Sep 22nd, 2013 Archives

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Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi guys! Before we get started with the news update for today, you might notice that I don’t have too many programs on my Premium Listing like other monitors, but you can be sure that they are all quality programs with big advertising budgets and experienced admins running them. Note that I will maintain such a policy in the future as I’m totally satisfied with the current quality over quantity approach on how MNO listing looks now and am looking forward to working with serious admins only who know how to advertise projects in the most efficient way possible. So let’s get started with the news then, shall we?


LocomotiveTrade (reviewed here) is the program I wanted to talk about first this evening. After more than seven weeks online it’s been a steady performer paying promptly on three investment – 6% for 30 business days, 5% for 45 business days, 4% for 75 business days. As you see, the first investors from the 30 day plan already had their deposits expire whilst earning 80% profits over six weeks which isn’t a bad result at all. I can confirm that usually the payouts from LocomotiveTrade are processed very fast and takes only a few hours to all payment processors including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, OkPay, BitCoin, or SolidTrustPay. Though problems with STP are a matter of wide discussion in the recent newsletters. All in all things are going quite well as on Friday night it was announced that over 2,300 members had joined LocomotiveTrade while the program also achieved quite impressive ratings on famous monitors. For instance, for just less than seven weeks online the program has achieved a spot in the Top five most popular programs on MNO’s Premium Listing. The newsletter commemorating LocomotiveTrade‘s first 50 days online can be found below:

50 days online
LocomotiveTrade has been online for 50 days now, and we are as much excited as you are, to have achieved such a great milestone. LocomotiveTrade has been is growing at a very nice rate, day by day.
We have over 2300 members now, out of which over 1700 members are active, with 30% of them with high deposits, making high incomes. Deposits to LocomotiveTrade are soaring high, and so is growth and level of excitement.
We would like to congratulate each and every customer who is making profits with us, and moreover, we would like to thank every single one of you, for your continuous support and promotion.
We are happy to inform you that with 50 days online we have already got top places at monitoring services:
at Invest-tracing – Rank 3, at List4hyip – Rank 2, at HyipScope – Rank 6
at Shumonitor – Rank 4, at Pro-hyip – Rank 6, at – Rank 5
and much more… Thanks for your support and voting for us!

On Saturday though, LocomotiveTrade suddenly went offline due to DDoS attacks which then caused some disruption in the usually stable work of the Shadow script the program runs off. As LocomotiveTrade credits members’ account with earnings from Monday to Friday only this disruption caused Friday’s earnings not to appear on accounts yet, but the admin Jason promises to make up for it by crediting a double payment on Monday, since the database will be re-built with the script support over the weekend. I really appreciate how the admin handled the issue and hopefully everything gets back to normal with members’ interests by Monday, as I have confidence in Jason’s abilities to fix the issue permanently and in the Shadow script the developer of which was interviewed on MNO here. This is the latest update on the technical issues with LocomotiveTrade:

Dear members, LocomotiveTrade informs about unscheduled downtime that happened last night because of powerful attack to our server. Downtime lasted around 6 hours. This attack has disrupted our server’s operation and caused a database failure. As a result, the daily earnings were not added on to your accounts today, and the project is still inaccessible. The site should return to normal operation mode today but, regretfully, we cannot add on the daily earnings to your accounts today. You will definitely receive double daily earnings on Monday. Over the next two days, our technical support service will not be working as speedily as it usually does because our entire team will be engaged in rebuilding the database. Sorry for temporary problems and breaks in site working. LocomotiveTrade.


