Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.

26/11/2013. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi guys! Last night I decided to take a break and after a few days posting different reviews and news and published an interview with the admin of IncomeAlways instead which I hope you enjoyed. It seems there’s a lot to catch up on tonight though, and I have quite a lengthy update. So let’s get started with the introduction of a brand-new addition to Premium listing on MNO called RemiTrade.


RemiTrade was added to my Premium listing today just after being announced on the main monitors and forums. I really like when such high quality programs come to MNO straight on its first day online meaning that the admin is serious enough about choosing the very best resources right from the beginning. RemiTrade reminded me of one of the most legendary programs that ran for about two years and if the admin is the same then we may expect similar result from RemiTrade as well. Anyway, the program accepts only PerfectMoney and Bitcoin deposits starting from a $10 minimum (Bank wires are also accepted but you have to contact the admin for further details if interested). Note that you can specify the amount you wish to deposit in USD and the script will convert that into Bitcoins for you and give the exact amount to pay on the following page. Having a totally custom-made script (which is always a good thing for any serious program) allows the admin of RemiTrade to tweak the system and possibly add more features in the future if necessary. For now the script is so sophisticated that it’s able to accommodate a very unique, perhaps even quirky investment plan that might seem very complicated to an inexperienced investor. I will discuss it in more detail tomorrow, but for now I’ll just give you a simplified version. You see the profits which are allegedly made from trading are displayed on top of the site. From that amount the investor is given a certain share which might be from 50% to 95% depending on the size of your deposit. This is then available for withdrawal and will most likely be processed to your PM account instantly. Anyway, I already received my first payment from RemiTrade and can confirm it was done within seconds. From the previous results I can see that the daily results can be as much as 4% which is pretty good, but is promised by the admin to not drop below 0.3%. Please note that once making a deposit in RemiTrade it’s locked in your account for a full term of 240 business days and only after that can you claim your principal back. I also have to say that I’m really impressed with the overall quality of the website, the sophisticated and custom-made script it runs off, and the level of security which includes SSL encryption by GeoTrust and hosting on a dedicated DDoS protected server by SoftLayer. RemiTrade already have a couple of updates posted by the admin in their news section since opening, which you can read below for further info:

Investment Offer.
We are glad to inform you that new customer account application is available online!
Please view our detailed investment offer on our website You can start investing with us today and receive up to 2-3% Daily on your investment.
You can really become successful with us.
Please note, even if trading day will be finished with negative result our investors will receive profits (0.3%*your_max_plan_rate on that day) from our reserve fund. Thank you for choosing Leader in online investment business!

E-Currencies are accepted now
Dear Investors!
Due to numerous calls we’ve decided to accept e-currencies as deposit and withdrawal option.
Starting from today you can use not only Bank Wire Transfers as classic deposit and withdrawal option.
We accept BitCoin and PerfectMoney deposits and process withdrawals using these e-currencies paying systems.
Main advantage using them is maximum convenience for our investors. You can deposit and withdraw money from your RemiTrade account in minutes!
We recommend to use these alternative options as a trusted and verified online payment processors.

SSL Support
Dear Investors, Under the auspices of Highest Standards in Business Practices, we would like to remind everyone that RemiTrade website is using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), as one of the advanced security features of our Investment Services . To make sure that your connection is secure, please check that there is a golden padlock icon shown in your Internet Browser, when navigating through our website.


As you might be aware, GeniusCapitalLimited is currently ranked #1 on MNO’s listing and I believe this is well deserved after their hard work and steady instant payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and OkPay. GeniusCapitalLimited which was first reviewed on MNO here has been listed for ten weeks with three available investment plans – 2% for 15 business days, 2.5% for 30 business days, 3% for 60 business days – and returning the original principal on expiry of each. Those who have been in GeniusCapitalLimited long enough must know that the admin isn’t very talkative and issues newsletters only occasionally. One of these occasions was yesterday when he posted a link to GCL’s own Facebook page and invited members to vote in a poll to decide what language (after English) the website will be translated into. For now Russian and Chinese are the clear favorites, but if you have your own opinion on that please vote in the link provided at the email below and visit the new Facebook page to show your support for GeniusCapitalLimited:

Facebook Page & Website Translation Poll
We hope you’re satisfied with our investment services. Our team would like to announce the following:
1) GCL now has its own Facebook page, please like us and feel free to post anything related to GeniusCapitalLimited.
2) GCL team wants to hear your opinion regarding the translation of our website. Please vote for your desired website’s language version only once. The language that gets the highest amount of votes will be the first secondary language introduced to GCL after English.
Thank you for being with GeniusCapitalLimited
Yours Sincerely,
Ralph Bancroft (Director)


