January 2014 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone! Hope the weekend has been going well for you. Despite being Sunday I still have a couple of important news items to catch up on while also introducing a new entry to my Premium listing, a medium to longer term program by the name of 3pamm. I guess we will start with that, as I’m sure many of you are still looking for some promising programs to invest money with in 2014.


3pamm is not a new program in terms of its online presence, launching as it did in late October 2013, but during those couple of months the admin managed to earn a solid reputation with prompt payouts and a managed growth strategy. I guess the beginning of the new year coincided for him with the addition to Premium listing on MNO and hopefully, that will bring him some good results for everyone. 3pamm is allegedly created by three ForEx traders combining their efforts to trade and bring profits to investors. Heard that one before you might think, but in this case they do at least have daily posted reports from the market. Deciphering such things wouldn’t really be my strong point, but I’m sure it’ll be enough for many to forget we’re dealing with online HYIPs in this case. The 3pamm website is available in both English and Russian, with the Russian origin of the project being obvious going by the fact that it’s definitely the stronger of the two languages. Another indicator of the Russian origins of 3pamm is the accepted payment methods where in addition to the traditional PerfectMoney and EgoPay processors, there are more unusual currencies like LiqPay and Qiwi in use plus direct bank wires via Russian based websites as well. Despite this 3pamm claims registration in Malaysia while even producing some documents to that effect. Overall, the design of the 3pamm website made a good first impression on me with many questions properly answered and many features available to give the appearance of a fully legitimate company. 3pamm has three domains, all which are registered for three years, while the main site is SSL-encrypted by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server by Hetzner. I was pleased to see that the program is running off a custom script made for the particular needs of 3pamm‘s interface and investment plans. By the way, investments in 3pamm start from a $10 minimum, are all done for a fixed term with fixed interests credited on calendar days, and return your principal on expiry. These include – 1% for 12 days, 1.3% for 35 days, 1.6% for 65 days, 2% for 70 days, 2.3% for 85 days. Compounding is allowed in each plan to make your overall profit from 3pamm higher, however please keep in mind one particular rule where the program reserves the right to reduce the total amount of payouts if the final sum is more than three times higher than the original deposit in order to keep the program sustainable and keep the stability of the funds. Overall, I believe 3pamm will win some admirers among my readers and will get more exposure after the full review is published tomorrow. Stay tuned for that, guys!


It finally happened that RFIGroup is officially dead now. Despite numerous attempts by the admin to extend the program’s lifespan, it didn’t work and he has simply given up. The first sign of collapse was already visible last December, when some shorter-term investment plans were introduced. Given the nature of the plans and the time of year, experienced investors were immediately suspicious. And rightly so as we now know.

The second attempt to save RFIGroup that has obviously failed now was the announcement of the extended holidays which lasted for three weeks during which time the program was on Waiting status on the MNO monitor to prevent potential losses to unsuspecting investors. It looked though that RFIGroup was on the way to an unbelievable recovery when payments resumed on January 6th. Unfortunately that was a false hope as only small payouts were made. Within a few days it was clear that the admin was not going to pay the bigger investors. Two days ago I received the first confirmed complaint from a reader who provided me with proof of his overdue payouts in his RFIGroup account. As per my terms, I contacted the admin insisting he pay the member, wasn’t even honoured with a reply. Therefore I moved RFIGroup to Problem status on my monitor yesterday, and can now confirm with 100% certainty that it’s a scam. I myself have two pending withdrawals in RFIGroup as well, and I would like to issue a strong warning against investing in what was admittedly one of the best programs of 2013 which has now run its course.


The admin of DailySharePro doesn’t often issue newsletters, but when he does they’re always packed with updates and important information on the development of his program. The latest one issued last Friday was no exception, covering many subjects that might be interest to you. The main topic was dedicated to the first two months online by DailySharePro, successfully paying investors a minimum rate of 1% daily to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and OkPay. If you haven’t read my review of DailySharePro yet (published here), allow me to remind you that the daily interest might be higher but is also dependent on BitCoin’s volatility which is another income source for DailySharePro. But the main income is allegedly from you surfing at least 25 websites daily which is compulsory in order to get paid.

Anyway, before re-posting the newsletter I just want to highlight some of the more important points I feel deserve your attention. First, it looks that the increased rate of 1.4% has become more common now compared to the minimum 1%. So investors are enjoying higher overall profits for now. Secondly, some facts about the widespread use of BitCoin globally were mentioned, which though not directly connected with DailySharePro itself, but they are allegedly contributing to the growth of the program’s investments as well. Third, some accounts in DailySharePro were exposed as being created or maintained from the same IP-address and they had been suspended as per the program’s terms. Fourth, advertising efforts have been stepped up significantly over the last month, and you can, for example, see the banners on the MNO monitor which the admin recently extended for another month. I believe it’s important to maintain a high level of exposure for such programs as DailySharePro at all times, and it’s not only done by means of advertising, but also by the word of mouth with the admin sending his gratitude to members who post payment proof and positive feedback on forums and monitors. Finally Andy (that’s the admin’s name) outlined some exciting plans for the future to be revealed soon. The full newsletter is below and I wish you all the best of luck if you’re already a member of DailySharePro or still just thinking about it:

