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23/12/2013. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi guys! Today I have the latest updates from MultiPowerVentures and MyGoldNestEgg, a warning on any further investments in CatenaFinance, am announcing price increases on MNO in the new year and, of course the promised results of the poll on my TalkBack page and new polls suggested. Christmas is almost here most likely you’ll be spending it with your loved ones. Therefore activities in the HYIP industry are expected to be even slower than usual on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day as well. That means I’m not sure when I’ll have the next opportunity to send you my best wishes for Christmas so would like to do so tonight. I appreciate everyone who supported me throughout the year and made this incredible journey possible. Without my readers I wouldn’t have achieved much, and I’m totally grateful to you, guys, for staying with me. Thank you!


I’m aware that my readers appreciate my blog for dealing only with top-notch programs run by experienced admins and that is happening due to my strict advertising pricing policy that deliberately aims to exclude all the cheap scams that cannot afford to be listed there. The same goes for discounts which I never offer for any type of listing on MNO, and so readers can be sure that the admin pays the full price that’s specified on my Advertising page at all times, not to be misled by some crooked admins that negotiate smaller prices with the vast majority of monitors. I believe my readers are smart enough to be told the truth and treated like adults fully realizing how the HYIP industry works. As some readers asked me already about whether I will be sticking to my policy of high pricing for listing on MNO in the new year, I would say definitely yes. You see, I really and truly prefer to not waste my time with the cheap scams or the inexperienced, but rather will review and interview experienced admins who will make a great program worthy of being advertised on MNO and not something anyone would be embarrassed to present to my readers. MNO is really becoming the place where only elite admins can afford to advertise their programs, and I’m really enjoying the results of this policy this year. So for 2014 I will be introducing higher prices for all the types of listing on MNO – Basic (current cost $400), Standard (current cost $800) and Premium (current cost $1,200). The prices for banners and Sticky listing on MNO remain the same for now, but will not be reduced in any circumstances. The increase will be approximately 5% to 10% come into effect starting January, 1st at 0:00 GMT. Any HYIP admins planning to start a new program in 2014 are therefore strongly encouraged to pre-pay now, as by doing so you will still get the current rates. Two HYIP admins already did so, and their programs will launch soon with the advertising on MNO fully pre-paid in advance. If you are an admin and this makes sense to you then contact me asap at When I have decided on the exact new prices they will be announced before the end of the year and my Advertising page will be updated on the first of January of 2014. I hope that my strict selection of only the best programs with big advertising budgets being listed on MNO will continue to be as successful in 2014 as it has been this year.


By the way, I wonder now how MNO readers feel about their luck in the HYIP industry in the new year. That’s the subject of the new poll with the question posed as follows – How do you think 2014 will be for you compared to 2013? The answers are:

1) 2014 will definitely be better than 2013. I’m 100% sure of it.
2) 2014 will be the same as 2013, not better, but not worse either.
3) 2014 will be worse than 2013, with more low quality scams prevailing.

I myself am more inclined to see 2014 much better than the passing year. 2013 was hugely affected (negatively that is) by the LibertyReserve closure by the US authorities, caused by LR’s own arrogance and catering to paedophiles and drug dealers. I mean I sympathize with the decent people who had money frozen there (and keeping it there in the first place was always a monumentally bad idea), the people who ran LibertyReserve deserved everything they get at the hands of the courts. And while so much money disappeared from investors that was robbed by scammers, I’m pretty sure their own staff were doing it as well. I think, and I certainly hope, that everyone learnt their own lessons from this though, and therefore benefit you in the long run if you took something from the experience. But that’s just my personal opinion – what do you think? Please vote in my new poll that will be available for at least a week on MNO TalkBack.

As I have already mentioned, 2013 was not the best year in the HYIP industry and that is clearly seen by the final results of my recent poll. 41% of readers suffered overall losses in the industry, while only 33% reported good profits for 2013. The remaining 26% reported being in more or less the same position as they were when the year started. I guess that could have been worse and it’s also very encouraging that over a third of my readers significantly increased their finances, despite the LR closure and its fallout. I believe that many investors truly realized that it’s not safe to store money in payment processors at all, and started holding only the bare minimum for online investing and withdrawing the rest. Such a cautious approach could have saved you a fortune during the LR seizure back in May. I know I was emptying my account at least once per day, sometimes even more if I got a big payment. But at the same time trust will have to be restored by both payment processors and HYIP admins alike for the whole industry to flourish. As I’m quite an optimist and still remember the seizure of e-Gold collapse and the panic that followed, I’m pretty sure that 2014 will bring us all many positive and memorable moments, and of course, quite a lot of large programs most of which you will definitely see advertised on MNO blog and monitor. So keep your spirits up and keep reading MNO to finish next year in profit, as those who learn from previous mistakes are the ones to get rewarded in the end. That comes from my own experience and perseverance which every smart investor should take into consideration. I hope that in 2014 MNO will be the guide that will help you make investment decisions that would eventually result in huge profits. That is my main aim in running MNO, and I will keep doing what I do best in 2014 as well. I promise you that!


