October 2013 Archives

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Beware! DeltaTraders has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Before this evening’s news update I have another new addition to the MNO monitoring site that I want to take a closer look at for you. It’s a long term program called DeltaTraders with some interesting features to it you might like. There are some limitations to it as well, let’s be upfront about that, but nothing that can’t be put right as the admin develops it over time. I should also point out that DeltaTraders isn’t exactly a new name in the industry. There’s a bit of history there in fact as DeltaTraders first launched back in July but at that point was just targeting the Russian market. They then went offline for about a month or so before returning to resume the outstanding payments to those early investors and trying to expand onto international markets as we see them doing now. So let’s see what they are all about and whether or not you think they might be worth taking a gamble on.

There’s only one investment plan in DeltaTraders, but I have to say it’s remarkably versatile and allows you to do pretty much whatever you want with it. I know I described DeltaTraders as a long term HYIP above, but maybe that’s not 100% accurate. I just express it that way as they don’t really have a fixed expiry date as such and offer what I’d call a perpetual plan. In other words once you join DeltaTraders you remain a member and will be paid by them until such a point as you decide to ask for your money back and leave.

So here’s how it works. You can join DeltaTraders for a minimum deposit of $10. You then receive a variable interest payment on every business day, Monday to Friday, until you ask for your principal back. The only condition placed on this is that you must remain a member for at least 10 business days which is two weeks. If you can do that, then the rest is up to you. As for the earnings there’s no exact guidelines as such concerning how much you can earn. The figure will change from day-to-day, but looking at the past and ongoing history of DeltaTraders you’d be looking to pick up an average of about 1% per business day. Doesn’t sound much next to some of the higher risk short term programs out there but it’s definitely comparable to what was offered by some of the biggest most successful HYIPs in recent years. DeltaTraders have a long way to go before achieving success like that of course, but in the right hands this could be where it starts.

It’s both pointless and impossible anyway to give you any sort of practical example of how a deposit might work for you in DeltaTraders. There’s simply too many variables to consider and everyone will have their own ideas as to what they will get out of the program. Personally as a monitor my own intention is of course to remain a member for as long as DeltaTraders can survive online, be that a year or a day or anything else. You yourself might have a different idea, such as double your money, make 25% profit, stay for a month and see what happens, or any number of other possibilities.

Fans of longer term programs may well like the investment plans, and there’s certainly no one that could deny they are definitely achievable, profitable, and sustainable which are the three most important factors that every online investor should be looking for, but unfortunately one thing that lets DeltaTraders down is the payment options. Or should I say lack of payment options, because PerfectMoney is the only regular HYIP industry related option available. There are in fact a couple of other payment handlers listed there but in reality these are first of all going to be of no interest to international investors serving mainly Russian and Ukrainian residents. These other options include GlobalMoney, YandexMoney, LiqPay, Qiwi, and FreeKassa, but even then are not really used that much for online HYIPs anyway. The DeltaTraders admin assures us that this is going to be improved on, which is something that’s going to have to be done sooner rather than later if the program is ever going to attain anything resembling popularity. There’s no specific timetable for that, so you can either proceed with PM if you want or else wait and see. Incidentally don’t be confused if you see links and banners for other HYIP related processors such as STP. Yes, DeltaTraders have them listed, but at the time of writing they are not currently accepted.

I’ll report on MNO if the list of payment processor ever does expand, but meanwhile I can tell you that all withdrawals are handled manually by the admin and need to be requested from inside your DeltaTraders private members account area. Once done you will then receive an e-mail that contains a confirmation link you will need to click in order to confirm that it’s definitely you taking the money from your own account. You should then allow anything up to a maximum of 24 hours, assuming you have followed the withdrawal instructions correctly, for all transactions to be completed. I must say that I really don’t remember seeing anything like that in other HYIPs in the past, and can only assume it’s a feature of enhanced security to make sure that anyone else who accesses your account can’t steal anything. Please note however that if you’re joining with PerfectMoney that your deposit may not necessarily be added instantly. In this case don’t panic as the admin will activate your investment manually.

