Sep 27th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! 1nstant has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend again, though I must say it’s been quite a productive week in the industry. Maybe not quite back to the heights we were at around six months ago, but definitely there’s a lot more positives than negatives around right now. So before we get to the final news round up of the business week, I want to have a closer look at another of the most recent programs coming to the MNO monitor’s Premium List. A little (well, actually a lot) different from what we’ve seen in the last couple of weeks, 1nstant is a short term program which is already enough to set it apart from a lot of the new programs I’ve started monitoring recently. There’s a lot more to the program than just that as we shall see, but I want to start by saying one thing that’s been sorely missing from the industry recently has been a really good, high quality, short term HYIP. I mean sure, there are short term programs out there, and plenty of them, if you are prepared to look. But let’s be honest here, the majority of them are just shockingly bad. And this is where I really have high hopes for 1nstant, because we finally see a well organized short term HYIP with a professional admin who’s committed to making something big here. Not to paint HYIP admins out to be heroes or anything, in fact the one single solitary reason for the existence of any online HYIP is as a vehicle to make as much untraceable money as possible for its owner. I’m just saying that the best admins understand that the best way to make most money for themselves is to ensure you make at least some profit for as many people as you possibly can along the way. Fingers crossed that’s what we might see with 1nstant.

Let’s get started then with the investment plan, and 1nstant has just one of them. The first thing I need to make very clear to you though is that the admin is passing some of the associated transaction fees along to you, so all deposits are “taxed” for want of a better word at 2%. Not withdrawals now, only deposits. So if you want to join 1nstant with a $100 deposit, that’s what you might think is going to show up as an active deposit in your account but it isn’t. Deposit $100 and you will in fact only be earning on $98. Over the course of the plan itself this isn’t really that big a deal, and you’ll earn it back in quite literally an hour so forget about the expense. I just think it’s worth mentioning so you can adjust your calculations accordingly and that you know there isn’t anything wrong with your account.

So now that that’s out of the way, what about the numbers. You can join 1nstant for a minimum deposit of $1 which makes it affordable for everyone. The investment term then isn’t measured in days, it’s counted in hours. The reason for this is that unlike most HYIPs 1nstant don’t pay you by the day or pay you just once on expiry, they pay you by the second. That’s right, every second you can just sit there and watch the interest payments being credited to your account which you can withdraw anytime you like. The term runs for 240 hours, which is of course 10 calendar days, and your interest payments add up to 1% per hour. In actual fact that would be something like 0.00028% per second, but of course that’s just too small to be practical so you wouldn’t really be making calculations based around that. It’s a lot easier to understand the program and make practical and informed decisions about how much to invest when you have an easier number to think about, so for the sake of keeping things simple let’s just say 1nstant are paying 1% interest per hour, OK? But you can withdraw them at any time you like. These payments include your initial deposit and so will not be returned in a separate payment on expiry. Payments therefore accumulate to 240% in total, which is your own money back plus 140% net profit for yourself over the period of 10 calendar days.

So let’s try and take a simple example of how this might work out in monetary terms. We’ll say you want to have an active deposit if $100. First of all remember that with the deposit fees this will cost you more like $102. Once you are in, 1nstant will start paying you immediately. As I said, strictly speaking the rate is something like 0.00028% per second so you’re talking about fractions of a penny here, but it can actually be quite amusing to watch this growing before your eyes. 3,600 seconds in an hour then gives you 1% interest, or $1 after an hour, and now something you can actually withdraw. You can recoup your initial investment then after 100 hours, which is only marginally longer than four days. Four days and four hours to be exact, which is actually quite a good deal considering the plan continues for a further six days paying you pure passive profit. You complete the term with earnings of $240, which is made up of your own initial hundred plus an extra $140 courtesy of 1nstant. The maximum deposit allowed is capped at $10,000 incidentally.

