April 2013 Archives

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Beware! NEOMutual has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Well my vacation back to Israel is finally at an end so it’s not often I get to say this but tonight’s update is being written from far above the clouds! It’s a five hour plane journey to London and not much of a view from 12,000 meters so the perfect opportunity to get some work done before publishing later tonight from home. I’ll have all the updates for you from the programs listed on the MNO monitor for you in the news section, but to start things off I want to take a more detailed look at a brand new program that’s really caught my eye this week and one I’ve been highly impressed with called NEOMutual. And it’s not just me either by the way as I’ve gotten some feedback already from a couple of experienced long term industry observers as well. The general consensus among them seems to be that we are looking at a highly professionally researched, planned, and executed program in NEOMutual and one that could potentially become one of the leaders over the coming months. And who knows? Maybe even drag the rest of the industry out of it’s current slump as they’re at it.

Personally though speaking as a monitor I’d rather stay a bit more neutral here myself, though I can’t deny the obvious quality of the program either. Whether you want to share the same level of excitement towards NEOMutual is entirely up to you, for now I just want to take a look at what they have to offer the investors and the other main features or the NEOMutual website. So let’s see if you think there’s anything suitable there for you.

I’ll get started as usual with the investment plans, though before I get to the exact numbers and details there’s something you’ll need to be aware of before spending any money. Nothing to worry about mind, it’s just that as NEOMutual runs off a different (and vastly superior) script to the generic ones most of you will be accustomed to the process of joining is just that little bit different than most other programs. You should know that in order to deposit in the program you first need to fund your e-wallet with at least a $20 minimum. After your balance in the e-wallet is credited you can then proceed further and and make a deposit (in this case it’s called “contribution”) to the investment plan of your choice.

So if that’s all clear, let’s have a look at the numbers. Officially there’s three plans you can join, though in reality only two of them will work. The third one doesn’t really count and I’ll explain why in just a moment. But you can join NEOMutual as I said for a $20 minimum. A bit higher than the industry average but hardly enough to bankrupt any of you I’m sure. This gets you into The Junior Plan and it runs for a term of 200 business days – which is 40 weeks or a little bit less than ten months or so. During this time NEOMutual will pay you 1.4% interest on your investment per business day. This eventually adds up to 280% which is your final earning from the program as your principal has been factored into your daily payments. Maximum investment is $499.

To give a practical example of how that might work out in monetary terms, let’s say you invested $100. In return for that NEOMutual would pay you back $1.40 every day from Monday to Friday for the following 200 business days. That works out at $7 per week, eventually returning your initial investment after 72 business days and allowing you to sit back, relax, and start counting risk free passive income from that point on. Payments eventually add up to $280, or your own hundred back plus $180 net profit on top for yourself.

For the bigger spenders, though thankfully not ridiculously over priced and beyond the reach of the average regular industry player, NEOMutual have The Senior Plan. Running for the same 200 business day term, the minimum requirement to join goes up to $500, but also increasing is the potential interest rate which rises to 1.6% paid Monday to Friday. Once again your original principal is counted as part of those payments so you eventually break even after 63 payments and can count pure profit from that point on. You should finally complete the term with 320% in total which includes your own money back plus 220% net profit on your investment. Maximum spend allowed by NEOMutual for this plan is $50,000.

As I’ve explained above, unlike a lot of longer HYIPs NEOMutual do NOT return your principal in a separate on expiry payment, preferring rather to include it already with the members daily interest payments. So while on the face of it this might give the impression that NEOMutual is less profitable than some of the other longer term HYIPs, in reality it’s actually a benefit as it will eventually prove crucial in managing the program’s cash flow more diligently and ultimately keeping this a more sustainable, streamlined program. In other words by avoiding financial commitments they can’t meet, the admin keeps the program online and paying for longer and making it eventually more profitable than you may first expect.

OK, I didn’t forget the third plan. The reason I said it didn’t really count in my introduction to the plans is that first of all it’s a private plan and only open to members asked to join by personal invitation. That, and the fact that the minimum deposit is $250,000 pretty much rules it out even if you were to receive an invitation anyway. But just in case you’re curious the term is still 200 business days during which NEOMutual offer 1.9% daily interest, principal included. In theory that should bring in 380% interest, or 280% profit. In practice though I can’t really see any practical use for including this plan at all other than an attempt to make NEOMutual look a bit more like a genuine high roller in the financial services market.