On the subject of web design and online security, DeltaTraders are running off a pretty decent quality script that’s unique to the program and custom made to a high enough standard. The website is using SSL encryption by Thawte and is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoSGuard. It’s also a bi-lingual website, with DeltaTraders working in both Russian (by far the stronger and I believe the native language) and English. Once you’re inside the members area by the way I suppose I should also point out that things look a lot different than most of the programs you might have joined recently, but it’s actually quite basic. Demonstrating the language barrier by the way, it’s also worded a bit unusually. For example your account is described as your “bill”, and your referrals are listed as your “friends”. And there are some basic mathematical symbols you need to click on in order to initiate deposits, withdrawals, or re-investments.

If you have any further questions not explained here or any account related issues you think the admin should be dealing with then you can get in touch with DeltaTraders by filling in the online support form with your contact e-mail address and submitting it. You may instead submit your phone number but to be honest unless you’ve got a Ukrainian or a Russian area code I wouldn’t hold my breath in anticipation of a callback. Fans of social media networking sites will find DeltaTraders keeping quite an active profile on VK (sort of a Russian language version of Facebook. Almost identical in fact except for the language), Twitter (again entirely in Russian), and a selection of promo videos hosted on YouTube. There’s not much in the way of actual information in the videos, just some voice actors saying (in English and Russian) how satisfied they are as members, and some live footage made on the streets of Kiev which was kind of interesting to look at. The DeltaTraders website also comes with a built-in Live Chat feature where you might be able to have your questions dealt with in real time, if you happen to find an operator online at the time that is.

Website content and texts about any functioning business plan seem quite original much as the rest of DeltaTraders, and allude to their alleged involvement in ForEx trading. I can’t say that’s something we haven’t heard in the HYIP industry countless times in the past, but I must say that DeltaTraders is at least a more interesting read than most of their competitors. Conservative returns would suggest the admin is trying to keep the project solvent and running smoothly for as long as possible. I sincerely hope that is going to be the case, but as we all know by now any online HYIP will only run as long as it’s profitable for its admin. How long that can be the case is simply anyone’s guess, so as always the cautious approach is the only sensible option. That means setting an affordable spending limit that won’t damage you too badly financially were you to lose it, and if you do decide to join DeltaTrades at least try to not be too dependent on them, using them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



After a very rocky first week online which culminated with the war for survival and a hasty change of hosting provider to the more dependable BlockDos, the admin of MightyAssets Robert can finally say that his project has beaten the hackers and naysayers trying to bring the project down. With over 1,700 registered members after 7 days online and stable payouts to PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay on the 4% for 50 days plan MightyAssets has become a really noticeable program that won a lot of investments already. I hope this is only the beginning of a successful run and wish all the members a profitable experience with it. You deserve it after so many concerns over the site’s existence over the last couple of days. But like they say – what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger – and I believe that the first slump could be actually a blessing in disguise for the admin. Well, it’s surely was a perfect test for survival the admin had passed with honor. I hope that my contribution in this growth with a positive review I gave to MightyAssets on my blog here and which the admin graciously features in his last newsletter to members will help the program strive further and obtain more followers in the HYIP industry. To read the full version of the newsletter from MightyAssets please take a look below:

MightyAssets – one week online
MightyAssets has been online for a week and we already have over 1700 registered members, this sounds a noteworthy accomplishment. We had confronted DDOS attack & some numerous problems after launch because of that we chose and reached Blockdos immediately to expand our assurance level & security, likewise our committed group and programmers has took care of everything exactly and succeeded figuring out everything!. We now have a High Grade system quality DDoS attack protection. We hope everyone is happy with the withdrawals they have been receiving and hope you are continuing to support us on the forums and monitors as well. We are getting bigger every day and your effort in promoting our program is strongly appreciated!
We have added all major, well-known and reputed monitors to monitor our investment program and services which includes GoldPoll, MoneyNewsOnline, HYIPExplorer, uHYIPS, Invest-Tracing, List4Hyip, SQMonitor and many others.You can review the complete list of monitors that we have added so far here: https://mightyassets.com/index.php?a=cust&page=rate-us
MightyAssets was recently reviewed by Paul from Money-News-Online, you can check out the link below :
If you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team through Support page, Email or Skype.
Best regards!
Robert Thorpe, MightyAssets admin


