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25/04/2013. DioMetal Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! DioMetal has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! As we come closer to the end of the business week things are still pretty quiet in the industry with not much in the way of news stories. That’s not entirely a bad thing though, because when you consider this alongside the number of new programs opening up we might be getting back to some form of stability in the industry after what’s been a thoroughly forgettable month. One of the new programs starting to make a few headlines around the industry in recent weeks has been DioMetal who seem to be getting the attention of many investors recently. Maybe not a brand new program in the strictest sense, DioMetal have been online for a couple of weeks now. But when you consider that against the length of their plans I guess it’s safe enough to call them pretty new. So anyway, before we get to this evening’s news update that’s the program I want to look at for you in a bit closer detail. Let’s see if there’s anything there you might like.

There’s only two plans to look at in DioMetal, but then again as long as you find the one you want then how many others do you need? Well, they describe it as three plans but one of them is just divided into two halves. I’ll start with what’s called The Palladium Plan which is probably going to be the only affordable option for the vast majority of investors. DioMetal require a $10 minimum deposit to join, and it runs for a term of 120 business days (24 weeks). While your money is locked up in this plan DioMetal will offer you a daily interest payment of 1.6% per business day, Monday to Friday only. That eventually adds up to 192% in total, which can be considered net profit once your initial principal is returned to you as promised in the program’s terms and conditions.

To put that in simple monetary terms then, let’s say we invested a nice round figure of $100 in this plan. Every day from Monday through Friday DioMetal will return $1.60 for the next 24 weeks. You would break even, as in earn back an amount equal to your original investment after 63 payments, and finish the term with a payments coming to $192. This then becomes your net profit once DioMetal give you back your original hundred.

This is followed by The Gold Plan, though that’s just more or less the very same thing except for bigger deposits. You join this one if you have a $1,000 minimum deposit to spend, and in return DioMetal will instead pay you back 2% interest per business day, Monday to Friday, for the same 120 business day term. Payments add up to 240% in total by the term’s completion, and you can view this as pure profit after DioMetal return your original deposit. Break even point would be on receipt of payment number 50, so you can relax from that point on knowing that no matter what happens next you can’t possibly lose your own money.

Lastly for whatever big spenders are still out there DioMetal have The Platinum Plan. The minimum cost of joining goes up to at least $5,000, and the length of the term stretches to 140 business days, which is 28 weeks. If joining here then DioMetal will offer you a daily interest rate of 3%, paid Monday to Friday only, and unlike the two other plans the principal is included in daily profits. You should expect to break even after 34 business days and complete the term with payments amounting to 420% of your deposit which is not returned on expiry.

As we have almost come to expect from the better quality programs launching these days – and as far as the wider HYIP industry is concerned something that was long overdue – we can see DioMetal accepting all the most popular payment processors right from the very outset. It was once the case where long term investment programs would only ever deal with PM and LR, and for some reason members seemed to accept these restrictions all too easily. Thankfully attitudes and expectations have changed for the better and long term programs are now more tuned in to either meeting their investors demands or else accepting that they’ll simply keep their money and look elsewhere. No shortage of competition out there after all. DioMetal therefore have included SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve as their list of payment handlers, so no real need to improve on that. Withdrawals are processed manually by the admin so members will need to log into their private DioMetal account area and place a request. Once you’ve done this you will then need to allow up to a 12 hour maximum waiting period for all transactions to be completed in full.

So that was the investment plans and the payment options. I don’t really know how much importance the rest of you place on anything else connected with the programs you choose to join, though I would hope it’s quite high. Because in the case of DioMetal the design and website security features are as good as any of the industry leaders. To start with they are hosted on a dedicated server by unquestionably the number one provider in the HYIP industry who are of course BlockDos. They are also providing DioMetal with protection from DDoS attacks, and as experienced industry observers will know well by now that protection is of the highest possible standard. This might not guarantee the safety of your actual deposit in the program of course, but indirectly it does have an impact because downtime won’t be a serious problem and any attacks on the programs servers will be dealt with more efficiency than other industry providers. For an extra layer of security the DioMetal website is also SSL-encrypted to give safer browsing and more secure transactions.