I suppose there’s a lot of good things to say about NEOMutual, especially at the moment when the industry is in a slump and it’s programs like this one that are needed to lead a recovery. One better than average feature for instance is the list of payment options. Not only do NEOMutual take all the traditional HYIP industry processors like SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, as well as PexPay, they are also one of the newest programs to accommodate BitCoin. This one’s been getting quite a lot of press recently, and anyone following the financial news on any of the big international news TV stations will have seen BitCoin covered on the likes of the BBC, Sky, CNN, and so on, and particularly with regard to how people in countries like Spain and Cyprus are starting to use them as an alternative to traditional banks/currency. So it’ll be interesting to see how this works out in the HYIP industry, if it ever really catches on and what kind of restrictions might eventually be placed on its use.

But anyway, when it comes to withdrawals and payments, members are required to log into their NEOMutual members accounts area and make a request. The timetable for this is a little different from the majority of programs you may have joined in the past, however. Payments are dependable and the whole process is expertly efficient as I can confirm myself from experience. So what happens is this. NEOMutual start paying everyone together at the same time. Members will need to log into their private members account area and make a withdrawal request. NEOMutual will then start processing these requests everyday at 16.00 GMT. If you can get your withdrawal in early enough then there’s a good chance that the admin and his team can get to you quick enough. If you’re too late then don’t worry, you’ll just drop into the queue and the NEOMutual admin will get to you in the next round of payments during the following afternoon. This is the intended plan by the way but just keep in mind, and regular industry players will already know this, things can occasionally go awry for all sorts of reasons, technical or otherwise. As such NEOMutual do reserve the right to take up to 48 hours to process your transaction, so I suggest you at least allow them that as a minimum before contacting anyone. And do of course remember that this is a Monday to Friday business only, so if getting your request in a bit later than usual then please be prepared to wait. Incidentally, smaller investors please take note that there’s a minimum withdrawal level of $2. I imagine this is to cut the admin’s workload which probably isn’t a major issue at the moment while it’s new, but when NEOMutual become popular as I have no doubt will happen in the coming months should drastically improve their efficiency.

On the design and security side of things, I must say things look equally impressive. NEOMutual have spared no expense in ensuring the best providers on the market for their program which is something else that indicates they are quite serious about making this one of the biggest and best programs out there. There’s no guarantee this will actually happen of course, it depends entirely on the support of you, the investing public, but I somehow doubt the NEOMutual admin went to this much time, effort, and expense to intentionally run away after a couple of months. But getting back to my point, NEOMutual is first of all hosted on a dedicated server by the top provider in the business, which is BlockDos. They are keeping NEOMutual on a dedicated server with the highest level of protection from DDoS attacks. All of which means that any issues with website downtime are unlikely to happen in the first place, but if they do won’t really be a serious problem for members and unlikely to last more than a couple of hours at the very most if even that. For an extra layer of security the NEOMutual website is also SSL-encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

The other thing about the security and design I’m particularly impressed with in NEOMutual is of course the script. Since I first interviewed the developer of ShadowScript on MNO here, I’ve made no secret of how highly I rate it. Even before that when it was less widely known I’ve always thought highly of it so I’m pleased to see a few more names using it recently. While it might not be as immediately recognizable as the more commonly used generic scripts that typically dominate the industry, it’s considerably safer so well worth the extra expense for admins and well worth the extra couple of minutes (all it takes) for investors to familiarize themselves with it.

If there’s anything else you might like to know about the program not covered in this review, any further questions for the admin, or any account related issues you might need to have dealt with, then NEOMutual can be contacted in a couple of different ways. The main one is as usual to fill in your details on the website’s online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. Also listed is a postal address, which while I would believe is most likely a serviced office if it’s genuine at all to begin with, is also of little importance considering that NEOMutual is an entirely online based internet only business with no further use for a physical location beyond appearances for those new to the HYIP world. You may also e-mail NEOMutual directly at the address listed if that’s what you prefer. Fans of social networking sites may also be pleased to find NEOMutual keeping profiles on the likes of Facebook and Twitter as well. Maybe a more efficient means of communication is the program’s Skype account which you can use for Live Chat support. It’s not clear exactly what kind of working schedule they keep (I’m assuming it’s Monday to Friday at least) but it won’t hurt just to check it first before submitting a ticket.

Regarding the alleged business activities that NEOMutual is involved in to support the payouts to members, according to their website these include “crowd funding and bridge loans”. To be perfectly honest I had to Google crowd funding to see what that was as I’ve never heard the expression before. Once I looked it up however I do have a fair enough idea of what it’s all about. The simplest way of explaining it would be if any of you are familiar with the TV show “Dragon’s Den” (I know there are many international versions of it around the world). Basically what happens is somebody comes up with a sound business idea. They have the motivation and the skill (they think) to successfully manufacture and market a product they believe you will wish to buy. But they don’t have the financial clout or the business contacts to make it happen. The banks and lending institutions aren’t interested, so our entrepreneurs are forced to seek out “crowd funding”. You pitch your idea to a group of financially independent business people with the resources to get you started. If they like it, they finance you, but in fact what they’re doing is buying a stake in this new company. You do the work, they pick up the bills, and when you’re finally established you split the profits with them based on how much they have bought in.

