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26/04/2014. RainbowInvest Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! RainbowInvest has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all been having a nice weekend so far. I have to say it’s been exceptionally busy for news stories today by any standards, but especially for a Saturday so I have lots to discuss with you tonight. One thing I’m particularly pleased with though was a new addition to the MNO monitor’s Premium List, a very interesting and unique program I’ll be introducing in the second half of today’s update so keep reading for more info on that.

To start things off for today however I want to look at a brand new short term HYIP which only started yesterday. It’s called RainbowInvest which you might remember I introduced in yesterday’s news update shortly after the program was launched. By the way, while I describe RainbowInvest as a shorter term HYIP there are in fact some medium to longer term options in there. However I think it’s fair to say that most experienced industry players will probably avoid these as we shall see in a moment when I describe them to you. So let’s see what RainbowInvest are all about then and if you think they might be a worthwhile addition to your own portfolios at this time or not.

I’ll begin as usual with the investment plans. There are six of these in total, and the majority of them will only pay you once on expiry. The first plan however, and I’m prepared to guess the one that will be the only one with any serious level of popularity, makes daily payments. RainbowInvest have a $10 minimum requirement to join, and it runs for a term of 4 calendar days. The rate on offer will depend on how much you spend, but starts of at 29% per day for those of you investing anything from the $10 minimum up to as much as $500. The payments will also include your principal, so on adding up to a total return of 116% it’s your own money back plus 16% net profit from the program. RainbowInvest offer higher rates per day on bigger deposits, including:
30% for amounts between $501 and $1,500 (20% profit), 31.5% for $1,501 to $5,000 (26% profit), and 24% on amounts from $5,001 to $20,000 (36% profit).

All remaining investment plans only offer you one single payment on expiry of the term, with your principal included. The terms will vary widely in length, but the shortest of them again runs for 4 calendar days. RainbowInvest again require a minimum spend of $10 to join, and anything up to a $500 maximum is offered a 120% payout on completion. Or to put it another way, that’s 20% profit. If you are prepared to risk a bit more here, then RainbowInvest offer the following rates:
124% is available on deposits between $501 and $1,500. Anything from $1,501 $5,000 is offered 130%, while finally anything above that to a maximum value of $20,000 is being offered 140%.

Plan number three then runs for a term of 8 calendar days, also with a $10 minimum charge for joining. RainbowInvest promise a single payment of 152% for all investments up to $500, or 52% profit. Higher rates include:
160% for $501 to $1,500 , 172% for $1,501 to $5,000, and 200% on anything bigger to a maximum value of $20,000.

As you can clearly see, it’s surely obvious to even the most inexperienced HYIP investors that as we progress through the plans the risk gets higher and and higher, while the supposed returns being offered get less and less likely to be paid. So think carefully about what your realistic expectations of RainbowInvest are. The fourth plan so runs for 16 calendar days, offering one single payment on expiry. You can join for a $10 minimum, and for anything up to $500 see a payment of 244%, principal included. To put it another way, that’s 144% net profit. Should you wish to gamble with larger amounts, RainbowInvest offer you the following:
$501 to $1,500 gets a rate of 260%, amounts between $1,501 and $5,000 are offered 292%, and anything upwards of $5,001 to a $20,000 maximum is offered 340%.

An even higher risk plan follows that, running for 32 calendar days. Assuming the program is even still online by that time, RainbowInvest offer to pay 484% interest, principal included, on deposits between a $10 minimum and $500. Otherwise for a better offer (and note that I said offer, not payment) the rates include the following:
548% on $501 to $1,500 , 644% on $1,501 to $5,000, and 800% for sums between $5,001 and the maximum allowed $20,000.

Lastly, and I include this as much for entertainment as for useful information, RainbowInvest‘s final plan runs for 64 calendar days, paying once on expiry should they succeed in running that long or if anyone was to join. Minimum deposits start from a $10 minimum, and for anything up to $500 the return being offered is 1124%. Or for higher amounts they appear as follows:
1316% for $501 to $1,500, 1636% for $1,501 to $5,000, and 2000% on amounts bigger than that to a $20,000 maximum.

