Dec 15th, 2013 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi all! Friday the 13th today, but despite the horror movie comparisons not such a bad day in the HYIP industry today. Despite the general slowdown in the business and a lack of big programs I doubt we’ll waiting too long before new names are listed here. At least two admins who already pre-paid for Premium listing on MNO contacted me over the last couple of days reporting they were ready to launch next week. I hope they’ll be of good quality and I look forward to introducing them soon, so stay tuned for that.


MultiPowerVentures (reviewed here) is undoubtedly one of the hottest short-term programs at the moment. With their first month online behind them the admin of the program Leo issued a lengthy newsletter assuring us it’s only the beginning for the program as is gradually increases its advertising campaign on HYIP-related sources, including MNO. In buying the big tower banner on my blog for a month plus upgrading his listing on MNO to Sticky it put me into the top five biggest referrals in MultiPowerVentures as well. After the interview with Leo was published on MNO a few days ago more people realized that a long-running short-term program like MultiPowerVentures deserves a second look. By the way, the link to the recent interview was shared by Leo in the latest newsletter so if you wish to read it please click here to do so.

I just want to remind you that MultiPowerVentures has been running for nearly a month now, accepting PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and BitCoin deposits starting from a $10 minimum for the following plans – 104%-150% after 2 days, 110%-250% after 4 days, 125%-400% after 8 days, 175%-850% after 16 days, 325%-2,000% after 32 days. In a couple of days the first investors in the longest plan should be paid so watch out for monitor and forum posts on that soon. By the way, in today’s newsletter the admin emphasised the importance of support, encouraging your votes on monitors and forums to promote the program and help it grow even further. To assist you in this he decided to post a step-by-step guide on how to vote on monitors. Also covered are the efforts to support the recent STP initiative to help the victims of the Philippine hurricane Haiyan. Before we read the newsletter from MultiPowerVentures let me just echo the sentiments expressed by the admin as well as the STP management and encourage you to remember that even the smallest donation can make a massive difference. Remember that it only takes a warm blanket or a couple of bottles of clean drinking water to save a human life:

Monthly News from MultiPowerVentures
It is the month of December already and we are very thrilled to see a battalion of new investors registering and investing with MultiPowerVentures.
This month is a month of giving and sharing our blessings that we received for the whole year. So let me start with the one that should be prioritized over all matters this month. In an effort initiated by one of the most popular payment processors online ( Solidtrustpay ) , to donate and help those who were severely devastated and affected by the recent super typhoon Haiyan, in the Philippines, we will be donating an undisclosed amount to this cause. Myself and the team have already made personal pledges through private and non-governmental organizations days after the said storm has hit the Philippines. We pray that everyone affected, including those with loved ones who are in the affected areas will safely wade through this devastation.
We directly want to urge everyone to donate too. You can do this by sending directly to the designated STP account, created by STP to accept donations for this cause. Personal direct donations may be sent to STP account username “STP_Relief_Funds”, with the transfer description “Philippine Typhoon Relief”. STP will match and donate the funds they receive to the Canadian Government’s initiative. Salute to Solidtrustpay and to those who have already donated to this cause.
We always heavily support causes like this started by Solidtrustpay. MultiPowerVentures has always been about saving the environment and will always prioritize mother earth over other things. So we will fully support this good cause by STP.
Now, regarding our MultiPowerVentures news for today. As many of you know, we have extended and added more advertisements for MultiPowerVentures on many popular forums, monitors and blogs. Advertisements we have bought seem to impact the growth of MultiPowerVentures in a good scale and this is what we were trying to achieve in doing so. When advertisements are done correctly, the effect is significantly good for a company.
Being a company who opened the door to this opportunity online just last month ( November 14, 2013 ) , we are very pleased to announce that the efforts of our team are paying off in such a way that we have expected. As we have always been saying. The BEST is yet to come. Our experience in the field we work with is being ever so fruitful for all.
We do work hard on a daily basis in order to keep a smooth operation online and offline. Rating us on the monitors is an easy task, so if it is not too much of a request and just consider it a small token of appreciation you will give to the MultiPowerVentures team, may we request everyone, literally EVERYONE who have been paid to please start rating us on the monitors. To get an idea of how this works, please follow the steps below.
1. Visit this page
2. Click the one monitor link.
3. On the monitor voting page, please fill up the form and choose the correct rating scale.
4. Enter your details, and a valid e-mail address.
5. If there is a verification turing code, please enter that correct too before submitting the form.
6. You shall receive an e-mail which contains a link to verify and confirm your rating.
7. Go back to and click another monitor.
8. Repeat Steps 1 to 7 until you voted on as many as you can.
It is just as easy as that. If you can do this on a daily basis, it would be great to read those ratings and comments. It makes us work even harder each day. You can only rate us on the monitors once every 24 hours.
Another update today is that MNO has posted the interview with yours truly and you can read it on this link .
We will be sending another e-mail a week before the 25th of this month, to announce our Christmas and New Year schedule.
From our team, we wish everyone a happy week and a happy holidays!
Regards, Leo Konstantin Immanuel Zirner


