Beware! MoneyFerry has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everybody! Before this evening’s news update which I’ll be getting to in a few moments I want to start with look at another of the recent additions to the MNO monitoring page, and this time it’s a short term program called MoneyFerry. It’s also quite a stripped-down no frills program with just one single investment plan, so you’ll either like it or you won’t without taking too much time to decide.
What MoneyFerry are offering in terms of investment plans is remarkably simple. Just one basic plan like I said open to all, paying the very same rate of interest regardless of how much you spend. It’s simple, it’s profitable, and it’s been a staple of the online HYIP industry since it started. It’s also quite risky of course as many of the literally hundreds of programs to use it over the years have been complete and utter failures, though it has to be said in equal measure that other programs with the same plan were enormous successes. What camp MoneyFerry falls into will become clear in the coming weeks but one thing that I do know for sure however is that what you are being offered has traditionally at least been popular with online HYIP players.
So basically you can join MoneyFerry for a minimum deposit of $10. Once you’re in the plan then runs for 12 calendar days, making daily interest payouts to the tune of 12% every single day throughout. Your initial principal is already counted as part of those payments and so will not be returned, meaning that you are left with a grand total of 144% of whatever you started with in the first place. What that means in monetary terms is that for a $100 investment MoneyFerry would pay you back $12 every day until you reach $144 twelve days later. The maximum limit placed on what you are allowed to deposit is $500,000 which as far as most people are concerned may as well mean there’s no upper limit at all.
The selection of payment processors is up to a fair enough industry standard I guess, with all of the popular ones in use. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are there as always, and are joined by SolidTrustPay and EgoPay as well. Payouts will need to be requested from inside your MoneyFerry account account area, which the admin will then process manually. A maximum time limit of a further 24 hours is required to ensure that all transactions are completed.
I must admit I did have some mixed feelings about MoneyFerry at the start, given the glaring similarities between it and some very recent programs that are best forgotten. This will never amount to much more than speculation of course, and at the end of the day it’s only up to you whether you want to plough money into any online program or not. Some of the main security and design features here include running off a script under license from GoldCoders. The MoneyFerry is using SSL encryption by Comodo, and hosting is on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection provided by Hivelocity, a new name in the industry which hasn’t really been tested yet as let’s just say some of their previous clients weren’t around long enough. The MoneyFerry website itself “guarantees” 99.9% uptime, though you’d hardly expect them to say anything else even if it is a claim they wouldn’t really be qualified to make. For any support related issues or further questions for the admin then you’ll need to fill out the customer support form and submit it through the contacts page.
It’s quite a basic website but at least easy to navigate, though they don’t really have a whole lot to say (of interest) about themselves, the industry, or what they are doing in it. It’s all a bit vague of course and some of what they claim just makes you scratch your head, such as MoneyFerry has “a dozen experienced employees” (so many people to run an online HYIP no less!) but absolutely no word whatsoever on what any of these imaginary people are supposed to be doing all day. So as is always the case you need to treat MoneyFerry exactly like what it is – an online HYIP with all the risk that goes with it. So stay within a strictly enforced spending limit at all times and if joining MoneyFerry at all then try to do so as part of a more widely balanced portfolio.
As you might know, the admin of the above reviewed MoneyFerry only chose three official monitors to list his program on and therefore, he could obviously be suffering from a lack of exposure which he might otherwise get by paying dozens of monitors for what can often be a pretty poor service anyway. Therefore, the admin has decided to play it smart and encourage the members of MoneyFerry to promote the program themselves in exchange for a weekly prize of $100 that he promises to credit to the accounts of five lucky winners that can be either withdrawn to your e-currency account or invested back into the program. The first winners are going to be announced next Monday, so keep promoting MoneyFerry for a chance to win a cash prize in addition to the already lucrative 5% referral commissions. Here’s the latest update from them:
“MoneyFerry Weekly Referral Contest
MoneyFerry announces a weekly referral contest. Every Monday, the top 5 referrers for that week will receive $100 that can be invested or withdrawn as a prize. MoneyFerry does not employ dozens and dozens of monitors without need, so all members can take advantage of getting a position each week in the top 5 referrers. The first 5 winners will be announced this upcoming Monday, May 6th.
Visit our website at MoneyFerry.”
The admin of MoneyInSports Justin finally announced the recently published interview on MNO in one of his latest newsletters. Despite his supposed business meetings in San Diego, tonight Justin still found time to post his free daily picks for the sports arbitrage betting activities. These activities are allegedly what funds the repayments to MoneyInSports members in their 2% for 80 calendar days plan to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney accounts. If you’re interested in checking out any of the freshest picks by Justin please refer to the second newsletter from MoneyInSports (reviewed here):
“Read the Latest Interview on MoneyInSports
Hello Everyone,
Well it is the start of the week here at MoneyInSports. We are in San Diego having a couple meetings with one of our sports connections for the next two days. With that being the case we might not have time to get the free picks out.
