November 2013 Archives

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Hi everyone! I’m sure many of you have heard the expression Black Friday, though I always thought it referred to the pre-Christmas sales in the US today. Because it seems for totally unrelated reasons this Friday proved to be a really rough time in the HYIP industry as well. This evening’s news is dominated then by the collapse of three programs which I’m going to discuss – PokerByProxy, GreenHillHoldings, and FutureYieldsIncome – and look at their performance and possible reasons for demise.


I’m going to start with the collapse of one of the bigger programs monitored on MNO which is PokerByProxy. To be fair it was a nice little earner for a lot of investors while it lasted – even briefly reaching the #1 spot on my monitor for a couple of hours some time back – but alas like all other HYIPs it too has run its course now. I must admit though that my own suspicions, and those of other investors, were aroused when the admin started offering free holidays to Aruba a couple of weeks ago. That of course is an old HYIP admin trick, to make some ridiculous promises you can never keep to try and convince investors you’re genuine, but not worry about getting called out on them because you know you’ll be long gone with the money once the time come to deliver. It’s hardly an original trick and PokerByProxy are by no means the first ones to try and pull it.

It’s gone a bit further than that now though, with the admin effectively seizing 99% of the members money, refusing to give it back, and blaming everyone else (payment processors as well as the members) for the situation. This of course is a ruse. A distraction tactic to get everyone looking the other way while the admin actually clears out all the money (your money!) for himself. You see, if you were a member of PokerByProxy you will have been aware that there was no lock-in period for your deposit, and you were allowed to withdraw it in full any time you like. And this is what, in the following newsletter from PokerByProxy, the admin is trying to prevent.

To give you a brief commentary on the newsletter and what it really means for you before I republish it for you to read, let me just make one thing clear so there will be no misunderstanding just in case the admin may have some comments on his own in a later update – PokerByProxy was already moved to Problem Status on MNO before this update was sent, and I can assure you the reasons why have NOTHING to do with the flimsy excuses being passed off by the admin here. It’s on Problem status because the admin has started blocking accounts. He starts his newsletter however by telling us that PayPal have stolen(!) “the vast majority of funds”. This my dear readers is nonsense. As MNO was earlier acknowledged as the number one referrer in the program (there being no other popular monitors hired) I can say with some certainty that no more than an absolute maximum of 10% of funds there ever went through PayPal in the first place. In fact most likely it was even considerably less than that. That of course is assuming there’s even a genuine problem with PayPal at all. I mean I can’t confirm if it’s the truth, though given PayPal’s anti HYIP policy I wouldn’t be surprised if something really is going on there. But if so it only applies to a tiny minority of funds.

This is followed by a somewhat bizarre, and frankly I must say downright insulting claim that members who complain about having their money stolen are in fact responsible for this happening to themselves. Granted some people do get a bit pushy when asked to wait the required number of hours for admins to process their withdrawals, I’d be pretty sure this is something almost every HYIP admin has to deal with. But hey, it’s not as if investors don’t have a long and rich history of entirely justifiable reasons for not trusting HYIP admins, right? In this case however the PokerByProxy admin’s threat which you will read below to simply seize the money of anyone who complains is shameful. Not liking someone’s attitude is a churlish and spiteful excuse to use for robbing them, and blackmailing them into silence to make it easier to steal from them is even worse.

Anyway, I think I should let you read PokerByProxy‘s newsletter before adding any further comments of my own.

Friday 29th November 2013
Result -99.00%
Report Over the past few months, PokerByProxy has been having an amazing time. Profits were great, and our users were fun to correspond with. However, things have changed, and in the process have totally destroyed us. Today’s loss is not a typo. While we haven’t completely lost that amount, we have taken massive losses thanks to Paypal and a few other unforeseeable events. It is with great dismay that I post tonight’s update. Below I have outlined the primary challenges that we are facing, along with the plan to move forward.
Payment Processors
The main problem is that the payment processors seem to be run by thieves. Paypal has now managed to steal the vast majority of the funds that were deposited. Not only have they frozen accounts, they have billed our personal credit cards, bank accounts, and more. Paypal is one of the biggest scams I have ever seen, and somehow they manage to get away with it. To make matters worse, some idiotic investors have caused problems by starting disputes when their withdrawals weren’t paid instantly. We are VERY clear about how withdrawals work, yet some of our members seem to be illiterate. That brings me to the next challenge we’ve been facing:
The Users
The vast majority of PBP users are friendly individuals, however there is a relatively large handful that seem hell bent on causing problems. These users have managed to freeze many of our accounts, reverse payments, threaten us when withdrawals aren’t paid within an hour, and much more. Furthermore, these users post negative comments on forums and blogs and then demand ransom money in order to have them removed. It’s unbelievable.
The Plan
Moving forward we must make some major changes. First of all, we’re removing Paypal all together. I also encourage anyone who uses Paypal to stop working with such a fraudulent company. The next step will be to get things back to normal as soon as possible. With the heavy burden of the frozen funds out of the way, profits will resume. In terms of making sure no one loses out, we’ve compiled a list of all of our users, along with their total deposits and withdrawals. A portion of each day’s winnings will now been used to bring everyone back up into the green (most members are in profit already). Please note that there will be some rules when it comes to this.
1) Anyone who threatens us or anyone associated with PokerByProxy will voluntarily forfeit any funds that they have deposited with PokerByProxy. We are tired of the ridiculous threats. We have actually received threats of violence when a user’s withdrawal took more than 2 hours. We have no interest in dealing with such idiots.
2) If you send any message requesting that your payment be expedited, your funds will be forfeited. Such messages simply waste everyone’s time.
3) The recovery process covers deposits, not overall account balances.
4) Withdrawals will now be paid within 72 hours. If you complain, as many of you have when your withdrawal was processed within a few hours, your account will be forfeited.
Today’s events are unfortunate, however with a bit of luck, we can get everything back to normal in the near future.

