November 2013 Archives

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Hello, guys. The new business week is ahead of us and MNO blog is back to provide you with the latest news from the most popular programs in the HYIP industry listed on my monitor. In this update you will also read some interesting analysis of the latest miseries of one of the founders of LibertyReserve payment processor that is facing now up to 75 years in jail. So, if you’re interested please keep reading and we will get to it in the end of the tonight’s news overview. For now let’s see it what is going on with some programs.


PokerByProxy (reviewed here) reported a very healthy 2.4% return for today which continues their outstanding growth. The program is only listed on MNO monitor now with the admin Patrick (interviewed here) preferring stable and gradual growth over high exposure and huge advertising campaigns from the start. And I guess the strategy is paying off as the program is, as of tonight, ranked #2 on the MNO monitor, tucked in between such long-term stalwarts as PureIncome at #1 and EmpireFinanceGroup at #3. And that was achieved after just two months online. Surely though there’s room to expand now as the admin has announced the expansion of his support team to provide an additional level of communication to the ever-growing membership.

Just wanted to briefly remind you how the investment process in PokerByProxy works. Basically, your investment starts from $25 (or slightly higher for some payment methods) which you can deposit via literally all possible payment gateways – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, HD-Money, BitCoin, PayPal, Western Union, e-Transfer or a direct bank wire. Then your account is credited with a variable daily profit of up to 25% at the end of every calendar day (note that occasional losses do occur with your principal losing as much as 5%). Overall the trend has been hugely positive so far and those who invested from the beginning could possibly double or even triple their original investment depending on their strategy. You can literally just see your account grow or withdraw any time and any amount you like. Your profits always become part of the principal which is fully flexible and withdrawable with any part of it thanks to an original script designed specifically for the program’s needs. On requesting your principal and/or profits you usually have to wait from 24 to 48 hours in order to get paid to the same payment gateway you used to deposit. Below is the latest profit and news report from PokerByProxy:

Monday 4th November 2013
Result 2.40%
Report Another solid day here at PokerByProxy, with a reasonable 2.4% return. The team focused on Poker Stars Zoom poker today, and bounced between the $2/4 NL limits and the $5/10 limits, with success at both. While we find that the returns that we’re able to earn at the 2/4 tables are much more stable, and rarely subject to volatility, it requires substantially more time, and in order to achieve a reasonable result, the players are required to play multiple tables at once, which can occasionally be distracting. With poker, patience is definitely the one of the most important attributes of a good player.
As we’ve mentioned in previous updates, our team is expanding to manage our increasingly large poker fund. Two new players began their training/testing today, and if things go as planned, within two weeks, they will become official members of our poker team. Further to that, we are currently working through the applications that we’ve received from members wishing to become part of our support team. If you’ve submitted a message regarding this, you can expect a reply at some point this week.
Overall it’s been a busy Monday as usual. All accounts have been updated.


EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here) is in third position on the MNO monitor having just this evening been surpassed by PokerByProxy. Unlike the latter, EmpireFinanceGroup is possibly the longest paying HYIP in memory lasting for over three years now while still processing instant payouts to EgoPay and PerfectMoney which the program accepts from quite a high minimum of $100. Despite the high minimum and limited payment options EmpireFinanceGroup remains a hugely popular choice with investors willing to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars in their plans all of which return your principal on expiry – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days. Note that since EmpireFinanceGroup is running off a custom made script you can also set your account to automatic reinvestments at the end of each investment term and see the remaining time for the next account credited live straight from your member’s area. I must say the background really works wonders for the EmpireFinanceGroup website which recently again underwent a complete overhaul as shown to investors today. The browsing in your account with EmpireFinanceGroup is now much more convenient and it’s explained much better now. I’m sure that such a nice surprise will not go unnoticed by investors who can only wonder how the program survived since June 2010, even paying off the investors hit by the demise of LibertyReserve earlier this year. Confidence in the program grew significantly and it looks like they can now afford to deal exclusively with serious investors – hence the high minimum and the improved layout. As the new layout is still in a beta-trial version you can also browse EmpireFinanceGroup in a light version, but I believe an official announcement will be issued by the administration once the new version is fully completed. I’ll keep you updated about this on MNO, so stay tuned!