PokerByProxy (reviewed here) remains one of the most popular choices among readers who joined the program in large quantities over the first two weeks online the program has been successfully running for. The admin Patrick already gave me an extensive and comprehensive interview (to be found here) where he discussed all the important aspects of his program and what actually makes it different from others. Well, first of all, the thing that you can join PokerByProxy for any period of time and be in profit even after one day makes it a very attractive prospect for investors flexible with their finances and change their deposits from day to day depending on their investment goals. Only in PokerByProxy can you withdraw any part of the principal (which starts from a $25 minimum) or profits at will. Of course the admin can also control the funds accumulated in the program as he credits variable daily interest that can be up to a 25% maximum on the most profitable days, or penalize members’ accounts with up to 5% losses on the unprofitable days. The story of playing poker for profit isn’t a new one but definitely it is a good source for obtaining more deposits and explaining the variable returns which the admin does on a daily basis by issuing regular updates on the PokerByProxy website as soon as the daily results are announced. For the last two days profits in the region of 2% were announced which made the overall profit for the last two days 4.1%. A moderate result, but still a good one in the eyes of the majority of the investors. By the way, PokerByProxy accepts so many payment methods that it’s sure to attract people even outside the HYIP industry. Not only SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, HD-Money, or BitCoin, but also PayPal, Western Union, or direct bank wire transfers that PokerByProxy will happily take. From other news on PokerByProxy‘s development you may have noticed the long loading times for the website (that issue that has been fixed already) and the referral program short video that was posted under the Referral Program tab in the member’s area. This is useful in determining how it really works as it pays a percentage of the profits earned, not the actual deposits made by your referrals. All the updates from PokerByProxy for the last two days are below:

Friday 20th September 2013
Result 2.25%
Report Before getting into the day’s results, I would like to apologize for the difficulties that some of you may have experienced today while attempting to access our website. We experienced a few network outages earlier in the day, which resulted in our website taking an unreasonably long time to load. The network issue has since been resolved and our server is loading quickly. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Please note that some users may experience continued website slowdowns for the next 24 hours, however it should be fine for the majority of our members.
When it comes to today’s poker playing, things are going a lot better. Our online play has resulted in a return of 2.25%, which has been added to all accounts. Our live players are currently in a tournament which is expected to go late into the night. The results from that play will be added to tomorrow’s results, as it is quite likely that the tournament will end sometime after midnight.
All accounts have been updated with today’s result.

Saturday 21st September 2013
Result 1.85%
Report After an incredibly busy week, our team took it easy today, and started late in the day. After playing for a short while, a 1.85% return was achieved. While this definitely isn’t as high as some of our other results, we simply needed a day to kick back and relax, especially after such an intense week.
All accounts have been updated with today’s result. In other news, we have created a video to help better explain our referral program. Please check out your “Referral Program” page for more information.


The administration of SeedFunding yesterday sent a very lengthy (though viable) story describing all the events the program had to go through in detail over the past business week. There was an explanation of the downtime the site suffered and the admin’s travelling that sadly resulted in moving SeedFunding to Problem status on MNO briefly over concerns about the site’s return. That was finally lifted and I moved SeedFunding back to Paying status on MNO later in the week only to later learn that they had some very serious issues with their SolidTrustPay account/s that prevented them from either accepting deposits and paying withdrawals. SolidTrustPay is the major payment processor SeedFunding received most deposits with and while PerfectMoney and EgoPay deposits were still being paid on all the investment plans – 1% for 120 business days, 6% for 22 weeks, 30% for 5 months – the delayed STP payouts remained the major concern. As the STP account issue has not been resolved yet, the smaller payouts to SolidTrustPay investors of SeedFunding have been already done which caused me to keep the program on Paying status on MNO. However, I believe one should be very cautious when investing in SeedFunding and I would personally suggest to wait till Monday and see what action is taken by STP administration by to fix the program’s account. I’ll keep you updated on MNO regarding that and below is the whole story of last week from SeedFunding (reviewed here). Those who invested in the program are strongly advised to read till the end to avoid any unnecessary questions or concerns:

Murphy’s finest performance
Let me give you a step-by-step account of a crazy week, so you know why the recent bumps occurred and what to expect.
1.) We had the nerve to go out of town for 4 days. Granted, there was a business meeting scheduled, but the area called for a time-out and frankly, we needed one. Internet access was in the package, no problems foreseen, so we packed for more than just a day, from Tuesday morning to Friday afternoon.
2.) On Tuesday, ShadowScripts had a DNS problem to fix and our site was offline for several hours. Since we were travelling ourselves, we didn’t notice this until Tuesday evening, contacted ShadowScripts as soon as we found out and were told the site would be back any moment now, which was true. It didn’t take more than 30 minutes after that and SeedFunding was back up.
3.) In the meantime, MNO’s Paul Abramson had tried to reach me per email, asking why the site was down. When I was finally online and saw his mail, Gmail said it had been sitting there for 14 hours. Ouch! I replied and explained but it was too late. The gentleman shouted “Scam!” and I can’t even blame him. It’s how he’s doing his job and it’s the industry (THIS industry) he’s working in. He can’t do it any different. After all, that MNO of his has saved a lot of people a lot of money. It just sucked to have been on the receiving end of it for a change.
4.) STP blocked access and displayed a field to enter a code that was supposed to be coming in a text message. But our original ID with STP is pointing to a verified European address and so does the phone number. Prepaid numbers in this country, however, don’t send and receive cross-border messages. So that wasn’t possible. Thus, no access to the STP account.
5.) I tried again the next day (because one never knows, it might have worked), and this time I even got “Your account has been suspended because it is not allowed for roaming access” across the page. I tried to call STP from Skype, but the connection out there wasn’t stable enough to do that, so no luck there either.
6.) We asked ShadowScript to attach a different STP account to the website to make sure there wouldn’t be an “account suspended” message when members try to deposit. That was done within minutes and will be changed back as soon as the original account gets unblocked.
7.) Yesterday in the afternoon, back in our usual surroundings with a stable connection, I tried to log into the temporary account and was asked for the code by phone text, AGAIN. This must have something to do with STP’s changes, there is no other explanation because this is ridiculous. So, no access to that account either.
8.) STP’s offices close at 5:30 pm Eastern Time and we made it back just 15 minutes before that. Whew! Connected my laptop, pulled up Skype, hit the call button at exactly 5:22 pm Eastern time, and got a voice message that said it’s after business hours and business hours are until 5:30 pm. They close 8 minutes early? Before the weekend at that? What? STOP THIS, MURPHY!
9.) So I created yet another STP account last night, transferred what I happened to have in my private account into it although it wasn’t much, and made all the SMALL pending payments until the last small one this morning used it up. There are some 3-figure payments (and even two below $50) still pending but, as I explained above, they will have to wait until we can reach STP on the phone and yell at them on Monday morning.
10.) That account balance is down to $1.48 now because there was just a little under $1,000. I don’t usually keep a large private balance in STP. This means all cashouts you will be requesting between now and some time on Monday will be paid as soon as STP lets us use our account(s) as usual. We hope that will be done and accomplished on Monday morning.
We had a similar issue with STP in July after we had just started SeedFunding. In a phone call with support we explained to them that we have to travel a lot between countries and even continents and that we cannot be restricted in the way we live and work and use our accounts. All our accounts (except for the one I created last night) are fully verified and they had lifted all possible restrictions back then. We did not expect to have to face problems of the sort again now, as if nothing had ever been discussed and explained.
Thank you for reading a more than lengthy update, but we thought you needed to know about this and you also need to know that this matter is being worked on. Please understand that we cannot do anything today and tomorrow, until STP’s offices are available again on Monday.


I would like to say a big thank you to all the readers who responded to my two polls on the TalkBack page for the last couple of weeks. The main subject of the polls were the latest increase in fees that affected unverified PerfectMoney accounts and badly hit a lot of short-term programs (read more on that in my article posted here). The fees were raised from 0.5% to 1.99% for sending money to other PerfectMoney account holders and therefore, the first question I asked was what will you do about the whole thing and if you are going to verify your PM account to benefit from lower fees. Here’e the results:
39.1% of MNO readers had their PerfectMoney account already verified before the fees went up. I guess it’s a wise move given that the verification process in PerfectMoney is widely reported to be very fast and easy and by verifying your account you will somehow increase your chances in proving your ownership in case of urgent matters.
30.4% of readers decided not to do anything with their PM accounts and keep paying the increased fees. I guess most of the HYIP admins will do the same so as not disclose their true identities which can be used against them if their program scams. Of course, then the admin will lose on potential profits from their PerfectMoney accounts, but that’s the price they’ll pay to stay anonymous in this business.
21.7% are ready to verify their PerfectMoney accounts in order to keep paying the lower fees for sending money to others. That might be a wise decision as well, because by doing so you save 1.49% extra fees from every outgoing transaction in your account which is a lot, especially for those operating significant amounts in their PM accounts.
8.7% of my readers have a Premium account with PerfectMoney and are lucky enough to avoid the verification process completely and keep the lower fees. In order to obtain such a status you need to handle big amounts of PerfectMoney funds in your account for over a year. If you believe that your account should have Premium status but it doesn’t then contact PerfectMoney support directly from your account. I did so myself and had my account upgraded to Premium status and kept the old reduced fees, so you can do the same if you qualify.