If you read my lengthy but comprehensive review of DublinCryptoriumLimited published here, you might know that the program is an absolute gem and so much different from the more conventional HYIPs. DublinCryptoriumLimited provides an opportunity to make money from the Bitcoin mining process, which allegedly the program will do for you while you will just reap the rewards in the form of micro-profits being generated in your account on a per-second basis. You can see your deposit in DublinCryptoriumLimited actually growing in front of your eyes and what’s more – you can withdraw both your principal or profit in the program at any time you like and so be paid instantly to any of PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, BitCoin (plus direct bank wires) starting from quite a high minimum of $50. You must also remember to maintain at least a $50 balance in your DublinCryptoriumLimited account as this is compulsory in order for interest to be credited. Anyway, in the two last newsletters issued yesterday the admin talked more about the latest achievements in Bitcoin mining in which they appear to have performed so splendidly and also noted a different approach to those investing via Bitcoin from now on. Although not that vital to read if you’re not into Bitcoins I believe the two latest updates from DublinCryptoriumLimited might be of interest to you, if you’d like to know more on how the program works:

Creation of a second generation of processors
For the last three months, the efforts of the development engineers of DublinCryptoriumLimited have been focused on the creation of a second generation of processors able to mine bitcoins. Mining bitcoins is a new and specialized field. Thus, the leading role in development was played, not by engineers or programmers, but rather mathematicians who fully comprehend and are able to optimize hash functions as they relate to bitcoin mining.
Thanks to the young mathematicians who are graduates of MIT and The Hamilton Institute, our project was made possible.
After a series of tests, we found that the new chips have 6x the mining power of our first generation processors. This means in upcoming quarters we will be able to meet the ever increasing demand for the processing power to mine bitcoins.
The complexity of the issue continues to increase. Today it takes 2x more processing power to generate one unit of digital currency compared to a year ago.
The chips are produced by Infinion Technologies using 45 nm process technology. DublinCryptoriumLimited employees noted that this marks the first joint initiative by these two companies.
Learn More
You can login to your account any time. Please visit our website and click on the “Login” link on our home page. If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it using “Password Reset” option at
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to visit our Service Guide at or contact Customer Support at
Thank you and welcome again to DublinCryptoriumLimited.
Sincerely, DublinCryptoriumLimited

Bitcoin Update
Due to the significant fluctuation of the Bitcoin exchange rate, DublinCryptoriumLimited has adjusted the method of calculation used to determine profit. Now, when you add Bitcoins to your account, the unit of currency will not automatically be calculated in U.S. dollars. For example, if you deposit 1 BTC into your account your income will be calculated in Bitcoins, the control panel and calculator will determine yield curve dynamics in Bitcoins.
Learn More
You can login to your account any time. Please visit our website and click on the “Login” link on our home page. If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it using “Password Reset” option at
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to visit our Service Guide at or contact Customer Support at
Thank you and welcome again to DublinCryptoriumLimited.
Sincerely, DublinCryptoriumLimited


I was pleased to see MNO on top of the list of people with the most referrals in PokerByProxy. Over the 80+ days online hundreds of my readers have now obtained some really nice profits from the program that is allegedly involved in poker tournaments. The prize for the three lucky winners of the contest is a New Year trip to Aruba for a short all inclusive vacation. For now I’m quite satisfied with the title of best promoter in PokerByProxy with 311 referred members for less than twelve weeks which is an exceptionally good result that also helped the program reach the #2 position on my Premium listing.

If you haven’t read my review of PokerByProxy you can do so here along with my interview with the program’s admin Patrick to be found here. The program really stands from the crowd by providing a rare opportunity to decide when to leave the program and how much money to keep there on any given day. PokerByProxy accepts deposits starting from $25 via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, HD-Money, Bitcoin, PayPal, Western Union and Bank Wire transfers. Withdrawals are usually processed after 24 to 48 hours. Results are posted at the end of each calendar day in the appropriate section of the program’s website. Yesterday’s profit was announced at 2.09% while today it was 1.4%. The two latest daily reports from PokerByProxy also mentioning the three contest winners are below:

Monday 25th November 2013
Result 2.09%
Report A fairly standard day at the tables today, consisting mainly of sit and go tournaments, 50/50 tournaments, and a few cash games near the end to boost profits. Our team is becoming increasingly skilled when it comes to the 50/50 tournaments, and we are finding that they are the most surefire way to achieve a profit. The downside is that they can be time consuming due to the fact that there aren’t very many high level tournaments taking place. Anyway, after the team wrapped up for the day, we tallied up the results and are pleased to announce a return of 2.09%. All accounts have been updated.
For those of you waiting for the results of our Aruba competition, be sure to check your email in about 24 hours, as we have an upcoming newsletter in the pipeline. It will also be posted on our blog tomorrow morning.