If you like the plan therefore and think it might be worth taking the gamble, then you’ll need to know what your payment options are. And for a short term program, especially compared to some recent examples, 1nstant have just about every angle covered. Aside from the ever popular EgoPay and PerfectMoney, they are also using what might (or might not) in the opinion of a lot of readers here grow into a major industry player in time with OKPay. What I’m most pleased about however, and not just because I happen to like them, is the use of SolidTrustPay. Basically because this pours cold water all over the rumor that STP won’t deal with short term HYIPs anymore. Clearly this isn’t the case, because what else is 1nstant if not a short term HYIP? Maybe it’s the case that they won’t be dealing with cheap scams anymore, and maybe it’s the case that this rumor was started by the admin of one such scam who had know idea of the real reason his program was rejected, I really can’t say, but STP have no problem with 1nstant. Anyway, as is probably obvious from the name of the program all withdrawals are instant. Just log into your 1nstant account’s private members area and make a request, and you should have the money in your preferred processor in under a minute. Given that your account balance in the program is growing literally by the second then needless to say the individual amounts are tiny and way below the minimum transaction allowed by any payment processor. So please remember to allow your balance to grow to a suitable amount before making the request. In other words just because 1nstant are crediting your account by the second doesn’t mean that your payment processor is going to allow you to actually withdraw it as fast.

Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks by Koddos. Helping to keep the whole concept of fast moving transactions secure is the SSL encryption from Thawte which has been in place in both public and private areas since the program’s launch.

It’s quite a professionally crafted website, easy on the eye, and running off a unique script. I would have said that the script was developed especially for the program, but that’s not entirely true as I’ve seen it in use in another very similar program you might remember some time back. But basically due to the very nature of the program, crediting members accounts every second of every minute of every hour, it’s obvious that 1nstant isn’t going to be suited for any of the main generic mass produced scripts normally associated with HYIP websites and is going to need something a little bit extra special. It works well enough I have to say, and having been a member for the last couple of days now I’ve had a good opportunity to play around with it and explore how it works. I can tell you it’s a pretty solid and dependable product, easy to use and easy to navigate which is crucial for scripts most investors might only be seeing for the first and only time. On the visual aspect of it there isn’t really anything in your member’s area that you might not see in other HYIPs, except maybe that it’s laid out a little differently. To make a withdrawal for example you simply need to click on the “Deposits & Payouts” banner near the top of the page in your account area. You will then see a new tab marked “Information” which in turn gives you how much money you are currently allowed to withdraw to whatever payment processors you are using. Note that you will be allowed to withdraw only to the payment processor you made your deposit from or the one your referral did, but I guess like most other short-term programs this goes without saying.

If you have any further questions for the 1nstant admin you feel weren’t really explained here then there’s a couple of ways you can get in touch. As usual you’ll find an online customer support form where you can fill in your details and submit via the Feedback page. For Live Chat support you can try the program’s Skype account, though there’s no information available as to what hours the operators keep there (I’ll ask the admin that in the interview I’m planning to send him soon), though it won’t hurt to take a look there first anyway. Fans of social networking websites will be able to find 1nstant running a Facebook group, as well as a profile on VK. If you don’t know what that is don’t worry, it’s a Russian language site very similar, almost identical in fact, to Facebook. Which reminds me, 1nstant is also a bilingual website working in both English and Russian. I think this is significant because Russian players now make up both the biggest and the fastest growing sector of the HYIP industry. Catering to them is essential to keeping a good turnover in the program so I’m glad to see that aspect being taken seriously. It could in fact do a great deal to elongate their lifespan. If you’re interested you can also check out the 1nstant channel on YouTube.

And that’s about it really. I think everything you need to know is covered, but let’s also be perfectly clear about one thing here and leave no room whatsoever for misunderstandings and ambiguity – 1nstant is no more than an online HYIP and a form of gambling. It’s explicitly stated so and no one is trying to trick you into believing otherwise. How long will it survive? Simple, for as long as the money being paid in outnumbers the money being paid out. As long as that happens then everyone from the admin down to the smallest investor will make a profit. Once that stops then so too do the payouts. It’s the very same with every other HYIP, the only difference being this is one of the few admins who respects his customers enough to explain this to you before you give him so much as a penny. And I for one appreciate this approach, and have long preferred (and sometimes enjoyed) dealing with admins like this. You always know where you stand, and they’re not always out to deliberately steal from you. Yes, someone is going to lose something when it closes eventually, but I can live with that when the admin tells you up front that playing 1nstant is the same as playing roulette.

Playing with HYIPs is an activity for adults, the admin is treating you like an adult, so I suggest you behave as such. Accept the risk and any losses with the same good grace you would accept the winnings if you profit. Not to sound flippant but if you don’t like it then don’t play, simple as that. No one will hold it against you, after all there isn’t any guarantees here either. But if you’re happy to take the gamble and play the game then hopefully you’ll have some fun and maybe win a couple of bucks for yourself along the way. I’ll just finish with a reminder to newbies that the best way to protect yourself from losing money you can’t afford to lose is to not spend money you can’t afford to lose. Set yourself a sensible limit and stick to it, because remember there are no refunds if things don’t go your way and there’s really no point in crying about it when it’s too late. That, plus the fact that you should at least consider that if you do join 1nstant then keeping them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. And don’t forget to enjoy the experience while it lasts, OK?