The key phrase here is in the admin’s final point. “If you complain your account will be forfeited.” In other words “shut up and mind your own business while I empty all the accounts”. It’s not like the old days you see when LibertyReserve was a willing accomplice for every thief and scammer you could find. Even the so called anonymous payment processors like PerfectMoney have been forced into taking action these days, and will in fact start blocking accounts of people trying to use their services to commit criminal fraud. No, PerfectMoney still won’t refund you, but they will at least try and freeze the accounts of PokerByProxy if enough of the victims contact them with a genuine complaint they can investigate. SolidTrustPay are better known for doing the same thing, and will probably act a lot faster.

And that I think is what I think the admin is really afraid of here. You see, it’s Friday night (the weekend) so his personal withdrawals from his payment processor accounts are going to be delayed. Therefore he tells you that your withdrawal will also take three days – and don’t complain! – while in fact what he really does is take the opportunity to empty out all the money into his own pocket. Three days pass, and hey, go complain all you like! The money’s gone and I can assure you the only person around here sitting on a beach in Aruba with a drink in his hand will be the PokerByProxy admin. Paid for by the members of course, thank you very much!

So this is what you need to do – complain to ALL payment processors immediately! Do it now, do it often, and do it loudly! Don’t be scammed and don’t be bullied! PokerByProxy want you to shut up to make it easier for them to steal from you. While it’s unlikely that very many of you not currently in profit will recover much of your money, at least don’t sit back and make it easy for them. Contact all the payment processors, including PerfectMoney, tell them about the threats and the bullying and the attempted fraud, and demand they block the admin’s accounts. Don’t be afraid of his threats because trust me, he has NO intentions of paying you anyway, and if it prevents him from escaping with at least some of the money you might just feel good about a small and rare victory for investors over admins. Though I’m sure the admin has done rather well for himself from the program anyway.


GreenHillHoldings has proved to another disappointment today as despite such a potentially great program with everything going for it decided to scam and pull the plug after just two weeks online. The first delays with payouts were reported this morning so I immediately moved the program to Waiting status and wrote to the admin asking about selective payouts, as my own and withdrawals to other monitors were still being done. As you might guess, my emails were totally ignored by the admin and therefore, I felt it was the right time to move his program to Problem status on MNO. What I seriously can’t understand is that GreenHillHoldings has been such a great program with a beautifully crafted layout and always paid very fast but only managed to last for two weeks. This wasn’t enough for anyone to be in profit as the plan paid 6% per business day only. It just proves a very simple theory that any program, even the most promising, might not be the one to watch. But then a totally ugly looking program with bad design and generic script might surprise everyone and bring profits to a majority of investors. We’ll never really be able to get inside an admin’s mind and see what his true intentions are. With GreenHillHoldings I can only speculate that it was a carefully planned scam from the beginning that despite the nice wrapping it had a rotten centre. Please avoid GreenHillHoldings from now on!


The admin of FutureYieldsIncome was possibly a total newbie. His program was a complete disaster, with a five days lifespan but a pre-launch running for about two weeks! I’m not sure if the first members who joined the shortest 110% after 3 days plan were in profit or not, as just when it came time to pay the first withdrawals on expiry the admin decided to introduce a very unpopular withdrawal fee. That was set to 5% first, but following a public outcry this was reduced to 3%. Still, a big chunk of profits for anyone to hand over, though the admin promised to refund those unwilling to pay. The said aim of that withdrawal fee was the longevity of the program which, as we see, didn’t work. Yesterday the withdrawals stopped and today it was already very clear that the admin didn’t intend to pay anyone. He also disappeared completely from my ShoutBox despite hanging around there most other days. So perhaps the reason for such a fast scam was the total incompetence of the admin who was totally unprepared and tried changing the rules as he went along. That wasn’t what the investors of FutureYieldsIncome expected from the program and you might remember that I was highly critical of the fees when first introduced. It was a very dangerous thing to do in the first place, and may have simply been a trick intended to pay out less while continuing to collect more funds. In any case, the outcome for FutureYieldsIncome was a very quick scam after weeks of “preparation” and the utter disappointment from the majority of investors. Please do not invest in FutureYieldsIncome anymore as the payouts have stopped completely now!