So if you like any of those plans enough to take the required gamble and join them, I guess the next thing you’ll need to hear about is what your payment options are. The list is probably as good as what you can expect a program like RainbowInvest to have, in other words all the basics are there but I wouldn’t think it’s going to be improved upon for how ever long the program manages to survive. As things stand therefore, you can sign up and deposit in RainbowInvest using any of PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, or BitCoin. Payments are made manually by the admin and so will need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once done you are asked to allow a further 12 hours for all transactions to be completed. Speedy payments are essential for the success of short term programs (well, they’re always kinda important but I would say especially so with the shorter term games like RainbowInvest) so I hope this is a schedule the admin is capable of sticking to.

Moving on then to subject of design and security features, RainbowInvest is again nothing remarkable and quite typical of a program of this style. It’s hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos, and the website is running of a script that’s under license from GoldCoders. For an added layer of safety RainbowInvest also have an SSL certificate from Comodo to provide for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any further questions for the admin that you think might not have been explained properly in this review or have any account related issues you need to have dealt with, then RainbowInvest can be contacted by filling in your details on the online support form and submitting it via their contacts page.

Texts regarding any kind of actual business activities allegedly behind the program are best described as confusing and left simply at that. So poorly written in fact that I read it twice and still didn’t know what it was supposed to be about, and I suggest you not waste as much time as I did in even bothering. Just treat RainbowInvest as you would any other high risk online HYIP, and remember that if the opportunity really does exist in there to make a profit then it will be a fleeting one. So set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, keep your expectations modest and realistic, and of course if you do decide to join RainbowInvest then do so as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



BitcoFinancial (reviewed here) is surely one of the fastest growing projects in the HYIP market now, swiftly rising to the #4 position on the MNO Premium List after just 11 days online and aiming even higher. That’s a really incredible result for a program so new and I believe the admin Jocelyn is realizing that such success shouldn’t be taken for granted. The latest newsletter issued just a couple of hours ago saw a slight modification of the investment plans which will ONLY apply to new deposits. Existing deposits will continue to work under the same conditions with no changes. Note that the original 5% for 30 calendar days plan will no longer include a compounding option which is the only modification there. As for the previous 2.5% for 20 calendar days with the principal back on expiry plan, it’s still paying the same 2.5% daily return but for an indefinite period of time now. That means you join with at least $10 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, EgoPay, BitCoin, PexPay, or Payeer and get paid 2.5% daily until you request your principal back. So basically you establish your own investment term for that one which can be a day, a year, or anything you like. Compounding is still allowed for this plan. I’ve already changed the plan descriptions on my monitor for BitcoFinancial and hopefully, in the upcoming interview for MNO, the admin Jocelyn will be able to better explain the main reason behind the changes. I myself sincerely hope it works for the benefit of BitcoFinancial which has been doing tremendously well thus far and paying lightning fast (sometimes even instantly). The second thing that proves the admin’s involvement with BitCoin operations is the page dedicated specially to investors who would like to start using BitCoins for their investments, and would like to get some free money from all types of giveaway websites so widespread online. If you wish to find out more on BitCoin free offers then you go to the link Jocelyn newsletter re-posted below in full:

BitcoFinancial – NewsLetter!
Hello BitcoFinancial Members,
We have come to another weekend and we hope that you will be having a great time with your family and friends over the next couple of days.
BitcoFinancial has successfully been online for 11 days and we thank each one of you for your deeply valued support. It has been a very exciting phase for us and we hope that you have been able to feel the same as well.
Today, we are going to share some interesting and important news with you. So you might want to pay some attention to the information below.
The first news from our end is this:
We would like you to know that we will be fine tuning our Investment Plans slightly to improve the way you benefit from BitcoFinancial. However, there will be no changes made to the daily profit percentages, which will barely affect the way you earn through us.
Our Funds Management team has been going over the numbers of late and we discussed the probability of enriching your investing experience with us by slightly improving the Investment plans to benefit all our members and us alike.
There will be no major changes made to the plans but this new modification will enhance your investing opportunity and provide you (the investor) the freedom to choose the validity of your investment period with us. Please do note that the changes do not apply for members who have invested thus far. The revised plan only applies to those who will be investing with us starting now.
The first plan will continue to pay you 5% daily everyday (calendar days) for a period of 30 days which gives you a total of 150%. Now that is plain and simple. The compounding option that was available to the early BitcoFinancial members will no longer be available for this plan now. There were a few members who enjoyed the compounding feature in Plan 1. They will continue to benefit from the compounding offer as they invested during the Launch.
From now on, the compounding feature for Plan 1 has been omitted.
The second plan will continue to pay you the same 2.5% daily. You have the option to choose upto 100% compounding as you prefer. So what is new here? It all looks the same so far, right? But, here is where a lovely surprise awaits you! Remember we said we will be improving the plan for you? Well, you get to stay as long as you want and your Principal amount is no longer locked with us. You get to earn profits for as long as you like. When you choose to leave, you can withdraw your principal amount. There is no validity period of 20 days from now on.
So this is all it means:
Plan 1: 5% Daily For 30 Calendar Days
Total Returns: 150%
No Compounding
Plan 2: 2.5% Daily until Principal Withdrawal
Total Returns: As You Choose
Compounding: Available Upto 100%
And we have another bit of exciting news for all BitcoFinancial members!
Most of you may not be very aware about Bitcoin or how you can get it. Well, if you went through the content in the About Us page, you would know by now that we began as early Bitcoin miners. It was much easier mining and getting Bitcoins through online sources then but of course the value of each Bitcoin was far less (in single digits) compared to the current market value.
As according to some industry giants, there is a probability that the value of each Bitcoin may touch 100k in the future. As unrealistic as it seems, one will never know how the future might transform this cryptocurrency. At one time, even the current value of per Bitcoin seemed like a distant dream to us.
Now, whether this would manifest or not, we believe there is no harm in getting yourself some free Bitcoins. If you happen to have some spare time each day, get yourself a Bitcoin wallet and start filling it in with free Bitcoins.
Ready to get started? Let’s show you some FREE BITCOINS! Hope you enjoy your experience as a Bitcoin user and if you do – it makes our day too! Let us know how it goes. We would be glad to hear from you.
Here is the link for you:
That is all the news we have for you this week. If you have any queries, please do not think twice about reaching out to us. We will be more than happy to help you out!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Best Regards. Jocelyn


For the first ten days online 5DailyPro has been timely with the on their 5%-6% for 30 calendar days investment plan to members’ PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin accounts. It’s too early to judge how the program will develop further, but the admin certainly does his best to improve the experience of browsing his website and getting support in case you have any questions. In today’s newsletter it was announced that LiveChat and Phone support were both added to answer any queries while the green bar extended validation seal from Comodo can be seen in your browser tab now. They are certainly some improvements, but it’s good to see the admin working on these things along the way. Although the recent attempt to add SolidTrustPay without prior authorization was not too successful, good to see that this hasn’t discouraged the admin from doing his best in promoting 5DailyPro. In the newsletter re-posted below he also asks members to support his program on major investment forums and gave a link to the recent review of 5DailyPro which can found here:

5DailyPro || Newsletter
Its been 10 days now and we are really happy to tell you that 5DailyPro has made some up-gradations which will be further explained in detail in the Newsletter.
The site has made 3 major upgrades i.e Live Chat Support, Phone Support and Extended Validation by Comodo.
We have added Live Chat support for the investors now. If any one has any query, he/she can feel free to contact the live chat and get there queries solved out.
Another better way to make conversations easy and more secure is Telephonic Conversation. We have provided our office telephone number on the website. You can call us and get your queries solved as well. If the support will be unable then you can leave your message on the voice recorder and you will be replied within 24 hours.
Successful installation of Comodo Extended Validation makes 5DailyPro more secure and a safe place to invest. The Identity of 5DailyPro has been verified by Comodo.
Advantages of Comodo EV SSL Installed on 5DailyPro:
* Green address bar provides immediate trust and helps customer conversion
* 2048-bit, highest assurance SSL Certificate, with 99.9% Browser Recognition
* $1,750,000 relying party warranty
If you are satisfied with our services, please support us in Forums which are listed below and vote for us in monitors.
5DailyPro is proud to be listed and reviewed at industry’s leading and most unbiased blog – MNO. Please feel free to read our review here:
If you need any assistance, please contact us either using Live Chat Support or by replying to this email.
Best Regards. Joseph Lloyd