It looks like the admin of FidelisFinance Jeffrey (interviewed here) keeps issuing very positive updates from his program regularly. The first 50-day investment cycle of the 4% for 50 days plan is almost over and the first investors are about to have their deposits expire, which means that they can think about re-depositing in FidelisFinance very soon. The latest good news on processing the withdrawals to all accepted payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney – instantly along with the option to invest via one payment processor and withdraw to another won a lot of exposure for FidelisFinance recently. However the admin is not going to stop there and today announced the addition of the increasingly popular OkPay is going to happen soon. Also more promotional banners were added to advertise FidelisFinance which is already quite a popular project gaining the attention of many experienced investors inspired by the previous results and the admin’s dedication to his program. No wonder that he reported reaching $100K in total deposits today. For more information on FidelisFinance you can see my original review of the program posted here and can also share your experience and even find new friends on the recently opened forum which Jeffrey invites you to visit in his newsletter below:

FidelisFinance big news
Once again here we are to celebrate our success with you, our loyal business partners. As I was already expecting considering the record of past updates, the feedback from you has been really nice and this is what makes us feel like working harder every week to provide you the best services out there. This newsletter is full of great updates.
The first big thing is that we included instant withdrawals for all the e-currencies available in our site and you can withdraw to any payment processor of your choice, no matter which one you used to make a deposit. You can, for example, make a deposit using EgoPay and withdraw your earnings to SolidTrust Pay or PerfectMoney. Some of you requested this possibility via our support department and we decided that, since we have plenty of reserve funds in all e-currencies, why not? We hope this action will give you more freedom to control your funds and access them at anytime you want.
Speaking of payment processors, OKPay will be added next week as some of you requested too. More e-currencies will be added upon members request and, of course, availability.
We will soon publish a new page in our website to present you all our current employees. We want you to know who we are, give you more details about FidelisFinance team. We also included more promotional banners inside members’ area to help you promoting our program and increasing your passive income through referral commissions.
As we said earlier, we expected to reach 100k in total investments after two months of online activity but we will reach that goal much faster than expected. This is an outstanding result for FidelisFinance and of course, you are the ones responsible for that!
Also, I would like to invite you once again to join our forum at and share your ideas about FidelisFinance and general knowledge too! It’s a great way to stay in touch with you!
Have a blessed week!
Best regards, FidelisFinance Team.


Over three months online, CatenaFinance (reviewed here) keeps delivering daily and weekly profits and it seems nothing can stop them. SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay are all accepted and withdrawals are usually processed within a few hours. I guess all the first investors that are already in profit from both plans – 2% per business day for 365 calendar days and 11% weekly for 55 weeks with principal returned in both – are satisfied they chose CatenaFinance as part of their investment portfolios. Today the admin Enver (interviewed here) mentioned that his project will soon celebrate its first 100 days online. He also answered some commonly asked questions and updated the program’s FAQ section accordingly. You can see recent clarifications regarding CatenaFinance‘s profit accrual days, compounding options and minimum withdrawals via different payment processors in that newsletter:

CatenaFinance: FAQ Update
We continue to receive a large number of e-mails with nearly identical questions, so it seems that some things are not explained very clearly on our site. Because of that we decided to clarify the items in question this way, and we shall also update our FAQ.
– Profit in Daily plan is paid on each working day. That means 5 days a week, Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are not working days, therefore there is no trading and no profit as well.
– Compounding percent is the percentage of profit you want to compound, which simply means adding it to the principal. If, for example, you set the compounding percent to 50%, half of your profits shall be added to the principal and the other half will be added to your available balance. In the case you invested a 100 dollars in the Daily plan that split would mean that 1.00 USD gets added to the available balance and that the other 1.00 gets added the principal.
– The minimum for a withdraw on Perfect Money is 0.01 USD. The minimum for EgoPay is 1 USD and for SolidTrustPay 0.5 USD. The differences exist because of the limitations of payment processors.
We hope this will indeed clarify anything that was not clear before, but if you have any questions please do contact us.
By the way, on Tuesday we will have a little jubilee – exactly 100 days since we are online. It is a relatively short period, and in it we managed to become one of the leading online investment programs. We could not have achieved that without you support and, for that, we sincerely give you our thanks!
Thank you for your trust!
Best regards, CatenaFinance


