Feb 28th, 2014 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi guys! The last day of winter today and hopefully many will be looking optimistically forward to the future when the days are getting brighter and the HYIP industry gets more exciting. Your expectations will be the subject of the next poll I’m holding on the MNO TalkBack page (read about that later), but first let’s see what’s been going on with the latest news and updates from MNO monitored programs during the last 36 hours. We’ll start though with the latest addition to my Standard listing – a program going to be reviewed on my blog soon called XAxisInc.


XAxisInc was added to MNO after running for exactly a month with the admin Elizabeth coming from a background of running an alleged cake shop before moving into making money from ForEx and advertising which allowed her to open the website for HYIP investors. Well, at least that’s how the story goes for XAxisInc which offers several investment plans with principal back on expiry and a minimum to invest of $10. These include 1% for 15 business days, 2% for 30 business days, 3% for 45 business days, and 4% for 60 business days. The program accepts not just PerfectMoney and EgoPay, but also SolidTrustPay in automated mode with an approved account (a real rarity in the industry nowadays!) and even deposits via Western Union. Moreover, within the coming weeks and months Elizabeth promises to add even more payment options for the convenience of investors. As XAxisInc is running off a licensed GoldCoders script payouts have to be requested and are processed manually and within 24 to 48 business hours. The website is SSL-secured by GeoTrust hosted on a dedicated server provided by BlackLotus and protected from DDoS attacks. I can see the admin is quite active in updating members via her own blog and the Facebook page which, for instance, featured listing on MNO today as a means for further growth of XAxisInc:

We are now on MNO – Money News Online, the very best site for promoting and advertising. We have added our listing and hope to become one of the very best and biggest sites ever to appear on MNO.

I hope to make some contribution to its growth by reviewing XAxisInc on my blog properly soon and helping you make a more informed decision if this is one you really want to join or would rather pass up. For now please read the latest newsletter posted on their official blog today to give you an idea of what was going on behind the scenes over the last month since they launched:

Having been open 1 month from Monday. It seems like a very unnoticeable achievement.
You would also be right to think that. However the changes we have made and how popular we have become is the real achievement.
We are now passed 2 cycles of investments, profit has been made, capital is rising and the site is changing every day.
Our Alexa is growing, more people are joining and promoting the site, we have a great bunch of ideas for the future. People would not have seen the idea of a trading site with advertising as an idea that many Admins would be able to do. But… We are doing exactly that, this month we took our first steps at adding Banner spots to the site, at extremely low prices, we have our own group and team of people who’s sole job it is to find advertisers, with Forex Brokers accepting only 100k Alexa Rank sites, it will be some time before our banner spots are sold out and regularly to Brokers, but it will happen for sure.
I am however pleased to say our banners are getting a little bit of attention because of our many traffic sources linking to our site, and the site itself is stable and paying as it will always be.
Thank you for being with us from DAY 1 and i am sure this is only the beginning of a long journey and a first for Advertising based Forex sites.
Join us on Facebook HERE, or check out our sites latest Trading Reports HERE.
Roll on March!


BarclaysRoyalClub (reviewed here) remains one of the most popular programs among readers, firmly holding the #3 position on the MNO Premium List now. They offer 9.5%-10.5% for 20 business days and occasionally a 10% extra deposit bonus to encourage deposits. Last week’s bonus was a success and the admin of BarclaysRoyalClub Peter is considering repeating the gesture. So you may be able to add 10% on top of the 90% to 110% pure profit already offered by BarclaysRoyalClub on deposits from a $10 minimum. Payment options include PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, Payeer, OkPay, and SolidTrustPay. By the way, the admin reported that for a few days now all deposits via STP are processed in automatic mode and are credited instantly, as some bug in the H-script BarclaysRoyalClub runs off had finally been fixed. After being such a huge success for over five weeks online and the first investors having doubled their money already the admin has been overwhelmed by support requests which are sometimes submitted via multiple channels all at once, so he asks you to contact support via just one of the methods to reduce the work load and improve response time. Here are the most recent newsletters from BarclaysRoyalClub also containing the exact time when deposits will be rewarded with the 10% automatic bonus:

