May 13th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! Money&Credit has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and looking forward to the new week. Already I can see a marked increase in news activity around the industry compared to the last few days so it looks as if everyone’s waking up as well. To start things off this Monday I want to take a look at a slightly unusual program that’s just made the move from Basic to Premium listing on the MNO monitor called Money&Credit. They’ve actually been listed there since the end of last December, and were on a couple of other monitors for even longer. Money&Credit however have undergone a radical reorganization and now have next to nothing in common with the program as it was originally launched, dropping its old but safe plans for high risk shorter term ones.

I don’t want to dwell too much on what Money&Credit used to be about. That’s all changed now, no longer available, and completely irrelevant. It is worth mentioning briefly however because it’s very important that anyone hearing about them for the first time understands that they did NOT survive the last five months paying on the current plan. Money&Credit used to be a low ROI long term program you see, ploughing along slowly but surely paying 1% to as high as 3% interest per day. Why the sudden and drastic change in direction I really can’t say. Maybe it was always the admin’s intention to create a sort of “sleeper” HYIP with an established history of payments before deliberately making the extensive and far reaching move to short term plans, maybe even the original admin sold the program, who knows, but it’s really not for me to speculate. All that you need to know is the state of the program here and now, not their previous history which contributes nothing to your efforts to make a profit by joining today.

So let’s see what they currently have to offer, and this would really be the first thing I don’t like about the program. The investment plan you see isn’t explained anywhere on the Money&Credit website until after you’ve signed up. Banners in the public area declare 50% payments per day, but that’s only to entice people who gamble with tens of thousands of dollars. The reality is that for the overwhelming majority of HYIP players the interest rates available are nothing even close to that. Anyway, you can join Money&Credit for a $25 minimum and the investment term runs for 6 business days (Monday to Friday). During this time all deposits from the minimum up to a maximum value of $500 are offered a daily return of 20%, made Monday to Friday only. Your initial principal is then factored into those payments and so will not be returned to you separately. So on receipt of your final payment you should have a total of 120% back, or your own money plus 20% net profit.

I’m guessing here that that one’s going to be the only option of any interest to the majority of you, though higher rates are offered to those prepared to spend a bit more. All deposits still go the same six business day plan however. So Money&Credit improve their offer to investors spending from a minimum of $501 to a maximum of $1,000 to a rate of 25% per business day, principal included. On expiry this will total at 150%, or your own money plus 50% net profit.

Remaining options include 30% per business day on $1,001 to $1,500 (180% total), 35% per business day on anything from $1,501 up to $2,000 (210% total), 40% per business day on anything between $2,001 and $5,000 (240% total), and 50% per business day on all further deposits from $5,001 up to the maximum accepted by Money&Credit of $50,000 (300% total). As you can see things get quite dangerous pretty fast here, though I’d still be hopeful that the prohibitive costs of joining most of these plans will keep investors spending less rather than more, and consequently not put too much of a drain on their cash flow resulting in a longer overall life for the program. Well, that’s what I’d like to see anyway because it’s a hell of a lot easier to come up with 20% profit on a more consistent basis for a $25 investment than it is to come up with 200% after less than a week even once.

The list of payment options is something I must admit I’m not really comfortable with. Not the choice itself which is fine, but rather what the Money&Credit admin is doing with them. I’ll get to that in a moment, but first you can join the program using any of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and OKPay. Payments are processed manually and will need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once done you will be required to allow anything up to a maximum of 48 hours for all transactions to be completed. Money&Credit‘s FAQ page incidentally says that payments could be instant. Well, they could be but they’re not. In five months of monitoring them I don’t believe I have ever once received an instant payout so don’t start hoping for it yourself. On the other hand to be fair I don’t recall ever once having to wait more than 24 hours either, so they’ve always been fast enough.

What I really don’t like about the payment options there however is that the admin is offering e-currency exchanges (in one direction only) between LR and STP. You give him LR, and he pays you back STP with a little bonus for yourself. Now, it’s blatantly obvious to me what’s going on here, but for the benefit of the less experienced readers I would strongly urge you NOT to participate in these exchanges. The thing is that it’s explicitly forbidden by STP, who are already making it difficult for admins to withdraw. Therefore Money&Credit are more or less just dumping funds on you that the admin can’t access anyway. But what do you think happens when the program closes and STP start chasing the money? The admin is long gone with the LR money you gave him, but do you think STP are going to just forget about it? No, of course not, and don’t think for a second that they won’t take every last cent back from you if they have reason to believe you made such an exchange. And rightly so in my opinion, because the scam rate for STP users is lower and such exchanges undermine that. But you can be sure that STP will investigate at some point, and even if Money&Credit are closed by then it won’t hinder them in doing what they have to to get that money back.

