Mar 16th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! Eblone has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope the weekend went well for you and you’re all enjoying what’s left of your Sunday. As I most likely won’t be publishing tomorrow (Monday) myself then I guess this will be the first update of the new business week for readers here on MNO, and it’s quite a nice way to start I think with a closer look at perhaps one of the bigger online HYIPs to hit the industry in recent times. I’m talking of course about Eblone, a program which probably needs little introduction to many of you. But to those of you keeping a less watchful eye on all things HYIP related they’ve become through some good work and determination one of the few really big long term programs around now. Not that it was always that easy for them I think. Since adding MNO to their list of monitors I can see their news archive and how they have been developing since the came online in November. They’ve certainly faced all the usual trials and tribulations that most programs have to deal with in this business, except the difference with Eblone is that they’ve not only overcome them but also improved as they go. So before tonight’s news section – which incidentally is a bit on the short side as it’s Sunday and less to report on – let’s take a closer look at Eblone, see what exactly makes them such a popular pick, and see if you think there might be some room for them in your own investment portfolios.

The first thing to discuss about any online HYIP then is of course what are they offering investors in return for their money. Eblone have three investment plans to choose from, all slightly more expensive to join than the average industry minimum but still affordable to most of you. The first of these, simply called the Eblone Market One, will cost $50 to join. Officially the maximum spend is a million dollars, so for all intents and purposes there really isn’t any upper limit. The investment term runs for 60 business days (that’s twelve weeks) during which Eblone reward members with a 1.3% daily interest payment, made from Monday to Friday only. Upon expiry of this term your original principal gets returned, meaning whatever interest payments you have received in the meantime are all profit. All things going well in that case, your payments will amount to 78% net profit.

To put that into simple monetary terms then, let’s say you invested $100 with Eblone in this plan. Every day between Monday and Friday for the following twelve weeks they should pay you back $1.30 in interest. By the end of the term that adds up to $78 which of course is well short of allowing you to break even and see a profit. That only follows when Eblone add your principal, making the actual profit 78%.

Eblone Market Two, your second choice, also costs $50 to join and no upper limit. This time the term runs for 90 business days (18 weeks) and the interest rate paid out to members is 1.5% per day, Monday to Friday only. This adds up to 135% in total, at which point you should see Eblone add your original principal making it your final net profit.

Your third option then, the Eblone Market Three plan, clocks in at a 120 business day term or 24 calendar weeks. The spending parameters are identical once again, with a $50 minimum requirement placed on members before they can join. Once you are a member however, Eblone are paying 1.7% interest per business day, Monday to Friday, and returning your principal on top of that on expiry. Interest payments should therefore come to 204% in net profits in addition to your own money getting returned.

As you can see there isn’t really a significantly higher degree of risk attached to the longest term plan than there is to the shortest term one, at least not in financial terms anyway with the same $50 being the same basic requirement no matter which plan you would like. The only real issue for you is deciding when you want your principal back, and if you are prepared to sacrifice higher interest payments in order to get it back faster. You also need to consider at this point that if Eblone‘s investment terms are too long for your needs or longer than you are prepared to commit to at this point, then you should be aware of their early withdrawal clause. This allows you to request your principal back before the expiry date, and leave the program before the plan comes to maturity. Just keep in mind that Eblone will be imposing a hefty 30% penalty fee on the principal of anyone taking this option which obviously eats into your profits significantly. Early withdrawal therefore should never be used as a strategy, but rather as a last resort. Of course one can always avoid the need if doing this in the first place by only ever investing money you will comfortably be able to do without will your investment in Eblone is active.

Before I get to the accepted payment methods there are just two other quick points I want to make about Eblone‘s investment plans. First of all fans of compounding will be able to do so. Not that I’m normally one of them myself, (though this would not be a reflection on the programs offering it, just personal tastes), the option is there for you to take if you wish. You can use compounding up to a maximum value of 50%. The other thing is that Eblone will also charge a fee to your final return which is in percentage terms larger for smaller investors. You might be charged anything from 0.2% to 2% of your principal, with the maximum rate applying to the smaller investors. You can see the exact fees that will apply to you on the page given over to the subject on the Eblone website.

