Mar 21st, 2014 Archives

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Beware! ForesStructure has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! First of all I know many of you may have been waiting on an update last night, however I decided to postpone that until today as the status on some of the programs listed on my monitor was uncertain. A lot of those issues have now become more clear so I think we can discuss this now with more emphasis on fact rather than speculation. To begin however, slightly behind schedule so apologies to the admin, I want to take a closer look at a highly promising new long term program called ForexStructure which is on the MNO monitor’s Premium List having just launched a couple of days ago. There’s a couple of features there that might appeal to members, not least some sustainable plans which I believe if managed correctly can easily run long enough to put a good number of you well into profit, and run by what I suspect to be quite an experienced industry pro. So let’s see what ForexStructure is all about then and if you think they might be worth taking a chance on adding to your portfolios or not.

There are four investment plans to choose from in ForexStructure, or if you prefer then just one plan with four simple variations based on the amount you are looking to spend. Like most online HYIPs, ForexStructure try to entice bigger and bigger deposits by offering the best rates of interest to the wealthier investors (or at least the investors prepared to gamble with the biggest sums of money anyway). But whatever you do, you are going to need a $10 minimum to join the program, and your chosen plan is going to run for 100 calendar days. During that time ForexStructure will pay you a daily interest rate which factors your principal into the payments and so will not be returned on expiry.

That’s how it all works, and everything else is just a matter of separating the numbers for you. The first plan so will cost you the afore mentioned $10 minimum and is called The Basic Plan and is what will probably appeal to most readers as it’s the most affordable option. For anything up to a $499 maximum ForexStructure offer their members a daily interest payment of 2% which, with your principal already counted, effectively means you double your money, earning 200%, between the day you join and the day you leave. Or to put it in practical monetary terms let’s say you sign-up with $100. ForexStructure pays you back $2 per day for the next hundred days. You break even, that is earn back a sum equal to your original deposit and so can’t possibly lose money no matter what happens next after 50 days, and it’s all pure profit after than until you eventually withdraw $200.

Bigger spenders can check out The Advanced Plan, which is where you can invest from a $500 minimum up to as much as $2,499. The term stays at 100 calendar days but ForexStructure improve their offer to 2.2% interest, principal included, per calendar day. Total return is 220% from which 100% is your own money and the remaining 120% is your net profit.

If you can spare a $2,500 minimum investment and wish to consider using it to join ForexStructure then you can look into The Professional Plan. Also running for 100 calendar days, members here are offered 2.5% in interest every day, and their principals counted as part of the payments. So by the time of expiry your final payments should, we hope, come to 250% altogether and consisting of your own money back plus an extra 150% in net profit for yourself. ForexStructure have their maximum deposit capped at $14,999 for this plan.

And lastly The Royal Plan is open to deposits starting from a $15,000 minimum and up to as high as a $50,000 maximum. Maybe this won’t really apply to many readers here but for your information the plan runs for 100 calendar days and sees the ForexStructure admin offer a payment of 2.8% interest per calendar day. This all adds up to 280% in total and includes your principal, so it’s 180% net profit.

I have to say that while I can understand why this might not be popular with everyone, personally I would say that including the members principals in the payments rather than returning them on expiry is a good move here. It’s good for the program, and consequently is good for the members. The thing is that everyday will see a different and totally unpredictable number of new sign-ups. If that number declines for a number of consecutive days around about the time an investment cycle is coming to an end it can really put a lot of pressure/strain on the admin and his program. However this really takes a lot of the stress away from the cash flow and so I would hope allow ForexStructure to run a bit longer.

If any of the plans might be suitable for you then I suppose the next thing we need to mention is the list of payment options. The choice is pretty good I have to say, and even though there’s one obvious omission with STP not being included, I think most investors are by now beginning to accept that they are unlikely to be as common a sight in the HYIP industry as they used to be. This wouldn’t really be a negative reflection on the programs themselves of course as STP haven’t really explained the reasons behind them approving so few HYIPs in recent months. Apart from that however ForexStructure do have all the other popular options, including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin with the latter two being particularly useful to US based investors who only have about another week or so I think to clear out any remaining funds they have in EgoPay before their accounts are finally closed for good. Payouts to members are made manually by the admin and need to be requested from inside your ForexStructure private member’s account area. Once the request has been submitted you shouldn’t have to wait any longer than a 24 hour maximum before you have the money in your preferred payment processor account, though up until this point I have to salute the admin for getting things done a lot lot faster than that. Maybe it’s a bit easier to do this while the program is still brand new and not yet popular, but hopefully he can keep it up a bit longer as it will help build a solid reputation for ForexStructure which a is very important thing to do in the early stages of their development. Smaller investors please note that there’s a minimum withdrawal requirement of $1 that applies to all payment processors here, so while you will still earn interest on your deposit you can’t actually get it out until it reaches at least $1 or more.

