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Beware! DailySharePro has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! For the second interview (and counting!) on MNO so far this weekend it’s the turn of DailySharePro and its admin Tom. This one is a little different from most if the other programs currently covered on the MNO monitor. While it’s a long term investment site like what seems to be most popular category at the moment, DailySharePro also require members to surf, ie view a sequence of paid advertisements in their members account area in order to qualify for a payment on any given day. Interest rates are variable which is not a bad thing in terms of allowing the admin greater control over DailySharePro’s cash flow so should, if managed responsibly that is, help lengthen the program’s life span by as much as possible. Variable, but not below 1% per day, members get paid for a term of 180 calendar days on condition they surf a minimum of 25 sites per day, and your principal is returned on expiry. Before we hear from the admin then I’ll just remind you that if you like what you see and want some further information then you can start with the original review of DailySharePro first published on MNO here:

1. Hi Tom, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in DailySharePro. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Hi Paul. I am Tom Carr, the DailySharePro admin. My main responsibility includes looking after the investment side of their business while also acting as a liaison officer between their investors and the DailySharePro managers.

My day usually begins by replying support requests helping both seasoned as well as newbie investor/advertisers make the most out of their investments. Besides helping investors at DailySharePro, I also process any pending withdrawal requests.

After lunch, I sit down with my managers and submit them daily progress report. In addition, we also discuss on how we can improve our investor’s experience on DailySharePro and how we can help them make more money.

2. Can you give us some background information on DailySharePro? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

Although DailySharePro was launched recently, on November 8, 2013 to be exact, we were preparing for this program for almost a year.

DailySharePro is a team as it would be very difficult to operate all alone. Currently, we have 14 members in the team: a DailySharePro manager, 2 developers, a programmer, a designer, 2 supporters, and 7 traders. This week, we’re also adding up more representatives in our team to assist newbie investors to make a right investment decisions.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest?

Currently, we only have one investment plan at DailySharePro – i.e. 1% daily profit plan. This plan accepts deposits from our members – $5 to buy 1 ad unit and $12,500 for 2,500 ad units — and pays at least 1% daily for every calendar days.

At this moment, DailySharePro is paying 1% on weekends and 1.1%-1.4% on weekdays. This profits percentage depends on our trading results. From these daily earnings, we always keep 0.1%-0.3% in our reserves.

In future, we think this plan can reach up to 1.8%, thereby allowing our investors to reap even more rewards.

4. Tell us what’s required of members in order to get paid. Talk us through the surfing process and what needs to be done. What happens if a member is unable to get online and surf on some of the days, as is surely inevitable at some point during such a long term?

Once someone signs up for our free membership, they can immediately start investing on DailySharePro. As an investor, our members purchase an ad package by depositing $5 into their account. The upper purchase limit is 2,500 ad units, for $12,500. Our investors receive 25 credit points for every single ad purchase.

Once an ad package is bought, members can advertise their website by adding “website” through their account section.

Besides investing on ad packages and advertising their website on DS, investors can also surf websites on DailySharePro and earn small amount of cash. The web surfing is automated. You simply have to click on the “Surf” button and DS will automatically surf sites for you. In order to receive bonus amount of $5 and 25 credit points, members have to surf at least 100 websites which takes two days as the maximum surfing limit for a day is 50.

The earning made from surfing websites on DS can be immediately re-invested to buy ad packages, or they can withdraw their earnings using any of the approved online payment methods (see below).

Our investors can also visit our “marketplace” to sell their credits with other investors for cash, re-invest in buying ad unit and advertise their website, or withdraw the amount anytime using one of our payment systems (see below).

If member aren’t able to get online and surf for the day, he/she will not receive payment for that day. No surfing, no earnings for that day. It’s that simple.

5. There are other ways to earn in DailySharePro apart from the actual surfing process isn’t there? Can you tell readers about the bonus scheme and how they can increase the size of their investment at no additional cost to themselves?

Apart from surfing process, DailySharePro offers its members bonus in several different ways. First, members can re-invest their earning to buy additional ads package to promote their website, receive additional credits as bonus, and then sell it in the “marketplace” with other investors and each cash (25 credit point = $5 earnings).