Assuming you like any of the investment plans then as I think many of you probably will, the next thing you need to know are what are your payment options. It’s in this area (though not only this area) that Eblone excels. As far as I can see it was always quite reasonable, but it was only with some recent improvements there that Eblone go from an otherwise good program to a great one. The addition of a working fully verified SolidTrustPay account was what was needed here, especially now that EgoPay have decided to join PerfectMoney in their policy of blocking all US based customers. No doubt the motivation behind such policies is the fully justified fear of what will happen if/when the US financial authorities start looking into your activities ala LibertyReserve, though that is an entirely other story for another day. SolidTrustPay have no such restrictions so it couldn’t have been a more timely or a welcome addition for Eblone and will really open them up to a much wider audience than they’ve had before now. A largely bigger spending audience too it should be noted.

SolidTrustPay then joins the afore mentioned PerfectMoney and EgoPay, as well as Payeer, OkPay, and BitCoin. Bank wires are available but these are only available to anyone with a UK bank account. Anyone else looking to avoid payment processors can use Western Union or Skrill (which I guess a lot of you might be more familiar with under their former name MoneyBookers). The impressive list of payment options then goes at least some way towards compensating for Eblone‘s higher than average minimum cost of joining, and this is also offset by the fast payment schedule. Payouts to Eblone members will need to be requested by the investor from inside his own member’s area. More often than not withdrawals are made instantly so you should have the cash in your processor account in under a minute. Just note that the exception here is to BitCoin, though the Eblone admin told me that even here they should still be done in less than an hour at most.

One thing that good successful long term programs most definitely do not cut corners on under any circumstances is website security. Since launching in November Eblone have also underwent some improvements in this field, underlining I think just how serious the admin is in developing his program into one of the real industry giants. The program is running off a GoldCoders script which OK, you might think is a fairly generic off-the-peg product as used by countless other HYIPs and nothing really special. In reality though Eblone have almost completely stripped this down to nothing and rebuilt the whole thing from scratch to suit their own needs. So much so that it’s all but 100% unrecognizable from the original GoldCoders product and to such an extent one has to wonder why they didn’t simply build their own unique script in the first place. I mean that’s almost what they’ve done with the GoldCoders version anyway. I must say that many of the usual features that you might expect in a regular HYIP remain in tact in Eblone, it’s just organized under a slightly different layout here but still easy to navigate within your member’s area.

In other areas of design Eblone also sets the bar for industry standards. The domain Eblone is registered until 2022, and the site is SSL secured by Extended Validation green bar from Comodo. A high level of anti DDoS protection is provided by Incapsula, maybe not a name we’ve seen in the HYIP industry before but more associated with shall we say the real business world. They are keeping Eblone hosted on a dedicated server with additional level of protection against hackers provided by McAfee who I think as we all know by now are more or less a household name worldwide for anyone in possession of a desktop or laptop computer. Their record against all sorts of malware, spyware, and just antivirus protection in general is highly respected so should allow you to browse the Eblone website and carry out your intended financial transactions with a much greater degree of confidence. Users of mobile devices, iPhones, tablets, and the like will find the program much more accessible to them than most others in the industry, the they are certainly making some advances in that area over many of their competitors.

For any further questions for the admin or any account related issues you need help with the Eblone support service is available through another impressive network of contact channels. As well as the usual online e-mail support form where you fill in your details and submit them thorough the online form, you will also find Eblone with a profile on all the main social media sites. Not just Facebook and Twitter, but also Linkedin, Google+, and even YouTube. During their regular working hours you can find a more practical method however with the built-in Live Chat feature where once you connect with an operator might be able to get your questions answered in real time. For a more personal approach again you can try and reach them over the phone, with two numbers listed. One is a landline which you can try during business hours, while the number other is a mobile/cell phone which members are requested to use for SMS/text messages. I guess the idea is that Eblone will respond to you in due course once they have your message. In addition to a postal address – which I did happen to recognize as belonging to a company offering virtual and hosted office spaces to online companies for a fee by the way and therefore not where you are going to find anyone connected with Eblone should you go looking – you will also find a list of individual e-mail addresses and contact numbers all relating to different sections of the program which you can try.

