June 2013 Archives

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Beware! SeedFunding has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! In a strange turn of events it seems there’s a bit more activity going on in the HYIP world this weekend than there was from Monday to Friday. Unusual at any time of the year I would say but given recent developments with online business and money making opportunities so far this summer it’s a bit more noteworthy. Hopefully it’s a good sign for the future of the industry as more and more investors and admins begin to realize, if only slowly and gradually, that it’s time to move on, get back to work, and put the recent past behind us. A lot of people, myself included I don’t mind telling you, are hopeful that by the end of the summer we will see the annual revival of the HYIP industry as we do every other year, which brings me on to the subject of today’s main feature – a new long term investment program called SeedFunding. This one just launched a few days ago and was added straight to my Premium List. I will admit that I was already aware the program was in the development stage before that however so there’s been quite a lot of planning put into it as well.

The thing about SeedFunding is, and this will be immediately obvious to all of you with any worthwhile experience in earning online, that the program is clearly set up as a sort of “slow burner” paying low returns and taking longer than most to put its members in profit. There’s no doubt that the admin is aware of the current slowdown in online activity (how could he possibly not be?) but also, like myself, shares the view that come the autumn time when things begin to pick up again he will have an established and dependable payments record at no real expense to himself and be in a prime position to dominate the long term HYIP market which will only then be re-emerging from hibernation. Many other high quality long term programs will in all probability also start breaking through, but there’s a good chance that SeedFunding would by then already be an established name in people’s minds and seem less of a risk.

So what’s it all about then? Well, like I just said SeedFunding is a low return long term HYI program. They are offering three investment plans to their members which can either pay you by the day, by the week, or by the month depending on which one you sign up for. The length of terms that each plan runs for varies, but as far as long term investments go are all quite close to each other. Minimum cost of joining them will vary however and some options might be just out of reach for smaller players.

The first of the three plans though can be joined for a $10 minimum deposit, about the industry average these days and I’m sure affordable to most. It runs for 120 business days, which is 24 weeks, during which SeedFunding will reward its members with a basic daily interest payment of 1%. This is made from Monday to Friday only so adds up to 120% in total by the time the plan expires. SeedFunding are including your principal as part of the payment and so will not be returning it in a separate payment. This leaves you with a final return of 120% which will be your own money back plus (what you think!) will be 20% net profit. In reality the profit will be a little less than that owing to SeedFunding passing on their payment processor charges to the investors so you will encounter some fees on either depositing or withdrawing from your account depending on which e-currency you are using. I’ll explain that in more detail in just a moment, but first let me continue with the remaining plans. By the way, there is no stated maximum deposit to this plan, and all deposits receive the same rate of interest.

A more profitable but also more expensive option is the weekly plan, which sees SeedFunding ask for a minimum of at least $250 before you can join. The plan runs for 22 weeks (slightly shorter than the first one) though pays a higher rate of 6% weekly. This adds up to 132% by the time of expiry. SeedFunding factor your initial deposit into these payments so once again will not be returning it separately. That then leaves you with your own money back plus 32% net profit which is again subject to the fees I mentioned above and will explain in a moment. There is no maximum limit placed on deposits here, and I’d have to say for more medium sized investors this is probably the plan I’d favor myself. For $250 or more I would see next to no real advantage putting it into the daily plan. Sure, there’s the daily payments, but given that the payments themselves are so small and that the weekly plan pays out more for a shorter term, I think the more experienced players will be leaning towards this one.

For the bigger spenders, and the ones with a bit more patience, you can check out the monthly plan. SeedFunding require a $500 minimum for membership here, and in return offer you a 30% return for a 5 month term. This adds up to 150% in total from which SeedFunding include both your initial deposit which is not returned and a 50% net profit. There is no upper limit on what you are allowed to spend.

If you like any of the plans and want to try your luck I should just point out that because the script being used to manage SeedFunding the procedure needed to join the program is a little different from what many of you will be accustomed to. It’s not difficult or anything and I know experiences players will already know what I mean, it’s just a little different. Basically what you need to do first upon becoming a member of SeedFunding is, once you have created an account and are logged into it, is to fund your e-wallet in your members area. Once you have done this you will now be required to re-direct the funds you have put there into whatever plan you feel most suitable for yourself. And whatever you do, don’t forget to do this because without it your money just sits there not earning you a cent.