On the tech, design, and security side of things Money&Credit are running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders, so if nothing else it will at least have a familiar feel to it for most of the regular industry players. The website is SSL encrypted by GlobalSign for more secure transactions, and hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. If you have any further questions for the Money&Credit admin or account related issues you need him to deal with then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it. Despite some of the Money&Credit banners displaying the logos of Facebook, Skype, and Twitter, no such links to any of these profiles are to be found anywhere on what’s already a very basic and amateur looking website. You might also notice a postal address though you’d be better off ignoring that as a virtual serviced office for correspondence purposes and nothing else, least of all where you would find anyone even remotely connected with Money&Credit were you to visit. You can also skip the certificate of incorporation, as while it may very well be entirely genuine is also on general sale online to the public and can be bought very cheaply and for any name you’d care to make up with no questions asked.

As for the website content and texts, well there isn’t really much to talk about there. You won’t find any kind of business plan explaining what on earth could possibly generate than kind of cash, but I think we all know the story here by now. Basically Money&Credit are not seriously being presented to you here as anything other than what we all knew it was anyway – an online HYIP. You shouldn’t have any reason for not being fully aware of what you are getting yourself into before joining and of the risks involved. If you’re comfortable with that, then fine. Just remember to stay well under a spending limit that’s not going to bother you if you lose, and if joining Money&Credit at all then it’s best to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I would like to start today’s news section with a warning about two programs monitored on MNO – SimplyTwelve and HighlightFinance. They both stopped paying, so no further investments are recommended. Starting with HighlightFinance, I believe this one simply just ran its course and had to close after more than two months online. Although HighlightFinance was featured on MNO only for a week, it managed to pay on the 3-day plan for twenty full cycles, which made it an excellent performer for some time and giving investors a decent chance to earn some money.

I can’t say the same about SimplyTwelve that stopped paying today, after just reviewed on MNO blog yesterday. The program was apparently a very fast scam collapsing after just six days online and not giving anyone except its thieving admin a chance to profit. I must say that I was extremely disappointed with such an awful result, but there you go – no one can predict these things. That is why I would like to ask you ALWAYS check the status of a program on MNO monitor, and ONLY invest after you make sure that the program in question is on Paying status on my site. If it’s On Hold then stay away from it, as they are suspected scams already. It’s very important to follow this rule and can save you a lot of money as I try my best to keep my monitor as up-to-date as possible. I would guess that the admin of SimplyTwelve is either a very sophisticated scammer, or a totally inexperienced newbie that can’t properly manage a program. In any case, he was the only one who won here, but I really hope that we see less bad projects and fast scams like that one. Please note that SimplyTwelve is not paying either instantly, or manually anymore, so do not invest there. Those of you who made a deposit via STP are advised to contact them and ask for a refund to your account, as I’m quite sure they will follow in due course.


Although 35 days online might not seems a long time for online investment programs, when it comes to a shorter term program like After100Days (reviewed here) then it’s an excellent result that allowed a lot of investors to profit. In the latest newsletter issued today, the admin of After100Days correctly noticed that there’s not many admins left in the industry these days who know how to run a successful project like he does. After100Days which just reached #1 on MNO’s Sticky listing is definitely one high quality and successful program. Judge by yourself: After100Days managed to stay online and is still paying to investors on a huge variety of plans which include 104%-140% after 1 day, 114%-240% after 3 days, 124%-350% after 5 days, 135%-550% after 8 days, 180%-1400% after 16 days, 450%-3400% after 35 days, 700%-5000% after 50 days, 1500%-8000% after 75 days, 4000%-12000% after 100 days, 1500% after 15 days. You can see that some of them haven’t matured yet, however if we take the one-day plan then the results are more than satisfying. After100Days accept all the popular payment processors – SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay – and the minimum to invest in the majority of plans starts from $10. According to the latest newsletter today, After100Days has reached 2000 active investors after seven weeks online. I believe that with skilful management it could achieve even more success in the future. The latest newsletter in full contains some interesting thoughts on both the program and the HYIP industry as a whole from the admin of After100Days which you can read below:

35 Days Online
Hello, Within 35 days, we gathered more than 2000 active investors. This is a surprising amount. We hope that’s the growth what will be with us all the time. Everything is moving in the right direction. So far we have not had any complications or problems. This would not happen soon too. We invite new investors to familiarize yourself with our website. Observing the behavior of the market, we observe a decrease of interest in this type of projects. The reason is the loss of confidence by the day. There is a very small number of administrators who know and are able to manage our money. These experienced and competent administrators, could be counted on the fingers of two hands. As already mentioned, the market for investment programs extinct, but still leaves a huge opportunity. New business models and our unusual ideas give very high hopes that the program is based on our management services, will be innovative in the market and contribute to your success. With us you can multiply your profits in a relatively short time. Only the continuous improvement can be achieved measurable gains. That is why our team of analysts constantly passes the appropriate course, broadening their knowledge and skills. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer and earning today.
If you want to keep up, stay up to our news.
Best Regards, Shon Dasef


