April 2013 Archives

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Beware! AbsoluteGainFenix has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend. Before today’s news there’s been a couple of new HYI programs added to the MNO monitoring list over the last few days that I want to take a closer look at for you here on my blog. The one I think I’d like to continue with today is a short term one by the name of AbsoluteGainFenix. There’s a couple of reasonable plans there for the taking if you’re fast enough, and also a couple of others that are maybe a little bit too ambitious even for the HYIP industry. But read on anyway because if you’re a fan of shorter term programs at all then AbsoluteGainFenix might have something you like.

You have a choice of six investment plans to consider in AbsoluteGainFenix, all of which pay just once on expiry after terms of varying lengths. While you may not think so at first glance it’s ultimately the shorter term ones that are going to be the most profitable for the greater number of investors. Not because of the interest rate but because the risk is not so high and will allow you to complete more cycles. Far better to complete 29 cycles of a one day plan than zero cycles of a 30 day one after all. Interest rates are fixed but will depend on the size of your initial principal. Your principal in turn is factored into your earnings and will not be returned as part of a separate payment.

So the first of the six plans can be joined for a $10 minimum deposit. It runs for a term of just 1 single day, paying on expiry. So in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. The rate of interest on a basic deposit up to a value of $5,000 is 104%, or 4% profit. For larger deposits up to a maximum value of $50,000 AbsoluteGainFenix are offering 120%.

The second runs for a term of 7 calendar days and can also be joined for a $10 minimum deposit. AbsoluteGainFenix pay once on expiry and will include your principal as part of the payment. Interest rates vary according to how much you invest and will start with a basic 130%, or 30% profit, for anything up to $500. Or for larger investments the following rates will apply:
135% for $501 to $1,000, and 140% for anything between $1,000 and $2,000. If going beyond that level then look at the AbsoluteGainFenix members area for more information.

Next up is the third which runs for 14 calendar days. The minimum deposit required to join remains at $10 and the return is still paid just once on expiry, including your original principal as part. For anything up to a $500 spend AbsoluteGainFenix are offering 200% paid back in return, or 100% net profit. Should you wish to gamble with a little more then the following offers are made:
Deposits from $501 to $1,000 are offered 206%. Anything between $1,001 and $2,000 is offered 222%. Should you wish more information on larger deposits then see your account area within the program.

The next plan runs for 30 calendar days and also pays once on expiry. Deposits from a $10 minimum up to a value of $500 are promised a return of 850% paid on expiry and including your principal. If you want to make a bigger gamble the AbsoluteGainFenix offer the following rates:
950% on deposits between $501 and $1,000, and 1100% for amounts from $1,001 to $2,000. For the rates available to bigger deposits see your account area. As you can see the longer the plans run for and the higher the deposits made the more difficulties AbsoluteGainFenix are going to face in meeting them.

The remaining two plans, the riskiest available and consequently likely to be the least popular (though I guess that’s really up to you) make just one single offer each, payable on expiry and principal included in both. The first runs for 42 calendar days and offers a rather unfeasible 8,500% on all deposits from $10 up to $50,000. The other runs for 52 calendar days and offers an even more hare-brained 12,000% of deposits from an increased $100 minimum up to a $50,000 maximum. Looks great on paper but believe me that’s the only place you’ll ever see it. Best avoided I think you’d agree and would suggest to stick with the shorter term plans where you will at least stand a chance of getting something back instead of being greedy and getting nothing.

Payment options are up to a decent enough standard, the minimum you should expect these days anyway, with AbsoluteGainFenix using all the most popular industry processors. Currently you can use any of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve to deposit or get paid. Withdrawals are made manually by the admin and so will need to be requested by the investor from within their AbsoluteGainFenix members area. The admin requires you to allow up to 24 hours for your payment to be completed.