It appears that the last newsletter regarding the full compliance of FinMutual with all SolidTrustPay’s tough demands before allowing their services was confused by some non-native English speakers who feared that FinMutual stopped accepting STP. The admin was perhaps inundated with such emails forcing him to issue yet another update on the same topic to hopefully clear things up – STP is not going anywhere. Deposits via SolidTrustPay are still accepted and will be accepted by FinMutual as the program is one of the very few out there fully compliant with STP terms – that is the essence of the newsletter. Please note that apart from STP you can invest in FinMutual via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, PexPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and LiteCoin as well – perhaps the widest variety of choice in the HYIP industry now. The investments in FinMutual start from a $25 minimum and the plan pays 1.8% to 2.6% daily for a period of 160 business days. Recently, to give new investors some incentive the admin introduced a variable weekly deposit bonus. This could be anything from 5% to 10% and will be credited to members’ accounts as part of their deposit. The latest newsletter shows the bonus at 10% and the weekday bonus deposit for the next week as 5%, so take this into consideration if you’re thinking about joining FinMutual – a wonderful program that has been running for over nine months now and the full review of which can be read here. Both newsletters about the STP verification and weekly deposit bonus are below:

FinMutual SolidTrustPay Verification and Compliance
We received some inquiries since yesterday regarding SolidTrustPay. We understand for many, English is not a first language and might have been confused over our newsletter. Simply put, we are not removing SolidTrustPay. We have done quite the opposite and become compliant under their new regulations. We believe we are the first program to announce our compliance with their new financial regulations. We also made their emails to us public and included that content in yesterday’s newsletter. It is also important to know if any investment program asks you to make a manual deposit, they are bypassing the compliance regulations, and will be found out. No one is exempt from these regulations including us who have been using SolidTrustPay for almost a year. Below are excerpts from SolidTrustPay’s compliance team on what is required for the new compliance regulations which we have met:
“forex trading documents, proof of sustainability and evidence to support the return of investment percentages that your site advertises.”
“You will need to provide evidence of real business activity to generate the funds necessary to provide the interest % you are offering your clients please.”
“In correlation to your business account, could you also provide the following for our records:
-An overall explanation/model of the business you have
-Company’s name, corporate registration, EIN number”
SolidTrustPay deposits have to be automated on an investment program’s website to ensure you are sending funds to a compliant account. You can see our deposits are automated through your account panel with us. We have shared this information regarding the recent changes in regulations with SolidTrustPay as we believe it is important to our members to know as well as for the investment program industry as a whole. The majority of investment programs will be unable to provide the information and documentation they ask for and this is why we believe this information should be public.
We would also like to close this newsletter with if you are submitting a support ticket, please allow extra time for a response as we are currently over capacity with support tickets. Please also do not open duplicate tickets and regarding information already found in our FAQ as this slows down our response time.
Enjoy your weekend!

FinMutual Updated Deposit Bonus Schedule
Here is our updated schedule for our variable deposit bonus system from today, April 25th, 5:01PM Eastern Daylight Time.
From Friday, April 25th, 5:01PM Eastern Daylight time to Sunday, April 27th, 11:59PM Eastern Daylight time, a 10% deposit bonus will be active for deposits.
From Monday, April 28th, 12 Midnight Eastern Daylight Time to Friday, May 2nd, 5PM Eastern Daylight time, a 5% deposit bonus will be active for deposits.
Deposit Bonus schedules will be updated on Friday’s through e-mail newsletters.


