Dec 19th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! TataAgroHolding has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! With less than a week to go to Christmas I suppose it’s no real surprise to anyone who’s been in the industry for at least twelve months or more that things are getting kinda quiet around here now. In fairness, it’s probably the one single thing I could have told you about the HYIP industry with 100% certainty this time last year if you’d asked me, so it’s been expected really. But the annual slowdown applies a lot more to shorter term HYIPs I think, so there’s still plenty of good earning opportunities out there, albeit harder to find and a bit more low key until the holidays are over. One of these programs is a medium to long term program by the name of TataAgroHolding which after two weeks online was added to the MNO Premium List just yesterday. If you were reading then you’ll have seen it introduced on my blog in last night’s post, so for this evening’s update I want to start by taking a closer look at TataAgroHolding and explaining their plans in a bit more detail for you. And of course all the day’s main news stories are coming up as usual in the second part, so let’s get started!

Beginning then as usual with the investment plans, TataAgroHolding are offering four of them in total, and can be joined for a very affordable $5 minimum. This gets you into the first plan which runs for a term of 15 calendar days. While it’s running members are paid a daily interest rate of 1.9% on all deposits up to a maximum value of $100. Payments add up to a total of 28.5% which obviously by itself is not enough to put anyone into profit, or even close to it, so that comes once TataAgroHolding return your principal.

So to put that into more practical monetary terms, we’ll say you invested the full $100 here. TataAgroHolding should then pay you back $1.90 every day for the following 15 days. That comes to $28.50 in total, which can then be considered as your net profit once the admin gives your principal back. The first cycle of this one has just been completed successfully by the way, so if you have a look you might find the first reports of principals being returned coming through on forums and monitors.

And that’s more or less how the actual mechanics of the remaining plans work as well, just that the numbers are different. The second plan for example will cost you a $100 minimum to join, and offers daily interest payments for a term running for 30 calendar days. TataAgroHolding have improved the rate to 2.3% this time, which means you total earnings add up to 69%. This then becomes your net profit when TataAgroHolding hand back your principal. Maximum deposit in this plan is capped at $1,000.

The bigger spenders can consider the third plan, which sees TataAgroHolding taking a $1,000 minimum. The term runs for a period of 60 calendar days, during which you should earn a daily payment of 2.5%. This adds up to 150% in total (though perhaps more importantly also allows you to break even forty days into the term) which becomes your net profit when TataAgroHolding return your principal on expiry. The maximum amount allowed to invest here is $5,000.

Starting then at the same point the previous plan ends – ie taking a $5,000 minimum from investors to join – the final plan runs for a term of 120 calendar days. Given the prohibitive cost of joining one would expect there not to be a great deal on interest in this one, liking it and affording it being two things with nothing in common, but if money is no object to you then TataAgroHolding are offering a rate of 3.1% per calendar day plus your principal back on expiry. Payments should therefore come to 372% in addition to your own money back. Maximum spend is $10,000.

If you like any of the plans enough to actually go and sign up for one of them, then you’ll need to know next what your payment options are. They’re OK for now I suppose, but there’s definitely room for expansion as so far TataAgroHolding deal with just PerfectMoney and EgoPay as regards what most people might term the traditional HYIP industry payment processors. They wouldn’t be your only options here though, as TataAgroHolding is one of the ever growing number of HYIPs to start using BitCoin. Completing the list are Qiwi and bank wire transfers, which you can contact the admin about for the account details if either of those are of any interest to you. Payments to members are made manually by the admin and will have to be requested from inside your private TataAgroHolding member’s account area. Obviously this means they’re not instant, though in my brief experience with the program I have to say they were made pretty fast every time. Still, it’s best that you allow them a full 24 hours anyway before contacting them.

Moving on then to some of the more technical aspects of the program, TataAgroHolding is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of CloudFlare. More eye catching however is the unique custom made script they are running from, something I know will be seen as a major plus and big selling point among a lot of more experienced industry players. Despite being a total one off script however, TataAgroHolding is still quite user friendly and easy enough to navigate while still looking sleek and professional. It does look a little unusual mind in the sense that it’s unlike any other program I can remember, though it only takes a minute to get used to it and find your way around. It looks almost like a site that would work better on a hand held device, with “navigation arrows” at either side of several pages allowing you to move between pages. For an added layer of protection there is also SSL encryption from Comodo to facilitate safer browsing and more secure transactions.

