Jan 8th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! ImbueCapital has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Well with the first week of the New Year behind us now, I’m pleased to be able to bring you a couple of new programs to the MNO monitor, the first new additions of 2014. Two of them I’m going to be introducing a bit later in the news section of today’s update, and the third one you will already have seen mentioned on my blog already. That’s the one I’m looking at this evening by the way – ImbueCapital, which you may remember I introduced on my blog just last night – which is a bit more well established by now and has been running this last two and a half months. It’s a mid to longer term HYIP where the admin has been following a policy of slow and gradual expansion. So whereas I’m sure many of you might already recognize the name of ImbueCapital, it’s probably still far from famous just yet. So now with the Christmas and New Year holidays out of the way (which ImbueCapital did well to survive) I guess the admin is really looking to take things to a higher level. So let’s see what’s on offer and whether you think the program will make a worthwhile addition to your own portfolios or not.

Starting then as always with the investment plans, ImbueCapital has quite a wide array with something in there that will appeal to many different types of investor. Even the more experienced players are likely to find at least one option they like I think. All plans make daily interest payments to members, but are also all divided into two distinct sections. Plans fall under one of two categories – those that return your principal on expiry and those that include your principal as part of the daily payments. While it’s entirely a matter of personal opinion I myself can only see the main advantages of the plans that include your principal. Up to yourself of course, obviously I don’t know your own circumstances or expectations, but as I will try and explain below the plans that include your principal are I admit less profitable. However the difference is negligible and the risk is vastly reduced, so in my opinion it’s worth it. But read on, I’ll talk you through your options, and see what you think yourself.

To simplify things a bit for you then, ImbueCapital have four investment plans. In turn there are then two versions of each plan, with each version as I said giving you the option of having your principal returned on expiry for a slightly bigger return, or having the principal counted with the returns for a smaller profit at a reduced risk.

The first of these plans, called The Beginner Plan, runs for a term of 20 calendar days. ImbueCapital require a $20 minimum to join, and allow anything up to a maximum of $200. Your actual investment choices then are as follows:
You can either take ImbueCapital‘s offer of 0.9% interest per calendar day, adding up to 18% in total by the end of the term, when they will then return your principal leaving you with a final return of 118% in total (18% net profit).
Or else you can accept a somewhat larger payment of 5.8% interest per calendar day, though which also includes your principal. This means the total return would come to 116%, which is your own money plus 16% net profit, and without ImbueCapital adding your principal in a separate payment. Slightly less profitable as you can see, but it does allow you to break even before the end of the term and (without trying to sound negative) would help you to get more of your money back should anything go wrong before the final day.

Let’s take a look then at how either option might play out. We’ll say you want to invest $100 in this plan. You can either have ImbueCapital pay you back $0.90 per day for the term, coming to $18 in total and then return your original hundred to give you $118 in total. Or else you can opt for a payment of $5.80 per day but then not get your principal back on expiry which would leave you with $116 in total.

ImbueCapital‘s second plan starts from a $200 minimum and is called The Regular Plan. It runs for a term of 40 calendar days and once again there are two tiers you can join under – daily interest payments and principal back on expiry, or daily interest payments that factor your principal in already. Here’s how both options would play out:
Your daily payments can be 1.2%, adding up to 48% by the end of the term, at which point ImbueCapital return your initial deposit leaving this as your final net profit.
Or else you can opt for a payment of 3.5% per calendar day, which may look more generous at first glance but as it includes your principal will only add up to 140% in total. This of course is your own money back plus a reduced net profit of 40%, but does allow you to break even 29 days into the 40 day term, so again it’s a matter of opinion but I think it’s worth the reduced return. Maximum spend here is $500 by the way.

Next on the list ImbueCapital have The Active Plan. Running for a term of 60 calendar days, joining here will set you back a $500 minimum or if you’re feeling generous/lucky anything up a $1,000 maximum. What you might wish to get back for your deposit can be either of the following options:
ImbueCapital‘s first offer is to receive a daily interest payment of 1.5% for the plans’s duration, adding up to 90% in total by the term’s completion. This would then become your final net profit once your principal gets handed back on expiry.
Alternatively you can avail of a 2.9% daily interest payment, though without having your principal returned at the end of the term. Were you to take this option your total return should add up to 174%, or your own money back plus 74% net profit. Not as much as the first option, OK, but crucially ImbueCapital allow you to break even just 35 days into the term and see your first profit then as opposed to waiting for expiry.