The admin of SixaLimited has finally added SolidTrustPay as a payment method, joining EgoPay and PerfectMoney. It took nearly three weeks to do so, as STP are more cautious about adding short-term programs recently. It’s being suggested that the members’ requests which the admin asked them to send to STP in support of his request for SCI button verification actually worked and helped speed up the process. Maybe a certain level of determination from a HYIP admin can move mountains and that it’s possible to get STP payment buttons approved if the program is of a decent standard. So, late last night SixaLimited officially announced the addition of STP in the following email:

SixaLimited – SolidTrustPay available!
Hello, after hundreds of member requests we have added SolitTrustPay as one of our payment processors. Go to SixaLimited and set up your STP account now. SixaLimited – beyond the ordinary.
Best Regards, Charles Barkley, SixaLimited

SixaLimited has been on MNO for a week now, but it’s already getting popular among fans of short term programs due to stable and relatively quick payouts. They accept deposits from a $10 minimum and available plans include: 104%-120% after 1 day, 54.3%-70% for 2 days, 122%-300% after 5 days, 146%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1,000% after 20 days, 400%-1,500% after 30 days. More about SixaLimited‘s features can be read in my detailed review published here.


Please note that it was impossible to connect with BillionairesGroup for the last 24 hours. The admin warned everyone about the downtime and put the appropriate sign on his website. In the first newsletter I received from BillionairesGroup today it was claimed that the program is moving to a new server which I guess might be due to security concerns and multiple hacking incidents that took place when the site was hosted on the previous server:

Dear Billionaires,
This is a short notice to inform you that, access to your back office will be interrupted for 1hour – 24hours or less to enable us migrate our project to our new Dedicated Private server.
Kindly cooperate with us for such interruption and sorry for any inconveniences caused.
Thank you. BillionairesGroup Finance. Admin

Due to that I had to move BillionairesGroup to Waiting status on MNO monitor today, but am looking forward to restoring its Paying status as soon as the website is back online and the payouts resume. I’ll let you know how that goes, but the latest newsletter indicates they could be on the final testing stage and available again soon:

Thank You
Dear Billionaires,
We wish to thank you all for waiting and for your patience, we have successfully completed the migration and testing all functions in order to allow us give you the best including instant withdrawal.
We will open access to your back office soon after testing is completed.
Thank you


Can you believe that five shameful days have passed since the first confirmed reports of selective payouts started coming from the angry investors of UnicoFX, before some (and still only a few!) monitors finally acknowledged the problem existed. The question is why it took them so long when it’s been known since an official warning was posted on MNO last Wednesday with proof posted on major forums and the status changed to Problem and then to Scam on my site. And we continue to face the same problem of indifference among the vast majority of monitors who do not care and make sure no one will find out about the Problem status of scams they are clearly collaborating with. Otherwise I do not know how to explain such a thing, when everyone knows there’s something wrong with UnicoFX and prefer to keep silent.

At the same time those following my blog on a daily basis and checking my monitoring page daily were well-informed about the scam-in-progress well in advance, which hopefully saved them lots of money they might otherwise have lost in UnicoFX. So we can conclude that in order to be well informed not only about the good paying programs, but also the pending scams, investors really need to choose the monitors they can trust very carefully. Actually one wrong step in this direction can cost you a lot of money. So I really hope that everyone learnt a lesson from this and investors, whose money it is that drives the entire industry, will boycott the collaborators and force a positive change in monitoring practices.

And last but not least – I would like to address new admins who come to MNO for advertising. Please do not think that MNO is the same as other monitors who do not care. Selective payouts will result in one thing only – your program moving to Problem status on my monitor and its immediate exposure on my blog if I don’t receive a viable explanation from you regarding the issue and unless affected members are paid in full. If you do not like these rules and please avoid coming to MNO. For investors please do yourself a favor and check MNO blog and monitor more often – that way you will be sure to find out about potential scams first and save lots of trouble and money like those smart investors did with UnicoFX.


I know the whole series of events leading up to and surrounding the seizure of LibertyReserve by US law enforcement authorities and the subsequent manhunt, arrest, and extradition of its owners might be old news to a lot of readers by now, but the story has most certainly not gone away. Given that it happened last May I guess it might not exactly be at the forefront of people’s minds anymore, you can read more on the story to refresh your memories in the articles first published on MNO here and here.

Suffice to say the hysterics from some quarters, screaming about the imminent apocalyptic meltdown of the entire HYIP industry never happened. Not that any serious industry players ever believed this was possible for a second anyway. If experience has taught us nothing else it’s that this business is very resilient, and of course whenever supply and demand co-exist the technicalities will work themselves out eventually. But what of the update on the legal procedures against the LibertyReserve owners, the perpetrators of the alleged multi-billion dollar money laundering case that led to the eventual closure of LR? Well, as it’s almost six months now since that fateful day in May and the wheels of justice have been turning ever since. Cases have been built against the accused and we are now beginning to see them in court and again being covered by the mainstream media. If you click on the links I gave you above to the articles posted at the time, you’ll see that it was a man by the name of Arthur Budovsky who was the main boss behind LibertyReserve, but by no means the only one involved.