Well, that’s how I understood crowd surfing anyway, but is it really what NEOMutual are doing with your money? That part’s up to you to believe or not. To be fair I can’t say I remember an online HYIP using this model before so at least they made a better effort on being original than most others. The NEOMutual website in fact has some extensive reading, all of which is original, and actually quite interesting. At the end of the day though, true or not you are still dealing with NEOMutual through (mostly) anonymous and untraceable payment processors and you never truly know who is at the other end of your keyboard. Therefore like all other online investment projects the responsibility to protect your money is ultimately yours and yours alone. Don’t join anything simply because somebody else tells you it’s good, because somebody else won’t be the one losing your money. So if you like NEOMutual, and again this is purely a matter of personal opinion but I see no obvious impediment to their success in the industry, you still need to stay well within a budget that you can both afford and afford to lose. And of course the other basic industry rule is that if you do decide to join NEOMutual they’re probably best kept as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Please be aware that another program has been moved to Problem status due to confirmed selective payouts – Financa. It looks like the admin is trying to play tricks and keeps paying monitors to ensure they display paying status (which most of the dishonest monitors will do anyway, as long as they get paid a few cents). As for the regular investors, many complained today that their withdrawal requests were not honoured but moved back to their available balance instead. This cannot be tolerated, and if I verify this myself by checking the account of anyone affected I would have moved Financa to Problem status on MNO without hesitation. However the admin has obviously done this before and is trying to hide the proof of non-payments. Today he asked me why I moved his program to Waiting status. I replied that I do not tolerate selective payouts to my downline and demanded he pay at least to my direct referrals in Financa in order to be put back to Paying status. For that I was surprisingly promised the issue with my referrals would be resolved after I give him the usernames. I then announced on my ShoutBox that everyone from my downline whose withdrawals were not paid promptly, to report it to me and contacted the admin with the usernames. Unfortunately as yet those people have yet to be paid, and until that happens Financa remains on Problem status. To all other admins – please note that selective payouts are not tolerated on MNO, and I won’t put up with moving pending amounts back to members’ balance. I’m very strict on that and always react fast. In my honest opinion it’s always better to prevent new investors from throwing their money away on a pending scam and save their funds for better paying projects. I did exactly the same tonight for GalaxySaving and EccoFunds who both had issues with payouts and won’t hesitate to move any suspicious project to Problem status without further ado. But that’s not where it ends with Financa and these are not the only stunts the admin is trying to pull. He’s now sending out fake payment mails without any batch numbers. In other words you get the mail telling you you’ve been paid, but what you don’t get is any money! The idea of this of course is just to distract and confuse as many people as possible, hoping you don’t notice there’s no batch number and may not check your payment processor account immediately, just taking the admin at his word. And then when you do check, maybe you’ll just think it’s a technical glitch in your processor account. But of course that’s not the case, because the Financa admin has no intentions of ever paying you. He’s now started lying through his teeth to me, blaming the situation with delayed currency exchanges. But while delayed exchanges are always a possibility, how on earth does it explain the shameful practice of sending members fake payment confirmations and no batch numbers? It doesn’t! Please do not invest in Financa as it’s ready a scam. You have been warned, guys!


In another short newsletter which the admin of 306BZ has been sending on a daily basis another joke was posted. Also he reminded about the minimum payouts allowed depending on the payment processor you joined with, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. 306BZ (first reviewed here) has been successfully running for about a month now paying investors from three plans – 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, and 306% after 36 days. Here’s the latest newsletter from them:

Daily Joke From 306BZ
Good Day! We just want to remind all of our members that minimum withdraw amount for Libertyreserve and Perfectmoney is $0.01, while minimum withdraw amount for Egopay is $1 and $0.5 for Solidtrustpay. A short joke today.
“Half Millionaire
Can I borrow that book of yours How To Become A Millionaire? Sure. Here you are. Thanks, but half the pages are missing. What’s the matter? Isn’t half a million enough for you?”
Best Regards. 306BZ