A very positive result today saw an impressive 7.2% profit for PokerByProxy members. This is by far the best return for any of their 22 days online during which payments could go through SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, HD-Money, BitCoin, or PayPal accounts, and also bank wires and WesternUnion transfers. For a mere $25 minimum you get a unique opportunity to participate in the program which pays variable daily interest rates (with possible losses capped at a 5% maximum daily) from the poker tournaments they allegedly participate in as discussed in the daily updates. The best thing about PokerByProxy and the main drawing point you might not be aware of that distinguishes it from other HYIPs is the option to withdraw all or part of your original investment or profits at any time you like, sort of like a bank account. The money that you don’t withdraw on one day will automatically become part of your principal on which interest is earned on the following day. More about that unique concept can be read in my detailed review of PokerByProxy published here and the interview with its admin Patrick here. Congratulations to everyone who had faith in the program and saw some nice results from their investments. Today’s result might be unusual for everyone as for the fist time ever the reported profits exceeded 5%, but Patrick and Co. promise to do everything possible to repeat this winning strategy tomorrow and bring another good results. We’ll see what happens next but for now please read the detailed report on the day’s activities below:

Friday 27th September 2013
Result 7.20%
Report What a exciting day! As noted yesterday, the plan for today was for our entire team to meet up at a new casino where we’ve never played before, and do our best take on the locals and come out with a nice profit for our members. I’m happy to announce that this is precisely what occurred, and today’s result is the largest daily result that we’ve had since PokerByProxy began at the beginning of September. Read on to hear more about how our day went.
As we’ve noted in previous daily updates, our team usually plays online and is not always in the same physical location. Today we all came together in Niagara Falls, Canada, at the Fallsview Casino Resort to play some live action poker. All four of our poker players, along with myself (Patrick), met up around noon, and made a beeline straight for the live poker. By around 12:30pm, our team had begun playing at the cash tables.
The range of players at the Fallsview Casino Resort is quite large, with a variety of locals as well as a few tourists who were in the area. It seemed that just over three quarters of the players were locals, though I assume that the number of tourists in the area increases in the evening. Anyway, after nearly two hours of play we had made a decent profit, and decided it would be a good time to take a break and come up with a plan for the remainder of the day. After a short stroll past the falls (truly one of the world’s most magnificent sights), we decided that we would go back for a few additional hours to see if we could further increase the day’s profits. I’m glad that we made this decision, as by 5pm, our team had churned out an overall daily profit of 7.2%.
Satisfied with the day’s return, we’ve all returned to our hotel rooms and are about to meet for dinner at The Keg, overlooking the falls. After that, the plan is to head over to Clifton Hill to check out some of the local tourist attractions and then later in the evening we’ll probably end up at the “Dragonfly Nightclub” for a bit of fun before we call it a night. If we have time, we may also check out Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville across the street.
Tomorrow’s plan is going to be to attempt a repeat of today. In the meantime, all accounts have been updated with today’s result.


Please be aware of some temporary issues with SolidTrustPay account of the admin of BillionairesGroup Rex who was interviewed on MNO blog last night (click here to read it). In all fairness, he managed to find a perfect solution for investors who don’t wish to wait until the situation with the STP account is resolved and want to be paid fast. You can still request your withdrawals in BillionairesGroup, but temporarily they are going to be paid to PerfectMoney or EgoPay instead. You can just leave the memo of the payment processor you wish to be paid to in the comments section to your withdrawal request. I did so and got paid within hours, which was quick as usual. BillionairesGroup (reviewed here) offers a 2%-4% for 120 business day plan with principal back on expiry and have been running for about two months now. I hope this unfortunate situation with their STP account will be resolved soon and everyone is paid as usual. I’ll keep an eye on the situation closely and will report as soon as I hear of any changes:

This is a short update to inform you that, Solid Trust Pay withdrawals and Deposit will be interrupted for some few hours until STP support report to work.
We had an attempted unauthorised entry into our STP account and for security reasons, STP had to suspend the account and make contact to with us first.
We have followed all the steps recommended to us by the STP merchant account support and awaiting them to restore the account back to active for continued use.
Meanwhile, STP account holders with us can include in their withdrawal request to receive withdrawals into their Ego Pay account or Perfect Money account temporary until our account is restored.
As a security tip, always ensure your Payments processor account has not been tempered with before proceeding with a withdrawal request.
Thank you
Admin BillionairesGroup Finance