With the new investment plans and purchasing banner spots (for one week only though) RFIGroup is again making headlines. It’s really hard to predict if RFIGroup will survive this coming month when many investors try to leave older programs and wait for January. I guess to fill the gap and make the program more appealing to more investors the new investment plans were introduced that only require 7 and 15 day terms to be in profit. In addition to that, RFIGroup kept the existing plans with principal back on expiry – 1% for 100 business days, 1.6% for 130 business days, 2% for 150 business days. Those plans and also the one where you can withdraw your profit and principal even after 1 single day was left untouched since RFIGroup first launched in February 2013 and first reviewed on MNO at the beginning of March (click here to read it).

Anyway, as they pay on business days only yesterday was a day off for Thanksgiving in the US. A short notice on their website yesterday informed members as much:

Thanksgiving Day
Dear investors,
No profit will be credited today due to Thanksgiving day holiday.

Over the last few days RFIGroup also started issuing newsletters which they never used to do that often in the past, so I’m not sure why they’ve started now. Yesterday, saw another reminder by email to investors about the new plans:

Try new RFI plans!
We are pleased to inform you about our new plans with a wide spectrum of various profitable portfolio tools. Now you have more opportunities to increase your income, according to your personal budget and time range.
Learn more here
With RFIGroup you stay on top of the latest events of the market today!
Best Regards, RFI Team.

Finally, today another email was sent by RFIGroup stating they resumed accepting Bank wire deposits now. I was actually unaware that they’d ever even stopped, but there you go, Bank wire deposits are again accepted along with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and, most recently, BitCoin:

Bank wire deposit option
We are glad to announce that bank wire deposit option is enabled again.
You are welcome to deposit in one of nine RFIGroup portfolios using the bank wire option, besides the Perfect Money, EgoPay, and Bitcoin accepted currencies.
Best Regards, RFI Team.


Although MultiPowerVentures is not very popular among MNO readers, I see the program is still doing well and paying on all available plans starting from $10 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and BitCoin – 104%-150% after 2 days, 110%-250% after 4 days, 125%-400% after 8 days, 175%-850% after 16 days, 325%-2,000% after 32 days. MultiPowerVentures has been running for over two weeks now and was reviewed on MNO a week ago (read it here). The latest newsletter from the admin yesterday saw the introduction of a Facebook group and best wishes to American members for Thanksgiving. Here’s the newsletter in full:

Official MPV Facebook Group & Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends
You most likely have a Facebook account right? If you happen to not have one, then it is high time that you create your account at Facebook because we have officially created our Official Facebook group. Please login to your FB account and click the link and Join the group .
We also want to wish all Americans to have a great time this Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
The administrator of MPV – Leo Konstantin Immanuel Zirner


BillionairesGroup issued an important newsletter today warning about phishing emails trying to make investors click on some links sent to their email. The admin also asks for patience as outstanding withdrawals will be processed after maintenance work on the server is finished:

Dear Billionaires, Kindly beware that there is a phishing email being sent to emails purporting to be from BillionairesGroup. Please be adviced that it is not from us and kindly dont click on any link from such email. We are undertaking an antivirus installation in our server and will process your withdrawals immediately we we are done. Thank you

BillionairesGroup was first reviewed on MNO here and the admin Rex was interviewed on my blog here. BillionairesGroup has proved to be a serious player in the HYIP industry for almost four months now and paying on the 2%-4% for 120 business day plans. And though the first investors have yet to receive their principals back on expiry of the plan, BillionairesGroup brought some good profits to those who joined early. Payment methods include PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, OkPay and some others. Only time will tell how the program will grow, but I will certainly keep you updated on any further new from them.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: GeniusCapitalLimited, PureIncome, CatenaFinance, RFIGroup, BillionairesGroup, IncomeAlways, MultiPowerVentures, DeltaTraders, DublinCryptoriumLimited, InvGlobal, Gener8Profit, MutualWealth, WealthersInc, DailySharePro, RemiTrade.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, BallInvest, WelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, ValuePathFinance, Financ, GoldDailyPay (the first payment received), InsideForexGroup (the first payment received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. I know, I know, not everything is positive, but the HYIP industry has always been like this – with its ups and downs and constantly changing line-ups. Hopefully something more promising will happen or new programs join MNO listing over the weekend. So, keep an eye on MNO as despite the weekend I’ll still be active here. See you all very soon!

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