We have few very important announcements for you.
Dear Investors,
We have few very important announcements for you.
– First one. If you have any questions there is no need to write to all possible support services at once. Some of you send one question directly to Skype, Live Chat, email and also create a ticket in your account. Our operators have to answer the same questions and solve the same problems for several times. This really complicates the work of support services. Please use just one way of communication. Our support will respond to you after a maximum of 10-12 hours (usually it takes up to 2 hours)
– Second. As you can remember, when our project has started deposits in SolidTrustPay couldn’t be added automatically. Finally this bug has been fixed about 10 days ago and STP deposits now can be added automatically. Unfortunately about 5% of deposits still have to be added manually. If your deposit is not added automatically, just report it to customer support and we’ll add it in a couple of hours.
– And, finally some good news, as we promised earlier the promo campaign with a 10% bonus will be also held this week. It will last from Friday 6:00 PM GMT till Monday 0:01 AM GMT. Conditions are the same as before – we shall send them back in the next letter in a few hours. The decision concerning the campaign on the following weekend (March 8-9) will be taken next week.
Good luck everyone and have a nice weekend!
Peter Marsh. Admin BarclaysRoyalClub

Weekend BONUS program already started.
Dear members,
Weekend bonus program already started. You have 54 hours to get a 10% bonus from any deposit from Friday 6:00 PM GMT till Monday 00:01 AM GMT. Bonus points will be added to your account automatically, right after a deposit was paid. You can withdraw your bonus any time or turn it back into the project. Bonus interest is added in the payment system it was made.
Beat regards, Team BarclaysRoyalClub.


Just last night when describing the good work being done by the admin of Leancy Ryan I mentioned the constant improvements of the website, particularly in relation to catering to an international audience to maintain further growth. Today on their official blog I discovered two more language versions of Leancy had been added successfully – Greek and Dutch/Flemish – which brings the total amount of languages you can see the Leancy website in to an impressive twelve. Here’s the latest announcement from Ryan:

New site languages
Starting from now the Leancy‘s website is available in Greek and Dutch / Flemish languages. Stay tuned!

Leancy has been running for over two months now and is widely considered one of the most successful programs so far this year. With hundreds of investors enjoying instant payouts to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, BitCoin, and Payeer Leancy climbed to the #4 position on the MNO Premium List less than five weeks after joining. For more info on Leancy and its unique features I suggest reading my detailed review here. I’ll just tell you briefly that by investing anything from a $10 minimum you have an opportunity to earn up to 5% daily interest (variable but usually close to the maximum) until you eventually reach a 150% total return on your investment. Among the many advantages of Leancy is a unique script and the ability to see your account growing by the second with the option to withdraw anytime your balance reaches $1. Perks for larger investors (and to keep hit-n-runners at bay) include higher rates on bigger deposits, up to 7.5% daily which will take them to the 150% target much faster.


The admin of DailySharePro Tom has possibly started a new stage in the development of his project today by officially launching a non-surfing investment plan. The original version offers at least 1% plus per day for surfing of at least 25 sites for 180 calendar days and principal back on expiry. The new investment plan will not require surfing and will pay a 2% fixed daily return for 90-calendar days, also with principal returned on expiry. In my opinion, the new investment plan makes the surfing plan totally redundant, delivering almost the same returns in half the time. I believe that the reasons for introducing the new plan was the relative unpopularity of the original one, with few investors wanting to surf even in automatic mode for a 1% daily return. It’s possible though that over the first four months online DailySharePro (reviewed here) was simply testing the surfing platform and the original intention was always to introduce more investment options later. Having said that, Tom never mentioned adding new plans in the interview with MNO which can be read here. Anyway, the new plan is now online and open to anyone looking to invest $5 or more via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, SolidTrustPay, BitCoin, Payza, and now Payeer. The latest option was added only today as announced in the latest newsletter outlining the recent developments in DailySharePro. Other important points worth mentioning include the new representative program which can be joined by anyone who wants to double their referral commission by promoting the program locally. I’m pleased to see the admin cares about taking his project to the next level, and for more details please read the full newsletter below:

DailySharePro Unstoppable Train
1. DailySharePro adds NEW e-Wallet (Payeer)
DailySharePro team would like to announce our valuable members (investors) that we’ve recently added a new payment system on our online investment site – Payeer.
Payeer is an online payment system that allows you to pay for goods and services on websites as well as transfer of funds around the world.
With Payeer, you can also transfer your funds on other payment systems, including PayPal, Payza, PerfectMoney,Okpay, EgoPay, or to Visa.
*Including Payeer, DailySharePro now supports 7 different payment systems: Payza, Bitcoin, EGO Pay, OK PAY, Perfect Money, SolidTrust PAY, and Payeer. With these wide payment options, more investors from around the world can join our investment plan to quickly and easily invest and earn significant amount of profits, starting today.
2. DailySharePro adds ‘NEW Advertisement Plan.’
DailySharePro recently added a NEW investment plan. This investment plan is very simple to get started as it does NOT require ‘surfing,’ (unlike our 1st investment plan that required you to surf websites).
To get started, simply signup (if you’re a new member), or login to your account and deposit your initial amount to invest in one of the two investment plans. Once you’ve selected an advertising plan, wait until the investment time period is over and withdraw your earnings at your own time and leisure.
The daily profit percentage share is 2% for 90 days, meaning that you’ll earn a whopping 180% pure profit after 90 days and your initial deposit will also be returned.
3. Representative system is online.
We are glad to announce our representative system that has been launched just several hours ago. Members from all over the world can become our representatives and help other newbie users and investors start making daily profits. All representatives earn double referral commission (8% for first and 4% for second level).
Thank you, DailySharePro Team.


ComoCredit (reviewed here) is yet another program adding Payeer. This officially became the third payment processor, joining PerfectMoney and EgoPay, though with neither of them accepting US investors anymore (read my article on possible alternatives for such people here) it’s clear an alternative was urgent. As ComoCredit is running off an original script I’ll explain that in order to add a Payeer account you simply have to click the “Edit” button in your General Overview area under the Account Summary tab. After that you will see an option to enter your Payeer account details and click the Save button. And that’s all! You can now invest in ComoCredit via Payeer, starting with a $10 minimum. Plans include 1.4% for 30 days, 1.5% for 45 days, 1.6% for 60 days, 1.7% for 90 days, and 2% for 180 days, all with your principal returned on expiry. I imagine that as with PerfectMoney and EgoPay payouts Payeer withdrawals in ComoCredit will be processed instantly as well, and hopefully their addition will be a good alternative for those who can’t use PerfectMoney and EgoPay anymore. The admin also said in his recent interview with MNO (read it here) that deposits via BitCoin are in the pipeline as well, so stay tuned for any announcements on that.


Only 0.7% profits were reported by the admin of BTCArbs on his website last night. The admin explained the small return by the stable price for BitCoins on the market with little difference between the main exchangers which is not so good for BTCArbs allegedly involved in speculating on this crypto-currency. Here’s the latest profit report from them:

Thursday 27th February 2014 – 0.70%
The chaos in the Bitcoin industry seems to have calmed down since the events of earlier this week, with a relatively low level of volatility on the major Bitcoin exchanges. Bitstamp is hovering steady around $580 per coin, and has moved less than 1% today. BTC-e has similarly returned to it’s previous status of having a price slightly lower than Bitstamp. Volatility creates inefficiencies in the market, so while the majority of Bitcoin users are likely welcoming the stability, we prefer rapid price shifts. Nevertheless, slow and stable trading days are essential to help us balance our float, and gives us the opportunity to bring our exchange balances back into equilibrium. Today’s profit is 0.7%.

BTCArbs has been listed on MNO for only 11 days, but it’s fast becoming a popular choice among readers looking to be in control of their funds with the option to withdraw any part of the principal or profits at any time. BTCArbs pays from 0.1% to 10% variable daily returns with profits automatically compounded in your account to become part of your initial principal to improve your earnings. If it’s confusing at first then read my full review of BTCArbs posted here. Remember though that the minimum to invest in the program is quite a high $50, but there are plenty of different payment methods including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, direct bank wires, and BitCoin.


Some bad news now as I need to warn you against making any further investments in Financ. The problems with instant payouts started yesterday, but then the admin eventually processed all of them he blamed hackers for switching off the usually instant function. Whether that statement was true or simply an attempt to delay the collapse remains to be seen, as today it was the same story and no payouts have been processed so far. The admin is not responding to emails either and I don’t actually believe he’s able to continue running the program as usual, because no official announcement regarding pending withdrawals has been made yet and I doubt it’s going to be done today. Meanwhile investors are panicking already and the future remains unknown. Given the circumstances I decided to move Financ to Problem status on my monitor tonight and also am issuing this warning. I would be extremely glad to be mistaken about this, believe me, but at this point things are not looking bright for Financ investors. The project itself has been a true gem which we rarely see these days, as Financ has been paying instantly for four and a half months and bringing huge profits to hundreds of investors. So, even if it’s gone already it will still be a good memory for the majority of investors.