Tuesday 26th November 2013
Result 1.40%
Report Lots of news today, and an acceptable result to report from today’s gaming activities. We only ended up playing for about an hour today, while the rest of the day was spent making plans and making decisions surrounding our Aruba New Years get together. The team left the tables around noon, after achieving a 1.4% return. All accounts have been updated.
Now, for what you’ve all been waiting for, the winners of our New Year’s Aruba Celebration. As you likely recall, in our newsletter during the first week of November, we announced that 3 lucky PokerByProxy members would be winning all inclusive trips to Aruba, to spend New Years with the entire PokerByProxy team. The prizes were to be awarded to the member with the largest volume of referral deposits, Jack’s favourite, and finally to a third member at random. Today we are happy to announce the winners (drum roll please!):
Largest Number of Referrals: Paul from MNO
Jack’s Favourite: Atticus from Compound Daily
Random: Trident99
Congrats to all our winners! Jack will be in contact with our winners to help make arrangements.


CatenaFinance has been a pretty incredible program that was monitored on MNO monitor since its first day online, paying promptly on plans offering 2% per business day for a year and 11% weekly for 55 weeks. And though on its sixth month online the first investors are still far away from completing the first cycle and receiving their principals back at the end of their investment term, CatenaFinance still managed to deliver huge profits to its first investors who were lucky enough to invest at least $1 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, or PerfectMoney. It’s now gained a respectable #4 position on the MNO monitor. For more information on CatenaFinance you can always read my original review posted here and my interview with the program’s admin Enver here. And in the latest newsletter tonight Enver discussed results from the first five months and promised some pleasant surprises in the near future. Well, we’ll wait and see but I’ll let you know about any changes with CatenaFinance on MNO as well:

CatenaFinance: Sixth Month Online
The number of new investors is climbing at an incredible rate as we enter our sixth month online. Those who have been with us from the very beginning are already reaping superb profits, and our new arrivals and ones planning on investing in future will have a chance too, because its only the beginning!
The profit is, as you know, stable and payouts are rapid as always. The speedy growth we are experiencing has not slowed us down.
We are making good progress, and we could not achieve that without your support. We think we are very blessed to have such investors, and you are, it seems, happy with us as well.
We had quite a few challenges along the road so far, getting slammed with DDoS attacks on one side and bad PR on the other. We were blackmailed, criminals demanded money to stop attacking. Not once did we give way to those criminals, and we fought them successfully time and time again. The biggest problem where the DDoS attacks which we manage to avoid in all cases. We think we reached our goal there, making sure that you, our investors, don’t feel much of that. We were forced offline a couple of times, but it never lasted more then 10 minutes so there is a chance most of you didn’t even notice it. So far, we have been successful in keeping the criminals at bay.
This is, however, only the beginning, and we do not plan on stopping. You can expect many surprises and features in the near future and we think we can guarantee that you will be glad you decided to invest with us.
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards, CatenaFinance


I got a very unpleasant surprise from FutureYieldsIncome today when the admin displayed a total lack of professionalism by introducing a shocking 5% withdrawal fee. Within a few hours he changed his mind and replaced it with a slightly less outrageous 3% rate which now applies to every withdrawal in FutureYieldsIncome. And although he apologized for this measure on the MNO ShoutBox today and promised to refund anyone who disagrees with the measure, I still believe such drastic changes implemented before even the shortest investment cycle was finished indicates a total newbie behind it. Usually such changes at the program’s outset only ever get a negative reaction from investors, but it sounds especially bizarre in this case when FutureYieldsIncome was in pre-launch mode for so long. One would think two weeks would be enough time for the admin to think about the investment plans before committing to them. Anyway, just my own opinion on the latest changes as payouts in FutureYieldsIncome (reviewed here) continue to the 12% for 20 business days plan paid to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney within 24 hours. I can’t say anything about the on expiry paying plans yet – 110% after 3 days, 130% after 8 days, 170% after 16 days, 290% after 32 days – as the first investors will receive their now reduced profits within the next 24 hours. Below are both emails from the admin within quick succession of each other so you can judge their content for yourself:

FutureYieldsIncome – MNO review, 5% Withdrawal Fees and changes
Greetings FutureYieldsIncome members,
Hope you all enjoyed the weekend.
Now that we are passed the testing phrase of the site and we have fully launched after a long awareness campaign.
We have added 5% withdrawal fees, starting from today whenever you withdraw funds, you will be charged 5% to help the site and to help pay the fees.
This is of course done with the best intentions and as we grow as a company i will be making many changes to the site.
We have also added a RATE US page, so that people don’t need to call up just to see our monitors, of course you can do if you like, but if you want to view them on our site you can do.
We have put the STP deposit instructions on the login page, so that when you make a deposit with STP it comes up straight away.
Some of you have asked when STP deposits will be automatic, and the answer to that is NEVER. We do not plan on submitting our docs to them again and if they believe our plans are too high then that’s fine and as manual deposits are 100% safe and allowed, then will be no problem.
Just a reminder about MNO’s review, you can read that here:
Have a good week and i’ll try and get another email out on SUNDAY at the end of the week updating you of anymore changes we make to the site.
Admin – FutureYieldsIncome.

FutureYieldsIncome – Fees down to 3%
Hi everyone,
Just a quick update on the fees.
As stated this morning, i was going to add 5% fees. Many of you agreed that is was a good thing for site, however some of you pointed out that PLAN 3 is rather pointless with those fees, and i may have misjudged how plan 3 would be affected.
I have put the fees down to 3% and hope this still allows everyone earn a good amount from the program.
The fees are needed because without them we are paying more, including your earnings. So it makes it easier for us.
I do thank all of you for your support and advice and together we can anything with FutureYieldsIncome and i will make sure that changes are made but no more changes that will affect your income from the site.
FutureYieldsIncome Admin


Despite huge advertising efforts by the admin of MultiPowerVentures I can’t really see much interest from my readers in the program yet. Even after the review (click here to read) which the admin shared in the last newsletter posted today I can’t see many takers. Plans include 104%-150% after 2 days, 110%-250% after 4 days, 125%-400% after 8 days, 175%-850% after 16 days, 325%-2,000% after 32 days. Perhaps the fact that returns offered by MultiPowerVentures are quite low compared to the risk taken by investors on seeing the program has been paying to PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and Bitcoin for twelve days now. Anyway, it’s really possible that MultiPowerVentures has already reached the point where further growth is vital for survival. I guess that’s why the admin decided to experiment with more ads in different advertising sources now, but the question remains whether such efforts will bear fruit and not be a pointless waste of money on an already sinking ship. For now the program is paying quite fast, but in today’s newsletter the admin stated that for some reason withdrawals might slow down soon enough, and asked investors not to be too concerned. On the website itself the deadline is shown as 48 hours of the initial request, so this is most definitely not a point investors would like to be facing when dealing with a short-term game like MultiPowerVentures. For those of you who wish to get more details please read the full newsletter below:

12 Days Online Time of MPV Updates
Hello. Greetings to everyone in MPV. This should be the 1st email you received from MultiPowerVentures or MPV. And we will update you today.
We have reached a dozen days online and we are expanding even bigger. We are test-advertising to see the most effective advertisement form in different websites, forums and monitors. We plan to advertise and maintain the most effective ones.
We are very very glad to announce that everything is going very smooth in the growing of our website. The collective efforts of our advertisers and monitors are growing some nice fruits for our success. And these are the sure signs of success. The traffic in our website is really starting to become bigger. We all hate traffic jams in the real world, but in the online world traffic is very important and desirable for any website owner.
Many members are getting paid daily. Just a reminder to everyone, please be aware that our withdrawals are not instant. Some are contacting why their withdrawals are pending for 1 hour, 2 hours, 8 hours etc. Please know that we will process withdrawals as fast as we can, but we cannot promise that we can do them “like instant” always but sometimes this happens and some members experience almost instant payments. We like how they are happy to announce that they are receiving almost instant ones but please don’t get too used to it LOL. Seriously though, we will do our best to process them super fast as we can.
Money News Online wrote a review of our program on his blog a few days ago and here is the link to it, please ready it .
Aside from the many advertisements , banners and other form of ads that we have in place in many places, we have a stick thread on moneymakergroup forum here is the link to it too
We are very proud to have personalized Knowledge Base and Terms page, please make sure you read them alright? We have a Live Chat service available, but please limit your queries when using the live chat to important matters only, make sure the question is not yet answered in our Knowledge base and in our terms.
Thank you very very much for reading this rather long newsletter.
The admin himself – Leo Konstantin Immanuel Zirner


