Apr 23rd, 2014 Archives

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Beware! StrongholdFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Not much news to report for today which is kinda lucky for me as I’ve been busy for the last couple of days exploring the very underrated city of Zaragoza where I’m staying until the Friday. They people who live here need no reminder but the historical part of the old city rivals many more popular European cities and I must say the Basilica is probably second only to that of Cologne in Germany. Really awe inspiring. Time for work now though, and I want to start off with what I sincerely hope will turn out to be a decent pick for most of us in a program called StrongholdFinance. You might remember that I first introduced it on my blog just last night, not long after it opened and joined the MNO Premium List. StrongholdFinance is very much a brand new program then and looks like something the admin is taking very seriously as we shall see from some of the program’s features I’ll describe below. So let’s see what it’s all about and whether you agree this one might just be worth taking a chance on.

The plans themselves then are really fairly simple – it’s a straight choice between a shorter term plan that puts you into profit a lot faster or a more lucrative medium term option that ultimately pays you more if you have the patience to wait for it. Both are OK, and both have certain advantages over each other. It depends on what your strategy you have in mind by joining StrongholdFinance in the first place, but do keep in mind that after you read the plan descriptions below you are totally free to split your investment and join both of them.

I’ll begin with the longer of the two plans as I think it might be the more popular one due to StrongholdFinance offering daily interest payments. The plan is quite straight forward and can be joined for a $10 minimum deposit. Alternatively you can spend as much as $250,000 if you wanted, so as far as “real” investors are concerned there’s effectively no upper limit. It doesn’t matter how much you spend however as StrongholdFinance only offer one single rate of interest to all members, big or small. That rate is 5% per calendar day for a term running for 31 calendar days. Your principal investment is factored into those payments and so will not be returned to you in a separate on expiry. That means that your final earnings will eventually add up to 155%, from which 100% is your own money anyway and 55% is the profit paid by StrongholdFinance as your reward for joining.

If we take a practical example then of how that might work out in monetary terms, let’s say you were to join StrongholdFinance with a $100 investment for this plan. In return you should expect to receive a $5 payment everyday for the following 31 calendar days. Twenty days into the term you should break even, that is to earn back an amount equal to what you spent in the first place, and after that it’s all passive profit with any losses now impossible. On completion StrongholdFinance will have returned $155 in total, which is your initial hundred plus an extra $55 on top for yourself.

A smaller but considerably faster profit is also available by joining StrongholdFinance‘s second plan. This one runs for a much shorter 10 calendar day term, and can still be joined for an affordable $10 minimum. Bigger investors just need to be aware that StrongholdFinance have a far more sensible upper limit on deposits here, capped at a relatively conservative $2,500. The final return paid once on expiry is 114%, principal included, or your own money back plus 14% profit. So if we imagine putting the same $100 deposit into this plan, StrongholdFinance should pay you back $114 in total.

As you can see both plans are profitable yet (in HYIP terms) sustainable all at the same time. Like I said above, while there’s nothing to prevent you joining both plans at the same time if you happen to like both of them, the first plan has the advantage of allowing you to get something back in the event of any problems, and the second option allows you to get your seed money back a bit faster. Both options carry a risk of course, StrongholdFinance is no exception from the rest of the HYIP industry in that regard, but with careful and responsible management there’s no reason why we can’t see a good number of investors take some profit from this one over a number of cycles while it runs.

So if you like the sound of either plan (or both of them for that matter) then the payment options open to potential StrongholdFinance members include the more traditional HYIP orientated processors which are PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer. That should really be enough for everyone though having a bigger choice is always a huge selling point for programs even if members don’t actually take it. Experienced investors will know that if STP isn’t listed from the start then it’s unlikely to be added at all (not that many of us would expect to see them listed at all anyway), however BitCoin might be a popular and simple additional option for the StrongholdFinance admin to add. Meanwhile payouts to investors are made manually by the admin and need to be requested from inside your private StrongholdFinance members account area. You are asked to allow a maximum of 24 hours for pending transactions to be completed, although currently I can see every effort being made to keep the waiting time to an absolute minimum.