Lastly then for the seriously big spenders, ImbueCapital have The Business Plan. The minimum requirement for joining here is $1,000 and the term runs for 80 calendar days. Assuming you can afford it and think it’s worth the risk then your possible options are as follows:
Firstly you can take ImbueCapital‘s offer of a 1.8% daily interest payment for the 80 day term, at the end of which adds up to 144%. This then becomes your net profit when your initial deposit is added to that. You will reach the break even point after 56 days.
Or secondly you can take a daily payment of 2.7%, though without getting your principal back at the end. That allows you to reach the break even point after just 38 days into the 80 day term, though complete it with a final return of 216% (116% net profit). ImbueCapital‘s maximum investment limit is capped at $20,000, though I’m sure that’s significantly more than even the biggest spenders among you was looking to spend on it.

So if you like any of those enough to actually sign up with ImbueCapital and invest, then I guess the next thing you’ll need to know is what are your payment options. Currently ImbueCapital are using all the most popular HYIP industry processors, with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay all in use. Sure, I know there are several other possible options out there, but with the main three in place I wouldn’t imagine there’s going to be a huge calling for them from members as what’s already in place will be more than satisfactory for most. Something I’m also sure you’re going to like is the inclusion of instant payouts. You simply need to log into your private ImbueCapital members account area and make the request. Once done you should see the money in your payment processor account in under a minute. Please note however that instant payouts will only apply to money withdrawn via PerfectMoney and EgoPay. Payments to SolidTrustPay are still being made manually as these have yet to be incorporated into the program’s script, so allow the admin anything up to 24 hours to complete that payment if it applies to you.

Perhaps unique to ImbueCapital is an incentive program that rewards members with an improved interest rate should they prove adept at more creative ways to promote the program. Like most HYIPs, ImbueCapital have a feedback page. Unlike most other programs however, members are invited to make their own video presentation about the program. This can either be a straight review video, or else just your own personal feedback. To give you a general idea of what this is about you can see a couple of examples on the ImbueCapital website already. Should you succeed in channeling your artistic flair into making something similar then you can make a little extra for yourself with an increased interest rate. The rate itself will depend on what plan you are already a member of, but you can expect between 0.3% and 0.4%. It’s a pretty good incentive I must say, and one that will hopefully help spread awareness of the program by word of mouth.

Another important point I’d like you to keep in mind about the investment plans before we move on starts with the “principal back on expiry” plans. If for whatever reason you decide these plans are more suitable for you, you may wish to know that ImbueCapital do at least have an early withdrawal clause. If something happens that means you can’t remain a member for the full term and need to get your money back out, then you may do so for a 25% penalty fee. The best way to avoid this of course is to not commit more money than you are genuinely able to afford in the first place, and certainly nothing that you might need back urgently. I’m not really sure how or even if this early withdrawal clause would apply to the “principal included” plans (you can ask the admin if need be) but one way or another the same common sense rule applies here as well – don’t put yourself into a position of spending something you might be in trouble over if you can’t get it back.

On the technical and design side of things, ImbueCapital is at least as good, and in many cases superior to much of their competition. They are hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of BlackLotus, one of the safest providers around at the moment, and the website is fully SSL encrypted in both public and private members areas by Comodo, leading to more secure transactions and safer browsing. The thing that I think pushes ImbueCapital that little bit ahead of the competition however is their script. The program runs off a unique custom-made script developed especially for the program, and having had some time to play around and explore it I have to say it’s an excellent product. Despite its uniqueness however, ImbueCapital remains user friendly and easy to navigate while still maintaining the height of professionalism. Among the features included are multilingual versions of the website. Other than English you can also access ImbueCapital in either Russian or Hindi, so that really opens the program up to two of the most important, already sizable, and at the same time fastest growing online HYIP markets. Other features include things like the afore mentioned video feedback and review section, plus the Live Stats indicating the latest payouts and deposits.