The one other thing I was most impressed with however was the script. It’s been around for a couple of years now but I’m really pleased to see that ShadowScript is slowly but surely gaining in popularity and DioMetal are the latest program to start running off of it. I interviewed the developer of the script some time back which you can read here if you’re interested. Short of getting an entirely new script built from scratch, (something that I’ve seen give very mixed results in the past by the way and by no means a certainty to be secure) probably the single best option out there for HYIP users at the moment is ShadowScript. And while it isn’t cheap, you get the high standard you pay for. Cutting corners on things like a good safe and dependable script is a false economy anyway, and could ultimately cost you money in the end.

For any further questions for the admin, account related queries that need to be fixed, or just anything you think I might have missed in this review then you can get in touch with DioMetal directly through a variety of methods. To start with you can simply fill in your details on the online customer support form and submit it via the contacts page. Or if you prefer you can simply write to them yourself at the e-mail address listed there. On top of that DioMetal also offer telephone support if you want to try giving them a call, and a postal address in Hong Kong. You should also note that while the website does have a built-in Live Chat feature, it’s not currently functional. It may be opened at some point in the future, I really don’t know, but I’ll definitely make sure that MNO will be the first place you’ll hear about it if anything should change with that. Support by the way is bilingual and you can contact DioMetal in either English or Italian if that’s any better for you. Fans of social media sites will see the program keeping Twitter and Facebook profiles as well so you can check them out there if you like that sort of thing.

Overall it’s quite an original website and looks like a real professional design. Not to put unnecessary emphasis on what’s basically just cosmetic anyway, but I’d have to say it looks as if the admin of DioMetal made some good preparations to ensure his program puts everything in place to become a success over time. Whether that happens or not is up to a great number of other factors, but at least the admin is doing his part and DioMetal is off to a decent start. For the record the alleged business plan that’s supposed to be backing the whole thing up is that DioMetal claims to be a precious metals trading company, based in Hong Kong as I mentioned earlier (hence the Italian support, lol!), and working the world markets in these commodities. Whether you choose to believe a word of that or not is entirely your own business, but true or not it still wouldn’t guarantee the safety of you investment. Your main obligation online is to yourself and that would mean treating DioMetal as any other anonymous HYIP. That means setting an affordable spending limit based on what you are comfortable losing as opposed to hoping to win, be realistic in your expectations of what the program can really deliver, and if joining DioMetal at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Strangely the admin of MoneyInSports Justin issued a newsletter today commemorating the first month online. It pays 2% for 80 calendar days plan to investors via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, or SolidTrustPay. Strange because as per my records, MoneyInSports started on the 20th of March, so it’s been here for at least five weeks already and featured on MNO for four of them. Contrary to the usual betting tips which are totally unnecessary in my honest opinion, today’s newsletter touched on some important subjects like the most recent stats and Alexa ratings of the site. I believe many investors will be also interested to hear from Justin first-hand as I prepare the interview with him to be published soon. Stay tuned for more exclusive info on MoneyInSports and for now please read the latest newsletter from the program first reviewed on MNO here:

First Month Online
Hello Everyone,
A very big thank you goes to everyone that has joined MoneyInSports so far. We have now been online for a month. We have to say as programs of all types fall each day we continue to see great support and growth in our program. We are quickly approaching 1000 customers, with just over 50% being active with us. This is a great number of active customers and has increased about 20% over the last two weeks.
The other big news is that our Alex rating is now under 150,000. We are also very excited about this and again thank everyone for their support.
We have been getting great feedback on the free daily picks also, and are working on a way to maybe get some of our more private picks to you. If so there will not be much time to act on these, and we will are still testing this. If we can pull something off we will let everyone know, but if not we will keep the free daily picks going.
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.