Just one other quick point I want to make about the investment plans before we move on involves compounding. If you like to increase the risk for possibly an increased payment, then ForexStructure do allow compounding up to a maximum value of 100%. This can be done in increments of 10% at a time, so in other words you can compound at 10%, 20%, 30%, and so on. Or on the other hand if you’re like me then you can choose 0% and not compound at all, but the choice is there for you to take or leave as you see fit. Please be extremely careful here because the compounding rate is set by default to 100%, so remember to to adjust it to the level you are looking for before making the deposit. It’s not that big a deal really as you can simply adjust the compounding rate up or down anytime you like, but it’s better just to avoid the headaches and confusion by getting it right the first time.

Also keep in mind that the description of the investment plans I have given you above does not make allowances for compounding in the suggested returns, so you will have to do any further calculations yourself.

Moving on then lastly to the security, design, and technical aspects of the program, ForexStructure might have a familiar appearance to a lot of experienced industry players. It has that “comfortable” easy to navigate feel, where by even just a day after joining you start to think you’ve been a member for years. A lot of this of course is down to the fact that ForexStructure are running off a licensed script from GoldCoders, a product that pretty much anyone that’s ever joined up for more than one HYIP in their lives will probably recognize and feel at ease using. On top of that for an added layer of protection the ForexStructure website is SSL secured by Comodo in both the public and the members areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos.

If you have any further questions or comments for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can get in touch either by filling in your details on the online support form and submitting it through the contacts page, or else by simply writing directly to the email address listed. ForexStructure have also listed a postal address in the UK, but speaking from experience I’d say this option is probably best avoided. Not that the address itself wouldn’t be genuine, it’s just that it’s more likely to be a virtual hosted office space that anyone can hire for correspondence and not where you are going to find anyone connected with the program were you to go looking. Anyway, when a program like this exists and operates 100% in the online world I don’t imagine many of you will be needing a postal address from them in the first place, or even have much use for it now that it’s there. It’s more for cosmetic purposes really. Of much more practical use for you will be the built-in Live Chat feature where you can take a more direct and personal route to having your questions dealt with, so I would suggest you check to see if that’s working before writing up a support ticket. Fans of social networking sites will also be able to find ForexStructure keeping a profile on Facebook. It’s still very new of course so I wasn’t really expecting to see much activity there just yet, but hopefully the admin will make better use of this resource over time than most of his competitors seem to.

It will hardly come as a surprise to anyone, given that the name of the program is ForexStructure, that the admin claims trading in the ForEx markets to be where the program has its alleged business interests. Texts seem original at first which is fine, but of course they don’t really say anything that substantiates the claims. It’s not exactly something we haven’t heard in the HYIP industry before of course, and although it’s the member’s own prerogative whether to believe it or not even if it were to be true there’s no such thing as a guaranteed profit, either in ForEx trading or any other business. So even though ForexStructure looks to tick many of the boxes that might help them on the way to becoming a long term hit, such as a professional looking set up, an admin I am guessing is quite experienced with running other successful ventures, and sustainable investment plans, there’s still never a good reason to not follow some common sense. Reduced risk doesn’t mean “no risk” after all. So at all times stay strictly within a spending limit that you can afford to live without for the duration of the plan, or indeed afford to lose, and if joining ForexStructure at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Some further interesting developments have been reported by the admin of Minimalism10 – possibly the fastest changing program in the industry now. And I don’t mean it in a bad way as the recently added features for the last few days are simply stunning. We can see clearly now that the admin is working hard on improving the program from inside the unique script it runs off. Now when logged into your account in Minimalism10 one can see the so-called People Page accessible by clicking the appropriate icon in the top right corner of your screen. The admin discusses this feature which will link the leaders and representatives of Minimalism10 with their downlines and help them cement their ties with the program which is crucial for expanding the growth the program has been demonstrating for the first 20 days online. Accepting deposits from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and BitCoin and paying on the 8.1%-8.4% for 15 days and 12%-13% for 10 days, the program has managed to finish the two shorter term 10 day cycles. You can read more about that in the review of the program first published here. You can read more on the above-mentioned People page in Minimalism10 below:

