July 2013 Archives

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Beware! NewAgeInvestments has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Friday again already so I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend, especially as the summer is now in full swing and I guess most of you having a vacation will, if you haven’t already finished it of course, be taking it soon. I’m still on my own vacation by the way, if only for a couple of more days, but as it’s been a relatively quiet time for news this past few weeks I really don’t mind making a little extra time to post when something worthwhile pops up. This evening for example I want to take a look at a brand new addition to the MNO monitoring page called NewAgeInvestments. This is a recently launched short term HYIP that opened just last weekend, has been monitored on MNO since the beginning of the week, and has now just upgraded its listing to the Standard category. So before we get to the news section, I want to have a closer look at the main features of NewAgeInvestments, particularly their investment plans, and see if you think it might be a suitable addition to the portfolios of anyone looking to add a short term HYI program to their lists. After six days online NewAgeInvestments have already completed the first cycle of some of their plans, so the first members will no doubt be pleased with their decision to join when they did.

So let’s get started then with the investment plans, which I guess is why most of you are reading in the first place. NewAgeInvestments have three in total, all short term, with one that pays on a daily basis and the other two paying once on expiry. The plans as we shall see have unusual sounding names linked loosely with that of the program. The first plan for instance is called The Last Century. It runs can be joined for a $10 minimum deposit, and runs for a term of 5 calendar days. During that time NewAgeInvestments are offering their members a daily interest rebate of 23%. This of course includes your initial deposit as part of the payments and so will not be returned on expiry. So by the time you receive your final payment the return will add up to 115% in total, or your own money back plus 15% net profit for yourself. This rate applies to all deposits regardless of size, and NewAgeInvestments accept a maximum of $20,000 per deposit.

The second plan, called The Present Age, is similar in many ways. For one thing NewAgeInvestments still only require the same $10 deposit to join, and the maximum is capped at $20,000. Also the term only runs for a relatively short 5 calendar day term, but that’s where the similarities end as this time NewAgeInvestments only make one single payment on expiry. This is 120% in total, and includes your original principal. So it’s your own money back plus 20% net profit for the investor. More of a risk than the previous plan obviously, but entirely up to you if you this the extra 5% profit is worth taking that risk.

The third and final plan then, what they call The New Age, is another paid-once-on-expiry plan, so again a risk you need to weigh up before joining. The minimum deposit is $50, hefty but by no means unaffordable to most of the regular players, and the investment term runs for 10 calendar days. At the end of this NewAgeInvestments are offering their members one single payment of 145%, which I have to say is quite ambitious by any standards and will be a difficult one to sustain. If you’re feeling cautious, and not just about this plan but about NewAgeInvestments in general, remember that the first cycle is due to be completed early next week so you’re always free to wait around and see what happens there before making your mind up. NewAgeInvestments include your principal as part of the payment and maximum spend is again capped at $20,000.

If any of those plans appeal to you and you think you might like to have a go, then you’ll also need to be aware of the payment options. NewAgeInvestments now accepts all the popular industry processors, having started with SolidTrustPay and PerfectMoney, and more recently adding EgoPay to the list. Payments are made manually by the admin and so will have to be requested from within your private members account area. Once done NewAgeInvestments should have all transactions completed within a 24 hour maximum waiting period, though I have to say my own have been processed a lot faster than that up until now.

On the design and security aspects of the program, NewAgeInvestments is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. Their website is using SSL-encryption from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The program is running off a script under license from H-Script. It’s worth noting incidentally, especially for readers perhaps not familiar with this one, is that one of the peculiarities of this particular script is that when you join NewAgeInvestments the first thing you need to do is to fund your account within the program. Only after that can then re-direct that money into the plan (or plans) you wish to join and start earning. If there’s anything you feel not covered here in this review, and questions you might have for the admin, or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then NewAgeInvestments can be reached by filling in your details on the online support ticketing form and submitting through the contacts page.

Future prospects of NewAgeInvestments aside for one moment, I can only note as I did at the top of the page that a decent number of early investors are already well into profit from the program, achieved of course by joining at the right time. How many more cycles are there to be completed depends on way too many variables ans can never be predicted, but at least it’s encouraging that someone out there other than the NewAgeInvestments admin has made some money here so far. For what it’s worth the website content and texts describe a business plan based on ForEx trading. Hardly something you haven’t heard a million times before, and none of which you will ever be able to verify and prove of course, so don’t treat it like anything other than a typical high risk online HYIP. Whatever else it might say there and however much you chose to believe or dismiss, the one simple fact remains about all online HYIPs is that certain things always remain the same. Namely that you in the interests of your own protection must set a modest spending limit that you can both afford to spend and afford to lose, and if joining NewAgeInvestments at all then at least try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The admin of LucroBankLimited Michael is trying to make his project one of the best short-term programs online, and is therefore ready to listen to ideas on possible improvements to make dealing with the program more convenient. This was the main subject of the latest newsletter dent by LucroBankLimited today which you can read below. So if you have any suggestions please don’t hesitate to share them with the admin who’ll really appreciate them. And by doing so you also help yourself as good contributions help the program last longer which is always in the investor’s best interests. So, here is the latest from LucroBankLimited:

Let’s improve LucroBankLimited together!
Hello everyone,
LucroBankLimited staff is constantly looking for ways how to improve our website and make it better place for our loyal investors. Our members is a big part of our project, so maybe you have a good idea what will make LucroBankLimited better place for all of us (it can be anything starting from advertising strategies, website design, features etc.). If you do have a good idea, then please don’t hesitate and email us back to this email or sent mail to idea@lucrobank.com. We will read all your thoughts very carefully on how to improve LucroBankLimted, so please, don’t be lazy and email us with some good stuff. Let’s improve LucroBankLimited together!
Best Regards, Michael Jones.