For the first four weeks online CrestFunds proved that the admin has some serious intentions to bring the program straight to the top. Judge by yourself – the payouts have been timely and stable so far, the growth was slow but steady for this type of program with CrestFunds reaching 500 active members lately, the program has been widely featured on various investment forums and monitors with the admin also on MNO Premium listing and taking the big side banner on my blog as well. I’m really thankful to the admin of CrestFunds Gary for sharing the link to my review in his newsletter posted tonight. I’m looking forward to interviewing Gary on my blog soon as soon as he expresses any interest in doing so. For now if you haven’t read my review of CrestFunds published here I’ll remind you briefly that the program accepts deposits into three plans all of which return you deposit on expiry – 1.4% for 30 business days, 1.6% for 60 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days. While the first members in CrestFunds on the shortest plan will be counting their profits only in a couple of weeks, the program is developing gradually enough and I’m quite sure the admin chose the right course to advertise it. CrestFunds also accepts a wide range of payment processors starting from $10 which include PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, OkPay, BitCoin and PexPay. The withdrawals are requested manually and are processed by the admin on business days only (Monday to Friday). By the way, please note about the temporary payout schedule which will move to evening hours this week only. To read more on that and other updates from CrestFunds please refer to the full version of the latest newsletter issued tonight:

Newsletter 15. October 2013
Dear CrestFunds Community
CrestFunds is almost one month online today and we feel the need to address you briefly.
During the past weekend, we’ve welcomed our 500th active member. We consider this as a great compliment for our work and like to say thank you to all of you. After analysing our member stats we’ve also noticed that 76% of our members are referred by others. This is a significant percentage, proving once again the value of word of mouth marketing.
Please continue to invite others to CrestFunds – this will ensure the longevity of our project and all of us will all benefit in the long run.
During the next couple of days we need to change the withdrawal (or cashout) schedule slightly, due to travel related issues. Up until the 22nd of October withdrawal requests will be processed multiple times every business day between 7am and 3pm GMT. As from the 23rd of October the schedule will be back to 8am – 4pm GMT. For your convenience, we will add one withdrawal session on Saturday, 19th of October as well.
To round this newsletter up, we like you to have a look at two reviews about Crest Funds, that were recently published:
1. Money-News-Online
Probably the most influential blog in the High Yield industry by far – but for sure the most visited. Please read Paul Abramson’s unbiased review about CrestFunds here.
2. World of HYIP
Boris of World of HYIP published his review about CrestFunds in the Russian language just two days ago. Russia and the Russian speaking countries are a very important market for CrestFunds. Just for your information, our current Alexa ranking for Russia stands at 6,265 (at the time of writing), while our Global Rank stands at 144,973 – after only 4 weeks online! So if you are a member of our Russian speaking community, please read Boris’ review here.
That’s all I have to report for today. Thank you for reading our newsletter and take care until next time.
With best regards, Gary Harrow


Quite a bizarre update was sent by EmpireFinanceGroup today in regards to investment limits. Before discussing that in more detail I must first remind you that EmpireFinanceGroup has been online for over three years now and is paying fine, however with the fame came popularity and the administration has probably realized by now that the level of deposits can be artistically enhanced by some seemingly meaningless updates. Before that EmpireFinanceGroup used such tricks as putting temporary block on deposits and not accepting them for some time while prompting investors to think that the program must be a real business involved in real trading. That was obviously the main aim of such tricks which never lasted more than a couple of days at a time, but intentionally created a stir among potential investors who thought they might have missed a great opportunity to invest. And I bet that every time deposits in EmpireFinanceGroup resumed the program experienced a huge influx of new members and new funds. That explains why it was done so many times before and allowed the program rise to the #2 spot on the list of the most popular programs on MNO.

Therefore I believe the latest update regarding increasing the deposit limits to $100,000 for members from some countries while reducing it to $50,000 for others is just posturing. It tries to say – “look at us, we have investors with such huge deposits that we have to shuffle the maximums in order to maintain a perfect balance and the stability of the whole program”. It’s pure bluff and boasting of course, so remember that despite a long time online and stable payouts processed instantly to PerfectMoney and EgoPay, EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here) is still just an HYIP and doubtful that any investor put $50K or $100K into it. If that happened EmpireFinanceGroup had closed already, and wouldn’t bother investors with such seemingly meaningless updates like that re-posted below. However we can’t deny the incredible level of durability demonstrated by EmpireFinanceGroup that saw them survive the LibertyReserve collapse and even paid all the accounts held by LR investors to other e-currencies. EmpireFinanceGroup has nothing to be ashamed of and the payments are being done perfectly well on all three investment plans with principal back on expiry – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days. Whether it maintains this pace and performance for three more years is yet to be seen, but for now I suggest not to be blown away by such updates aimed at creating the illusion of extreme wealth:

New deposits limit updated – EmpireFinanceGroup
Deposit limit was increased to 100 000 USD for investors from the next countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Turkey. Limit was decreased to 50 000 USD for investors from the next countries: Russia, Ukraine.
EmpireFinanceGroup Support Department


To tell you the truth, when publishing the review of KeystoneLoansDivision on my blog last night (click here to read it), I didn’t realize that the payouts to all the payment processors accepted by the program – PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay – were processed instantly, as it was specified in the FAQ they were done within 72 hours. So the latest short update regarding the instant payouts to PerfectMoney which were disabled for the time being due to security concerns caught me off-guard. Of course, over the first days with KeystoneLoansDivision I myself noticed that my own payouts were processed very fast, but I imagined they were done this way because they were not really large amounts. In any case, it appears that the payouts to EgoPay and SolidTrustPay will remain instant for now while PerfectMoney withdrawals will be processed manually by the admin as per KeystoneLoansDivision‘s terms and conditions:

Perfect Money notice
It has come to our attention that there is currently a security risk with the Perfect Money payment processor. As such, we have decided to disable instant payments to Perfect Money accounts until the risk has been dealt with by the payment processor and we are confident that our members money is safe. SolidTrust Pay and EgoPay withdrawals are still instant and are not affected.
Thank You, Kali Mack
KeystoneLoansDivision Admin

KeystoneLoansDivision has been online for about three weeks with the admin offering three investment plans – 1.4% for 105 business days, 1.6% for 95 business days, 1.9% for 80 business days – with certain daily surfing requirements and a $10 minimum required to invest. As the admin requested an interview on joining MNO’s Premium listing I will be sending him that tonight, and hopefully get a reply soon. Stay tuned for that, guys!


PokerByProxy (reviewed here) made up for last night’s losses of 3.2% tonight when profits of 3.05% were reported. Although, the main attraction of PokerByProxy has always been the ability to withdraw any part of the principal and daily profits – a variable figure that compounds on your account daily unless you withdraw it. That is the main difference between PokerByProxy and other HYIPs as well – the investor is in full control of his/her finances and can start from a $25 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, BitCoin, HD-Money, PayPal, and with a higher minimum via direct bank wires and Western Union transfer. The admin talked more about the unique features of his program in my interview with him published here. However it would be untrue to believe that PokerByProxy is somehow less riskier than any other HYIP you’re in and even the long run of 40 days already which brought significant profits to investors shouldn’t convince you otherwise. So only invest in what you can afford to lose however convincing the results might seem to you (the last of which please read below):

Tuesday 15th October 2013
Result 3.05%
Report After yesterday’s loss, I’m happy to announce that things are back on track. After the long weekend, our full team has returned to the tables and our customer support staff is currently going through a whole bunch of messages that accumulated over the weekend. We have some big improvements coming this week, including the upcoming introduction of our Twitter account as well as additional customer support features. We will also be holding scheduled Skype sessions later this week. I think that everyone will be pleased with the improvements that are currently in the pipeline.
In terms of today’s play, our team was up bright and early, with the goal of recovering from yesterday’s loss. The team started off slowly with some sit and go tournaments, which are usually a slow and steady earner. The team played 20 small tournaments in the morning and were able to generate profits in roughly 80% of them. As each of our players finished with their round of tournaments, they moved over to PokerStars Zoom poker, alternating between the $1/2NL rooms, $2/4NL rooms and even the $5/10NL rooms. Out of our 4 active team members, 3 were able to make decent returns on their stacks, resulting in an overall return for today of 3.05%. This pretty much makes up for yesterday’s loss, and puts us back on track for a profitable week.
All accounts have been updated with today’s results, and all withdrawals will be processed within the next 2-4 hours. If you are waiting for a reply to a support ticket, you can expect to hear back from us before 9pm EST this evening.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, CatenaFinance,  GeniusCapitalLimited, SolomonHit, StrongInvestment, BillionairesGroup, EndoInv, MightyAssets, InvOil, CrestFunds, InvGlobal,  PrimeEnergy, SabroTechnology, KeystoneLoansDivision.
From MNO Standard list:  UnicoFX, DeltaTraders (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GulfInvestmentClub, 30minutes, WelorTrade, Brows&Co.

That’s all the news I have to report tonight, guys. Check out MNO tomorrow for the latest news from the HYIP industry and remember, always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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