So once that’s been taken care of, the payment options open to you include the remaining major processors still serving the online investments industry, which are SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. You will need to log into your SeedFunding members account area in order to get paid, with the interest payment returning to your e-wallet from where it can then be returned to your chosen payment processor. In a move that’s likely to ensure even slower growth of the program however please note that there’s quite a high minimum withdrawal limit and you must have at least $10 in you account before you can take it out.

The final point about the investment plans you need to be aware of, and quite an important one I would say, is the issue of fees. As you all know by now (and I say all of you assuming that everyone reading this has at some point used at least one of the payment processors listed by SeedFunding), online payment processors are not a free service. Some will accept your money for free and charge you to withdraw it again. Others will charge you to take your money, but then allow a free withdrawal. The majority of HYIPs will cover these fees for their members, factoring the costs into how they structure their investment plans and what kind of net interest rate they can afford to offer as a result. Not so with SeedFunding, who pass all related processing fees directly onto the members. In truth most admins do this by the way, they just find more subtle ways to absorb the costs but ultimately adjust their interest rates to compensate themselves. So if you are joining SeedFunding please keep the following rates in mind, and make the necessary adjustments to how you calculate your final earnings:
Deposits via PerfectMoney are free but to withdraw you will be charged 1%.
Withdrawals via SolidTrustPay and EgoPay are free, but to make a deposit will require a 3% fee.

On the design and security side of things SeedFunding is running off what if arguably the most dependable script for investment related websites at the moment. Despite the overall slowdown in the industry I’m at least pleased to see that ShadowScripts is becoming more mainstream and a more regular feature in high quality programs from experienced professionals. It’s not cheap but in the long term it saves you money as you avoid any of the problems guaranteed to accompany the low grade generic products out there now. (Not to distract you from SeedFunding, but for more info on ShadowScripts you can see the interview I did with its developer here). Apart from that the SeedFunding website is SSL encrypted by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server by a US based provider called 123Net. I can’t say I remember them offhand in the HYIP industry before so can’t comment on their track record up until now, but at least they have the website on a dedicated server which is always a good thing, and if they’re ever going to be tested then the HYIP arena is the place it’s going to happen.

For any further questions or account related issues you need to have dealt with the SeedFunding support network can be contacted through a number of channels. First of all anyone can just write directly to the admin at the address listed on the contacts page. In addition to that, members of the general public can field any additional questions by filling out the online customer contact form and submitting it. If you happen to be a full member of SeedFunding then you can log into your account area (or back office) and find a more professional support ticketing form that you can submit and track the progress of. Communication does seem to be high on the SeedFunding admins agenda though as a quick look at the program’s news section would suggest. Any and all changes and updates are explained there for all members to see and I would hope appreciate.

The website content, ie the texts, are original and describe a business plan that involves financing small farmers and agricultural producers towards improved and more intensive and efficient production. Interesting, better than yet another imaginary ForEx trader, though not something I haven’t seen in other HYIPs before. And while the admin of SeedFunding might wish to distance himself from the HYIP industry as a whole (something I can well understand), the fact is that as I am unable to verify a single word about their business I have no other choice than to advise readers to continue treating them as such. I don’t think anyone is expecting them to be an overnight sensation, but if they can put in a solid performance for the investors they do attract in the coming months they may very well be in a dominant position once the industry recovers. That said, only spend an amount you are comfortable about losing should things not work out the way you were hoping, and if joining SeedFunding at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It seems like the admin of SeedFunding is quite excited about his program being added to Premium listing on MNO and reviewed tonight. This proactive admin even mentioned it in the news section of his website a couple of days ago. I hope that he’ll also be posting a link to the above completed review there shortly as well. Here’s the announcement:

SeedFunding on MoneyNewsOnline
SeedFunding was premium-listed on Paul Abramson’s MNO Monitor last night and introduced on his blog today. Read the article at http://money-news-online.com/blog/ when you have a moment.
There will also be a detailed review of our program which I expect around or shortly after this coming weekend. Make sure you won’t miss it.