I wonder if the admin of AlphaGains is exhausting himself by sending all those multiple emails on a daily basis rather than processing the withdrawals which he allegedly did all day today. I’m not sure what exact GoldCoders script he was talking in his last email – I monitor dozens of programs run on GoldCoders script and none of them were affected or closed due to this mysterious issue that was discussed in one of the emails received from AlphaGains today:

AlphaGains, Gold Coders
Dear Alpha Members,
Hi everyone, as alot of you know, GOLD CODERS had a problem yesterday.
They told us little about it, and that they were fixing it.
All PROGRAMS and HYIPS that ran off of GOLD CODERS had this problem, so many sites scammed and closed yesterday.
Are we just like them? No of course we are not, because you are what is important to us. STP withdrawals got done yesterday with some others.
GOLD CODERS has now 100% FIXED the problem and we are back in business.
Today i will be exhausting myself until every withdrawal is done. So anyone on skype, please try and only contact me if you need help with ACCOUNT INFO because i will be doing these withdrawals all day today and i will have little time to chat with everyone. So only account problems on skype please, you are more than welcome to ask in the skype group and the admin of that group Trish will help you.
Thanks guys, have a good day and well done for spreading the word about Alpha
Regards Michael

Apparently the admin of AlphaGains was so tired of handling the withdrawals (as if the program has so many members after only 9 days online), that he has introduced a new $5 minimum withdrawal to reduce his workload. I myself am strongly opposed to this because it’s counter productive and damaging to the program. You see, it really makes no sense for investors who already paid into the 10%-13% for 13 days plan with around the $10 minimum or a slightly higher deposit who are now deprived from making daily withdrawals. If the admin is so uncomfortable with a lot of work of processing daily withdrawals, then why not increase the minimum deposit instead? So far it looks like he’s piling up the restrictions on the investors shoulders, first introducing the withdrawal fee of 4% and now increasing the minimum withdrawal amount to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay from $1 to $5. If he changes the rules so frequently I don’t think he knows what he’s doing in the first place, as any changes that don’t improve things for the regular members will negatively impact the program’s growth in the long run. So I would not share the enthusiastic approach that the admin is taking on the future of AlphaGains, and I hope that any future changes will not be so drastic and only benefit the admin more than the investors who are the lifeblood of any successful project. Below are the two latest updates from AlphaGains (reviewed here):

AlphaGains Withdrawals
Dear Members of AlphaGains,
I am pleased to say after a long hard day, we are getting the withdrawals done, and by the end of the day they should all be complete.
I have changed the MIN withdraw amount to $5 for all PPs.
Why? Because it is becoming very hard to do $1 withdrawals all day, every withdrawal takes time, hundreds of them with $1’s is time consuming.
This will make it a lot easier for me and my partner to do.
As we get bigger things and decisions like this need to be made.
The same goes for SKYPE, i will talk to anyone if you need help, but i may not be able to reply to general questions and chit chat.
But it’s a great sign that we are getting bigger and growing. Thank Everyone
Michael, ADMIN

AlphaGains Withdrawals DONE
Dear AlphaGains members,
I hope you do not mind me emailing you everyday, i do think that we have a very special program and i love talking about us.
The reason for this email, and the second of the day, is to let everyone know that after a long, hard day, we have completed EVERY WITHDRAWAL, and we are now back on track.
There are a few withdrawals that i sent back to peoples account balance because they did not give the right account information.
Also in case you did not read the earlier email, we have set the min withdrawal amount to $5.00 just to help with the work load that me and my partner have to do.
It’s great to know we are back on track and i can not wait for tomorrow, the rest of the month and the months to come with us having such a great start, i am sure we are only just getting started.
Thanks everyone,
Michael Admin


EDIT: Since this news was posted more information has emerged. It seems that the webinar will NOT actually be held on Skype, you can just contact them through Skype for your invitation. This is the schedule for the event as sent to me by the admin:
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 17:00:00 UTC * 10:00 AM Pacific Time USA * Wed 6:00 PM London Time* Wed 1:00 PM New York EDT is the time for our webinar.
And this is your registration form if you wish to participate:

It looks like things at BriscoFund are going well. Payments continue on the 1.6%-3.5% for 250 days plan with principal back on expiry and profits credited on business days only. Although being online for only about ten weeks now with the first investors in profit soon, BriscoFund managed to gain some recognition among readers for its fast payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney on deposits starting from a $10 minimum and got into the #7 position on my Premium listing. The day after tomorrow investors will get an opportunity to get answers to their questions regarding investing in BriscoFund (reviewed here) in the upcoming first webinar with the head of support. The webinar will be held in Skype and for more details, such as how to be added, what time it’s going on, etc, please refer to the latest newsletter from the admin of BriscoFund Amanda below:

Our first webinar
We’re pleased to announce you that our first webinar will take place on Wednesday, 15.05.2013 at 10 AM PST(USA)/6 PM London time zone. For invitations please click on skype icon (left side of our site, right under Live Chat icon) and ask our support girl from there to add you on the list. It will be a FAQ webinar first (a “How to use our site” webinar) with our head of support girl (Julie) live there answering all questions you might have. The next webinar will take place a little later this week with Tim (our CEO assistant) live presenting trading proves from our traders team. We will announce the next one as soon as we will have setup an exact date and hour for it.