Coincidentally or not, but a very similar newsletter was also received tonight from the admin of Gener8Profit – a program paying 8% for 15 days to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and OkPay and reviewed on MNO here. Although the investors are satisfied with mostly instant payouts from the program the admin hastened to remind us tonight that instant payouts are in no way guaranteed. In fact quite the opposite is stated in the Gener8Profit‘s FAQ where manual withdrawals within a 24 hour maximum are promised. So in today’s email the admin of Gener8Profit Jack asked everyone not to panic if your withdrawal is not paid instantly as usual, but rather remain patient and wait for 24 hours for it to be processed manually. Here’s the latest update from Gener8Profit in full:

Update: Patience is not spelled P A N I C
Greetings members,
I feel this must be mentioned….
Our connection with the Perfect Money server was interrupted for about 2 hours overnight and a few people started to panic. While it is mentioned in our FAQ’s that withdrawals should be processed within 24 hours this did not deter some from yelling in forums and monitors that they were not paid “instantly”. This just confirms what we already know. If instant withdrawals are advertised and if for any reason it goes to pending, it is interpreted as a bad sign! In fact, there could be many reasons out of our control, to cause this exact situation. Let me repeat … This only happened for 2 hours.
As some of you should already know, we are not going anywhere. We want to set an example of what you should expect in a quality program. We need and want your patience and support in case of any other unforeseen incident such as this. We are working hard, 24/7, to make Gener8Profit all it can be for you. Your continued support, both morally and financially, is required.
Let’s all work together for a common goal.
Best Regards, Jack Tyler


If you check the MNO monitor at least once a day (which you really should be doing) you’ll have noticed that yesterday DeltaTraders was moved to Problem status due to a very weird newsletter posted aimed at halting all interest accruals and withdrawals until February next year. Plus they changed the lock-in period after which members can request their principal back from 10 business days to 30 business days. Usually this can only mean severe cash flow issues and I always warn against investing in such programs. However today I noticed DeltaTraders seemingly changed their minds and allow withdrawals starting from a $1 minimum. At the same time I also took note of the daily interest while at 0.5% daily only still credited to my account on every business day. Finally, the fact that my last withdrawal was paid today fast as usual, contrary to their previously stated rules in the Sunday update. So I’m pretty confused at the whole situation – DeltaTraders (reviewed here) is still paying, but at the same time the situation remains critical and perhaps it would be wiser to keep your investments to a minimum, at least until February when the program is supposed to fully recover from the decline in activity in the HYIP industry. At this point it’s up to investors to decide if they wish to keep their funds in such an unstable program with the admin changing his mind too often for my taste, but I would recommend not to invest at the moment, even despite the Paying status. Here’s the short update I found on the site today:

From 26.11.13 you can withdraw profitable balance
Profitable balance accrued from November 25 is available to withdraw from November 26, if its amount is more than $1.

Below is the Sunday newsletter that caused all the confusion in the first place:

Changes in the work of the found
Dear investors!
The current market situation is the proverbial highly profitable investments (closing key investment programs and totally unpredictable mass closure of most other projects) , and the threshold of the New Year holidays and the subsequent seasonal decline in investment activity, objectively dictate the introduction of effective weighted adjustments to the work of our fund. In the development of DeltaTraders, as surely noticed our investors and outside observers, we rarely adhere to established canons HYIP market, which sometimes cause natural criticism and even rejection of the project. But time puts everything in its place. So now, we want to be an example of stability and integrity that unstable and often dishonest market.
So with the foregoing quite obvious factors affecting the stable operation of the found, we introduce the following management measures:
1. To withdraw main and profitable balance, formed by 25 November 2013, for the existing investors will be available from February 1, 2014. This term, of course, will be revised in affluent market trends.
2. From November 25 2013 up to February 1, 2014 DeltaTraders will produce daily calculation and payment of the profitable balance according to the existing regulations.
3. Minimum management period for new investments is 30 working days. This term, of course, will be revised in affluent market trends after February 1, 2014, this condition will be revised to return to the 10 working days.
These measures will allow to undergo a difficult period for the market, thus preserving primarily the interests of investors and laying new opportunities for further development of the DeltaTraders in 2014.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: GeniusCapitalLimited, PokerByProxy, PureIncome, CatenaFinance, RFIGroup, BillionairesGroup, IncomeAlways, MultiPowerVentures, GreenHillHoldings, DeltaTraders, DublinCryptoriumLimited, InvGlobal, Gener8Profit, WealthersInc, FutureYieldsIncome, DailySharePro, RemiTrade (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, BallInvest, WelorTrade, WindStockEnergy, ValuePathFinance, ThaiMonetaryFund, Financ.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. See you all tomorrow with the latest news from the last 24 hours and a full review of a very promising newcomer to MNO Premium listing today – RemiTrade. Thanks for reading and bye for now!

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