February 2014 Archives

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Beware! BluOro has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! As it’s Friday once more I hope you all had a positive business week in the HYIP industry and are looking forward to a couple of days off now. Things never really stop around here of course, not fully anyway, and I have a couple of articles coming between now and Monday that I hope will be of some interest to you, so stick around! Today however I want to finish the “regular” working week (whatever that means!) by taking a closer look at a recently launched medium term program called BluOro. To give it its full title the proper name is Blu Oro Asset Management Services Online Limited, but as that’s bit of a mouthful I’m glad the admin shortened it to simply BluOro. Anyway, the name is not what’s important here. What really matters is what the program have to offer member of the investing public and how could a job the admin can do in keeping it online and promoting it in such a way as to keep it alive for as long as possible. I gave you a brief introduction to BluOro on MNO last night if you were reading so you might have a general idea of what the project is all about already. In fact they’ve been online for about the last ten days or so anyway, so I imagine some of you may well have come across them before now. For anyone else who’s interested, let’s see what BluOro are all about and see if you think they might be suitable for you to join.

You have a choice of three mostly mid term investment plans to choose from in BluOro, starting with what’s called The BO Bronze Plan. With a $10 minimum deposit required to join, I feel this may prove to be the only seriously affordable plan for the majority of investors, though I will of course go through all your options for you in the program as well. This one however runs for a term of 15 business days (three weeks), during which BluOro offer members a daily interest payment of 1.5% on their deposits, Monday to Friday only. These payments eventually add up to 22.5% by the time the term expires, at which point your principal gets returned leaving that as your net profit. Maximum spend is capped at $1,000.

If we look at a practical example of how that might play out for you then, let’s say you sign up for BluOro with a $100 deposit. Over the course of the following three weeks the admin pays you back $1.50 every day from Monday to Friday for the duration, until eventually you have $22.50 in total. This amount then becomes your net profit upon return of your initial hundred.

Pretty conventional, eh? There’s nothing particularly difficult or complicated going on there, and this is more or less how BluOro‘s remaining two plans work as well. Only with different numbers of course. The second plan then, The BO Silver Plan, will set you back a minimum of $500 to join. If that’s no big deal to you then the investment term runs for 30 business days (six weeks) during which you can earn a daily interest rebate of 2%, paid Monday to Friday, on the value of your deposit. On the completion of the term those payments come to 60% in total, which obviously like the preceding plan doesn’t by itself put you anywhere near a profit. This only follows once BluOro return your principal as promised in their terms and conditions. The maximum amount you may invest in this plan is limited to $5,000.

Lastly then The BO Gold Plan will require you to spend not less than a $1,000 minimum should you wish to join. In return for your money BluOro will lock it away for a 60 business day term (12 weeks), and pay you 2.5% interest per day, Monday to Friday, while you wait for it to be returned. This allows you to break even (that is recoup an amount equivalent to your deposit and therefore making it impossible to lose “your own” money no matter what happens next”) after 40 business days. On completion of the full term however your interest payments should come to 150%, which is your final net profit after the BluOro admin releases your original principal.

If any of those options appeal to you then you’ll probably want to know what payment processors are open to you. The choice at the moment is fair enough and includes PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, BitCoin, and Payeer. SolidTrustPay was also announced, by the way, but currently the admin is still waiting for his payment button to be verified by STP without which he can’t formally accept them. If this is an issue for you then let’s be quite clear about the fact that this STP approving BluOro is by no means guaranteed. Any further updates from BluOro on this or other matter will as always be covered on MNO so if interested please keep an eye on my blog and I’ll make sure this is the first place you hear about it. Meanwhile payments are made manually by the admin and will need to be requested from inside your BluOro members account area. Once done you should allow anything up to a further 24 hours before the money appears in your e-currency account. While the admin says he will endeavor to complete all transactions within 6 hours, I guess the guy has to eat and sleep just like the rest of us at some time so it isn’t explicitly guaranteed that you will always get paid so fast. So do allow the full 24 hours and take anything faster as a bonus.

On the security and design side of things then, BluOro is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of BlockDos, who are of course by some considerable distance the best service provider prepared to deal with online HYIPs. Not that it’s a big list or anything, but they’re still on a completely different level from any of their competitors. The script is a bit more generic, coming licensed from GoldCoders though I guess most of you being experienced players will find it instantly recognizable and easy to navigate. Also included in the BluOro website is a three minute video presentation explaining what it’s all about. For an extra layer of security BluOro have SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Further questions to the admin on things you think weren’t covered in this review or any account related issues you need to have dealt with can be addressed to BluOro by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the website’s contacts page. You’ll find a postal address in the UK where the program claims to be a registered company. I wouldn’t dispute that to be true or anything, but would dismiss it nonetheless as of no importance. Company registration there can be done anonymously online for a couple of dollars and no questions asked. There’s a phone number to go with it if you think someone will be available to speak with you in person, and the BluOro website has a built-in Live Chat feature for real time support, though there’s no information as to when if ever you’ll be able to find the admin there. You can write directly to the admin’s email address if you prefer, and finally BluOro have a Facebook page for fans of social networking sites. There isn’t much on it at the moment, but given that the program is still relatively new hopefully the admin will make better use of it than most of his competitors.

