors wishing to be paid instantly to SolidTrustPay, instead of waiting for their manual payments to EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney accounts they can exchange the balance within their accounts for 0% fees at the link provided. Below you’ll find the three latest updates from the admin of 306BZ which pays on three investment plans – 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, 306% after 36 days – for about five weeks now which secured its place in the top three most popular programs from MNO’s Premium listing:
“Daily Joke From 306BZ
We temporarily stopped sending our daily joke in the last 2 days because of the earthquake in Southern China. But Life needs smiles. We have decided to send our daily joke again today. Before reading the joke, we just want to remind you of our currency exchange link http://306.bz/?a=exchange. You can use this link to change your account balance of Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney and Egopay to Solidtrustpay, then you can have a chance to test our instant withdraw system to your Solidtrustpay account.
Taking a break from the campaign trail, John McCain decides to take in a movie.
After buying his ticket, he stops at the concession stand to purchase some popcorn. Handing the attendant $5, he says, “The last time I came to the movies, popcorn didn’t cost anywhere near this much money. ”
“Well, sir,” the attendant replies with a grin, “you’re in for an even bigger surprise — the movies have sound now.”
Best Regards. 306BZ”.
“Libertyreserve.com Website Unavailable
Libertyreserve.com website has been offline since about 2 hours before. All deposits and withdraws via Libertyreserve are not available till it is back to normal. Hope Libertyreserve comes back soon. We will process all pending Libertyreserve withdraws when it is back.
Best Regards. Kelly Buckley
CEO 306BZ”.
“Libertyreserve Back To Normal And Pending Withdraws Processed
We are glad to announce that Libertyreserve.com finally finished its maintenance and back to normal.All pending withdraws have been paid to your Libertyreserve account.
Best Regards. Kelly Buckley
CEO 306BZ”.
The admin of NorthlandOpps Dean (interviewed here) was also attentive enough to warn people who invested in his program via LibertyReserve about possible delayed payouts due to the scheduled maintenance posted on the LR website for most of today. NorthlandOpps (reviewed here) is a program that pays you indefinitely, offering from 2% to 2.5% daily payouts on deposits from a $5 minimum to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, and HD-Money. After only 38 days on MNO and 56 days online overall NorthlandOpps became the #5 program on my Premium List which indicates above average popularity among readers. I hope that by tomorrow the payouts to LR from NorthlandOpps will get back to normal, as the LR website is loading fine now. Here’s the latest from NorthlandOpps:
“Liberty Reserve Undergoing Maintenance
Dear NorthlandOpps users,
This is just a quick message to inform our users that Liberty Reserve is currently undergoing “scheduled maintenance.” As soon as their website is back online, pending Liberty Reserve withdrawals will be processed. In the meantime, all withdrawals to other e-currencies are being processed within our regular time-frames.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know
Dean. NorthlandOpps.”
As mentioned on my blog last night, I find publishing the daily picks from the admin of MoneyInSports Justin totally unnecessary. I mean I am aware that he’s trying to impress investors by trying to justify paying such big interest rates as 2% for 80 calendar days which MoneyInSports (reviewed here) offers. However we should always remember that all HYIPs are really games, exactly like the ones mentioned in today’s newsletter from and nothing can predict its outcome or how long they will last. Even the consistent payouts to members of MoneyInSports to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, and EgoPay accounts cannot be a guarantee that they will continue in a few months or even in a few days. Anyway, the admin of MoneyInSports finds it necessary to post his picks and does so again today. You can check them out down below:
“Free Play Picks 4/22
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-3 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/21 Recap:
MLB – 928 Los Angeles Angels ML -119 Won
NBA – 712 San Antonio Spurs SP -8 Won
NBA – 714 Miami Heat SP -13 Won
3-0 for the day
7-3 Overall record
4/22 Plays:
MLB – 958 Colorado Rockies ML +104
MLB – 956 Cincinnati Reds Total U 8.5 Runs -110
NBA – 718 Brooklyn Nets ML -215
NBA – 720 Los Angeles Clippers ML -260 Extra Pick
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.”
I’m glad to give you a follow-up on the issues with payouts from BensonUnion. Today many readers told me about their payouts being processed. I have received my own withdrawals paid to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and just minutes ago I received the final one paid to my STP account. Therefore I returned BensonUnion (reviewed here) to Paying on MNO, however I noticed that all the instant payouts have been switched off. If you have any complaints please let me know but I remind you that having been launched back in January 2012 BensonUnion is still paying on the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days plan to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, or BitCoin along with the direct bank wires. You can also read my interview with its admin Ragnar here.
