Mar 19th, 2014 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone! I admit I had second thoughts about publishing tonight after being so busy yesterday, but mid week again proved to be a very eventful time and I have lots of news stories to catch up on. These include paying programs like RoyalFinanceGroup, Minimalism10, and BTCArbs, two programs that stopped paying in DailySharePro and BarclaysRoyalClub, and the wonderful resurrection of DublinCryptoriumLimited. And I’ll also take a sneak peek at the preliminary results of the current poll on the MNO TalkBack page. So keep reading to find out more about what’s been happening in the HYIP industry today.


I’ll start with the introduction of a new program joining the MNO Premium List today which is called ForexStructure. It’s a promising long-term project which officially launched just a few days ago and offers returns of 2% to 2.8% on every calendar day for a 100-day term and your original investment already included as part of the daily profits and so not returned on expiry. The minimum to invest in ForexStructure is $10 and the daily profit rate is fixed and depending only on the size of your principal. As ForexStructure is running off a very familiar licensed GoldCoders script all the withdrawals must be requested and are processed manually by the admin within a 24-hour period, usually faster. The ForexStructure website is well-built, SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection provided by Koddos. I’ve already received the first payment from ForexStructure within just a couple of hours, so am going to review it in full tomorrow. For now you can check the site by yourself and see if it’s something you’ve been looking for to diversify your investment portfolio. The admin (Oliver) already introduced himself in the welcome newsletter posted on the website and I believe his good communication skills will attract more investors in this promising program:

Welcome to ForexStructure!
If you’re looking to generate a passive income through online Forex investment group, join ForexStructure.
ForexStructure is an online Forex trading business and our traders have over 3 years of experience in investing in the Forex market. We have developed techniques by analyzing both graphical as well as technical data to ensure that our strategies are effective and offer the desired RESULTS.
We decided to go public this year not simply to expand our reach, increase investment capital, and make huge profits, but also to share our success and profits with others newbie investors who need help and proper guidance.
Why should you care to choose ForexStructure over others?
ForexStructure is offering a single investment plan for its members that will pay our investors a daily 2%-2.8% profits for straight 100 calendar days.
Our web pages are hosted on an industry-leading web server. It offers a powerful SSL encryption and protection against DDoS attacks that make our members feel at ease, knowing that their earned money is in safe hands.
Do you want to learn more about us and our investment strategies?
Do not hesitate to email us at Our friendly staff will get back to you within 24 hours.
Also you can simply contact us via live chat.
We hope to see you become a part of our investment group.
Oliver Ranson, ForexStructure CEO


RoyalFinanceGroup (reviewed here) remains the most popular short-term program on the MNO monitor, gradually developing with the admin Richard advertising on more popular monitoring sites and services now. With MNO having been the first popular resource RoyalFinanceGroup appeared on many of my readers have already taken the opportunity to profit from its 24% to 26% for 5 calendar days investment plan with the first investors completing the first cycle yesterday. The very quickly processed payouts (generally done within minutes to 12 hours time) and the vast choice of payment options (RoyalFinanceGroup requires a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, Payeer, or BitCoin) made the program a surefire winner in the eyes of potential investors. The level of professionalism already shown by the admin makes me think that it’s only the beginning for RoyalFinanceGroup which keeps a steady pace of growth. In the latest update today Richard announced the addition of popular social network platforms to communicate with investors properly so now the news from RoyalFinanceGroup can be accessed via Facebook and Twitter. It’s important to build a positive image so more communication tools will help. You can already use Live chat support and email if you have any other questions:

RFG || Follow us on Facebook & Twitter!
RoyalFinanceGroup is pleased to inform our members that we have joined Facebook and Twitter social networks!
Please follow us on both networks as we will use these tools to post important and useful RFG updates.
We have made it easy for our clients to access our social networks by integrating these links on top of our website.
For your reference you can access those directly by clicking below:
We are looking forward to improve our service constantly.
Our aim is to promote transparency and communication between RFG administration and its clients!
If you need any assistance, please contact us either using Live Chat Support or by replying to this email.
Respectfully, Richard Cooke


Just yesterday the admin of Minimalism10 announced more new features for his investors, especially promoters and probably representatives that the program will employ soon. This was cemented today by adding more features available for download in your member’s area to help promote the program among your contacts:

Woo-hoo, a new AD PACK 1.1 was uploaded!
Even more good stuff!
– new banners
Don’t be shy, take a look!

Minimalism10 has been reviewed on MNO here. The program has been successfully running for two and a half weeks and the admin often makes some vital changes along the way. For instance instead of the automated payouts originally featured in my review, manual payouts to BitCoin, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay are now in place. Payouts in Minimalism10 remain fast however, and investors are still paid promptly on the 8.1%-8.4% for 15 days and 12%-13% for 10 days plans.


After more than 24 hours of niggling problems caused by the previous downtime the investors of DublinCryptoriumLimited raised some legitimate concerns of the safety of their funds in the program. Although I must admit that during that time the admin and team behaved as professionally as they possibly could and worthy of being the #1 program on the MNO Premium List. Live support worked perfectly well and all my questions about their resumption were answered, so I’m quite impressed. There were no empty promises from DublinCryptoriumLimited and they still managed to keep MNO readers updated. It’s good to finally see them back to normal and the withdrawals getting processed instantly as usual. You may remember from my detailed review of DublinCryptoriumLimited published here, the program accepts deposits starting from a $50 minimum via many popular payment options including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, OkPay, BitCoin, and direct bank wires. You can withdraw any part of your principal and profit at any time you like. The program pays by the second and you earn on your investment for as long as you keep it above the $50 minimum. By the way, personally I can see my own account hasn’t been credited during the 36 hours of downtime and following technical difficulties, but I don’t think anyone will mind as investors are just happy to see DublinCryptoriumLimited back to normal.