One of the co-founders was Vladimir Kats, and while no longer directly involved with LibertyReserve at the time they were raided, one official from the US department of justice, the prosecuting attorney leading the case in fact, has seen fit to describe him as “a global banker for criminals, giving them an anonymous, online forum to hide the proceeds of their illegal and dangerous activities”. He’s the one back in the news over the last couple of days, and has entered a guilty plea on all charges made against him. One imagines that simply holding your hands up and saying “OK, I did it” is the smart move when the evidence is so overwhelmingly in the court’s favor. Obviously this saves the taxpayer from having to foot the bill in a prolonged legal battle and therefore win some form of reduced sentencing in return. Some of the charges being leveled against Kats were quite odious by the way, and I for one wouldn’t be all that bothered were he to serve the full 75 years he was threatened with. After all, it wasn’t just the online HYIP industry that you and I are familiar with that LibertyReserve were accommodating. That was just a small part of it it seems, as 40 of the potential 75 year sentence that may be handed down to Kats relate to child pornography. With the minimum sentence for this being just 15 years, one would have to suspect this was the real motivation for the guilty plea and not bringing the full wrath of the courts upon himself by wasting their time to delay the inevitable. Whatever, good riddance to the guy I say and I sincerely hope the fictionalized portrayal of (what’s left of) the lives of child sex predators in US federal penitentiaries turns out to be an hilariously subtle understatement. Official sentencing has yet to be passed but that is now a mere formality with the guilty plea being agreed on with his lawyers and the prosecution.

I should also make it clear that as of the time of writing the charges against Vladimir Kats’s co-defendants are still pending. They’ve not been put on trial yet, let alone convicted of anything. So for your own sake do be sure to comment appropriately if discussing the matter on public forums. Innocent until proven guilty and all that, though as a betting man I wouldn’t be putting any money on this ending well for Budovsky and the rest of his cronies. Law enforcement agencies from Sweden, Holland, Switzerland, Spain, and probably several other jurisdictions are all co-operating on this one so you know it’s been taken very seriously.

There’s no denying that the entire HYIP industry took a hit for a while, but the recovery came about as swiftly as anyone expected and so many people will have put the entire unpleasant experience out of their minds and moved on. Probably the best thing you could have done by the way, except don’t forget that there are many lessons in there that investors need to learn. Not one to say “I told you so”, but I can’t say I was surprised at how things ended up for LibertyReserve. I mean the timing was totally unpredictable for the rank and file users like you and me, only the investigating officers would have known that. But I mean you can’t expect to get away with what these guys were up to forever. Ironically had they just stuck to something simple like the HYIP industry and stayed away from identity theft and the hackers and the credit card fraud they’d never have appeared on anyone’s radar and would most likely be walking around free and very wealthy men today. But no. A million dollar business had to become a billion dollar business, and so now they’re all going to prison.

I doubt anyone who ever had to deal with the customer service department in LR (who I’ve long suspected as being at least partially responsible for the theft of funds from members accounts) will care. “Tough luck, that’s your problem” is not a suitable response from any organization to their members accounts being ransacked, so even from a purely business perspective it was clear that LR was in decline before the police raids ever took place. The writing was on the wall well before that, and many many warnings of the dangers of storing money in LibertyReserve were posted on MNO. I myself was sure to withdraw a minimum of once every 24 hours from LR, and immediately upon receipt of a bigger payment. It was worth the effort as in the end I lost nothing but an empty account number with the LR closure. I sincerely hope you all took this advice and kept your reserves held there to a suitable minimum. Reports of some people losing thousands of dollars were just baffling to me as it was clearly unsafe, and literally hundreds of hacking incidents were allowed to continue unchecked by LR owners.

I’m sure in the coming weeks the whole LibertyReserve saga will re-emerge in the mainstream media, so feel free to start googling for the links in the coming days and weeks if interested.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, PokerByProxy, GeniusCapitalLimited, CatenaFinance, SolomonHit, InvOil, PrimeEnergy, BestEight, CrestFunds, InvGlobalKeystoneLoansDivision,  DeltaTraders.
From MNO Standard list: IncomeAlways, SixaLimited, IndustrialInvestGroup.
From MNO Basic list: GulfInvestmentClub, InvestmentCapital, InvestAge, WelorTrade, 30minutes, StableProfit, ValuePathFinance, OilAssetsFinance (the first payment received).

That’s all the news I have for you today. I hope you enjoyed reading and will join me again for more tomorrow. Bye for now and see you all then!

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