Today another announcement aimed at the SeedFunding promoters reiterates the impossibility of earning referral commissions without being an active investor. In any case, I believe that it’s only fair that only the members of SeedFinding with an active deposit of at least $10 into the 1% for 120 business days plan are entitled to profit from its 5% referral commissions incentives. Of course such clarification wouldn’t be needed if some members were more attentive and read the FAQ before asking. However that would be ideal, and in the HYIP industry we sometimes have to deal with people who don’t quite grasp everything fast enough. For that reason admins must be patient and try their best to explain everything as clearly as possible. That’s why I like admins like the one running SeedFunding and their regular updates the latest of which can be seen below:

READ .. or lose!
Many of you are doing a great job sharing SeedFunding with others, but if you are not active yourself you will never earn a single penny.
Read the FAQ and you will find that ONLY ACTIVE members, that means members who have contributed BEFORE their friends do so, earn introducing fees.
The lady with this extensive downline from Cameroun, for instance, might want to provide some extra explanation to her list. Likewise, the gentleman who exchanged a number of tickets with our admin might be well-advised to point that out to his prospects, and there are more.


A very interesting and unique project was added to Premium listing on MNO last night and hopefully will be reviewed by tomorrow – Liquirity. The program was launched 11 days ago and the first cycle of 250% in 10 days has been completed already with a lot of investors in huge profits. But don’t allow this description mislead you – as Liquirity will credit your account with profits available for withdrawal every second. Yes, you heard it right – 250% return on your investment is the potential you may get by the end of your investment term which runs for 10 calendar days, but an equal share of the interest is accruing to your account every second and is available for withdrawal at any second. Liquirity is running off a unique script I’ve never seen in the industry before and the admin made sure it would be safe, secure and convenient to use. In order not to overload the server and payment gateways with too many requests, it was decided that investors may withdraw only 20 times maximum per day. The limitations set by the payment systems accepted by Liquirity – PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay – are also in place and since the withdrawals are done instantly, you simply cannot request a smaller amount than the minimum transaction allowed within the system. The minimum to invest in Liquirity is $1, so it’s affordable for all, but please keep in mind that a 2% deposit fee is applied for every investment meaning that for every $100 deposit your account will be only be credited with $98.

On the technical side of things the Liquirity website is SSL-secured with a certificate from Thawte and hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by DDOS-Guard. The site has a bilingual interface so you can switch between English or Russian which is very convenient for a growingly influential Russian speaking audience. A very unique feature on the website called inventions allows you to receive bonuses for fulfilling certain tasks. I’ll discuss this and other features in more detail in then upcoming review on MNO blog tomorrow night.

My overall first impression of Liquirity is quite positive as it doesn’t happen every day in the industry when you can find a unique project with such an interesting concept or such rare features that can determine long term success. I believe this could well be popular among MNO readers who enjoy instant payouts as well, because even since the program was added to my monitor last night I already have a couple of dozen referrals. We’ll see how Liquirity goes, but even the fact that it completed its first investment cycle already deserves some appreciation for the admin who managed to create something so eye catching.


I would like to remind all MNO readers that I have a Forum now where all the registered and approved members can post their own topics and discuss anything in threads on Payment Processors and Programs Monitored on MNO. If you wish to discuss other programs you’re in or any other payment processors apart from those accepted on MNO (SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney) please do let me know and I will be glad to create any threads for you. I have now updated the threads about every program on MNO and included Basic listed programs as well. From now on the problematic programs will be moved to a specially created Scam thread as soon as humanly possible. My programmer is also working on integrating links to each individual program’s Forum thread to be available on the MNO monitor, so you will be able to read the thread from there. I hope the Forum will be useful to you and if you wish to participate please create an account and contact me for manual approval. This was necessary to eliminate spam bots and filling it with junk. So please actively participate there and email me if you have any suggestions in order to improve your experience. Thanks for your support as always!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: MalaysianINCWunevAssets, RFIGroup, SilverOz, AustralianBusinessGroup, BTCBankGroup, InstantRox, SeedFunding (the first payment received), Liquirity (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MagicInvest, ProfitHome, CycloGroupCapitalALimited, TheInvestmentBank.

That’s all I have to report on tonight, guys. I hope to see you back tomorrow for a more detailed review of the popular short term program Liquirity plus all the regular daily updates from the HYIPs monitored on MNO. So stay tuned and see you all then!

It seems like the admin of

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