Apparently, the admin of TrustedTradersLtd is sick and tired of dealing with the same questions already explained on the website to those lazy investors who instead of reading my review of the program posted here or the website’s FAQ choose to clutter the admin’s inbox. Clearly, with hundreds of members now and promptly paying for nine days to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, and EgoPay accounts TrustedTradersLtd deserves to be respected and reserve the right to not answer support tickets if the issue is clearly explained on their website. For example, TrustedTradersLtd processes payouts within a 24 hour maximum, not a few hours, so please keep this in mind and don’t complain until your payouts are genuinely overdue. At the time of writing, TrustedTradersLtd (reviewed here) managed to pay to the first lucky investors with many of them already in profit from the following plans – 40%-65% for 3 days, 105%-130% after 1 day, 134%-345% after 5 days. As for the longer-paying plans we’ll see within the course of the next days whether they are completed as well. I’m talking plans plans like the 156%-700% after 10 days, 749%-1800% after 25 days, 1295%-2700% after 37 days, and 5000% after 55 days. Below is the latest newsletter in full requesting that members refrain from abusing the support ticketing system by asking unnecessary questions:

Improper usage of Support System
A quick message to all Investors…
Please Read Faq before contacting support. With well over 1500 Investors we cannot keep answering the same questions over and over that are clearly answered in the FAQ. If you think you need to contact support, Read the FAQ again and if your question is not answered there, THEN feel free to contact support. This allows us to provide better support to those that actually require our assistance. All Support emails that are baseless or already explained in the FAQ will get the lowest priority.
Thanks for your cooperation,


The admin of MoneyInSports Justin is probably totally aware of the fact that the investors of his program are more than sceptical when it comes to trusting HYIP admins about what they do with their money. Apparently Justin decided to justify the relatively high returns of 2% for 80 calendar days that MoneyInSports offers investors with at least a $5 deposit via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, or PexPay by giving some gambling tips. I’m not sure it can be taken seriously and surely real betting wouldn’t guarantee either success or regular returns at the same rate all the time. Otherwise the admin would be able to triple his own money every couple of months and wouldn’t need to run an online HYIP like MoneyInSports. So take it with a grain of salt, guys, and despite of all the efforts to persuade you that only his program is for real with all others are scams, remember to always invest only what you can afford to lose. You cannot believe how many such stories I’ve heard over the years, but the end result was always inevitable – they stop paying at some point. I just hope that the admin will live up to his promise and make his program one of the best of 2013. For now, MoneyInSports (reviewed here) is paying promptly and I can’t complain, but after one month online it’s really hard to judge how long it’s going to last. Here’s the latest newsletter for your attention:

Plays for 4/18
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MoneyInSports. We will always include 1-3 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on, and also allow you the chance to place bets on your own.
We are simply giving you some of the plays we are getting down on. A great rule is to only risk 2-5% of your bank roll per bet. This can also be called betting units. Units let you know how strong one feels about a bet, if we say we 1 unit then it is a lower rated bet, if we say 3 units then that would be viewed as a more solid bet then the 1 unit bet.
We will try to email these daily so you can take advantage of some of the plays we are making, but we do not back these plays as they are for informational purposes only. Blogs and monitors are also welcome to post this info:
4/18 Plays:
MLB – Tampa Bay at Baltimore total under 7.5 runs 3 units
MLB – Milwaukee Money Line 1 unit
MLB – Boston Money Line 1.5 units
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports


Before I finish for tonight I just want to introduce another new program that purchased Premium listing on MNO. It’s called CapitalPartnersInvest and it’s been running since the beginning of February now, paying for about two and a half months. The only two e-currencies currently accepted by CapitalPartnersInvest is LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which is strange to see given the long payment record they can boast. Therefore I believe it will stay that way for the foreseeable future. CapitalPartnersInvest offers three investment plans with the initial deposit returned on expiry – 2% for 30 business days, 2.5% for 40 business days, 3% for 50 business days. Only the shorter term plan is available for small investors starting from a $10 minimum while the rest are out of reach for the majority. The program is running off a licensed H-Script having a peculiar account replenishment feature with the subsequent allocation of your funds to the desired investment plan, so please keep this in mind. The website is bi-lingual, being both Russian and English, and judging by the standard of English in comparison to Russian I would have to say the admin’s first language is much more likely to be Russian. The site is hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos and is SSL secured by Comodo. More on that will be in my detailed review to be published on MNO by tomorrow!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, ReallyTrusted.
From MNO Premium list: BensonUnion, RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, BriscoFund, Bet7,  After100Days, EaglesInvestment, MasterEarn, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets, NEOMutual (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: TrustedTradersLtd, PureIncome, MoneyInSports.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, ForexShare, StrongROI (the first payments received).

That’s all the news for today, guys. Please visit my blog tomorrow for a more detailed analysis of CapitalPartnersInvest and of course all the latest news from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and see you all then!

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