Unfortunately we have to wave good-bye to SeedFunding, a blow which came without warning as the admin first disabled all the deposits and withdrawals from his website, and only then posted a farewell update which you can read below:

Processor Transactions and Changes
We just disabled processor transactions in both directions. This means that, for the time being, no additional deposits to SeedFunding can be made and no withdrawals to processors can be requested.
You can stop promoting. Please take down links and banners in advertising programs and rotators. There won’t be any further signups to SeedFunding. We have reached our financial goal and don’t need to create any additional liabilities.
A detailed update is in the works as I’m typing this. There are still a few points to discuss, but we hope you will have it in your inboxes tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest.
By the end of today, inactive accounts (accounts with zero-balances) will be removed from SeedFunding.
For all further details I’ll have to ask you to wait for our update.
Thank you.
SeedFunding Administration & Support

It’s worth pointing out that SeedFunding never got off the ground among MNO readers and hardly anyone joined the program since it was first added to my listing 100 days ago. I guess there were many reasons why they never gained popularity, as the admin did exactly the opposite of what a professional HYIP team would. The final result was predictably disastrous, as running for only three and a half months, SeedFunding was unable even to last for one investment cycle leaving all investors at a loss. I’m not sure what the admin will have to deliver by way of an explanation of his future “restructuring”, but for me such a program that will only accept deposits from the existing members (like the admin said he would be doing soon), while not paying anyone equates a scam. SeedFunding tried to distance itself from other programs but by accepting anonymous payment processors rather than legitimate channels it was still just another HYIP and the admin was expected to play by some rules. Namely pay everyone what he owed them, which he has now failed to do. Therefore I have to move SeedFunding to Scam status on MNO tonight and hope existing members will get at least something back at some point, as the admin promised. I will let you know about the upcoming news from SeedFunding anyway, but at this point I can’t take the promises seriously and consider the program as a scam that couldn’t deliver what was promised.


A promising project was added to Premium Listing on MNO tonight in CrestFunds – a long-term program launched 10 days ago. Unfortunately the admin wrote to me requesting monitoring on day one, but for some reason my reply which was positive was lost in the flood of spam from cheap monitors and all types of crooks looking for money. Anyway, CrestFunds is on MNO now and will be reviewed in full on Monday, when the first interest payment is going to be credited on my account as the program pays on business days only. The investment plans have different minimums to invest (from $10 to $100) and all of them return the original deposit on expiry. They pay 1.4% for 30 business days, 1.6% for 60 business days, and 1.8% for 90 business days, so you can choose what best suits your needs. Please note that CrestFunds website is running off a licensed script by ShadowScripts (you can read my interview with its developer here) so in order to invest the first thing you need to do is to fund your e-wallet and then allocate your funds to the plan you wish to join. Also note that withdrawals are processed by the admin manually within a 24-hour period and on business days only (Monday to Friday). There’s a good choice of payment options with CrestFunds taking EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and PexPay, with SolidTrustPay and OkPay then added just a few days ago. The website itself has a no frills design, but all questions are answered properly and I suspect that there is an experienced admin is behind it. The security level is top-notch with an SSL-certificate issued by Comodo and DDoS protection by CloudFlare with hosting on a dedicated server. I hope to find more information on CrestFunds by Monday when you can expect a more detailed review, so stay tuned for that!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After90Days.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, FidelisFinanceCatenaFinance, SolomonHit, PokerByProxy, StrongInvestment, BillionairesGroup, LoanClicks, GeniusCapitalLimited, 1nstant, InvGlobal, FxDynamics.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GulfInvesmentClub, WelorTrade.

That is all the news for tonight, guys. Enjoy the weekend and I hope you’re looking forward to new adventures in the HYIP industry next week. I’m sure the roller coaster will continue as every day brings something interesting if you keep reading MNO. Not to miss anything I suggest subscribing to my daily news and have it delivered straight to your email (find the subscription form on top of my blog), or follow me on Facebook and Twitter which I update when I have something important to say. By the way, I have already over 500 followers on Twitter and it’s a great achievement in itself, so thanks for that support, guys – it really means a lot.

I’m not sure I’m going publish tomorrow, unless there is some really urgent news to discuss. However I’ll definitely post the interview with the admin of 1nstant if he replies by then. So stay tuned and see you all soon!

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