MultiPowerVentures (reviewed here) definitely remains the industry leader among short term programs. The program has been paying for an impressive forty days already on the following plans – 104%-150% after 2 days, 110%-250% after 4 days, 125%-400% after 8 days, 175%-850% after 16 days, 325%-2,000% after 32 days. The investments via SolidTrustPay, BitCoin, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay are accepted from a $10 minimum and the withdrawals are processed within just a few hours. The admin promises fast payouts even during the upcoming holidays, and even on Christmas Day itself. Well, it is a very important thing not to slow down payouts, especially as I suspect the admin of MultiPowerVentures Leo (interviewed here) is planning to stay with us as far into 2014 as possible and prove the sceptics wrong. At least I can see Leo actually puts his money where his mouth is by extending his Sticky Listing on MNO for another week, keeping it until the last day of December. That doesn’t come cheap, by the way as Sticky on MNO starts from $500/week and I’m glad to see that currently MultiPowerVentures is the only program featured there. Hopefully, that will increase the support of investors shown by re-depositing even in this slow Christmas period. I wish the admin and investors good-luck in running into 2014. Here’s the full version of the newsletter from MultiPowerVentures received last night:

Christmas is around the corner at MPV
We at MultiPowerVentures are very excited of what 2014 has in store for every one of us, but we are more thrilled to greet everyone a Happy Holidays! We know that you will be busy with your friends and family and everyone you love. We will be with ours too but we will continue to process payments even on the 25th of December!
Processing withdrawals on Christmas day will not be a whole day affair. I, as the administrator will process the withdrawal requests at least three times on that day. Tickets will also be answered but please do not expect the same speed and time-frame as that of regular working days.
We have extended most advertisements we have on monitors, forums and blogs including the Sticky Listing on .
We are really looking forward to seeing and welcoming 2014 with you.
This e-mail will serve as a notice that we will process withdrawals on Christmas day itself. Another e-mail will be send a day before or on Christmas day exactly.
Regards, Leo Konstantin Immanuel Zirner


I hope that my recent review of MyGoldNestEgg published here helped in some small way with the understanding of how this complicated program works. Still, I believe some investors really found it hard to figure, which is why the admin seems inundated with hundreds of emails. Andy, the admin of MyGoldNestEgg, promises to reply to everybody today or tomorrow, and he also prepared everyone to hear some exciting news coming after Christmas. The announcement when it comes will be the main subject of discussion on MNO blog in a couple of days. If you’re interested in checking out this unique program that pays you various returns on five income levels and offers you an opportunity to multiple increase your SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, C-Gold, HD-Money, or Pecunix funds with a $50 minimum deposit you are more than welcome to do so. The latest short update from Andy can be found below:

Welcome to MyGoldNestEgg
Hi, first off I wanted to say a very warm welcome to all of our new members.
We’re off to a good start and will have some very exciting news for you over the next few days. Something that will really kick off growth for the program.
Before then I just wanted to say that we’ve had a couple of hundred emails to the support account and are working through them at the moment, so please bear with us, we’ll try and get through all of them today or tomorrow.
And we’ll be making our exciting announcement just after Xmas.
Many thanks. Andy


In my last post on CatenaFinance I warned that the admin might possibly extend the newly added 142% after 15 days plan for longer. He did so yesterday, which was quite unoriginal and predictable in many respects. I remember the same trick been pulled by another admin some time ago which made everyone think that the program was about to continue, but it scammed quite shortly after that. Apparently the admin of CatenaFinance Enver (interviewed here) thinks that I would approve that the first deposits on the newly added plan were returned today, but it only strengthen my position against CatenaFinance as I recognize the pattern. To distract you from thinking about the upcoming scam the admin of CatenaFinance might even make some cosmetic changes to his website in the near future, or pull another stunt – but do not let this fool you. In my opinion, CatenaFinance is going to collapse within the next three weeks maximum, but with the current close to zero level of participation in HYIPs before the holidays I expect to see CatenaFinance go even before the New Year. Certainly it will depend only on your decision whether the admin goes with pockets full of cash, or continues in 2014 instead, which is also possible in case not many people will take the bait and join the new plan. I know it’s quite tempting, especially now, seeing all these payment reports, but please hold off from investing not only in the 142% after 15 days plan, but also the original 2% per business day for 365 days, and 11% weekly for 55 weeks plans, as there is very slim chance that those who invest there now would get even close to the break-even point. Sorry for my harsh tone, but I really hate seeing people losing their money during this festive season, so I will be watching CatenaFinance closely and will move it to Problem status immediately if I see any complaints from my downline. Just for your own information here’s the latest newsletter from CatenaFinance (reviewed here) which I would entitle Bad News:

CatenaFinance: Good news
Due to the fact that many of our users could not fund their ecurrency accounts in the short time we received a large amount of requests for an extension to the New Year’s plan.
We decided to extend the plan. The new end date is December 29th.
We would like to remind you that the New Year plan pays 42% profit after 2 weeks, plus your principal back.
Many of you did, as we very well expected, request that we keep this plan permanently, but that is not possible. Although you must admit our standard daily plan with 2% every day is not bad as well.
Also, you can expect a major redesign of our webpage at the very beginning of the following year. Among other things, we plan to put up tutorials in order to help the inexperienced investors. We are planning to implement phone support, as well as a forum, where we’ll be able to talk and exchange opinions. Negotiations with a payment processor are currently in progress, so we’ll finally be able to accept credit cases and direct wire transfers.
If you have any suggestions on how else we can improve our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.
As you can see, we have stepped into the new year working, pushing forward, and we intend to keep at it. We promise you, our users, a successful and profitable new year together with us.
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards, CatenaFinance


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MultiPowerVentures.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, CatenaFinance, DublinCryptoriumLimited, InvGlobal, Financ, DailySharePro, FinMutual, ApexBinary, TataAgroHolding.
From MNO Standard list: SClassInv.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ProfitsMakers, GoldDailyPay.

That is all the news for tonight, guys. I hope you’re all looking forward to Christmas and get everything you deserve, depending on the level of your mischievousness of course! I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas now as I’m not sure when I’m going to publish on MNO next. The admins and investors alike are having a break for the next couple of days, which I believe they are entitled to do. However, if there is anything important to say, be sure you’ll be able to read about it here. See you all very soon!


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