If you like what you see but think something hasn’t been covered by this review and would like to pass on any further questions to the ImbueCapital admin then there’s a good number of different channels open to you for getting in touch. To start with you can simply fill out your details on the online customer support form and submit it through the contacts page. There are several different e-mail addresses you can write to directly depending on what your query is, and a built-in Live Chat feature which is open for six hours per day. During the same hours there’s a telephone number you can try if you wish to speak to someone directly. ImbueCapital also have a Skype account you can try for support if you find it’s online. You’ll find a postal address listed as well, though I suggest you ignore this option as they tend mostly (if in fact genuine to begin with) to be virtual serviced offices and not where you would find anyone connected to the program physically located. And finally ImbueCapital is well represented on the popular social networking sites, though for the purposes of following the program Twitter and Facebook. Unfortunately though almost no use has been made of any of these mediums, and look to have been more or less abandoned almost as soon as they were created.

That aside everything else about the program seems to indicate a high quality program that still has a lot to offer if run properly. With almost three months under their belt now enough members will be in profit, so in that sense ImbueCapital‘s track record speaks for itself. It will be interesting to see how it develops now with the HYIP industry poised for it’s annual post Christmas revival, but if the interest from the public is there then there’s still plenty of room for ImbueCapital to expand. None of this is guaranteed, naturally, and we are of course still talking about what is essentially a gamble on your part. So if you do like the look of ImbueCapital and think it might be worth joining, just remember to establish what is an affordable spending limit for you (based on what you can afford to lose, not what you can afford to spend) and stay within it. And if you do join ImbueCapital try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Staying with the above reviewed ImbueCapital for the moment, the admin issued a newsletter last night. Topics covered included how they’ve been running for nearly three months now plus joining the Premium Listing on MNO which is another important milestone in the program’s development. In other news from ImbueCapital the admin gave details for how promoters can apply for additional rewards for becoming an official partner. Please check the newsletter below for the terms and conditions in the newsletter:

Warning! ImbueCapital
ImbueCapital welcomes You!
Great news. We are 87 days online. After the holidays the dynamics was significantly increased. Thanks to all of you for your trust!
Check the links. New ads:
1. MNO PREMIUM Listing http://money-news-online.com/monitoring/mno/pro.php?details=682
As promised the conditions for Partners:
1. The Partner is the member who has at least 10 active referrals. Total sum of the referrals deposits must be at least $850.
2. The partner should have at least one his own deposit in the project for amount at least 75$.
3. Partner receives an additional 2% reward of the referrals deposits.
4. Requests for the additional fee must be done via partners@imbue-capital.com only!
Yours Administration
Best regards. ImbueCapital


Financ (reviewed here) warned investors to be careful with their accounts. The advice is to change their passwords in the program and keep the security settings to maximum level due to a possible security breach. I’ve checked my own account in the program already and everything looks fine there, but you’re required to do the same and if you have any suspicions about account being compromised please tighten your security level. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to change passwords periodically anyway. It’s especially vital as withdrawals to EgoPay and PerfectMoney in Financ are done instantly, and once your money is paid to a different account its gone, so please double-check everything and be careful when making your withdrawal. Financ is currently ranked at #3 on the MNO Premium Listing after two months of monitoring, with stable payouts to the following investment plans with the principal back on expiry – 1.4% for 30 business days, 1.6% for 45 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days. Please read the following security update from Financ carefully and follow the admin’s advice:

Hello dear friend. We got a few feedback emails from our investors with information, that somebody created a similar account using a ref links of the real investors. This account is just like the original but with a “1” on the end, with almost the same email address but with a different payment account.
Please change your passwords and set a high security level in your account settings. Always check your account for suspicious acts in your history. Do not safe your pass in your browser. If you think that you found something strange, let us know as soon as possible. Financ cares about your security. Have a perfect day for today!


