Dec 10th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! MultiPowerVentures have stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! For tonight’s update I have the following interview for you with the admin of MultiPowerVentures. I don’t usually introduce the admin’s by their full names, but you can’t deny that Leo Konstantin Immanuel Zirner sounds like an old Soviet PolitBuro member, or maybe the worst bad guy ever to appear in a James Bond movie (sorry Leo, lol!) but at least his program’s been going well for almost a month now. It’s a short term program offering terms, as Leo explains below, of 104%-150% after 2 days, 110%-250% after 4 days, 125%-400% after 8 days, 175%-850% after 16 days, and 325%-2,000% after 32 days. There’s been a lot of programs like this one in recent times as regular readers here will know, and MultiPowerVentures compares favorably to most of them, being online long enough to put a decent number of users comfortably into profit by now. For how much longer it can continue is anyone’s guess, but as always we’ll hope for the best. If you like what Leo has to say about his program and you would like some further information, then you can always start by reading the original review of MultiPowerVentures first published on MNO here:

1. Hi Leo, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in MultiPowerVentures. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Hello Paul. My full name is Leo Konstantin Immanuel Zirner, and I am the one assigned and involved with handling the online dealings of our program MultiPowerVentures (MultiPowerVentures). I am quite simply, the administrator of this program. I am the one handling the payments and managing the advertising budget of our company.

I like to do things on my own and I like the feeling of being in control. It is through this way that I am able to make sure that I am able to tackle all the things needed to make my work as perfect as I can.

2. Can you give us some background information on MultiPowerVentures? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

MultiPowerVentures was launched last November 14, 2013 and we are very happy with the current growth rate of our program. Alex Blom works for me, as the main man for support and interactive support. If you notice, I have assigned him just today to stay on the Facebook Group and on your Shoutbox on your blog.

We have a dynamic group partners who works with us offline.

MultiPowerVentures is the online presence or program rather, that was born when we decided to expand our business online. When we decided to open our doors online for this earning opportunity, that was when MultiPowerVentures was created.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?

The plans we offer are grouped with stages. Each plan has several stages and the deposited amount will dictate how much the ROI will be for each deposit. To cut is short, this means that the bigger the deposit, the bigger the returns.

All of our plans start with a minimum of $10 and can take up to $25,000 as the maximum deposit amount. All of our plans are divided into 7 stages. And all our plans only pay upon maturity. We do not have daily plans.

The first plan we have, pays up to 150% after 2 days. Please check below to see the stages in this plan so you know how to set your ROI goals.

Stage 1 – $10 up to $500 will return 104% After 2 days
Stage 2 – $501 up to $1,000 will return 106% after 2 days
Stage 3 – $1,001 up to $2,000 will return 108% after 2 days
Stage 4 – $2,001 up to $2,005 will return 112% after 2 days
Stage 5 – $2,501 up to $5,000 will return 120% after 2 days
Stage 6 – $5,001 up to $10,000 will return 135% after 2 days
Stage 7 – $10,001 up to $25,000 will return 150% after 2 days

The second plan we have, pays up to 250% after 4 days. Please check below to see the stages in this plan so you know how to set your ROI goals.

Stage 1 – $10 up to $500 will return 110% After 4 days
Stage 2 – $501 up to $1,000 will return 114% after 4 days
Stage 3 – $1,001 up to $2,000 will return 120% after 4 days
Stage 4 – $2,001 up to $2,005 will return 130% after 4 days
Stage 5 – $2,501 up to $5,000 will return 150% after 4 days
Stage 6 – $5,001 up to $10,000 will return 200% after 4 days
Stage 7 – $10,001 up to $25,000 will return 250% after 4 days

The third plan we have, pays up to 400% after 8 days. Please check below to see the stages in this plan so you know how to set your ROI goals.

Stage 1 – $10 up to $500 will return 125% After 8 days
Stage 2 – $501 up to $1,000 will return 135% after 8 days
Stage 3 – $1,001 up to $2,000 will return 155% after 8 days
Stage 4 – $2,001 up to $2,005 will return 200% after 8 days
Stage 5 – $2,501 up to $5,000 will return 250% after 8 days
Stage 6 – $5,001 up to $10,000 will return 350% after 8 days
Stage 7 – $10,001 up to $25,000 will return 400% after 8 days

The fourth plan we have, pays up to 850% after 16 days. Please check below to see the stages in this plan so you know how to set your ROI goals.

Stage 1 – $10 up to $500 will return 175% After 16 days
Stage 2 – $501 up to $1,000 will return 225% after 16 days
Stage 3 – $1,001 up to $2,000 will return 275% after 16 days
Stage 4 – $2,001 up to $2,005 will return 380% after 16 days
Stage 5 – $2,501 up to $5,000 will return 500% after 16 days
Stage 6 – $5,001 up to $10,000 will return 650% after 16 days
Stage 7 – $10,001 up to $25,000 will return 850% after 16 days

The fifth and final plan we have, pays up to 2000% after 32 days. Please check below to see the stages in this plan so you know how to set your ROI goals.

