June 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! Quite a slow week in the industry as you can see, now that it’s been a longer than usual since my last blog update. Things haven’t stopped completely mind you and news stories continue to emerge, just at a slower pace. Maybe a snail’s pace come to think of it, but things are definitely moving. Not all of it’s entirely good of course, as I have been approached by several admins of new HYIPs for monitoring services recently. One might think this sounds encouraging, with new programs emerging despite the glaring issue that a lot of people involved in the industry would have had their finances severely curtailed by the recent closure of LibertyReserve. Unfortunately just one quick look at these new “opportunities” indicates nothing other than a glut of cheap scams, badly organized by amateurs with no experience in really profitable programs and clearly out to bleed whatever few dollars they can find without paying anything back.

None of them will be listed on MNO by the way so don’t worry about that. I stand over my policy of not reducing the advertising and monitoring fees on MNO despite that there’s less new programs than a month or two ago. I’d just as soon prefer not to deal with the cheap scams at all and not waste my time with them. The higher quality programs with the more professional and experienced admins at the helm will still filter through from time to time, and even tonight I’m quite pleased to introduce two new programs, one short term and one long term, to you this evening. I’ll give you a brief description before I finish the news section and hope to have a more detailed review in the next day or two once Paying status has been officially confirmed for both. But first let’s see what’s been in the news.


To start with, one of the most amazing short term performers of the year, LR crisis or not, has been RonWards. It’s been running now for three entire months, meaning that no matter where the program goes next, the records set by RonWards are unlikely to be broken this year. Three months might not sound a lot you may think, but you need to take the investment plans into consideration. Paying members rates such as 103%-125% after 1 day, 53.5%-70% for 2 days, 118%-300% after 5 days, 145%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1000% after 20 days, 400%-1500% after 30 days. Even once would make headlines in the offline world, but to manage this with some consistency as an online HYIP (I believe it’s been running for 89 days now, and you can see the original review of the program on MNO here) has definitely taken some skill. And it’s with that skill that Ron, the admin of the self titled program, has overcome some of the recent cash flow issues that have, let’s face it, frankly been affecting everyone working in any facet of the HYIP industry.

To be honest with you I was a bit concerned on receiving the first of two updates from Ron about his program, both of which I am including below. In it he mentions the imposition of a temporary withdrawal limit for RonWards members. This restriction has now been lifted by the way, just in case you weren’t aware. Nobody likes these things when they happen and it’s only human nature to expect the worst, especially now that the industry is at a crossroads and at its most unpredictable. Blaming an orchestrated campaign against the program through monitors and forums for a downturn in activity, Ron, who was interviewed on MNO here, felt placing a limit on withdrawals was the fairest way to ensure as many members as possible could share a fair percentage of the profits. Incidentally, whatever was or was not alleged on other monitors and forums, I can only speak on behalf of my own downline in the program and can confirm that to date all RonWards members using the MNO ref link to join have been paid in full, and quite promptly as well I might add, so I really don’t know about anyone else with an axe to grind because they were caught out self referring or whatever. Anyway, while I wasn’t convinced this was a good sign for the future of RonWards (few programs that ever attempted such a move ever emerged in a stronger position as far as the investors were concerned) it did at least mean Ron was making some kind of effort. His first update is below:

Withdrawal Limit Schedule at RonWards
You all know how serious and how dedicated we are in making sure that Ronwards provides you only the best service to our investors. In lieu with this, we are applying the necessary steps in order to ensure the longevity and stability of our program. Over the past week, we have been sabotaged and attacked through the monitors and forums by a few blocked and suspended investors. This has caused some changes to the flow pattern of funds both incoming and outgoing.
With this we want to inform everyone that we will be limiting the withdrawal amounts for everyone for only 5 days. Here is the withdrawal limit schedule for your reference.
June 18, 2013 – $50 Limit
June 19, 2013 – $75 Limit
June 20, 2013 – $100 Limit
June 21, 2013 – $150 Limit
June 22, 2013 – $200 Limit
June 23, 2013 – No Limit
The limit as listed above, is for the cumulative worth of withdrawal each investor can make for that specific day, whether he or she has multi-currency balances, the limit is for the combination of funds each can withdraw per day.
Please understand that we will not implement these limits if they are not necessary. Thank you for support and we hope and request for your cooperation and understanding.
Regards, Ron Howards