2 months online
DailySharePro would like to take this opportunity to wish all its members a happy and prosperous new year 2014. This year, we will continue to offer big investment plan and attractive advertising packages to our members and help them earn even more profits.
With that said, here’ a quick update for this week:
1. DailySharePro Members Earn More than Standard Earning Percentage (1.4%)
DailySharePro has been doing a great job in terms of attracting investors to purchase our schemes and earn better earning percentage.
“Last week, I advertised one of my websites on DailySharePro. Yesterday, I got more targeted traffic to my site than I’d been for years. As a result, I have increased my conversion rate by almost 40-50%,” shares Dave, an advertiser on DailySharePro.
“Not mentioning, DailyShare advertising schemes is easy to use – open your account, buy an ad package, and hit the Start Surfing button, and you’re done,” continues Dave.
This week, a lot of members earned high percentage earnings at DailySharePro. The standard earning percentage is 1.4%. This growing earning rates shows that DailySharePro is helping its members get high return on their investment.
2. Bitcoin News
More companies start to accept bitcoin – According to Coindesk.com, Overstock – one of the leading e-commerce site – has begun accepting bitcoins on its site. Likewise, a winery company in New Zealand also becomes the first southern hemisphere company to accept bitcoin.
Bitcoin price is over $1,000 – This week, the price of bitcoin again reached $1,000 on Mt. Gox, a popular bitcoin exchange site. On November 27th, bitcoin had reached the same level when the popularity of the cryptocurrency spiked around the world.
Bitcoin value will reach $10,000 in 2014 – According to recent poll on Coindesk, more than 55% of bitcoin miners think the price of Bitcoin will reach $10,000 in 2014.
Don’t know what bitcoin is and how it works? http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-explained-five-year-old/ read an explanation that even a 12-year old boy could understand.
3. Multiple Accounts Suspended on DailySharePro
This week, we re-checked our members and suspended multiple accounts created on the same IP address. As already mentioned in the FAQ, we only allow one account on each IP address.
If your family members wants to join DailySharePro using the same IP address, please contact us.
Remember, the bonus will be credited only to the 1st account on that single IP.
We suspended double accounts on DailySharePro to minimize data redundancy.
4. DailySharePro gets reviewed, adds more monitors
DailySharePro receives rave reviews and adds more monitors on its site.
We added more investment monitoring sites on DailySharePro. Investment monitoring sites include investment professionals who are experienced in monitoring investment sites based on several criteria and report their finding to the general public on an ongoing process. With the recent addition of monitoring sites, DailySharePro has one message to its members – feel safe investing through our site as we’re here for a long haul.
DailySharePro would like to take this opportunity to thank all our members who shared their personal experiences on popular investment forums.
A lot of users posted helpful feedbacks and screenshots of their earnings on several major forums.
These feedbacks will definitely help first-time investors as well as a potential advertiser to make a better decision using our programs. Thanks guys. We do appreciate your comments, feedbacks, and suggestions!
5. We’ve got BIG plans, Will Keep you updated every 2 weeks
Finally, we would like to convey our best wishes to all our members. We’re constantly striving to enhance our user-experience on DailySharePro by upgrading our site’s web design, script, and tools.
These software and design upgrades will offer easy to use, reliable, and secure environment for you to invest quickly and start making high ROI.
In addition to these upgrades, we have big plans coming up in few weeks that will keep you interested and excited to advertise and invest on DailySharePro.
Get started using DailySharePro
1. Register (free) to invest on advertising and bitcoin trade.
2. Visit our forum to read helpful investment tips, share your experiences with others.
3. Contact us to start advertising your website and make money through advertising and bitcoin trade.
Wish you the best year ahead
DailySharePro Management.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, Financ, SclassInv, InvGlobal, MutualWealth, AdBitrage, RemiTrade, TataAgroHolding, DailyShareProFinMutual, ApexBinary, StableCapitalGroup, ImbueCapital.
From MNO Standard list: –.
From MNO Basic list: WelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, InsideForexGroup, IndigoHillInv, MichaelKazakov, ZeusInvest (the first payment received).

That’s all the news for today, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and find some useful information on the best programs to diversify your investment portfolios with. I’ll see you same time tomorrow, so don’t miss the detailed and comprehensive review of 3pamm plus the daily news from the HYIP industry. If you like reading MNO please don’t forget to subscribe to have each post delivered straight to your mailbox. Simply enter your email address in the form on the top right corner of my blog and confirm by clicking the link sent there. MNO subscriptions are powered by Google’s subsidiary FeedBurner so you need only make one single click to unsubscribe later if you change your mind. I have some big plans for the 2014 and if you’re interested to hear more from MNO please follow me on Facebook and Twitter or email me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com or submit your enquiry via my Contact page. I would also like to hear your feedback on online forums, so please keep voting in the poll on the MNO TalkBack page. That is it for today and see you all tomorrow!

/a Bitcoin price is over $1,000 – This week, the price of bitcoin again reached $1,000 on Mt. Gox, a popular bitcoin exchange site. On November 27th, bitcoin had reached the same level when the popularity of the cryptocurrency spiked around the world. gets reviewed, adds more monitors

A lot of users posted helpful feedbacks and screenshots of their earnings on several major forums.

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