On the more technical, design, and security side of things, we can see that StrongholdFinance is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of BlockDos. This is an encouraging sign all by itself, as not only is this one of the more expensive options for HYIPs (and therefore indicating a decent operating budget), more importantly it’s also by some considerable distance the best. In the unlikely event of any downtime at all, it will surely be negligible at most. The program is running off a script licensed from GoldCoders which will give the members area a familiar and easy to navigate feel to most regular industry players, but the website still has very professional and high quality design to it. For an added layer of security the StrongholdFinance website also has SSL encryption by Comodo. Not the regular version but rather the much more secure Green Bar one, allowing for even safer browsing and more secure transactions. Again this isn’t cheap, and I think members should appreciate that this is something the admin is not trying to cut corners on.

For any further questions you think might not have been explained in this review or any account related issues you need to have dealt with, StrongholdFinance can be contacted via a number of different channels. Mainly this will include the online e-mail support form where you can fill in your details and submit via the contacts page, however if the admin is logged in you will find StrongholdFinance can be reached through Skype for Live Chat and have your questions answered in real time. Fans of social networking sites will be able to find StrongholdFinance on Facebook. And finally there is a postal address listed though this is the one option I’d ignore as from experience I know these are mostly virtual serviced offices and not where you might find anyone connected with the program actually working from.

Apart from that the only thing left to mention would be the alleged business activities of the program. Most HYIP of the regular players will rightly skip this part, considering it more or less for appearances only, but for the record StrongholdFinance claim to be “an online Investment portal”. Well, that much is true I suppose! But the texts do go on to expand on that a bit but it’s basically lots of talk with little practical information you can verify yourselves. So as always remember that the HYIP industry is the last place you should be looking for guarantees and everything is a gamble. That means you set yourself a spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t go your way, and if you do decide to join StrongholdFinance then at least try to keep them as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I believe that we can safely declare BitcoFinancial as the most successful of the recently launched programs which after only nine days online attracted hundreds of investors with fast payouts, simple investment plans including 5% for 30 days with the original principal included and 2.5% for 20 days with the principal returned on expiry, and a wide choice of payment processors which include SolidTrustPay (fully verified and approved account!), EgoPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, PexPay, and BitCoin. Although the program is running off a nicely modified GoldCoders script, investors seem unconcerned about that while welcoming BitcoFinancial with open arms. Such a warm welcome was really hard to find for newly launched programs going back quite a long time now, and I believe with my review of this potential hit (click here to read it) BitcoFinancial is steadily reaching new heights. Of course the main credit for all this should go to the program’s admin Jocelyn who seems to really know what she’s doing. After weeks of preparation it looks like her website is flowing very smoothly like melted of butter and is as hot and crusty as the freshly made toast. Jocelyn is also good at writing promotional newsletters and the latest one really highlights all the important features and benefits to be gained from joining the program while written in a very sophisticated and forthright manner unlike most other admins. The full newsletter from BitcoFinancial is copied below so you can see what I’m talking about:

BitcoFinancial – NewsLetter!
Hello BitcoFinancial Member!
We hope that you have had a great weekend with your family and friends.
Having stepped into our 2nd week online, we are beaming with pride at how successful we have been already – in the world of online investing programs. We would like to thank each one of you for your continuous support and encouragement.
We have been receiving many positive feedbacks from reputed public forums and blogs across the world about BitcoFinancial and this has given us great hope in permorming beyond every expectation set on us.
Our team has been questioned by our many individuals globally ever since we launched. And we have been doing our best to respond to each one of them.
Now, it is our turn to ask you some questions. Let’s see how you know about BitcoFinancial!
Do you know:
– that BitcoFinancial has reached the milestone of 1000 members in just a week?
– that you can interact, share and post in our official forum with other BitcoFinancial members?
– that you can chat with other members and us in the shoutbox made available in the BitcoFinancial official Forum?
– that we are active in many social network platforms such as Facebook and Twitter?
– that BitcoFinancial has its own official blog that will be updated even if our website faces downtime?
– that we have a phone number that you can contact us through?
– that you can now check to see the withdrawal processing time in the Withdrawal Panel in your Member Dashboard as you send in your withdrawal request?
– that we have our own Global Financial Rep Program which you may join and some added benefits?
– that we provide ample guidance to those who seek assistance in starting up their own Bitcoin account?
Well, if your answer to all of the above questions was ‘I do’, then we congratulate you on being updated on everything about us. We will be adding more features and updates along the way.
We would like to remind both the old and new members here to take a look at the review published at Money News Online for it will surely give you a comprehensive, detailed perspective of our BitcoFinancial.
Finally, we would like to ask Bitcoin investors to inform us of any missing or delayed deposits – should they encounter any.
Usually Bitcoin deposits will show up in your account just after 2 confirmations from the Bitcoin Network. Should there be any delay, it could be due to some error you made during the deposit process. Do contact us and we will help you to sort this out immediately.
Once again, we wish you all a very productive and happy week ahead.
Best Regards. Jocelyn Smyth