If you have any further questions for the admin you can get in touch through a fairly good variety of channels. You can either e-mail them directly at the listed e-mail address, or for Live Support try them on their Skype account whenever they are logged in. There is a postal address if you are interested, though normally these things are just virtual serviced offices and not where you find anyone connected with running the program physically located. At least I wouldn’t expect TataAgroHolding to be any different from other programs in that regard anyway. Also listed is a telephone number which you can try if you think speaking to someone directly will help you. Fans of social media sites can find TataAgroHolding keeping profiles on both Facebook and Twitter, though I can’t say the admin has made particularly good use of either resource. The website comes with a built-in Live Chat feature which is displayed as being available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. I’ve not had any reason to use it myself so can’t really confirm that’s the case, though that in itself is no reason to complain I suppose and only means TataAgroHolding has been running smoothly (for me anyway) so far.

All in all I have to rate TataAgroHolding as one of the more original HYIPs I’ve seen in a while, but I’ll still finish as usual by asking you to remember that it’s still an online HYIP and as such comes with a degree of risk. Background information on the alleged activities of the company are vague at best, and simply describe TataAgroHolding as an “agro investment” firm. Nothing you can research and prove of course. The best way of approaching this assuming you’re happy to accept the fact that it is a high risk activity is to set yourself a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining TataAgroHolding at all then keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



By this Christmas I believe MultiPowerVentures is probably the only big short-term program left still able to accommodate hundreds of investors. They’ve been paying on plans that include 104%-150% after 2 days, 110%-250% after 4 days, 125%-400% after 8 days, 175%-850% after 16 days, 325%-2,000% after 32 days – for five weeks now. With so many quick Christmas scams around, many investors appreciate the opportunity to invest in such a stable program as MultiPowerVentures which accepts all the popular payment processors including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and BitCoin starting from a $10 minimum. The admin Leo takes every opportunity to increase the exposure of his program seemingly everywhere online. Recently, Leo gave an interview to MNO (click here to read it) shortly after his program was added to my monitor and reviewed here. Then he also purchased two banners on my blog for one month each and took the Sticky listing for two weeks (which doesn’t come cheap, as you all know). In addition to that, you can see MultiPowerVentures‘ banners and advertising features on other investment resources, and it looks like this policy is starting to bear fruit. In today’s newsletter it was announced that there were more support representatives needed for the Live Chat in other languages and that the applicants must answer the list of the questions posted below. So, if you want to take this offer and tick all the requirements to become a Live Chat representative for MultiPowerVentures then please keep reading for further details:

MPV is looking for Live Chat operators
MultiPowerVentures is becoming swarmed with traffic and inquiries from different countries worldwide. Now that we are receiving customer support tickets and chat requests in languages we do not understand, we are opening our doors to new staff and new live chat operators from across the globe.
It is not new to you, that we are always focused in providing great customer support and that is the reason I hired Alex Blom few weeks ago.
Now we need to hire a Russian/English Speaker customer support representative on the live chat section of our company.
The requirements are as follows;
Age Requirement – 18 years old at least
Fluent in English – Strict Requirement
Must be fluent in one of these languages
– Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, or Korean.
For those who meet our employment requirements and are interested to apply and get more information please email us to answering the following questions:
How long are you involved in online making money?
Do you have internet connection at home?
Do you work offline ?
How much time you can spend working in MultiPowerVentures?
How much do you want to earn ?
You are willing to work in weekends?
Where are you from and where you are based right now?
Are you an active investor of ?
Please share this with your friends who may find this opportunity fit for them.
Regards, Leo Konstantin Immanuel Zirner


I guess no one would argue that DublinCryptoriumLimited (reviewed here) isn’t the most original and fascinating program of 2013 which, in my opinion, might go very far in the New Year. I believe DublinCryptoriumLimited is a perfect representative of a new breed of investment programs with a totally different approach to generating money. For DublinCryptoriumLimited that method is Bitcoin mining which actually happens in front of your eyes. By making a deposit of at least $50 in DublinCryptoriumLimited you can see your account balance start growing by minuscule amounts every millisecond and the beauty of the program is that you’re the one responsible for the the duration of your term. Any part of your deposit can be withdrawn at any time you like and then you will be paid (in most cases, instantly) to the same payment method you joined with – SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, bank wires, or OkPay. Just remember that as soon as your balance in DublinCryptoriumLimited goes below $50 you stop earning interest. As long as you keep $50 or more in your account you will continue to earn. But the main advantage, as I have said already, is the opportunity to withdraw what you like when you like, sort of like a bank account. At the moment, the program has reached #2 on Premium listing on MNO and I believe it stands every chance of reaching #1 in the new year sometime.