Thankfully things never quite got that far. The restriction was intended to be a stop-gap solution to a short term problem in the first place so it’s great to see it removed. Whether through good timing, good management, good luck, or a combination of all three Ron sent an updated message today that withdrawal limitations were being lifted considerably sooner than expected. New funding has arrived, whether planned and expected or a complete bolt from the blue I really can’t say, though Ron himself describes it as “expected”. Well, an admin would say that, I guess, though whatever the cause the result is the same and RonWards will continue with their regular payment schedule. The latest update from Ron clarifying this can be read in full below:

RonWards Withdrawal Limit Schedule Removed
A little over 24 hours ago we have put a limit schedule for all of our investors. Now we have great news, we are removing the limit schedule and you can withdraw without any limits from today onwards. The expected funding came through and we are no longer going to need to put a limit on withdrawal requests.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Regards, RonWards Limited


The admin of WunevAssets addressed a recent problem with processing withdrawals via PerfectMoney which is accepted along with SolidTrustPay and EgoPay for investments into the 3.5% for 75 days plan. The thing is (and I noticed it myself), the PerfectMoney website is very slow at times. I didn’t see any pattern developing with other programs, but the admin claims it’s hard to process manual withdrawals during certain times which causes delays. That can’t be used as an excuse not to process PerfectMoney payouts at all, and WunevAssets tries to reiterate that by simply saying that PM withdrawals would be processed at different times of the day. At the time of writing I was paid by EgoPay, and the last withdrawal to PerfectMoney was also successfully paid exactly at the time given by the admin in the latest newsletter from WunevAssets published below. I hope commitments to members are kept, and pending payouts to PerfectMoney are completed. I’ll keep you updated on MNO about that anyway. Here’s the latest update from WunevAssets (reviewed here):

PerfectMoney Server Lag
We are sending out this message due to many of our users who have deposits in more than one e-currency, one being PerfectMoney and the question as to why a withdrawal is processed at a much different time with PerfectMoney than another e-currency we accept. We just completed withdrawals with EgoPay and SolidTrustPay, but EVERY day for about 4-5 hours, PerfectMoney’s website operates at such an inoperable state where it takes 4 times as long to process a PerfectMoney withdrawal than another e-currency as is the case at this very moment each day. We will attempt PerfectMoney withdrawals again at around 4PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) when the servers of PerfectMoney seem to speed up again. (UTC – 4 hours). This will be the designated time for PerfectMoney withdrawals to begin from now until PerfectMoney fixes or upgrades their servers.
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg


Some good news was reported on Sunday for members of BlackGold (reviewed here). The program started accepting SolidTrustPay, the most popular payment system after the recent LibertyReserve demise. SolidTrustPay is widely accepted by many HYIPs and both BlackGold admin and users will benefit from its addition. PerfectMoney and EgoPay are already available. I would like to remind you all that the admin of BlackGold behaved during the LR crisis quite fairly by allowing members who invested via LibertyReserve in the program to convert their deposits to PerfectMoney with no fees. That was a nice gesture and a good solution for all concerned. Otherwise BlackGold has performed well, running for three months already on the following investment plans with principal back on expiry – 1% for 30 business days, 1.4% for 50 business days, 1.6% for 60 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days. With the current integration of SolidTrustPay there is only one outstanding issue – withdrawals to STP are processed by the admin manually within 24 hours and only on business days (Monday to Friday), while the payouts to EgoPay and PerfectMoney are usually instant and take only seconds to be processed. Also, if you’re an existing member of BlackGold in order to make a deposit or withdrawal to your STP account you need to add it by clicking “Personal Data” in your account area. Anyone wanting to see the website of BlackGold in Russian, Chinese or Spanish interface there will be a different name in your account with the program, but I’m sure you will figure it out eventually. In any case, if you have any issue you can always ask the polite and efficient support staff of BlackGold which is available for Live chat on working hours of the website. Below is the latest on STP’s successful integration:

Site BlackGold news posting
Dear investors!
We have now integrated SolidTrustPay as an additional payment processor. Your withdrawal processed within 24 hours.


The same good news came today for PureIncome members who would like to join using STP. I remind you that PureIncome (reviewed here) originally started about five months ago accepting only direct bank wires along with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney paying up to 2.3% daily variable interest in your account and the possibility to withdraw the original principal at the end of a 180 calendar day term. With LibertyReserve out of the way PureIncome was gracious enough to allow members who had deposits through LR to convert them to PerfectMoney or EgoPay which was later also added. In any case, the peculiarity of the custom made script that PureIncome runs off allows you deposit via one payment processor and withdraw to another. I’m not sure if it’s going to be abused now that SolidTrustPay is also officially accepted, as the admin never discussed it in the latest newsletter. However he also promised to add even options such as BitCoin and OkPay. More info will be on MNO if and when that happens:

SolidTrustPay has been officially launched!
As promised we continue introducing new depositing and withdrawing options for you! We are glad to announce that PureIncome has officially launched SolidTrustPay payment gateway. Bitcoin and OKpay will be added shortly! Stay tuned!
Sincerely, Mark Cobe
Marketing Director of PureIncome


I remember sometime ago the admin of AustralianBusinessGroup promised to update the site’s layout which, to tell you the truth, doesn’t really catch my eye and seems like to be unoriginal for a program paying for over a year now. AustralianBusinessGroup was first reviewed on MNO last year (read it here) and I have been paid like clockwork ever since. The program originally accepted LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney into the following investment plans with the principal returned on all – 1% for 15 business days, 1.4% for 30 business days, 1.8% for 55 business days, 2.2% for 80 business days. Currently the plans remain the same and the withdrawals are done quite fast, however due to LibertyReserve closing, SolidTrustPay was also added as a replacement. Tomorrow sees some design upgrades, so expect some short interruptions to the otherwise smooth work of the AustralianBusinessGroup website as reported in the latest newsletter below:

New design
On Thursday (06.20.13) may be short-term interruptions in the site work, related to changes in site design company.
Please report about mistakes.
Some pages will be filled on a course of work of the company.


Let’s talk about the new additions to MNO monitor now. SeedFunding is the name of the first program added to Premium listing this morning. It launched over a week ago, but can still safely be considered as new, as it offers long term plans. For a minimum of $10 which can be invested via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay you can get 1% per business day 120 business days, principal included. Such small profit for such a long term might seem too much for the majority of investors, so I do not expect that SeedFunding will become famous overnight, but rather with the steady and consistent work and stable payouts. If you like the program and are willing to take a risk with higher deposits you will potentially be rewarded with higher returns of 6% weekly for the duration of 22 weeks (with $250 minimum) or the monthly returns of 30% during the 5-month investment period ($500 minimum required to join). Remember that as with the daily plan, the weekly and monthly plans offered by SeedFunding do not offer your initial investment back at the end of the term, so take it into consideration when make an investment.

The process of making a deposit in SeedFunding consists of two steps as the program runs off a licensed Shadow script (you can read my interview with its creator here). First, while being logged in your account, you need to fund your e-wallet via any of the accepted payment processors, and only then allocate your available funds into any of the investment plans. Experienced investors will know already how this script operates, so it will not be a problem for then. Otherwise you can wait for my detailed review of the program which I’m planning to publish on MNO blog in the next few days.

A brief overview shows a proactive admin who updates members constantly in the news section on even the smallest changes which is always appreciated. He has an SSL-certificate by Comodo and keeps the site on a dedicated server by 123Net, a US company based in Michigan. Deposit fees of 3% are applied to investments made via SolidTrustPay and EgoPay, while withdrawals to PerfectMoney are subject to a 1% fee. As you can see, SeedFunding has a lot of peculiarities so better discussed in a more detailed review soon.


InstantRox is the second program added to Premium listing on MNO today after officially launching just a couple of hours ago. It’s a totally different program which offers three short-term investment plans with the principal returned on expiry. Payment options for a $20 minimum include SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. Plans include 110% after 5 days, 130% after 10 days, and 160% after 15 days. I’ll probably review InstantRox on MNO before the expiry of the first plan, but I will simply do so because I believe joining such a program from the beginning will improve your chance at profit. I can’t read the admin’s mind, but I can see that he’s quite serious in running his project, at least when it comes to the general security and DDoS-protection and the advertising budget. The site is SSL-secured by Comodo, runs off a licensed GoldCoders script, and hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from the industry leader BlockDos (which doesn’t come cheap, I can tell you!). In addition to that, you can see that the admin of InstantRox purchased a top banner on MNO blog for one month already, which also highlights his intention to make it a long-lasting program. In uncertain times for the HYIP industry anything is possible though, so only invest in InstantRox what you can afford to lose. As the name suggests, InstantRox promises instant payouts to your e-currency accounts though I’m in no position to confirm this at the moment. But I’ll let you know that in the review which is coming soon, so watch this space for more.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINCRonWards, WunevAssets, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, SilverOz, ProfitBuzz, BTCBankGroup, BlackGold.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome, AustralianBusinessGroup.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MagicInvest, FiamaCorp, ProfitHome, CycloGroup, TheInvestmentBank, ForexShare, CapitalALimited, LoanClicks (the first payments received).

That’s all for now guys. Hope the newly added programs on MNO are profitable for you all and that we see more of them soon. Talk to you soon everyone!

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