June 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! Sorry if you were expecting a news update last night, but as you know after the LR closure things in the industry have slowed down significantly and over the last couple of days there wasn’t a whole lot worth reporting. Plus that, weekends are usually slow anyway, as it’s summertime a lot of folks, both admins and investors, take a break from it until September. There was still a few new programs added to the MNO Basic List today and which you can consider for investing if you check out my monitoring page here. I’m sure that next week we may well see more additions to Standard and Premium listing on MNO and as soon as it happens I’ll go back to my daily routine with posting the reviews.


As for now, the hottest question on everyone’s mind is how and when the industry will be back to normal. The ongoing sage with LibertyReserve and its takeover by the US authorities came seemingly out of nowhere, but we should always remember that the investigation was prepared secretly over a number of years and obviously wasn’t made public. I’m sure that in the long run this will be more beneficial for the HYIP industry overall, as there will surely be a lot of competition to take their place. Even if we take it from a minimal point of view, we can assume that at least 50% of all the money in the industry was cut off and many investors and admins lost it to the American government. That was not entirely unexpected, by the way, and the first problems in LibertyReserve started already last year with all types of limitations and the encouraged stealing of funds from the “hackers” to which LR support never reacted. That’s why I believe this attitude will cost LR owners many years in jail, for admitting all type of criminals in their money-laundering machine and having the least interest in its legal clients.

Anyway, enough of LibertyReserve and its demise as this is still an open wound for many HYIP investors and admins. However it’s high time to learn to live without LR, which will certainly take a lot of time for the industry to get adjusted to the new conditions and offer more popular depositing and withdrawal options. So, in your opinion, how long the industry recovery will take after the LR demise? You can submit your answers and see the provisional results of the voting on my TalkBack page. Please note that on the same TalkBack page you can leave your comments about that on MNO Off-Topic ShoutBox and generally, you can speak your mind there without getting registered like you do for the MNO ShoutBox. If you wish to join my ShoutBox please do not hesitate to contact me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com or submit your request via my Contact page providing your chosen username and password so I could create your account as soon as possible.

Another useful feature that you can use to communicate with other members and submit your testimonials and complaints about programs monitored on MNO is the newly launched Forum which is available here. As the registration process is available to everyone, to protect MNO Forum from bots I will allow only members that are manually approved by me to post. So, all you need to do to be able to post is to register your account following this link. After that please contact me either directly to my email address abramsonp@gmail.com or via my Contact page and I will approve your account. It’s the best way to cut out the spam. So far I’ve only about a dozen or so active members, but hopefully we’ll see more in coming months and see the MNO Forum develop into a friendly and convenient platform for expressing your opinion on HYIPs monitored on MNO.


Please note that two more long-running programs most probably finished this weekend. They are BriscoFund and RewardsWeekly.

When it comes to RewardsWeekly, the program managed to last for over four months and definitely put the first investors into good profit by paying 10% weekly returns. However it looks like the recent demise of LR and the decision of the admin to allow exchanges from LR to other e-currencies without fees hit its performance hard. In any case, I checked yesterday as RewardsWeekly never paid me to any of the remaining payment processors and currently I have a pending withdrawal for over 36 hours. They used to be instant. I believe that’s a very bad sign and possibly the program has already collapsed. So please hold off from depositing with RewardsWeekly at the moment as without the payments being processed I will have to move the program to Scam status on MNO by tomorrow.

BriscoFund was moved to Problem status on MNO due to delayed payouts. Over its three months online the admin used to delay payouts quite often and always had an excuse like going to the hospital or issues with the script. Despite the obstacles the payouts always resumed and the program was moved back to Paying status. However it doesn’t look like happening this time. Despite the delayed withdrawals for over 48 hours now, the admin never replied to my email and failed to explain the reasons for it. So as with RewardsWeekly, if the payments do not resume by tomorrow I will have to move BriscoFund to Scam status on MNO. For now it’s on Problem status and surely you can’t invest there if you don’t want to lose your money.


EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here) went back to its old trick now and the admin announced about a temporary disabling of all new deposits. That already happened three or four times before, and probably worked well for the admin, as every time the stoppage lasted for a few days before resuming, which is vital for any HYIP wishing to survive. Of course like the majority of programs EmpireFinanceGroup positions itself as a unique trading platform and considering it’s been online and paying for over three years already it’s easy to get misled by such statements. We should always remember that no HYIP can last forever and pay you the same rates of return EmpireFinanceGroup is currently paying (always instantly!) to PerfectMoney and EgoPay payment processors. Get real, where in the offline world can you find institutions able to pay 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days returns with principal back on expiry. Of course EmpireFinanceGroup is a HYIP, but a damn good HYIP with an experienced admin and unsinkable strategy. That should definitely be appreciated by everyone who knows exactly how this business runs and if these tactics are the key to the stability and longevity of the program, then so be it. Below is the latest from EmpireFinanceGroup:

We don’t accept new deposits – EmpireFinanceGroup
We made a decision to stop accepting new deposits because as of today we have enough funds under control. There are no restrictions for withdrawals, earnings, principal backs and deposit reinvestment’s and such restrictions never will be introduced. We will announce about renewal of deposits. Look for the news on our website.
EmpireFinanceGroup Support Department


I really admire RFIGroup for the prompt and instant payouts to PerfectMoney and EgoPay on their investment plans. If you haven’t read my review of RFIGroup published here, I remind you they have plans with a fixed rate of interest and the original principal back on expiry (1% for 100 business days, 1.6% for 130 business days, 2% for 150 business days) and plans with variable returns starting with 1% daily. The latest update posted a couple of days ago makes me wonder if RFIGroup are facing PerfectMoney cash flow issues. In the news section all those who had deposits with LR were offered some kind of compensation for their loss (as the program never intended to convert deposits via LR into PM or even EgoPay and left affected investors on their own). This time, a bonus of 25% on the deposit will be given on any of the three fixed rates investment plans and strangely, only for those investors who make another investment in RFIGroup via PerfectMoney or direct Bank wires (EgoPay deposits do not qualify). Basically in order to get anything from your LibertyReserve losses RFIGroup ask you to make another deposit via PerfectMoney which is kind of ridiculous and I doubt there will be a lot of investors who would appreciate such a joke offer or take advantage of it. Anyway, I hope it’s not a sign further problems for the investors of RFIGroup, but for me personally the latest news does seem to look that way:

We give 25% bonus for members with LR deposits!
Dear Customers!
For those investors who had deposit(s) with Liberty Reserve we offer a special 25% bonus for any new Perfect Money or Bank transfer investment. The bonus is given only for new deposits in Centrum, Optimal and Utils portfolios. The bonus cannot exceed the total of your LR deposit(s) and will be added to your investment manually. RFIGroup team does its best to make lifes of our members brighter and help them to reach the goal of financial independence.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINC, EuroStar, RonWards, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, SilverOz, WunevAssets, ProfitBuzz, BlackGold.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome, AustralianBusinessGroup.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, GoldAssetsFinance, FiamaCorp, TheInvestmentBank, ForexShare, CycloGroup, ProfitHome, FirstForexProfit (the first payments received).

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and keep a close eye on my monitoring for more HYIP additions or possible problems. See you next time!

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