The second question went as follows – “How do you think the increase in PerfectMoney fees will affect the industry?” This was probably the more significant question to ask, as the consequences of PerfectMoney’s increased fees on a global scale can’t be underestimated. As expected, a the biggest group of readers at 40.9% agreed that this decision would affect short-term programs and they were right. Over the last two weeks we saw literally dozens of short-term programs going down just in a few days of operation and now it’s just dangerous to invest money there, considering also the fact that SolidTrustPay got much stricter in regards to approval of HYIP accounts. 27.3% of readers think that the increased PM fees will make scamming for HYIP admins more difficult and I agree with this statement to some extent – yes, it will make it harder but there are many other ways around to compensate for the lost profits for the admins. 18.2% believe that due to the fees increase PerfectMoney will become less competitive in comparison to EgoPay and SolidTrustPay)and will be used less by the admins and investors alike. I think that might happen and would take a wild guess that by increasing fees PerfectMoney forces members to pay the price for the threat to their freedom as they risk by running an unlicensed payment processor under the all seeing eye of Uncle Sam. The least popular answer to the question with only 13.6% of the voters was that the increased fees for PerfectMoney account holders wouldn’t change anything and everything would remain as before. Well, I couldn’t disagree with this point of view more, as I believe it already changed the industry to some extent. The question remains whether there will be more positive or negative consequences to it. We wait and see!

Today I have decided to add more polls to the TalkBack page. First, I would like to stay on the topic of payment processors and ask who you think is the most likely contender for becoming the fourth biggest payment processor in the HYIP industry?

As you can see, the place of LibertyReserve after its closure in May this year still remains vacant with the three big payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney – all sharing their former business. There’s still room for other payment processors though and I believe that we will see more and more convenient options in the near future. You may choose from PexPay, OkPay, BitCoin, or HD-Money. They are all different payment processors with their own advantages and disadvantages, but they are the only ones I can see still accepted by HYIPs listed on MNO along with the big three payment methods mentioned above. So, please vote on the TalkBack page for your preferred option and I’ll draw the results in a few weeks.

The second question of the poll will take a different direction and relates to MNO. You know that sometimes I ask my readers for suggestions on improving my site. Today I want to know your opinion on whether MNO monitor is taking the right direction. So, I want to ask what you think of the following: “Do you believe that quality programs should be featured on MNO more prominently?

The proposed answers are:
1) I am satisfied with the current choice of programs and do not consider it limited for my investment activities.
2) I believe MNO should accept more varied programs and also include short-term games to the list more often.
3) Only quality programs from the experienced admins with big advertising budgets should be allowed on the MNO monitor.

I hope to learn your thoughts on that important matter and will be very grateful to hear your opinion on the direction MNO monitor is currently taking to feature only elite programs. The new questions are already featured on my TalkBack page and I would be very grateful to hear your opinions everyone.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After90Days.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, FidelisFinanceSolomonHit, PokerByProxy, BillionairesGroup, SeedFunding, LoanClicks, StrongInvestment, GeniusCapitalLimited, MutualWealth, InvGlobal.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, IncomeAlways, GulfInvesmentClub, TheInvestmentBank, CapitalForexBusiness, WelorTrade.

That’s all for today’s news, guys. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you on MNO tomorrow at the usual time. Stay tuned and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!em

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