I am afraid I had to move DailySharePro to Problem status on the MNO monitor as of tonight. The admin never replied to my support request and remains silent about his site being offline for nearly two days now. I believe he might have simply given up and lost interest in maintaining DailySharePro which was very vulnerable during the last week or so. Some attentive investors might have seen the inevitable ending coming a couple of weeks ago the admin suddenly introduced a new non-surfing plan while at the same time refused to extend his banner placement which he usually did every month. Despite all the hype the program tried to create I noticed a lack of interest in the program from MNO readers, contrary to what the admin said in his newsletters claiming rapid program growth. Now that DailySharePro is gone for good we can see that despite its four months online only very few investors saw any profit due to low returns and more time required to maintain an active status for an account by surfing the websites daily, which I guess most investors were not really interested in doing anyway. The golden age of the autosurf is long gone and perhaps, the admin should have researched the HYIP market properly before launching. It’s always possible for the program to return, but I’m not quite sure the admin has any wish to do so.


Today’s collapse of BarclaysRoyalClub was probably the most devastating event for the industry. The program was a huge success with thousands of investors worldwide enjoying the chance to double their money over a four week term. Completing two full cycles while working for eight weeks the admin of BarclaysRoyalClub managed to prove all the skeptics wrong with this example of how to run a very successful and an extremely popular program while paying high returns. BarclaysRoyalClub was undoubtedly one of the most successful and unexpected hits of the year. The admin kept it afloat for nearly two months, artfully maintaining interest with a weekend bonus system for four weeks in a row. BarclaysRoyalClub‘s dealing with so many payment processors was perhaps both a blessing for investors and a curse for the admin who admitted to me personally today that he had some issues with his SolidTrustPay and OkPay accounts which was the main reason he closed prematurely. Allegedly what happened is SolidTrustPay and OkPay froze their funds and the admin cites it as being the main reason for selective payouts. Strange though because it’s the payouts to STP are still processed instantly while payouts to many other payment processors have either stopped or paid only for small amounts. The admin also claimed that he intended to work for at least two more weeks, but the unfortunate chain of events was beyond his control. I would like to believe him but am cautious in doing so, because clearly there’s more to this than meets the eye. Anyway, I would advise MNO readers to stop investing in BarclaysRoyalClub even if they still get paid instantly still and withdraw every cent possible. The program has ended and it’s a fact, but I certainly look forward to any other program run by the same admin in the future and for some reason I’m sure he’ll list it on MNO.


Even the successful comeback of the biggest BitCoin related site Blockchain today wasn’t able to overturn the pattern of lower profits reported by the admin of BTCArbs tonight. 0.72% was the rate was the rate for today and is available for withdrawal along with the principal at any time. The admin explained the rate in the following profit report posted on the Results page of BTCArbs earlier:

Wednesday 19th March 2014 – 0.72%
Another very strange day on the major Bitcoin markets, with record low volume, and a lack of arbitrage opportunities on the major sites that we haven’t seen in quite some time. Furthermore, with coming back online, it seems that Bitstamp has been having a few issues of their own. Over the past few hours, their website has been slow and unresponsive, though we have been able to connect to their API and continue trading without issue.
As mentioned above, the arbitrage opportunities today have been scarce, with pretty much no arb available on the major exchanges. The good news is that arb opportunities always seem to be available on the smaller exchanges. By the end of the day, we managed to pull off a 0.72% profit, which is pretty good, given the strange state of the Bitcoin markets. As we get further away from the whole MtGox situation, I expect the prices to rebound, and the volatility to return, however in the meantime, it seems that most trading are walking on eggshells!

BTCArbs (reviewed here) gives an enormous level of flexibility by allowing you to maintain as much money in your account as you like while withdrawing anything you like. You just join the program for a $50 minimum via SolidTristPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, or Bank wires and profits can range from 0.1% to 10% per day. Profits are credited to your account in BTCArbs and become part of your principal which you may then withdraw anytime you like. Payment schedule is within a 36 hour timeframe. The admin has been very good so far in maintaining good work for all BTCArbs members for a month now and many investors are in profit already. Let’s see how it goes for the next month!


I’d like to finish with having a quick look at the preliminary results of the poll running on the MNO TalkBack page. I asked you last night on your attitude towards instant payouts to members. It seems that so far the vast majority are either hugely in favor of such payouts and mostly join programs that offer them (44% of all the votes) or else consider instant payouts as a really nice addition but not an essential condition (50% of votes). Only the remaining 6% see instant payouts as a security risk making a program more vulnerable to hackers. So what do you think? Please keep your votes coming on the MNO TalkBack and the final results will be drawn sometimes over the weekend. Thanks for participating!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, InvGlobal, RoyalFinanceGroup, ApexBinary, ComoCreditMinimalism10,  RemiTradeRockwellPartners, GoldenOakFund, Eblone.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, Ambodium, ZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Tomorrow sees a more detailed look at ForexStructure plus all the latest news from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry. Remember also that I’m always happy to hear your feedback which you can send via this page or write to me directly at – I’ll try to reply within 24 hours. You can always subscribe to the MNO newsletter by using the form on the top right hand side of my blog and receive the latest news every day. Otherwise you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter where you’ll find links to the most important articles. Thanks a lot for reading and see you all tomorrow!

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