The admin of DublinCryptoriumLimited Deborah seems to be environmentally aware and trying to do her best to make sure the BitCoin mining process in which her program is allegedly involved is as energy efficient as possible. Personally I have no real experience of the technicalities involved, but from my understanding are looking into more green energy alternatives for managing and maintaining their office and business. Anyway, that much is up to you to decide on I suppose, but I can’t fault DublinCryptoriumLimited as it’s been paying perfectly well so far. Running for over a month now and utilizing a unique concept of profits which you can literally see growing in front of your eyes every millisecond. The rates paid by DublinCryptoriumLimited are quite moderate in HYIP terms, but the main advantage is that you may withdraw any part of your principal or profits any time you like and be paid instantly to your e-currency account. Just remember that you must keep at least a $50 minimum balance in your account there at all times. I think DublinCryptoriumLimited is really built to last and in its second month online it is nost definitely still in its infancy. I think the program will take off in 2014 when recognized by more serious investors. I’ve got high hopes for DublinCryptoriumLimited for the new season and most likely will be one of the best programs of the year judging by the unique script, level of expertise, instant payouts, and option to withdraw your principal at any time. DublinCryptoriumLimited (reviewed here) takes a $50 minimum via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay, BitCoin, and even direct bank wires. More on the installation of a heat recuperation system is below:

Installation of a Heat Recuperation System
Several months ago, engineers from DublinCryptoriumLimited calculated that the generation of one Bitcoin uses as much energy as the daily amount of energy that is absorbed by ten acres of forest.
Since then, we have continued to mine Bitcoins while the deposits of our investors – both individual and corporate, have continued to grow.
The calculation of the energy used in generating one Bitcoin grows in complexity – and with it grows and imaginary forest and the amount of discharged heat from our servers.
The wariness of consumer use of the Bitcoin currency is easing, as the notion of decentralized virtual currency gradually gains acceptance.
The processing of greater amounts of virtual currency has created a problem – wasted energy. When servers are running to generate virtual currency, large amounts of heat energy are being wasted in the process! Hundreds of kilowatt-hours of processor generated energy are converted into heat that is discharged without providing a benefit.
Given her passion for optimization and her concern for the environment, DublinCryptoriumLimited CEO Deborah Delaney is troubled by this construct. To address this processing shortcoming, one of her engineers, Don Stephens, has designed a heat recuperation system.
The design of the new cooling system is rooted in simplicity. The average annual temperature in Dublin is slightly less than 10 degrees Celsius, while the optimum temperature for the data center and offices is 22 degrees. Don Stephens proposed heating the office space with the heat that was being emitted by the servers. This heat recuperation system mimics systems that have been used in other projects for European eco-homes.
This energy recuperation model rejects the classic heating system. It also abandons the use of precision air conditioners, which are usually idle in this environment until the outside temperature is above 18 degrees.
We recognize that the energy savings of this test project are relatively minor and that this solution is not one that will yield huge profits at this time. However, as a first step by the DublinCryptoriumLimited staff, their recuperation efforts of this project could achieve gradual improvements in energy efficiency. This team of professionals takes a protectionists approach in their pursuit of optimizing their processing environment.
Would you like to be up-to-date with the latest company news? Follow us on your favorite social media sites below:
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Customer Support at
Thank you and welcome again to DublinCryptoriumLimited.
Sincerely, DublinCryptoriumLimited


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: IncomeAlways, MultiPowerVentures.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, CatenaFinance, RFIGroupDublinCryptoriumLimited, DeltaTraders, InvGlobal, Financ, RemiTrade, DailySharesPro, FinMutual, ApexBinary, StableCapitalGroup.
From MNO Standard list: –.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, WelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, ValuePathFinance, InsideForexGroup.

That’s all for tonight guys, which I hoped you liked reading. Don’t miss the new programs next week and make sure you subscribe to the daily news to your mailbox by entering your email address in the form on top of my blog. See you all again soon and enjoy your weekend!

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