The Eblone website is also available in three other languages other than English, namely Spanish, Russian, and French, but unfortunately none of them seem particularly well written depending on auto translated versions rather than proper speakers to do the job for them. In fact even the default English version leaves much to be desired.

As for the business interests then, or alleged business interests, we are told “wealth and investment management” are Eblone‘s roots. Extensive though somewhat sketchy and vague texts without much practical example goes on to discuss this, including somFeblonee equally unverifiable claims of the programs official collaboration with government agencies in the UK as well as some kind of official recognition. At the end of the day it’s entirely up to you to make of that what you will, ie to believe it or not. I myself can only talk in HYIP terms and as far as high risk games go I think this one has everything to continue with the success its already been enjoying. Constant evolution and development, Eblone has definitely been a place to look for high quality features with a sustainable return. Constant improvements have inspired a steady growth level, and that’s something in the best interests of all members. That being said, keep in mind the very nature of the HYIP industry and how volatile it can be sometimes. I mean don’t be afraid of it, the taking of risks is a vital part in earning a passive income on any investment, but do keep it at the back of your mind. No matter how popular or appealing Eblone may seem on other blogs/monitors/resources you should always use common sense when approaching them. That means keeping your deposits within an affordable limit that you can afford to lose, and of course if joining Eblone at all then trying to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Over the last 24 hours I received numerous complaints from readers about not being able to access their accounts in DailySharePro. Some, including myself, are able to log in and even surf their daily share of sites, but are not able to request their payouts. According to the admin Tom (interviewed here), these difficulties are a result of an unexpected server crash which forced him to move the database (now being synchronized with the new server). That caused some technical difficulties for many DailySharePro members in either connecting or requesting daily payouts. I would suggest holding off from investing in DailySharePro (reviewed here) at the moment and watch the latest announcements from the admin who at the moment is unable to send out mass emails due to a possible server overload. I’ll be sure to post all the latest news on DailySharePro‘s technical issues either on my blog or the ShoutBox and am hoping the admin will do his best to bring the site back to normal as soon as possible. For the latest update from the admin please read below:

Hello Paul,
One of our servers has been crashed permanently so we are adding several new servers as soon as possible, many members have log-in issues because we are on old backup for now, all member database is moving to new server and it will take some time to fix everything.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


Regular MNO readers may be aware that InvGlobal has become one of the best performing programs over the last six months now. InvGlobal (reviewed here) has always been dependable, paying instantly on the 1.2%-2.5% for 120 business days plan and accepting deposits from $10 and upwards via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and OkPay. Recently InvGlobal completed its first ever investment cycle online and returned the first deposits to and pushing them into the #3 spot on the MNO Premium List. The admin promised to add two more payment systems that could be very convenient for US and European investors due to its direct funding and withdrawal options – SolidTrustPay and PexPay. According to the latest newsletter this will happen only after some scheduled downtime next Tuesday which their hosting provider warned them about. Please see the times you can expect InvGlobal to be offline below, and be prepared for future announcements soon:

Scheduled Maintenance Of Our Host Provider
Dear valued members,
We just received this message from our host provider.
“Please be advised that we will be performing a scheduled network maintenance during the following date and time:
Monday, March 17th, 2014 at 07:00PM CT to Tuesday, March 18th, 2014 at 06:00AM CT.
This maintenance is necessary to perform upgrades on our billing system. During this maintenance we will be upgrading to a newer version of our billing and client relationship management system.
This maintenance will be SERVICE IMPACTING. During this 7 hour maintenance window you may experience downtime and interruptions with these systems during the windows of 7:00PM CT to 7:30PM CT and 12:00AM CT to 01:30AM CT on Tuesday March 18th.”
After the maintenance of our host provider, we will add Solidtrustpay and Pexpay as our new payment processors.
Best Regards
InvGlobal Ltd