On the technical and design side AbsoluteGainFenix is also up to a fair enough standard for the HYIP industry. The hosting provider is BlockDos who are widely acknowledged as the best available provider for online HYIPs. They’re keeping the program on a dedicated server complete with protection from DDoS attacks downtime is unlikely to be much of a problem. AbsoluteGainFenix runs off a script under license from GoldCoders and the website is fully SSL encrypted in both public and private areas by GeoTrust for more secure transactions and safer browsing. Should you need to contact the AbsoluteGainFenix admin with any questions relating to the program or any account related issues then you can catch him via the usual online e-mail ticketing submission form that you can fill out on the support page. As well as that there’s an e-mail address you can write to directly plus a telephone number which promises to be available 24 hours per day. Well, certainly there’s nothing to stop you from calling it 24 hours per day, I just can’t promise you anyone will actually answer. AbsoluteGainFenix also list a postal address which experienced industry players may very well recognize, it being a famous business center in Panama claimed as the virtual hosted office of so many other online HYIPs in the past.

Despite a nice looking website that’s well laid out and easy to navigate, arguably better than average for a program like this one (and there are a lot of them) I have to say that there isn’t really much in the way of genuine practical information on any kind of business plan. Texts are original at least which is fine, almost a rarity these days to be honest so kudos to the admin for making more of an effort and I do believe he’s made some good preparations with the intention of running it as long as he can. But suffice to say you need to disregard any claims of AbsoluteGainFenix being any kind of a real financial company. OK, I would have said that anyway and I know most MNO readers would feel the same way, but I feel it worth repeating for the sake of the industry newbies that come and go every day. So as ever consider the risks before joining any program, AbsoluteGainFenix or any others, spend within your means at all times, and protect yourself from heavy losses by spreading your bets between a diverse portfolio.



If you want your account in EmpireFinanceGroup to be more secure that before, then you can use a new feature the admin developed for enhanced safety. In order to do so you simply need to tick the “Use secure passcard” box in your “Security settings” part of the member’s area. Then a secure pascard will be sent to your email address containing codes that will be required once you withdraw from your account in EmpireFinanceGroup. That’s really a very useful additional security feature and will surely give you some extra peace of mind, especially considering that the withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney from your account are always processed instantly and therefore posing an increased threat to your account’s security.

I would say that one of the most distinguished features of EmpireFinanceGroup is its incredible longevity as the program has been officially running since June 2010 and till now continues paying instantly on three investment plans with original investment returned on expiry – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days. In order to read more about the program and its investment plans you can always refer to my original review published here, but just note that since the review was first published the minimum deposit has increased to $50. Here is the latest news on passcard protection from EmpireFinanceGroup:

Security upgrade – passcard protection – EmpireFinanceGroup
We always thinking about security of your account and money, so we have developed and improved secure passcards for every our client.
To enable passcard you just need to visit “Account settings” then “Security settings” and check “Use secure passcard”. Then you will receive instructions how to activate it and use. After that every payout will be confirmed with unique code from your passcard.
EmpireFinanceGroup Support Department


Another regular newsletter was sent by Richard, the admin of EarningAlliance today. In it he describes some recent improvements including the launch of the highly anticipated Skype room for closer contact with him if you have any questions about the program or just want to discuss it. The alleged trading results also showed good profits for the company which claims to trade with investors’ money which you can put into the 1.25%-2.15% for 180 business days plan with the original principal returned on expiry to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay accounts. As usual Richard also set new goals for the new business week which include reaching 1500 registered members and $85K in investments for which he asked for members’ support in promoting EarningAlliance. By the way, I hope to help out with reaching these goals as well because I’m planning to publish an interview I received from Richard today by the end of the week. Unfortunately due to too many prior commitments on MNO I simply cannot do it any faster. But I guess there is no need to rush with it, and if EarningAlliance (first reviewed here) is in the industry for the long haul then Richard shouldn’t mind. For the full newsletter from EarningAlliance please read below:

EarningAlliance getting bigger!
Dear partners,
We hope you had a great week like we did. Trading this week was very special and we will share some facts with you and, of course, celebrate our first month online!
Skype Room
As you might remember, one of our last week’s goal was to create a Skype room for better communication with investors and our chat room has been up since last Tuesday, I have spent several hours there chatting with investors and so far, it’s been very amusing. If you haven’t seen it, you can login to our chatroom by clicking the button on our sliding header.
New goals
This week’s goals are to have 1500 registered investors and $85k in total investments. We count on you to help us achieving these goals!
Market News
The market was starting to recover on the beginning of the week when a new fake attack was announced in the White House twitter account, as we mentioned in our activities page earlier this week, putting the market down again.
A new recovery period started on Thursday, after some european companies announced their yearly earnings. Today, investors from all over the world were waiting for the USA government to announce their GDP report for the first trimester of 2013, this type of report has a huge influence on investors and the result was very positive, they announced a growth of 2,5% and you can see Dow Jones’ reaction below.
Trading Activity
As we said in our market news section, this week was very delicate in terms of trading but we managed to be in profit. Also, starting from today, we will only publish our results from the money invested by you and not by the whole EarningAlliance Company as we did before. We are now working with different accounts in our brokers and it will allow us to give you more accurate information about the profits we are making with your money. Our profit report for the past seven days can be seen in the table below or in our recently created activity page.
MNO Review
EarningAlliance was interviewed by Paul from Money News Online and this interview will be published in our Friends page as soon as it goes live on his blog, thank you Paul!
Best regards, Richard Hayden


The admin of MoneyInSports Justin (interviewed here) sends more free daily picks that are supposed to help out if you’re doing any sports betting for yourselves. These are the activities allegedly funding MoneyInSports (reviewed here) that offers you payouts of 2% for 80 days on the deposits accepted via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, and SolidTrustPay payment processors. Today’s newsletter can be read in full below:

Free Play Picks 4/29
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-5 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play. Note we use the US betting system you can look up how to convert to decimal.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/28 Recap:
MLB – 979 Atlanta Braves ML +130 Loss
MLB – 962 San Diego Padres ML +115 Note we are heavy with 7 Units on this game Won
1-1 for the day but our 7 unit play was a BIG WIN!
16-18 Overall record
4/29 Plays:
No Play for the 29th as of now, if this changes we will update.
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports


The newest addition to MNO Premium listing tonight is EuroStar – a program that just launched a couple of days ago. They accept EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney payment processors and depending on the plan the minimum to invest varies from $10 to $100. There are three investment plans on offer in EuroStar with each of them returning your original principal on expiry – 3.25% for 16 days, 4.25% for 32 days, 4.75% for 48 days. EuroStar is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, so the withdrawals must be requested from your member’s area and are promised to be paid by the admin manually and within a 24 hour maximum. The EuroStar website is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection by the best hosting provider in the HYIP industry BlockDos. More on EuroStar will be in a more detailed review to be published on MNO in a few days, but for now I’ll give you the welcome introductory message from the admin posted on the day of their official launch:

Official Launch – EuroStar
Today we are pleased to announce the launch of EuroStar Investment & Trading Limited website. EuroStar Investment & Trading Limited offers a high yield investment programs to all individuals and corporate clients worldwide to participate in our investment opportunities, with assurance of high return on investment on every investment our clients do. The Capital or Forex Market is highly attractive for high yield investment programs and till to date, it is maintaining its position. We are offering 3.25% Daily for 16 Calendar Days, 4.25% Daily for 32 Calendar Days and 4.75% for 48 Calendar Days.
In reality, Forex Market is the only place where small investors can get high returns to their investments, which may not be possible with small capital in any other field or market.
Like any other specialized field, online Forex trading requires in-depth knowledge of market, fundamentals, technical analysis, and close watch on latest developments and news as this is a serious business which should be practiced by experts.
We are proud to say that it is a “REAL Investment Opportunity for REAL People!”
EuroStar Investment & Trading Limited


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: PayPayRev, LoyalLucre (the first payments received).
From MNO Premium list: TureProfitRewardsWeekly, NorthlandOpps, MalaysianINC, EaglesInvestment,  Finance7, After100Days, MoneyInSports, AbsoluteGainFenix, NEOMutual, RFIGroup, XProfitEmpireFinanceGroup, MoneyFerry, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets, JangoPrimeInvest, CapitalPartnersInvest, RonWards (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Money&Credit, KabooForex, ZoomFinance, PrimeLookUp, TheInvestmentBank, ForexShare, FxInvBiz.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. Hopefully the information was useful for you. Tomorrow expect a full review of a new 12×12 program called MoneyFerry and all the regular daily news from the programs monitored on MNO. See you then, folks! on deposits between $501 and $1,000, and

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