Hi Minimalism10 users!
We are excited to inform you that we have finished work at our new update: page PEOPLE was added!
You can find amazing leaders and get in touch with them, each leader also has a facebook or vk profile.
PEOPLE has a system of automatic rating among leaders who became representatives. There are three sections:
This is the main section. The most active leaders are on the top!
Guess who gets more registrations?
Perspective leaders who actively share their affiliate link and have many downline registrations.
Recently added representatives.
PEOPLE allows newcomers to find a leader they like, basing on his country, language, or other specific characteristics, and register into his team. We already have a good dozen of leaders in the list, Russia is chilling!
Enjoy the upcoming weekend and take care!


FinMutual (reviewed here) is still running smoothly and paying investors 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days. After nearly eight months online and getting to the #2 spot on the MNO Premium List FinMutual seems to be gaining momentum and all the attention they deserve. The program accepts all major payment processors in the HYIP industry starting from a $25 minimum including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, OkPay, and even crypto currencies like BitCoin and LiteCoin. And in the latest newsletter posted last night the admin reminds us about the withdrawal minimums imposed by EgoPay and SolidTrustPay because obviously some investors have no idea about that and try to make withdrawal requests which can’t be physically processed even if the admin wanted to do so. These requests are canceled and moved back to your balance to be requested again once it reaches the required minimum. More on that can be read in FinMutual‘s newsletter below:

FinMutual Minimum Withdrawal
We are sending out this newsletter to alert members who are submitting withdrawals requests using processors that have minimums for transfers such as SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. SolidTrustPay does not allow transfers of less than $0.50. If you submit a SolidTrustPay withdrawal of less than $0.50 we will cancel it. If you submit an EgoPay withdrawal of less than $1.00 which is their minimum to transfer, we will cancel that withdrawal request as well. Be alert of your processor of choice and the minimums they set for transfers.


Good news for the members of BTCArbs as the profit report for yesterday improved slightly in comparison with the previous two days and reached 1.65%. The full report can be seen below:

Thursday 20th March 2014 – 1.65%
Much to our delight, the typical spread between the world’s two largest exchanges, Bitstamp and BTCe returned today. While it wasn’t the same spread as usual, we were still able to make a very nice profit due to the fact that we had transferred over a good amount of coins over the past few days while the two exchanges were at par. Th result for today was 1.65%. In addition to our earnings from the major exchanges, we also were able to capitalize on a few major discrepancies between the smaller exchanges. Overall, a nice profit, especially given the lack of volatility over the past couple weeks.

BTCArbs (reviewed here) offers a huge level of flexibility in reaching your investment goals. You can join the program for a $50 minimum accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, or BitCoin and then get from 0.1% to 10% in daily profits depending on the results of the program’s performance. You may then withdraw any part of your deposit or interest at any time you like with no fees involved. So it’s entirely up to you when to leave. I believe for the first five weeks online many of the investors already used this opportunity and got some really good results from BTCArbs. Hopefully more will follow.


Last night many investors of ApexBinary were quite concerned with the extended downtime noticed while no one could access the website for several hours. Fortunately the admin managed to overcome this issue and brought the site back to normal as soon as the DDoS attack was fully mitigated by their hosting provider. At the moment of writing ApexBinary resumed instant payouts to investors so there’s no further reason to keep it on Waiting Status anymore. Paying status for ApexBinary has been restored as of now. Recently the website design was changed but the investment plans remain the same when ApexBinary first came online nearly four months ago. The program accepts deposits starting from a $10 minimum via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and PexPay and pay 1.2%-2.4% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry. The first investors of ApexBinary (reviewed here) will break even very soon so I hope we see no further disruption like last night. The admin Mark (interviewed here) discussed this in the latest newsletter sent after the site came back online:

Regarding our recent website down time
Dear investors
As of today the 20th of March, our website faced a huge DDOS attack on our web server which caused a down time for a couple of hours.
Our technical team have been working on fixing the issue, and eventually everything is fixed and works like a charm!
Thank you for putting your trust in us and remember we are always dedicated to our investors benefit in first place.
Regards Mark Gentles, ApexBinary LTD CEO


Please note that the admin of ComoCredit Scott behaved behaved rather strangely last night when announcing maintenance work required following the attack on their API system. ComoCredit used to pay instantly to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer deposits made in any of the investment plans on offer with principal returns on expiry – 1.4% for 30 days, 1.5% for 45 days, 1.6% for 60 days, 1.7% for 90 days. For the first two months online the performance of ComoCredit has been close to superb which alone attracted a lot of investors looking to the program as the possible next big thing in the HYIP industry. While the first investors are already in profit the recent issues with pending payouts for others and a clumsy attempt from the admin to explain the situation by an attempted hack on their automated payment system are unconvincing. I believe that the real reason for the decision by ComoCredit to slash the daily profits to 5% from the regular interest rate and taking a five day break to allegedly strengthen the site’s security is a severe cashflow issue. It all looks a bit like smoke and mirrors to mask the real plan to stall everyone but continue accepting new deposits. With pending withdrawals made yesterday remaining largely unpaid and the latest newsletter being not posted in the program’s news section, plus the premature withdrawal function having been disabled – everything points to some sham reason to bleed the last few dollars from the program. I would be really glad to be mistaken here, but such excuses proved to never really play out well in the past with 99% of admins failing to recover. Of course, the slight possibility of ComoCredit getting back to normal remains but it’s really slim in my opinion. Meanwhile the promise is to be back on track by next Tuesday while investors are now paid just a a twentieth of what they usually earned (for instance, if you used to get paid 2% daily you now get just 0.1% during the next five days). As withdrawals of such tiny amounts in ComoCredit are still processed instantly and the admin has issued a newsletter on what is going on with the program and the measures he is taking I have decided to keep the program on Waiting Status on my monitor for now. Of course no further investments in ComoCredit can be recommended until we see a full recovery. The complete newsletter is re-posted below for your information:

We have crucial news to announce to you: there has been an attack on our website and API payment system. For some users our website was unavailable for certain time, however now the issue is resolved and our intrusion detection and prevention system handled the attack and no penny was stolen from our API payment system.
However, because of this attack we realized that our security system must be improved in order not to repeat similar attacks, since the website is becoming more popular. In the industry there have been many attacks and because of the mentioned reasons we do not want to trust third party services providers. Therefore our plan till the next Tuesday (March 25, 2014) is to do following tasks:
1. Step-by-step migration to new servers;
2. Improve overall safety of the website (e.g. encryption of the database);
3. Begin EV SSL verification;
4. Improve our IPS and IDS systems;
5. Implement anti-DDoS solutions;
6. Improve our firewall configuration.;
As well as we will add new features to the website:
1. Russian language;
2. Add Bitcoin payment system;
3. And other features for the users’ convenience.
Because of the disruptions that are expected to take place till Tuesday we will provide compensation for everyday to each of our investors. You will receive 5% bonus from your daily income amount. Of course the investment period will be extended, for example if your chosen plan period was 180 days, then there will be added 5 days to your current plan period (185 days).
You are welcome to visit ComoCredit everyday and receive the compensation for the caused inconvenience. Compensation will be payed out instantly.
There is no reason to worry and the next 5 days will only improve the safety of ComoCredit and very soon we will operate normally.
For the brighter future,
Giving is our pleasure. ComoCredit


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: FinMutual, InvGlobal, RoyalFinanceGroup, RockwellPartners, Minimalism10, ApexBinary, BTCArbs, RemiTradeGoldenOakFund, Eblone, ForexStructure (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: XAxisInc.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare, ThaiMonetaryFund, Ambodium, ZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov.

That’s all for you today, guys. I hope you will have a good weekend and I’ll see you all again on Sunday. Please keep checkinstrongg my monitoring page before making any decisions to invest in a particular program to make sure it has Paying status. Stay safe and keep investing as you can be sure you’ll always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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