Please note that after the last night’s review of MiniMoney on MNO the admin decided to stop payouts, so no investments there can be recommended. While there were a lot of overdue payouts reported by angry investors some of them even saw their withdrawals put back into their balances for no apparent reason. The admin never replied to my email regarding the pending withdrawal for over 18 hours, but still pretended it was due to LibertyReserve maintenance. The fact that payouts were already delayed before that apparently didn’t cross his mind! In any case MiniMoney is done now and the payouts have stopped, so do not believe his latest mail claiming LR is still down – it isn’t! – and offering you a “bonus plan” for another deposit to a different processor and of course only valid until April 23. But I think the admin might be slightly mistaken. You see the thing is that if you look up the word “deposit” in a dictionary it’s kind of implied that you might be getting it back. What this absolute chancer is actually looking for is a stone cold “donation” because once you give it to him you will never be seeing it or him again. I am going to include this latest attempt at theft for you below, but am doing it purely so you will recognize it as a scam should it pop up in your own inboxes. You have been warned!
“Liberty Reserve remains down. During the downtime, we will be offering a limited bonus for new deposits in Perfect Money, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay.
Till the end of tomorrow, April 23rd Pacific Time, a 10% bonus will be added to new deposits through PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay.
Also in your account panel you will find a Bonus Investment Plan, the plan will also be closed tomorrow. It pays 130% after 1 day for all investments of $10 and above and is only open till tomorrow the end of day, April 23rd, Pacific Time.”
The first program I wish to introduce on my blog today is called DioMetal. It’s not exactly a new program and has been running for about three weeks now, but we can’t really say it’s that old because of its longer term investment plans. DioMetal offers two plans with the initial principal returned on expiry – 1.6% or 2% for 120 business days – and one plan with a very high minimum and no principal returned – 3% for 140 business days. Accepted Payment processors include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. The minimum you can fund your e-wallet with and then invest in the preferred plan is $10. Payments are manually sent by the admin who reserves up to 12 hours to complete them. DioMetal claims to be a precious metals trading company based in HongKong and try to explain how it all works. Experienced investors will simply dismiss the info and treat DioMetal as a regular HYIP. The layout of the program has prevailing silver toned colours and looks very professional. It’s running off currently the best licensed version of ShadowScript, is SSL-secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server by the leading HYIP hosting provider BlockDos with protection DDoS attacks. None of that comes cheap and I believe the admin of DioMetal made some good preparations to ensure his program might run successfully for a long time. We can’t predict it’s lifespan, but I believe DioMetal has got everything in place to become a success over time. More on the program will be in the upcoming review very soon.
PrimeInvest was added to Premium listing on MNO tonight also after three weeks online. The program is one that allows an investor to determine his own investment term and withdraw his principal whenever he wants. So you are completely in charge of your deposit which you can take back at any time. Depending on the amount which can start from $10 your account will be credited with 0.5% to 1.5% daily profits which can be withdrawn from your account then. The only possible drawback from a free withdrawal clause could be that in case of some technical difficulties or anything else that may provoke panic among investors the program would simply have to close due to most investors requesting their principals back which the admin wouldn’t be able to pay for obvious reasons. That’s exactly what happened to MoneyBox which I believe had some connection with the current program due to too many similarities between them. For instance PrimeInvest is also running off a licensed H-Script, offered no-expiry plans and a bi-lingual website in English and Russian. I hope that the admin learnt from his past mistakes and that PrimeInvest will be more successful than his previous project. Interest rates are significantly lower in PrimeInvest, the site is properly SSL-secured by GeoTrust and the admin claims to have powerful DDOS protection with the site hosted on a dedicated server by Akrino. I hope PrimeInvest will succeed in becoming a popular project over the next weeks.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, PayPayRev.
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, BensonUnion, 306BZ, Bet7, EaglesInvestment, After100Days, MoneyInSports, RFIGroup, NEOMutual, TechProfit,.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: Finance7, TheInvestmentBank, FxInvBiz (the first payment received).
That’s all for today, guys. Tomorrow there will be a detailed review of PayPayRev, plus the usual daily news from the HYIP industry and the programs monitored on MNO. See you all then!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Apr 22nd, 2013.