Remember I mentioned a new program at the top of the page? Well, if you like to surf for free money and don’t mind advertising your sites in addition to getting paid on an investment then OneAdClick might be the program you have been looking for. OneAdClick is a combination of a surfing site where you can get paid without an investment by simply viewing ads. However, please note that you will not earn much from this, as all you can earn for a free account is $1 to $2 weekly by surfing 1000 to 2000 pages overall for that period. Of course, that might be good money for some, but when it comes to real investments (and it’s how I’ll be viewing OneAdClick first and foremost) the real profits come with investment plans. As the program is running off a licensed script provided by Shadow Scripts (read my interview with its developer here) you need to fund your e-wallet first before then purchasing so-called tokens at $10 each. If you’re a regular investor you can start with as little as $10 and invest in multiples of $10. The first thing that happens then is you get paid 2% per day for the first 70 calendar days. This will then double to 4% per day for the following 10 calendar days until the plan expires and you’re left with a net profit of 80%. The second plan is only available to larger investors who have at least $5,010 worth of tokens. They receive 2.5% daily for the first 60 calendar days and then 5% daily for the following 10 calendar days taking your overall profit to 100% by the time of expiry. Note that by investing your own money in OneAdClick you aren’t actually required to do any surfing at all, unless you want so. Plus you get some advertising credits which is more or less what you’re buying in OneAdClick. It brands itself first and foremost as an advertising platform for websites and only less so as an investment site. I guess that’s what helped the admin to verify his account with SolidTrustPay which is accepted by OneAdClick along with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, BitCoin, and Payeer. As you can see, the choice is really great and the website does look unique which will hopefully help them attract more investors in the long term.

OneAdClick launched a couple of weeks ago, but until yesterday’s listing on the MNO monitor the admin very much kept a low profile. The site features an original design, but in terms of security it doesn’t allow an SSL-connection. Hosting is on a dedicated server with DDoS-protection provided by a company called SmartDc, which I have to say is a new name to me. Anyway, just to get an idea about how OneAdClick works before the full review of the program tomorrow I would like you to see the three latest updates from the administration just to get familiar with the rules. These include no self-referring which is strictly enforced, new payment processors including PexPay and more monitors are coming soon, and the compulsory posting of payment proofs on the three major forums for members who are getting free money from surfing:

OneAdClick – Duplicate Ids !!
It is to inform those users who have created Multiple ids and abusing our system will be removed from database and the IP will be blocked unless they mail us the reason and supporting documents showing more than one household is using OneAdClick.
Those users who have requested payout through more than one id will be rejected and the latest id will be removed from database.
Henceforth any multiple ids found without consulting support team will get their ids banned.
Therefore users are requested to cross check twice before getting unnecessarily banned.
Thank you. OneAdClick

OneAdClick – New Payment Gateways
Dear Members
We are pleased to announce that Pexpay has been added as an additional Payment Processor. We have now in total 5 Payment processors and are inline with adding few more payment processors to facilitate users. We have come across an email issue and we are here to ensure there will not be any issues in coming days. Soon we will be adding Monitors and with the payouts we make users will soon realize that this site has huge potential and once can start joining hands with us.
Regards. OneAdClick

Important Update : Forum Post Must for getting Free $$ Paid to Payment Processor
Hello Members
It has been noticed that the good work carried by us is not getting noticed by others.
Hence our admin team have decided that the users who have received payouts from us need to post in any of the Top Forums
1) Talk Gold
2) Dream Team Money
3) Money Maker Group
Users requesting money for next time need to send support ticket with the link where they had made forum post.
Soon we will be having a forum linked to program where users need to post payment proof and also a link pertaining to Other Forums where our Thread is available
If users feel there are other forums where they are making post they should send us the details and only on verification Payment will be released.
These Changes are applicable immediately.
Soon we are planning to reduce withdraw limit for few processors which will be updated in future Newsletters.
Regards. Admin Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, BitcoFinancial, InvGlobal, GramStock, RemiTrade, VaBank, 5DailyPro, StrongholdFinance, RainbowInvest, OneAdClick (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic listZeusInvest, OgdenOrganization, VictorCoins.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Please keep supporting MNO by following me on Facebook and Twitter and checking my blog and monitoring page regularly for more news and updates from the HYIP industry. I’ll be back tomorrow with a detailed review of OneAdClick and will update you all on any major developments from the biggest online investment opportunities. Stay tuned and see you all then!

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