On the business side of things I suppose the claims made by BluOro are really nothing out of the ordinary. They say they are ForEx traders which is of course almost like a code word for “online HYIP” to experienced players at this stage. But while the BluOro website itself is a bit basic it still contains a lot of the elements necessary for success, such as a wide choice of payment options, sustainable plans, a good standard of DDoS protection, and I can’t help but get the feeling the admin has probably done this more than just once or twice. Success needs to be worked on of course and is never guaranteed, it depends on a lot of things some of which are wildly unpredictable. Luck for example being one of them. So remember at all times to be cautious and spend money that you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t work out. And of course if you do decide to join BluOro then also remember that smaller deposits in more programs will help to protect you from heavy losses should any one of them collapse. So at least try to keep BluOro as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Speaking of BluOro, Roger, the admin, proudly reported today about the addition of his program to the MNO monitor. I hope he’ll be just as enthusiastic about reporting today’s review on my blog as well. After my first payment was processed quite fast today I have moved BluOro to Paying status on my monitor and hopefully it will mark the beginning of a profitable experience for all my readers. The program definitely has everything to achieve long term success so I would like to wish Roger the best of luck with running BluOro for as long as possible. By the way, I’ve created an account on the MNO ShoutBox at Roger’s request so I believe you can see him there from time to time to answer any questions you might have. Here’s the newsletter in full:

BluOro – MNO added.
Hello, BluOro has been online just 11 days, we have added most popular monitors for our users.
Today we decided to join industries most famous blog, money-news-online.com to establish our status as legit investment program amongst the others.
Stay tuned as blogger Paul Abramson takes closer look at BluOro by reviewing in next day or two.
Best Regards, Roger Walker,
BluOro Support department


After losing the top spot on the MNO monitor to DublinCryptoriumLimited for a couple of days, FinMutual swiftly reclaimed pole position and is the #1 program there. It appears after more than six months online FinMutual still holds a very strong position and is a very popular pick among MNO readers. If you haven’t read my original review of FinMutual posted here I’ll remind you they accept deposits starting from a $25 minimum via five different payment gateways – PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, BitCoin, and PexPay. Depending on the size of your investment you receive from 1.8% to 2.6% interest for the duration of160 business days. Note that the initial investment in FinMutual is not returned on expiry and is included in the daily payouts, therefore the approaching completion of the first investment cycle shouldn’t have any affect on the performance of FinMutual which has been flawless so far. Starting in summer 2013 the admin chose a strategy of gradual growth for his program which worked very well and took FinMutual to the position they are in today. The advertising campaign has since stepped up a gear as you can see with the program’s banner on top of my blog, purchased by the admin for month and hopefully will be renewed. That just means that FinMutual is in very good shape financially and will fulfill its obligations to investors for a long time to come.

In tonight’s newsletter issued just a few hours ago the admin of FinMutual discussed a new feature that was recently introduced to improve security and is visible when you try to access the website – a green address bar. For the advantages of this feature please read the full newsletter from FinMutual re-posted below:

FinMutual Green Address Bar
You may now notice some changes to our website. Our company details have always been public on our main website. Now you will notice the green address bar in your browser as well as a security seal in the corner of your browser which also displays our verified corporate information.
Both of these new security features are for your additional secured access to our website. They are there to always make sure you are dealing with our actual website and company and not any imposter or fraud trying to imitate us.
When accessing your account, be sure to notice the green address bar and our site address is accurate in your browser.


Without much else to report at the end of the business week I’ve decided to draw the results of the recent poll that’s been running for the last few days on the MNO TalkBack page. Thanks to everyone who participated, so now let’s see the results.

The question was – What was your experience in the HYIP industry for January like? I was mainly asking this because I myself was not entirely satisfied with the way January played out in the industry. I mean it was OK, but I expected better. There was fewer potential future leaders of the HYIP industry than we’ve seen in previous years. As I see it now, the situation for February is quite different as we see a bit more life. Still, it looks like January surpassed to the expectations of 24% of readers who voted for the answer “Satisfied. I’m pleased so far.”. The vast majority however with 57% of the voters said that January was just another regular month voting for the option “Average. About what I expected.” And finally, disappointed was shared by 19% who were hoping for the better. Anyway, I’m quite pleased that the majority of readers always see the glass as being half full rather than half empty and we can all start looking forward to what February is going to bring us.

For the next poll I would like to ask you about the interviews on MNO. As I now have three interviews with the admins of InflexShares, ApexBinary and DailySharePro lined up for the next few days I would like to know your opinion on admin interviews. So, in a nutshell, – How do you like admin interviews? Possible answers include:
a) Not much, I don’t trust any of them.
b) I like them because they can indicate if the admin is any good or not.
c) Some are better than others. Depends on the admin.

Remember I’m always glad to hear your opinions on this and the impact interviews have on your decision to invest in any program. I believe HYIP admins might be interested in hearing this as well. So keep voting on MNO TalkBack and thanks in advance for taking part.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: FinMutual, DublinCryptoriumLimited, HyipAgroHolding, FinancInvGlobal, Atlant, 3pamm, ImbueCapital, MutualWealth, DailySharePro, RemiTrade, ApexBinary, Leancy,  WealthGroups, InflexShares, ComoCredit, BettCoin, BluOro (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AlternativeEnergy.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ForexShare, WelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, InsideForexGroup, BarclaysRoyalClub, ZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope the week was a good one for you and you have a nice weekend. As always if there’s anything important going on that you need to hear about then I’ll be sure to update you here. But no matter what happens there will still be plenty to read on MNO, with interviews with the admins of ApexBinary (reviewed here), DailySharePro (reviewed here), and InflexShares (reviewed here) all coming up over the coming days. If you don’t want to miss anything important I would suggest you follow MNO blog on Facebook or Twitter where all the links to the reviews and interviews are also posted. You can also subscribe to my daily news using the form on top of my blog and get all the news in full every day straight to your email address. However, I would also suggest you check the status of the programs you’re interested in on my monitor, as it may change very quickly and you should know that MNO is the fastest of all the big monitors in doing so. Thanks for reading and see you all tomorrow!

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