Thanks to the readers who brought this to my attention I can see now that the admin of DeltaTraders is taking full advantage of the winter holidays while inventing further excuses for not paying, merely crediting accounts with the 0.01% interest on every business day. OK, it’s still within the program’s terms as DeltaTraders (reviewed here) pays variable interest on every business day with the possibility to withdraw the principal after an initial lock-in period of 30 business days. So the admin came up with the solution to stay on Paying status on my monitor (as the program credits accounts with the minimum possible interest every day), while avoiding draining the funds completely. I’m not sure though if such temporary policy is going to work out for the future, as, according to the latest newsletter posted just before New Year’s Day, DeltaTraders will pay 0.01% interest until the January 15th. Also the waiting time even for such small payments has been increased from the regular 24 to 48 hours, and to get a reply from the program’s support requires a wait of 48 hours as well. I have no other choice but to keep DeltaTraders on Paying status on MNO as technically they did not break any rules, however I may change my mind after the January 15th deadline if the situation doesn’t improve. I seriously suspect DeltaTraders might be in trouble due to severe cashflow issues, although the admin obviously doesn’t want to admit that and is trying his best to save the program by possibly just keeping it in hibernation for longer to scam later on. In any case please note that further investments in DeltaTraders which is still listed on Paying status on MNO are NOT recommended and that a possible change of status may be done after the January 15th deadline set up by the admin in the following update:

New Year.
Dear participants of the internet project DeltaTraders, inform you about the regulations of our work during the Christmas holidays :
1 From December 30 to January 15, we are forced to switch to the minimum payments on the income balance, as the situation in the HYIP market in this period has not objectively to another embodiment.
2 Regulation profitable balance of payments during the period increased to 48 hours, but it is worth noting that in most cases we will not go the usual 24 hours.
3 Regulation answer support@delta-traders.com support in this period is increased to 48 hours.
Sincerely, DeltaTraders


The admin of the now proven scam CatenaFinance is up to his old tricks again. Although the program stopped paying more than a week ago and was moved to Scam status on MNO already, the admin won’t give up on his attempts to scam more investors. Now the unsuspecting victims of his past scam are getting bombarded with unwanted messages aimed at stealing even more of your money. The latest trick is sending an email “celebrating” 200 days online (from which at least two weeks saw CatenaFinance paying selectively, if at all) offering a 25% deposit bonus to all the new investors. Of course, it’s going to be available for a limited time only and of course, tomorrow it’s going to be extended by popular demand. The admin already pulled the same stunt before with the new short-term plan that was extended for another week during which CatenaFinance scammed. Please ignore this latest email you might have received, though I will re-post it below just for your information and so that you will recognize the scam if you do in fact receive it:

CatenaFinance: 200 days online bonus!
Today (Wednesday, January 8.) is our 200th day online.
For that special occasion we have decided on a small promotional bonus: all deposits today will receive a 25% bonus.
The bonus will be added manually. We estimate that it will not take more then 12 hours to apply the bonus. After that, it shall be normally available on your balance and ready for withdrawal.
This offer will be available until the end of day, which is to say until Thursday at 00:00 hours. Consider that we are in the GMT time zone.
We hope this bonus will provide some initiative for our inactive members, as well as ones that want to reinvest.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us. We would be happy to hear from you.
Thank you for your trust.
Regards, CatenaFinance


The first program added to Standard Listing on the MNO monitor tonight is called DcGrandLimited. This is a short-term program which has been running for nearly seven weeks, but managing to maintain a low profile until now. Getting listed on MNO will definitely take DcGrandLimited to a different level of exposure in the investment community of which the admin himself admitted in the latest newsletter posted on the website just an hour ago:

DcGrandLimited has joined MNO, money-news-online.com is industries most famous blog, where you always can cache up with latest news from the market. We are proud of the fact that now DcGrandLimited is part of MNO community, make sure you tune in for review, which will be published tomorrow. Thank you.
Best Regards, Daniel Campbell,
CEO of DcGrandLimited