Secondly, they can also participate in the PTP, or paid-to-promote program. In PTP program, our members add their website via PTP program section. Once their website gets approved, they can place banners with referral link, or simply text links, anywhere on the Internet – their website, blogs, forums, social media sites, and promote DS. Whenever someone ‘presses’ on that referral banner or link, our members automatically earn commission depending upon which tier their website is on. The PTP commission is 0.01$ for Tier2 and 0.02$ for Tier1.

6. Staying on the topic of payments, I mentioned in my review that payments to DailySharePro members are variable. For the benefit of potential investors still only thinking about joining, tell us about how the average performance has been? What would a typical week be like? Is there somewhere we can see the past results of the program since you launched?

Before launching DailySharePro, we were working privately offline. This is the reason why we do not want to display our previous earnings and performance reports.

Also our typical week’s performance and profits is very difficult to figure as we normally do all our calculations on 3 cycles – i.e. after every 4 months.

But for those who want to know what DS offers to them, we would like to inform them that we do payout a daily 1.4%-1.5% profit. Besides sharing profits with our members, we also keep other profits in reserve in case something goes wrong as well as to maintain and develop site and pay salaries to our staffs.

7. What payment options are you currently accepting? What’s kind of payment schedule do you have? In other words what’s the timeframe between members asking for their payment and actually receiving it?

Currently at DailySharePro, we offer various payment methods such as EgoPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay, SolidTrustPay, Payza, and Bitcoin. In coming months, we’ll also be adding other modes of payment, too.

The payments are really fast. Advertisers and affiliates can withdraw their earnings within few hours but please note that we have 24 hours time-frame. Usually it takes no longer than 6-8 hours max to complete withdrawal requests.

8. Can you tell us a bit more on how and why you got Payza added to that list? I understand if you don’t wish for DailySharePro to be associated with the wider HYIP industry (like it or not, that is still how most readers will regard you), and Payza rarely accept programs like yours. So what has changed and how will this benefit the program and its members?

Payza is definitely one of the leading financial services that allow users to make secure and instant payments, make money transfers on their local banks, or load their prepaid credit card.

It’s free, easy to use, and very popular. We decided to include it on DailySharePro because most of our investors living in Canada and they prefer Payza over other payment systems.

9. How secure is the website of DailySharePro? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

DailySharePro is secured by SSL certificate that allow our investors to share sensitive data and information over the Internet. This SSL is supported by major browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari on Mac. With high-cost SSL certificate, DailySharePro keeps all kinds of hackers at bay, thereby allowing a secure place for their investors to conduct their online transactions at ease.

DailySharePro is hosted on powerful and high performing dedicated Staminus web server. Our web server offers unlimited bandwidth capability and is blazingly fast.

Staminus offers automated protection against all kinds of DDoS attacks. The SecurePort:Global automatically hunts down external attacks and mitigates them immediately while keeping the admin updated with attack reports that are send directly to their e-mail.

10. Also connected with security, what kind of filters or checks do you have on the websites that are going to open during the surfing process? Not simply “inappropriate material”, how do you protect members from viruses or other malicious content that can be hidden there?

All websites are manually approved before we display them during the surfing process. Our expert staff sit down and filter genuine websites from fakes one. They also filter through sites having malicious content such as porn, drugs, guns, or any other violent activity that may distract our surfers, and only approve the real ones.

Before displaying these websites for surfing, we use a special anti-virus program that checks the web page(s) and scripts for hidden threats that could compromise our visitors browsing experience.

11. What kind of script is DailySharePro running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

DailySharePro runs on a licensed HYIPCraft Script that was developed to offer security, reliability, and considered as one of the most suitable package for online investment sites.

The script runs on almost every browser, loads faster, and seamlessly processes all sensitive data in the background, thereby, offering a convenient environment for our investors to invest their money at ease.

12. Can we see any statistics regarding DailySharePro? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

At DailySharePro, we currently have more than 4500 registered members, 35% of them are active.

In the first tier affiliate program at DailySharePro, our affiliates earn 4% when one of their referrals makes an investment with us. In the second level referral, our members and affiliates earn extra 2% of all purchases their referrals make on DailySharePro.