LucroBankLimited was first launched about a week ago and pays to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney on deposits starting from a $10 minimum. There’s several investment plans available from LucroBankLimited, including 104%-130% after 1 day, 54.5%-80% for 2 days, 125%-400% after 5 days, 177%-1200% after 14 days, 300%-2500% after 30 days. The full review of LucroBankLimited posted on MNO blog can be read here.


Please note that due to some changes in the SolidTrustPay interface today some programs were caught off-guard. One of them was WunevAssets (reviewed here) where the admin Nicolasina had to allocate extra resources to change the coding of their script in accordance to the recent changes and temporarily switch all deposits processed via STP from automatic to manual. To put it simply, you can’t invest via SolidTrustPay at the moment from the member’s area in WunevAssets so instead you have to do it directly from your STP account to WunevAssets‘ STP account providing your username in the program in the memo to the payment. This situation won’t last forever, but for now it seems like the most viable solution the admin could offer to investors. This affected STP withdrawals as well, but all the withdrawals to EgoPay and PerfectMoney continue as normal. The only investment plan of 3.5% for 75 days for a $10 minimum has already put many in profit, after running for 50 days and reaching the #3 position n the MNO Premium list. Hopefully the issues with STP only temporary, though full instructions on how to make a deposit to WunevAssets directly from your SolidTrustPay account are given in the newsletter which you can read below:

WunevAssets Ltd SolidTrustPay Deposit
SolidTrustPay has changed their coding for their deposits from outside their website. Our programmers are now aware of the issue and working on fixing it. It has thrown us for a bit of a curve ball as we have to dedicated sources and time to changing programming on our website. We have begun this immediately.
To deposit via SolidTrustPay, please login to SolidTrustPay.com and you can send money through the transfer link to this SolidTrustPay account: wunevltd
In the memo portion just insert your WunevAssets username and we will add your deposit. No need to open support tickets or contact us.
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg

That wasn’t all from WunevAssets though. The admin sent a second newsletter just a couple of hours with further developments in STP, suggesting a solution is expected within the next day or two. Withdrawals to SolidTrustPay should resume by tomorrow which is certainly good news. Also included were some recent stats which the admin promised to post on a weekly basis at the end of each business week. Although a figure of 12,000 members with active deposits seems too good to be true, no one can deny that WunevAssets is a very popular program which continues to grow after seven weeks online. I believe the announced webinar which the admin will be holding together with other traders may give more information about their earning potential and could be also useful creating further growth. Provided the information about the webinar is more accurate than the recent stats we should expect to see the webinar online in about a week from now. More information is in the latest newsletter from WunevAssets posted below:

WunevAssets Ltd Newsletter
Thank you for your patience in our re-programming of our SolidTrustPay module of the website due to the changes SolidTrustPay made today to their coding (which you can verify by contacting them that they made changes to their Merchant coding). EgoPay and PerfectMoney deposits and withdrawals are unaffected at this time. We hope to resume SolidTrustPay payouts in the next 12-14 hours and for the reprogramming to be complete within around 24-36 hours. At this moment the changes happening do not allow us to resume SolidTrustPay payouts. Once again PerfectMoney and EgoPay are entirely unaffected as may have noticed from the payouts today.
You can still make SolidTrustPay deposits by sending any amount of $10 or above to our SolidTrustPay account: WUNEVLTD
Please just note your WunevAssets username in the payment memo.
On a better note, As we have been discussing in Skype, we are preparing for our first Webinar which will include Video and Audio between myself and 2 other employees of WunevAssets Limited which have not been set into stone yet. The 2 other employees will be WunevAssets traders who are also Zulutrade signal providers. The Webinar is scheduled for Monday, July 29th, 2013 at 1PM Eastern Time / 6PM British Time. Registration for our Webinar will be sent out Sunday, July 28th, 2013.
WunevAssets Statistics as of Friday, July 19th, 2013 3PM Eastern TIme:
Members: 18860
Active Members: 12093
Active Investment: $2,011,461
Average Daily Revenue (For Week to July 19th 3PM Eastern Time): 5.4%
Thank You,
Nicolasina Van Litsenburg


Apparently WunevAssets was not the only program affected by STP technical issues as the admin of SeedFunding also reported the same thing last night and promised to solve it with the cooperation of the developer of ShadowScripts which the program is running off:

SCI for STP needs to be fixed
Something seems to be wrong with our SCI function regarding deposits to STP. The STP account is working well, we tried direct deposits and they went through without any problem. But members are telling us that deposits through the website are not being accepted.
ShadowScripts have been notified and we are sure they will take care of this as soon as they receive our message.

Fortunately, the developer of ShadowScripts Chris (read my interview with him here) was quick enough to fix everything and tonight SeedFunding posted another update stating STP deposits were back to normal:

STP is working again
Chris the wizard has fixed our STP problem. It was a technical issue, so we could not have done this without him. But all is well now and deposits to STP are working as smoothly as they were before.

SeedFunding offers investments not only through SolidTrustPay of course, but also via such popular handlers as PerfectMoney and EgoPay. Plans include 1% for 120 business days, 6% for 22 weeks, and 30% for 5 months. More info on SeedFunding can be found in my detailed review published here.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: BlackGold.
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINC, WunevAssets, EmpireFinanceGroup, PureIncome, RFIGroup, LucroBankLimited, Stable6, FreshWindInvestmentTrust.
From MNO Standard list: NewAgeInvestments .
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, TheInvestmentBank, ForexShare, LoanClicks, BCapitalistGroup.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Enjoy the weekend and see you on MNO again very soon!

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