Being limited on time we still wanted to let everyone know that over the weekend MNO posted their interview with us. We think this is a good read for people that want to learn more about MoneyInSports. Here is the link to the interview:
We want to thank MNO for taking the time to conduct and post the interview.
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.”
“Free Play Picks 4/30
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-5 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play. Note we use the US betting system you can look up how to convert to decimal.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/29 Recap:
No Plays
15-17 Overall record
4/30 Plays:
MLB – 966 New York Yankees ML -275 2 Units
MLB – 954 Atlanta Braves ML -115 1 Unit
MLB – 955 San Diego Padres +118 7.5 Units
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.”
As many readers might well be aware already, some countries are celebrating Labour Day (or May Day) tomorrow, on the first of May. So congratulations to everyone celebrating. Many people the world over work hard and therefore are entitled to celebrate this day to its fullest. At the same time you should be aware that some programs might use it to their benefit and skip making payouts tomorrow based on the holiday being celebrated in their “home” country. So goes with PureIncome (reviewed here) which is allegedly based in Belize which, by some unfortunate coincidence is indeed celebrating. However, you should know that PureIncome pays reduced rates of interest to members’ accounts even on non-business days and if on regular business days you can get paid anything of up to 2.3%, tomorrow the interest will not be anywhere near that. By the way, today is exactly three months since PureProfit was first featured on Standard listing on MNO and all this time the admin has been paying to all the members fast to their LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, which are the only two payment processors accepted by PureProfit (along with direct bank wires). As the program is now at the middle of their 180-day cycle, no one has received their principals back yet. However its implied by the program’s rules and I’ll report on my blog as soon as the first cycle is finished in three more months. Meanwhile please read the latest update from the admin regarding the reduced interest rates credited to members’ accounts tomorrow:
“Labor Day in Belize
Wednesday, May 1, Belize celebrates Labor Day! Based on our Terms of Services, on May 1, the PureIncome stock exchange operates in a day off regime. Shares grow and dividends accrue on bonds as stated at the weekend conditions.
Sincerely, PureIncome Team”.
I honestly have no idea what’s happening with BensonUnion recently, but the payouts are severely delayed and the last time I got a pending withdrawal today was only after waiting for almost 48 hours. That alone prompted me to move BensonUnion to Problem status on MNO yesterday where it stayed for a number of hours before I received my pendings tonight. I remind you that before BensonUnion used to pay instantly on the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days plan – the original with which the program rose to fame since its first inception in January 2012. Unfortunately it all indicates that BensonUnion might collapse any day now given the withrawals being delayed plus three days with no interest credited to members’ accounts last week accompanied by the lame excuse of BensonUnion‘s team being away at some imaginary Forex conference. I wonder whom are they trying to fool with all this nonsense? Everybody is perfectly aware that BensonUnion is nothing more than a well-crafted ponzi-game and that there were warnings already issued about the venture by the relevant authorities. The one from the British Virgin Islands can be read on their official websites here.
And yet, BensonUnion still manages to survive and continue payouts, but the question remains – for how much longer can this go for. I wouldn’t hold my breath and hope for too much longer, considering the disabled instant payouts and the recent webinar that the admin Ragnar (interviewed here) urgently made yesterday in order to fill in the program’s vaults and deal with the cashflow issues BensonUnion is clearly experiencing at the moment. Despite my initial attitude to BensonUnion (originally reviewed here) as being a good program for investment, currently I would advise to stay away from them. These recent issues and many red flags don’t sit well with me and I’m afraid that the end might be near. Although the program is still on Paying status on MNO, please be aware of that and be very careful from now on!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: PayPayRev, Finance7, LoyalLucre.
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, RewardsWeekly, BensonUnion, NorthlandOpps, MalaysianINC, EaglesInvestment, BriscoFund, After100Days, NEOMutual, MoneyInSports, AbsoluteGainFenix, RFIGroup, XProfit, MoneyFerry, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets, Jango, DioMetal, CapitalPartnersInvest, RonWards.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, FxInvBiz, SanderaGroup, InvestElegant.
That’s all I have to share with you tonight, guys. I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow when I’ll be looking at a new short-term program LoyalLucre that’s already proved to be a popular pick among readers. And of course all the latest news and updates from the programs featured on my monitor. See you all tomorrow, guys!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Apr 30th, 2013. Comment.
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