As expected EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here) announced deposits are accepted again into any of the investment plans on offer – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days. Remember that on those investment plans you will get your original investment back on expiry and that only the investments via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $50 are currently accepted by EmpireFinanceGroup. I must say that apart from the high enough minimum to invest and the quite limited choice of payment options EmpireFinanceGroup remains a solid choice. The program has been paying its investors for about three years already and the payouts to LR and PM have been always processed instantly thus far. The tactics of temporarily disabling the deposits from time to time apparently give EmpireFinanceGroup some better results, as it’s been repeated quite a few times already. I’m not sure what the point of doing this is, but here we are – all HYIP admins are weird, simple as that. Below you can find the latest news from the program and rejoice of another great opportunity to invest into that old but steady performer:

We resume accepting deposits – EmpireFinanceGroup
Dear customers, from today (05.13.2013) we resume accepting new investment deposits. Thank you for active cooperation with EmpireFinanceGroup. For questions or suggestions regarding service, please contact our Support department through Live Chat or Contact form.
EmpireFinanceGroup Support Department


To finish the news section tonight it seems that Justin, the admin of MoneyInSports (interviewed here), is greatly annoyed with something. It turns out that some nameless internet blogger doesn’t share Justin’s views on the difference between news, filler, and fluff. Oh, well. I have no idea who this blogger is because Justin neglected to mention his name, but to be honest I think the guy might be on to something. I wonder if his blog is popular at all? Anyway, on the subject of news there hasn’t been much in the latest update from MoneyInSports (first reviewed on MNO here), but if it’s filler and fluff and a little juvenile sniping you’re after, then keep reading because Justin’s latest e-mail is just brimming with it. Payments are continuing as they always have in a timely and efficient manner on the program’s sole 2% daily for 80 days investment plan, via all the popular industry payment processors. The general theme of the update would appear to be a reminder that only those with an actual active investment in MoneyInSports will continue to receive a list of random sports fixtures you can find on the back page of any newspaper in your e-mail accounts. Why exactly you might feel you need this I can’t say, but anyone without an active deposit will be mercifully spared having to endure the experience. Read it yourselves below:

Quick Reminder
Hello Everyone,
This is just a quick reminder that starting today the daily picks are only being sent to active investors of MoneyInSports. We noticed that one blogger said that we could be doing this to punish people that are not active with us, or maybe it is a blessing as he puts it to active investors. The reason for this change is to reward the people that are helping us maximize our investment power by being active with MoneyInSports.
The same blogger also does not care for our daily sports picks and has said over and over that the picks are not important. I think this blogger does a good job at his site, but I disagree with him when it comes to our picks being unimportant. We get emails daily about our sports picks from a wide range of questions, or just simply giving feedback on the picks. This shows us that there are many of your that disagree as well. We understand that not everyone is a sports investor, but they ones that are get the value of what we are doing.
These picks will continue and we are working on some other things for getting picks to people once the NFL starts. NFL picks will have a small fee involved, but we will cover that more when the season is near. For now please continue to enjoy the free daily picks and if you are not active all you need to do is purchase a token to get the daily picks.
Lastly this same blogger also mentioned that we do not update on our actual program that earns 2% daily for 80 days with a 5% Affiliate Program. We could email people more just backing up the fact that we are paying daily, and have NEVER had a delayed payment. He even goes on to say that we pay well and quite fast. I again think this blogger does a good job for his readers. We assure people that when there is a reason to update people we will, but when the program is doing what we said it will do there is not as much to report on.
We hope everyone has a great week! Thank you for your continued support of MoneyInSports as we continue to rise to be your number one program of 2013 and beyond.
Justin. MoneyInSports.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After100Days, LuxuryLife.
From MNO Premium list: Money&Credit, RewardsWeekly, NorthlandOppsMalaysianINCXProfit, NEOMutual, BriscoFund, MoneyInSports, AbsoluteGainFenix, RonWards, AlphaGains, Jango, EarningAlliance, EuroStar, RouletteGURU, JLBCO, AuroraUnion.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: 12DailyFund, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, STFunds, KabooForex, SloansLoans, TheInvestmentBank.

That is all I wanted to report tonight, guys. See you all tomorrow with a more detailed look at TetraFunds and all the latest news from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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