In accordance with its Bitcoin mining activities DublinCryptoriumLimited tries its best to maintain some level of activity in this matter by updating investors on various Bitcoin related stories and their work in making the money-making more efficient. That might sound ridiculous to some experienced investors of course, but at the same time it could be a very useful tool to gradually build a level of trust and make the project more appealing to the widest possible audience with time. So, in today’s rather long winded newsletter, DublinCryptoriumLimited talks about “new methods of calculating bitcoin hashes” and some research to improve the money-making process and bring more opportunities to its members. It doesn’t sound too convincing to me, but maybe some of you will find some sense in the latest newsletter below:

DublinCryptoriumLimited is developing fundamentally new methods of calculating bitcoin hashes
On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 the board of directors DublinCryptoriumLimited decided to form a new research group that will consider radical new ways of computing non-classical calculations of Bitcoin hashes.
Over the past decade, researchers and developers have focused their attention on non-classical computing systems that are based on fundamentally different principles from those that have been in use for this purpose, including: home computers, mp3- players and digital clocks. The classic computer is actually a very simple machine that works with only two characters: zero and one. Mathematicians and engineers refer to these computers as “Turing Machines” which are used for calculating the Bitcoin hashes that generate income to our investors.
Recent advances in physics, biology, and mathematics have enabled engineers to build computational systems that are completely different. For example, for tasks that are based on searching on certain combinations, the computer can be replaced by test tubes containing different sets of DNA – where a sequence of nucleotides can be encrypted with certain information. There has also been considerable interest in computational systems that use the living neurons of animals as a base.
Like other research groups in this field, we have placed the greatest amount of hope on quantum computing. Classical computers can handle only a small portion of the required computing tasks, whereas a quantum computer can instantly formulate all possible solutions.
The top 10 developers, engineers, and physicists at DublinCryptoriumLimited are currently working on fine-tuning the application of the physics of quantum computing for the calculation of bitcoin hashes. The research program is expected to last two years.
While you celebrate the holiday season with your family, quietly watching the constantly increasing your contributions, we will continue to look for ways to improve the virtual currency market. We were first in the development of a commercially viable system for mining, and are poised to make advances to those developments. By reviewing our schedules of income, you probably already understood the essence of our company. Past successes aside, we have no intention of resting on our laurels.
Would you like to be up-to-date with the latest company news? Follow us on your favorite social media sites below:
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Customer Support at
Thank you and welcome again to DublinCryptoriumLimited.
Sincerely, DublinCryptoriumLimited


I guess the newest addition to Premium listing today – MyGoldNestEgg – is working on the same principle – the more complicated the program the more fascinated the investors become. Anyway, no one will be able to deny the approach taken by the admin of the recently launched MyGoldNestEgg is impressive. They are hosted on a dedicated server with the support and DDoS protection of GeniusGuard, SSL secured by Go-Daddy, and running off what I believe to be an original script built from scrach. No less than five different levels are available simultaneously – Daily Payments, Weekly Profits, Revenue Share, Profit Factory and a Compound Accumulator. Depending on the package you buy in MyGoldNestEgg you will be able to either double, triple, quadruple or even quintuple your money over various lengths of time. There are different prices for different types of packages you can buy via payment options like SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, Pecunix, HDMoney, BitCoin, or C-Gold. For each Standard package you will have to pay $50 and potentially earn $100 on completion (double your money). For each Advanced package purchased in MyGoldNestEgg at $150 you will eventually get paid $450 in total (triple your money). Each Exec package, priced at $500 will potentially bring a $2,000 reward (quadruple your money) on five earning levels. And finally, an Ultimate package which costs $1,500 will bring a $7,500 return (quintuple your money). I know that sounds a bit complicated at first glance compared to the usual online HYIPs, but I hope that I can simplify it for you and put it into a more readable form in the review. In any case, it looks like the admin is not looking for the easy way to win attention for his program. He also asked me to re-post the first article from the upcoming blog which he will be adding to his site shortly which I’m pleased to do below. He explains there who he is and why he’s trying to bring something so decidedly new and exciting to the industry by creating such a complicated program as MyGoldNestEgg which, in my opinion, still has a chance to become big if it finds like minded investors craving something new with multiple income streams and potentially massive:

Background Info
This is something that I have been working on for a very long time. My background is in the Financial Services sector for the past 20 years, working in the UK, Europe and the Middle East. My talent is building processes to model data and over the last few years I’ve been working on an analytical forecasting system.
An overview is in the investment strategy section of the site (, it’s actually a lot more complex and smarter than I’ve let on in that content, and it’s completely scaleable and transferable to all sorts of different data sets.
For every area we cover it becomes a learning application, which every time it runs assesses our indicators (and combinations of indicators) and assesses their effectiveness overall and for historic occasions similar to the factors prevalent to today. This analysis determines which indicators and combinations of indicators are used in the final forecasting steps.
This process in all it’s forms will be used to support our internal trading, but it goes way further than that.
For every area I want to use the data and indicators that we produce to develop & deliver a number of commercial subscription based services.
The exact nature of these services will differ for each market but in general we’ll aim to deliver some general mega sites with wide appeal and follow up with as many niche propositions as we can. A niche proposition in an Investment market might be for a specific country, currency pair or trading type. In addition we’ll leverage the full range of outputs that we produce to expand our range of services.
For instance some services will offer real time entry and exit triggers for paying subscribers and others might just supply data feeds of our unique analysis for people to incorporate into their own trading systems.
Alongside that we’ll exploit as many complimentary income opportunism as we can, be that rules from successful selection strategies, training materials to accompany our data and automation tools for placing trades or undertaking other tasks. For any given area if there’s an income opportunity that we don’t want to exploit ourselves then we’ll look to set up Joint Ventures with partners or simply tap into existing Affiliate/CPA offers.
The potential for this is vast, as our end to end process is totally unique and exclusive to us. Whilst it will make use of some tried and tested techniques, we’ve really focused on thinking outside the box and adding value to the data in ways that other people might not have thought of, and we’re not going to rest on our laurels, we’ll have a continuous improvement program for every data set that focuses on including new strategies or techniques to make our output even better.
As an example of the potential, if we have just six subscription based services, each with 300 subscribers paying $50 a month then those alone will generate $90,000 monthly and just over $1million annually.
That’s really just the tip of the iceberg, for some of the areas with massive global demand, FOREX or some of the bigger sports like Soccer, then we’ll have subscribers in some of our services many many times that estimate, and there’s scope in some areas to have a significant number of individual subscription services.
That’s why I have built MyGoldNestEgg, I’ve put serious resources into getting this far and am going to use the program to take it to the next level, I’m prepared to sacrifice some of the income from these services for a period of time to reward those members who participate.
Initially we will use the data ourselves for trading to generate initial returns, and then as our first wave of services come on stream in the new year, the funds will be used to generate returns for members and to fund the expansion of our portfolio – both new services in existing areas, new areas completely and by promoting previously delivered services.
That’s why we can offer a complete package, the subscription services are going to underpin everything and eventually the trading income itself will just be the icing on the cake.
Even better for members, we will take some of our output in a few areas and make it available to active members in the Member’s Area, something that will start in the new year after we have our first commercial services live. I don’t believe anyone has done anything like that before, certainly not on the scale or the quality that we will. It’s important to me to do this to both add an extra dimension and benefit for participating members and to demonstrate the quality of what we’ve built to those same members.
It’s going to be a very exciting and profitable journey.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MultiPowerVentures.
From MNO Premium list: CatenaFinance, DublinCryptoriumLimited, DeltaTraders, InvGlobalFinanc, RemiTrade, DailySharePro, FinMutual, ApexBinary, TataAgroHolding (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: SClassInv.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, WelorTrade, ProfitsMakers, ThaiMonetaryFund, ValuePathFinance, GoldDailyPay, ExcelCapital.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed it! Christmas is just around the corner so I hope you’re getting in the mood. MNO will still keep working though, bringing you the latest news and updates from the HYIP industry along with detailed reviews of the best new projects online. I’ll make a few important announcements about the future work of my blog and monitor in 2014 and will also draw the results of the poll still running on the MNO TalkBack page. For now I can see a clear division of opinion whether 2013 was a success or failure in the HYIP industry for you. If you haven’t voted yet, please do so within the next couple of days as the votes will be counted soon and the poll will be replaced to another one. Thanks for reading and see you soon with a more detailed look at MyGoldNestEgg and any important news updates from the HYIP industry. See you later!

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