As I’ve already received the first payment from DcGrandLimited I’m going to post the full review tomorrow, but for now let’s just have a brief look at the program and its main features. DcGrandLimited has several different plans ranging from short to medium term and paying mostly on expiry – 104%-120% after 1 day, 122%-300% after 5 days, 146%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1,000% after 20 days, 400%-1,500% after 30 days. One remaining plan though offers daily returns of 54.3%-70% for 2 days with the principal already included in the payments. The minimum to invest in each plan starts from $10 and the returns are fixed and depend on the size of your investment. DcGrandLimited accepts PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer and the withdrawals have to be requested from your account and are processed manually by the admin within 24 hours, but usually much faster. Although SolidTrustPay is also featured on the website, it’s not accepted yet as STP hasn’t approved the SCI button for the program yet, and I’m not sure it’s going to happen at all. The admin asked the members for support in getting this done faster as I can see the strange request on the page where deposits via SolidTrustPay are supposed to be taken:

Solid Trust Pay Deposit
In order to accept STP deposit from you, we need to get verified SCI button, please contact SolidTrustPay (merchantsupport@solidtrustpay.com), request them to verify our SCI button. Our STP account: SchnabelAlta; SCI button: dcgrandsci. Thank you.

Apart from the plans, the DcGrandLimited website makes a very good first impression. Although running on a very common licensed GoldCoders script, the site is fully SSL-secured by Comodo where it obtained Trusted status. DDoS protection is from the most reliable hosting provider for HYIPs BlockDos who have the site on a dedicated server. DcGrandLimited is very well structured, offering Live Stats, video presentation, lots of contact and feedback options, online support and even displaying the server time on the main page as a convenient feature for members. The admin has more to say about that himself in the first introduction posted upon launching:

DcGrandLimited online!
Finally DcGrandLimited opens it’s doors for general community online, after few months of hard work and dedication we are proud to welcome investors from all over the globe. DcGrandLimited is designed for those who are willing to earn without leaving desk – online. We provide diverse investment portfolio to make everyone happy.
Our 24/7 live support crew will be there to help and consult you in any case any time. DcGrandLimited is incorporated company in United Kingdom, to verify our authenticity please check our certificate. All transfers up to 250k USD are protected with EV SSL. Still not excited? Our website is hosted on dedicated server by blockdos and secured with McAfee antivirus to provide 100% uptime for our loyal clients.
Looking for easy way to earn? Not a problem, you don not have to be active investor, to earn 3% commission from your referrals deposit, all you need to do is to share your referrals link to your family member, cousin, friend… and you will get piece of their deposit. All you need to do is to hit “Open account” and take advantage of opportunity that DcGrandLimited presents to you, like us on facebook.
Best Regards, Daniel Campbell,
CEO of DcGrandLimited


AdBitrage has been in the making for months now, but only joined the Premium Listing on MNO today after the admin decided the time was right. I was in fact already pre-paid for the listing and banners on MNO from AdBitrage‘s admin a couple of months ago, but it took him that long to finish the project and present it to investors in its current format. AdBitrage is a pretty simple program when it comes to the investment offer, paying 2.5% for the duration of 100 calendar days with the principal included and not returned on expiry. The minimum to invest in AdBitrage starts from $20 and all the popular payment processors are taken including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. As AdBitrage is running off a licensed script from ShadowScripts (read my interview with its developer here), you need to fund your e-wallet first and then redirect the funds from your balance. AdBitrage features a minimalist design which nevertheless provides a very good first impression. SSL-security is provided by GlobalSign and the site is hosted and DDoS protected by CloudFlare. And finally, I believe the presence on the MNO monitor straight from the beginning will provide a lot more attention to the program from day one. For more information on AdBitrage please read the detailed review coming soon.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ApexBinary.
From MNO Premium list: RFIGroup, DublinCryptoriumLimited, Financ, SclassInv, InvGlobal, RemiTrade, DailyShareProTataAgroHolding, FinMutual, StableCapitalGroup, ImbueCapital, MyGoldNestEgg.
From MNO Standard list: DcGrandLimited (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, InsideForexGroup, ThaiMonetaryFund, GoldenCabrio, IndigoHillInv, MichaelKazakov.

That’s it for tonight, guys. More news than I expected, but it was worth it. As you can see, the HYIP industry is on the rise once again with lots of new programs and investment opportunities presented on MNO which will hopefully be useful for you when deciding what to join and what to avoid. I’ll be back tomorrow with a more detailed review of DcGrandLimited plus the regular news round-up from the industry. See you all then!

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