After four weeks online BTCArbs (reviewed here) is still going strong and the admin is still making money for his investors from speculations among the exchange rates in various exchangers. Over the last two days the performance was not as good as usual which the admin explained the overall lower transaction balances available in exchangers’ balances over the weekend promising to speed up the performance starting on Monday. Due to that the overall performance for this weekend was at the 2.26% level making it at 0.8% on Saturday and 1.46% on Sunday. As for the results for the last week, the highest profits in BTCArbs were reported at 2.11% on Tuesday with the lowest 0.5% observed on Thursday while the promised daily interest range in the program can be ranged from 0.1% to 10%. The main advantage of investing in BTCArbs though is that every investor has a unique opportunity to withdraw its principal and profits at any time one likes making it possible to be totally flexible on one’s investment strategy adjusting it according to one’s changing demands. The investments in BTCArbs must start from $50 which are accepted via various methods likewise SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin and bank wires. Your account will be credited with the daily earnings on the following calendar day and you can then request any amount to be paid manually by the admin which should arrive to your account not longer than after 36 hours. It’s totally up to you what you wish to do with your investment in BTCArbs and I believe that is the secret of its success among my readers. For the latest detailed profit reports posted on the Results page of BTCArbs please see below:

Saturday 15th March 2014 – 0.80%
Despite the stagnant markets, the spread between BTCe has been holding steady at just under 2%, with the price of Bitstamp currently at $637 and BTCe at $625 (at the time of writing this update). As usual, we were able to profit from this small discrepancy, however after factoring in fees and other costs, the profits were relatively low. Thankfully the spread on smaller exchanges continues to profit occasional arbitrage opportunities which are keeping our profits in what was consider to be an acceptable range. Due to the weekend, our fiat balances in the cheaper exchanges are lower than our fiat balances in the more expensive exchanges, limiting our ability to grab the opportunities as they come about. On Monday, when our wires arrive at BTCe and some of the smaller exchanges, we can expect much higher profits. Today’s result is 0.8%.

Sunday 16th March 2014 – 1.46%
Despite the fact that we’re waiting for quite a large amount of our fiat to be moved between the exchanges, in order to profit from the near constant arbitrage that exists between some of the markets, we were actually able to earn a nice profit today. Our main arbitrage traders generally spend a reduced amount of time looking for opportunities on the smaller markets on the weekends, leaving most profits to be earned by our automated trading bots that automatically grab arbitrage opportunities as they become available on the major markets. Today, the traders spent more time than usual and managed to find some hidden opportunities on the smaller markets, as well as the foreign currency bitcoin exchanges. Occasionally there are large discrepancies between the prices when you factor in Euros, Australian Dollars and Canadian Dollars. Markets such as BTCe that offer trading in multiple currencies can be particularly useful for finding this type of arbitrage. The total result for today is 1.46%.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: BarclaysRoyalClub.
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, InvGlobal, ComoCredit, DailySharePro, Minimalism10, RemiTradeBTCArbs, RoyalFinanceGroup, RockwellPartners, GoldenOakFund, Eblone.
From MNO Standard list: XAxisInc.
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, TeslaFinance, ZeusInvest, Ambodium, MichaelKazakov.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading and subscribed to the daily news from my blog. Please follow MNO blog on Facebook and Twitter and if you ever have any questions or suggestions please feel free to Contact me on this page and I will try to answer everyone within 24 hours. You can also comment after each post on MNO blog and share your opinion on MNO ShoutBox where you can join by simply contacting me at and providing your desired username and password you wish to use there. Also, the latest poll on MNO TalkBack page is still running and you have one final opportunity to submit your vote here, as the results will be announced soon. So far flexible interest programs (eg RockwellPartners and DublinCryptoriumLimited) are leading programs with fixed returns (such as RoyalFinanceGroup and BarclaysRoyalClub). If you have an opinion on which type of program you prefer please submit your vote within the next couple of days. Thanks for reading and see you all soon!/a/a

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