We are extremely pleased by our investors and affiliates effort to spread DailySharePro’s services with their connections – friends, family, and other interested investors. As a result, we consistently see rise in our membership.

13. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

Investors and casual visitors can use our online chat system, displayed at the footer, to ask for help, learn, and share ideas with each other.

Besides using online chat, investors and visitors may also submit a ticket via our contact us section which is constantly monitored by one of our support staffs. This allows us to keep track of all pressing issues of our clients and deal with them accordingly.

We usually respond back within 12-24 hours.

14. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

We have received very few problem/question(s) regarding our services and websites. Apart from members submitting tickets for their lost passwords, DailyShare’s members have NOT reported of facing any serious issues related with our advertising plans and website usability. Thanks to HYIPCraft Script that offers a wonderful and easy to use interface for our investor/member(s).

15. How have you been promoting DailySharePro so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

DailyShare pro has been using various methods to promote and expose our brand and services. For example, we have bought advertising spaces on several popular forums where thousands of newbie as well as seasoned investors visit to look for investment (advertising) opportunities.

Similarly, our online investment site is monitored online by several popular monitoring sites.

Besides using online advertising methods, we regularly market our brand and services through word of mouth. Our seasoned and professional marketers have very good relationships with advertisers and investors throughout the country. They help spread our message by mentioning DailySharePro during meetings, events, and seminars, and at their offices.

This week, we’ll also add representatives who will assist newbie advertiser/investors on how to invest right and avoid commonly made mistakes.

16. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

We make profits through two income sources – a) Bitcoin Trading (our primary source) and b) Advertising.

Of the total investment amount, we keep 20% in reserve in case if anything goes wrong in the future. The remaining 80%, we spend on purchasing Bitcoins. Just like Forex trading, we make profits from Bitcoin trading by selling them when the margin is going down and buying them when it is going up.

Secondly, we receive commission from advertising websites on DailySharePro. For example, we sell ad space and banners on our main page and allow investors and advertisers expose their websites.

17. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

We’re happy and thankful for MNO for giving us an opportunity to get our brand and services across tens of thousands of audiences, who regularly visit MNO to find profitable investment deals.

Our DailySharePro review was informative, honest, and fair. We think after reading our review and this interview on your blog, more investors will make the right decision in their investment plans.

Well, there you have it. You now have all the information about DailySharePro at your fingertips. You now have a fair idea of who runs and manage DailySharePro and how many people are involved in their team. You also know what they offer and different ways you can participate in their site to make money. Investing online is a lucrative business but it’s also risky. With the proper knowledge and right strategy at your fingertips, not only you lesson those risks and avoid pitfalls of the industry, but also make wiser investment decisions to make significant amount of profits.”

Well, there you have it indeed! The admin’s words, not mine, but I guess it does at least give you a fair idea of how DailySharePro works on a practical level. Thanks a lot to Tom for taking the time and effort to answer my questions and I hope you found it interesting if you are already a member and helpful if you are still deciding whether it’s worth the risk or not. One way or another let me wish the very best of luck to both the admin and all the investors in keeping DailySharePro online and profitable for as many of you and for as long as possible.”

That’s it for today guys. I don’t have a lot of news just you but unfortunately I do have to close for today with a word of warning. I can’t say much with 100% certainty at this point, but you would be advised to be extremely cautious around a couple of programs at the moment. To start with ImbueCapital have been moved to Scam Status on the MNO monitor so it looks as if that one is definitely in trouble. However the situation around two other programs is less clear, and there’s a cloud over MyGoldNestEgg and HyipAgroHolding. Both of these have been moved to Problem Status, and it’s best to be careful until I have further information. Keep an eye on the MNO blog and monitor and you’ll get the most up-to-date status possible on both programs as soon as it becomes clear what’s going on there.

Thanks for reading, everyone. Remember again to cast your vote in the online opinion pol currently running on the MNO TalkBack page, it only takes a couple of seconds and is totally anonymous, and I’ll see you all again tomorrow with any important news you should be aware of. See you all then and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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