And just minutes before publishing this update, I still received the daily betting tips from MoneyInSports that were delayed. If you’re interested in this please take a look below:

Free Play Picks 4/25
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-3 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play. Note we use the US betting system you can look up how to convert to decimal.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/24 Recap:
MLB – 973 Kansas City Royals ML +156
MLB – 963 Milwaukee Brewers -124
MLB – 962 New York Mets vs Los Angeles Dodgers Under 7
0-3 for the day
10-10 Overall record
4/25 Plays:
MLB – 905 Cincinnati Reds ML +120
MLB – 905 Cincinnati Reds Run Line (RL) +1.5 -180
MLB – 917 Tampa Bay Rays ML -105
MLB – 917 Tampa Bay Rays Run Line (RL) +1.5 -200
NBA – 733 Miami Heat ML -350
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports


Sadly there were two more confirmed scams joining my Problem list after they stopped paying today – 306BZ and Bet7.

It was very clear to me already last night that by admitting his issues with STP the admin of 306BZ let it slip about the imminent collapse of his program in advance (an I would say unintentionally so!). However whenever SolidTrustPay gets involved any issues with admin’s accounts mean usually a speedy demise, which I myself predicted and discouraged readers for making any further investments in this scam. Apparently I was right as today, despite being paid myself, I received a few complaints from regular readers whom I have no reason to doubt. They said their withdrawals to PerfectMoney were moved back to their balance without any explanation from the admin. Well, I don’t think I need any explanation because it’s blatantly obvious. That alone is not tolerated on MNO and was enough reason to move the program to Problem status as the facts began to emerge. Please beware of any further newsletters from 306BZ as I’m sure this admin will pull any stunt now like adding a new investment plans or trying to squeeze more money from unsuspected investors. Fortunately, those of you who read MNO carefully know about that and will avoid investing in 306BZ. To be fair it was once a high quality program from which many investors profited immensely, but now it’s just run its course and it’s time to move on.

The second addition to Problem listing today was Bet7 which I can’t say was as successful as 306BZ. The program only managed to last for 17 days as the payouts ended today. Even the first investors of Bet7 could barely reach the break-even point and perhaps the luckiest of them saw some very small profit. Those who joined even after a few days were at a definite loss, and the admin Bet7 was very greedy not to give anyone any opportunity to earn as the program failed to complete even one full 25-day cycle. Please do not invest in Bet7 as it’s a confirmed scam now!


A brand new program called AbsoluteGainFenix joined my Premium listing today just hours after starting up. AbsoluteGainFenix is another program offering lots of investment plans with the interest and principal paid together on expiry as one lump sum. Plans include 104%-120% after 1 day, 130%-250% after 7 days, 200%-850% after 14 days, 850%-4500% after 30 days, 8500% after 42 days, 12000% after 52 days. The investment minimum for the majority of plans is $10 and there are four payment processors in SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Withdrawals are processed by the admin manually and you should allow a 24 hour maximum to be paid. AbsoluteGainFenix is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, is fully SSL encrypted by GeoTrust, and hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by industry leader BlockDos. The website looks nice, better than an average maybe, and I believe the admin made some good preparations to run his project for as long as he can by obtaining the best DDoS protection from day one. Let’s see how it all goes with AbsoluteGainFenix within the next few days and then I’ll have a more detailed description with more emphasis on the plans. Meanwhile please take a look at the site, see if you like it, and read the welcome message from the admin:
3, 2, 1 Grand Launch
Good afternoon everyone!
We have great news hitting our news section today. AbsoluteGainFenix has been tested by our technical department and our registration page is currently open which means we open our doors for you to join us and make business together! Feel free to sign up your accounts, settle with the system and contact us in case you have any questions or experience any issues.
Always yours, AbsoluteGainFenix team.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, Finance7, PayPayRev.
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, RewardsWeekly, NorthlandOpps, EaglesInvestment, HytexAG, BriscoFund, MoneyInSports, NEOMutual, RFIGroupEmpireFinanceGroup, XProfit, SecureAssets, Jango, CapitalPartnersInvest, PrimeInvestDioMetal, MoreProfit.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome, SuccessTrade.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Money&Credit, StrongROI, KabooForex, TheInvestmentBank, FxInvBiz, SanderaGroup.

That’s all the news from the industry for tonight, guys. By the way I’m currently working on the MNO forum that might hopefully be launched by tomorrow. One way or another I’ll update you on that in tomorrow’s post. I’ll also have a closer look at another new program plus all the latest events from the programs I monitor on MNO. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!


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