BitcoFinancial is already in the TOP Five most popular programs on the MNO monitor and is moving towards to very summit as well. Due to constant communication with members and careful and speedy customer support BitcoinFinancial is seemingly reaping the rewards of their professional attitude. As you might know, the process of depositing and withdrawing via BitCoin is different and last night the admin sent another newsletter emphasizing the correct procedure if using this method to invest. Here’s the newsletter:

A Quick Note from BitcoFinancial!
We just want to send a quick note to everyone that if you are a bitcoin investor, Please don’t forget to fill in the form after you send Bitcoins to the corresponding address you see in the deposit page.
Please fill the form with these details you will see there (in the deposit page) : and click “SAVE”
Your Username
Your Email
Compounding %
Your Bitcoin Address
Without these information, your bitcoin transactions can’t be verified by the bitcoin network and your investment will not show up in your account. Usually, you will see your bitcoin deposit in your account just after 1 confirmation from the bitcoin network.
We repeat this again because we see some bitcoin investments without confirmations.
That’s all we have for now.
We will come up with the next newsletter tomorrow.
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
God Bless yall!
Jocelyn @ BitcoFinancial


It sounds almost surreal but the administration of VaBank does accept deposits via Visa and MasterCard now using the services of a third-party provider called businesskassa.com. I am not completely sure if you can trust this provider with personal information, and the only thing I know about them is that it’s a Ukrainian-based service and a kind of internet-shop. However, what type of service VaBank is actually trying to sell here is not really clear. I remind you that VaBank recently made a full revamp of their investment plans which currently are almost unrecognizable from the original ones which I described in the review posted here. The current plans include 7.8% for 15 days (principal included) and 1.67% for 15 days (principal back) while the deposits are accepted starting from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin with now direct credit card deposits also available. I must say I’m quite surprised that even after the drastic decision to change investment plans last week VaBank is still paying instantly and with no issues. Today’s newsletter which might be hard to understand (as it’s an obvious auto-translation) but which I already explained above anyway can be read below:

Dear partners, investors and guests of our investment bank, we welcome you on our website. Hasten to inform You about the new way of refill of your balance which now is easier to fill in. Today we made comfortable refill from cards such as Visa and MasterCard, and also Private24. We try for you and make life better only for You! Ever Yours bank – VaBank.


Please beware GrandForexLimited might be in trouble and the further deposits there are not recommended. The program was a really good performer for the last three months online by paying to everyone on short-term plans. However, the recent selective payouts reported on investment forums and the absence of Live support brings me to the unfortunate conclusion that GrandForexLimited has run its course. I couldn’t say the program was bad however, in fact it was totally the opposite and many people managed to earn very well from it. And we always need to remember that there’s always an end for every HYIP regardless of its quality and longevity. GrandForexLimited then has been moved to Problem status on MNO monitor, and I don’t expect the status to change anytime soon.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, InvGlobal, BitcoFinancial, GramStock, ApexBinary, RemiTrade, AmazingProfitClub, VaBank, AssuredAssets5DailyPro, StrongholdFinance.
From MNO Standard list: AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, OgdenOrganization, VictorCoins.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Note that if you’re looking for the best choice to invest your hard-earned money please check out my recent article on the list of the Top Five most popular programs on MNO here. You’ll definitely find something to your liking as all the programs listed there are paying nicely. I would also ask you to be more active on the MNO TalkBack opinion poll and submit your comments on your favorite program on the MNO monitor. Remember that if you like reading MNO you can always subscribe by filling in the box near the top right hand side of the main blog page to receive daily newsletters straight to your mailbox. Also I would encourage you to follow me on Facebook and Twitter where I post the links to all the most important posts on my blog. Thanks for your outstanding support and see you all again very soon!

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