And finally to wrap things up for today I want to take a look at the results of the most recent opinion poll that was running on the MNO TalkBack page. Seeing that everyone who wanted to vote in the first place has had an ample opportunity to do so by now, I guess it’s time to post a new question. So the last topic for you think about asked about how big a role HYIPs play in your overall income. Not so much about exactly how much money you make or how much you spend, but rather important it is to you in terms of supplementing your income. Specifically I asked:
How important a role do HYIPs play to your total income?

There was a fairly good spread of answers between those readers who answered I must say, though there was a distinct majority of you who seem to be pretty heavily involved. The single most popular answer was
I’m a serious player. It’s very important to my income.
This returned 47% of the votes cast. We all know that the HYIP industry is neither the safest nor the most stable activity to be in the position where you are depending on it for an income. But let’s be honest here too, I’m making money from this industry for I’ll bet as many years as the majority of readers here, so I know how it works. As long as you’re aware of the risks, comfortable in taking them, and are managing to play the system to your own benefit then I can only say good luck to you, congratulations, and long may it continue.

In second place with a still impressive 29% of the vote was the option at the other end of the scale, which said:
I play for fun only. No serious impact on income.
A bit more sensible I guess, and again it’s all about being aware of what you are getting yourself into and acting in what you believe are your own best interests under the circumstances on the day. Most HYIPs can be joined for a $5 or sometimes $10 minimum, and as long as you know you’re gambling then it can be a more fun way to spend it than the price of a losing lottery ticket.

In the middle ground then, the option of:
It’s of some importance. I’d miss it if I lost it.
was taken by the remaining 24% of voters. Still a significant number of readers, I suppose you just like to “keep a foot in both camps” as it were. The important thing of course is to be aware of what you are doing and enjoy it. If this is what suits you best then I hope you have some great long term success with it.

Moving on then to the next question for the new MNO TalkBack poll, what else could I possibly think about on this the final day of February than the return of springtime! So spring is in the air and this has traditionally been perhaps the most profitable time of the year in the industry with some good opportunities to be had. It’s a bit unusual this year compared to previous seasons though, and the situation is far from clear cut. Most other times in the industry we see the last year finish with a gradual slowdown in December before coming to an almost full stop for the Christmas holidays. The New Year generally sees a recovery with plenty of good programs starting up, and the industry then building up and up throughout the spring until the summer holiday season when people start taking a break form it again. This year however, while the industry has definitely improved since the usual December slump and has picked up some amount of momentum, it’s a long way short of what we might have expected in years gone by. I mean sure, you don’t necessarily need many opportunities, just good ones, but there’s less going on in the HYIP industry at the moment than at the same time last year for example. The reasons why have been discussed at length elsewhere. I don’t really need to repeat them but will just acknowledge that they may include the closure of LibertyReserve last summer plus the unwillingness of some of the biggest payment processors remaining in the industry to continue dealing with US customers for fear of their own incarceration.

The question I want to ask you then is how exactly you guys see things developing this spring, let’s say for the next three months? What are your own hopes here and what will be the strategy (if you have one) that you plan to use? The exact question then will be as follows:
What are you expecting from the HYIP industry for the next three months?

And your choice of answers will be”
a) I expect things to get busy and more profitable.
b) An improvement, but not as much as other years.
c) No real change in the industry for the spring months.
d) I have no expectations and will decide from day to day.

The poll will be online for a while. I’m not sure exactly how long, at the very least a week to ten days so there will be plenty of time for anyone interested enough to cast a vote. Thanks in advance to everyone who does take the time and it’s always nice to share your thoughts with other readers around the world. Remember it’s anonymous and takes no more than a couple of seconds to click whichever one of the options comes closest to your own opinion.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: GoldenOakFund.
From MNO Premium list: FinMutual, DublinCryptoriumLimited, BarclaysRoyalClub, Leancy, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, MutualWealth, BettCoin, DailySharePro, RemiTrade, ComoCredit, MyGoldNestEgg.
From MNO Standard list: PornRotor.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov, TeslaFinance (the first payment received).

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. For more info on the biggest investment programs online please check out MNO later on for the full review of XAxisInc. Not to miss anything interesting on my blog I suggest you subscribe to my daily news and check the links to all the important posts on my Facebook and Twitter pages. Please also take some time to check the status of a program before investing, as the MNO monitor is usually the first to report possible problems with payouts and might save you lots of money. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite programs on the MNO monitor and submit your votes in the new poll on the MNO TalkBack page. Have a good weekend and I hope to see you back again very soon. Bye for now!

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