Stage 1 – $10 up to $500 will return 325% After 32 days
Stage 2 – $501 up to $1,000 will return 500% after 32 days
Stage 3 – $1,001 up to $2,000 will return 700% after 32 days
Stage 4 – $2,001 up to $2,005 will return 850% after 32 days
Stage 5 – $2,501 up to $5,000 will return 1100% after 32 days
Stage 6 – $5,001 up to $10,000 will return 1450% after 32 days
Stage 7 – $10,001 up to $25,000 will return 2000% after 32 days

Please note that all the returns and rates shown include the principal.

We do accept SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin and Bank Wire (in some instances).

4. It was a mistaken rumor recently that STP were not accepting shorter term HYIPs (spread mostly I believe by admins who were rejected by them) which is clearly not true as MultiPowerVentures proves. So can you tell us about the verification process and how you were allowed to add STP. Was there anything unusual there or is it only a simple matter of just opening an account and waiting for them to do the rest?

Actually it was really a straightforward and simple matter to get verified with SolidTrustPay if you can provide them with all the things they ask you of. All you really have to is comply with their rules and answer the questions honestly. If all your documents are complete and valid then I see no reason why you wouldn’t get verified. Simple as that.

5. I’ve monitored a lot of programs similar to yours over the last few years, some of which were really good and had a great life span with lots of members in profit. But I never once saw even one of them successfully come up with 2,000% interest after 32 days, or come anywhere even close to it. So why do you still offer this when almost no one takes it seriously? Even STP have suggested their members not waste their time and money on plans like this.

The plan is actually active and there are quite a few in it. These plans are not for everyone, but there are those who like them so we included them in our choices of plans.

6. How secure is the website of MultiPowerVentures? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

We have been running for 25 days online now and no issue on security has been experienced. Why is this so? This is also simply because we never took security for granted. Aside from the fact that MultiPowerVentures is hosted on BlackLotus with a high level of DDOS protection, and at the same time, secured connections provided by COMODO SSL, we also have taken the necessary steps to secure the server itself from hacking attempts.

If you also read our news section regularly, you would know that we have disabled profile editing to keep members accounts safe from hackers and malicious intent. I cannot fully disclose all of the steps we have taken as this will expose our security secrets and may give hackers and idea of what we have in place and that is not good if ever.

7. What kind of script is MultiPowerVentures running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

MultiPowerVentures is running off with a Licensed GoldCoders script, from . We chose this script because it provides all the features we need and everything is easy to manage with this script as I have proven now that it’s been close to four weeks since I have familiarized myself with it.

The security of a website depends on the security of the server, so we invested mainly on the security setup of our server with BlackLotus. The script itself is pretty safe, as long as you have the right team to keep your program safe from hackers and attackers.

8. Can we see any statistics regarding MultiPowerVentures? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

The reason we limited the public statistics on the website with Last Deposits, Paid Out List and Top Affiliates is because we value confidentiality. But let me give you an idea. There are current 73% active investors in MultiPowerVentures.

The activity of members actually play a good role in the popularity of MultiPowerVentures but we do not solely rely on members activity to bring referrals to the program. We have a good budget for advertising as you can see.

9. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

Members can reach me via the Live Chat or through the HelpDesk system. I am also regularly online on some forums such as MMG, TG and MMGP. I am even sometimes active at the MNO ShoutBox.

10. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

This question is very useful and I hope that everyone reads this portion.

The most popular question I got on Live chat and e-mail tickets is “Do I get earnings daily?”, if you check the plans names, it is clear that we do not pay daily. Also regarding compounding, this is related. If a plan does not pay daily, then it means compounding is not possible.

11. How have you been promoting MultiPowerVentures so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

If you noticed, we have been advertising MultiPowerVentures gradually and progressively. This is proving to be a very effective way in advertising our program. We get listed on the highest type of listing on the most popular monitors, and we buy ads in those too. Also advertised on popular forums and blogs including yours Paul.

12. What are your plans for the immediate future for MultiPowerVentures? Any changes or improvements lined up or are you satisfied with the way things are? December has often been unpredictable in the HYIP industry, so how will you convince people you will still be here by January 1st?

I have been quiet all these weeks because I do not really want to be super active like other admins and then give a negative vibe when suddenly I get busy. It is natural that everyone will get very busy when Christmas time is coming but our activity during this time will definitely work in our favor.

We do not need to convince anyone, if they are happy with they see, they will always join. We are also not going to be affected if some investors decide to halt until 2014. This is because we are a very well funded company.

13. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

All is okay Paul. I guess I have nothing else to say but watch out, THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

Thanks a lot to Leo for taking the time to reply to my questions. I can’t help but admire his optimism, and can only keep my fingers crossed for the program and its investors that the best is indeed yet to come. Best of luck to everyone involved with it and I hope MultiPowerVentures will continue to put members into profit for as long as possible, however long that may be.

I don’t have much news for you this evening but I do just want to make a quick point about another program, StableCapitalGroup, before we finish. The admin has informed me of an unfortunate situation with his domain registration that is causing him problems. He assures me he is dealing with this and the program will finally be up and running properly very soon. Keep an eye on MNO for further developments on that.

That’s all for today, guys. I’ll be back tomorrow with any news stories worth heaing about so stay tuned for that and see you all then!


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