Apr 27th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! OneAdClick has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! I hope you’ve all had a good Sunday so far and are looking forward to what the new week might have in store for us. New opportunities we would hope, as that’s always a nice way to start things off. I don’t think I could have a better day myself as this morning I finally came to Andorra, and then started asking why I waited so long. Sitting on a bus (there aren’t any trains here) might not sound all that exciting to anyone, but when it was driving through the Pyrenees Mountains on such a lovely spring morning I can tell you it looked like paradise on Earth. I’ve been everywhere else in Europe and can tell you it’s easily one of the two or three most beautiful places I’ve seen, right up there with the Norwegian coast or some of the places around the Alps. So I’ll be doing a lot of exploring for the next few days, but don’t worry, the MNO monitor still be updated everyday.

Getting back to new opportunities however, the program I want to look at tonight is called OneAdClick and it was just added to the MNO Premium List. It’s actually been online for a few weeks now, but the admin was keeping things very very low key. In fact I think MNO might have been the first of the bigger monitors to have been added, with more I assume to follow. Anyway, OneAdClick is structured a bit differently from the usual programs as it positions itself more as an advertising platform. I’ll explain more about that in a few moments, but the actual mechanics of joining and earning are the same as any other program. Just because you don’t have a website you’d like to advertise yourself does nothing to change the fact that you deposit money in OneAdClick with the understanding that you will take out more than you put in.

I’ll start off as usual then with the investment plans. There is in fact a way to earn money from OneAdClick completely free of charge, that is to say without “investing” any of your own money at all. It’s not particularly profitable or lucrative so I’ll describe that later (it’s an optional surfing feature, which you don’t have to do if you don’t want to). But if you want to earn some decent money then OneAdClick will require a proper investment from you. They have two plans you can join, though to be honest one of them is really only for the seriously big spenders out there.

Before I get to the actual numbers I should just give a quick word about the depositing process, as this is a little different than most of the regular HYIPs you might be more accustomed to. The only difference really is that because of the script OneAdClick runs off you will need to add whatever amount of money you are investing to your account area first. Once that has been done you simply need to re-direct the money from your e-wallet into the plan you’ve decided to join.

Also, and I guess many of you will have figured this out from the name, OneAdClick positions itself as an advertising based website. Therefore any “investment” you make is done in the form of buying tokens. These are priced at $10 each which is the minimum deposit you can make, so you need to keep in mind that all investments in the program will have to be in multiples of ten, eg $10, $20, $30, and so on. I just mention that it’s important to remember this because you don’t want to deposit $25 and find out later that only $20 of it will earn you any interest.

If all that’s clear then, the first option open to you is The Diamond Plan. This requires that you purchase at least one token, so it’s a minimum investment of $10, and you can buy anything up to a maximum of 500 of these. So in other words the maximum deposit is $5,000. The plan itself runs for 80 calendar days, during which OneAdClick have a sort of two tier payment schedule. For the first 70 days of the term members are paid 2% interest per day to their accounts. After that OneAdClick will then double that payment to 4% per day for the final 10 days of the term. Your initial principal has been factored into the payments and therefore will not be returned on expiry, so your final return from joining OneAdClick is 180%, consisting of your own money back plus 80% net profit.

So let’s take a practical example of how that might work in monetary terms. Suppose we buy ten tokens from OneAdClick, making a $100 investment. For the next 70 calendar days they will pay us back $2 per day (allowing us to recoup the initial principal after 50 days and so break even). For the final 10 days of the 80 day term OneAdClick then increase this payment to $4 per day, making the total return for the term $180, out of which $80 is profit. Pretty simple, eh?

The second plan works along more or less the same lines, though the numbers are of course different. Like most HYIP schemes the OneAdClick admin tries to make it more attractive to bigger investors by offering improved rates of interest. It’s called The Platinum Plan. Ad packs are still priced at $10 each, except now you have to buy at least 501 of them. That’s a minimum investment of $5,010. The investment term is a little bit shorter this time, though with better interest rates available it’s ultimately more profitable. It runs for 70 calendar days in total, and again sees OneAdClick employ a two tier payment regime. For the first 60 days you are offered 2.5% per day, rising to 5% per day for the final 10 days. That allows you to break even 40 days into the term, and complete it with payments coming to 200%. OneAdClick have included your principal as part of the payments, so it’s your own money back plus 100% net profit. Or to put it another way – double your money.

There is of course that other way of making a couple of dollars (and literally, I do mean a couple!) from OneAdClick that I told you about earlier. If you’ve already opened an account there you’ll notice there is a surfing function for viewing ads. I didn’t mention it before because there’s no obligation for members to do any surfing whatsoever if you have an active deposit there. If however you are prepared to surf 1,000 ads over the course of a week then OneAdClick will pay you $1. If you surf 2,000 ads in a week they pay $2, but this is the most you will be paid for any single week. Also it will be compulsory to post proof of this payment on the main HYIP related forums, so really I think the main purpose of this is to advertise OneAdClick itself rather than any of the sites you end up surfing. Anyway, as I said at the start this is open to anyone and you don’t need an active deposit in the program to take part in the surfing.

All that leads us up to the payment options then, and I must say they’re as good as anything else you’ll find in the HYIP industry. Mostly due to the inclusion of SolidTrustPay which is not an easy thing for HYIP admins to do these days, and that’s one thing that will almost certainly bring OneAdClick to the attention of not just more investors but to bigger spending ones as well. STP is joined by all the other big names in the industry, including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, BitCoin, and Payeer. Withdrawals are processed manually by the OneAdClick admin and will need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once done you are asked to allow anything from 24 to 72 hours for your transaction to be completed. I must say three days is more than a little excessive, though I’ve not had to wait anything like that myself so far. Smaller investors please note that the minimum withdrawal request is $1 no matter what processor you are using.

On the subject of design and security, OneAdClick is running off one of the better scripts on the market today, that from ShadowScripts. It doesn’t come too cheap but you get what you pay for in terms of reliability and security. (I earlier had an interview with it’s developer here). The program is hosted on a dedicated server by a company called SmartDc. This is the first time I’ve heard of them in the HYIP industry so I can’t really comment good or bad on how they handle the frequency or ferocity of the DDoS attacks that this more than any other business. If OneAdClick achieve any level of popularity however I suspect it won’t take us long to find out! But as I said it is at least on a dedicated server so that’s positive anyway. There’s no SSL connection unfortunately, so that’s something the admin may wish to look into. If you do have any further questions of your own for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can get in touch by mailing him directly at the address listed on the contacts page. OneAdClick also list a Skype group you can join.

Overall the website is fairly original and unique looking, and the texts seem original as well. That being said, the particular line of business OneAdClick claims to be in isn’t something we haven’t seen before. To quote their own website directly “OneAdClick connects advertisers with effective ad space and publishers with the most relevant ads to market on their websites”, and that much is true I suppose in the sense that that is what you are buying with your $10 units – advertising. So far though I can really only see other HYIP related ads, regular investors (I think) advertising their own ref links to other programs they have joined for example. But as I see it the money flowing into the program from investors is the very same money being used to pay out to the very same people, and that in my book makes OneAdClick an online HYIP even if that’s not the description they would like to give themselves. So just like everything else in this business, look after your own interests first, and stay well within a comfortable spending limit that you can afford to lose. And if you are joining OneAdClick at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Last night RockwellPartners issued a newsletter dedicated to the program’s first fifty days online and what a great journey it’s been so far. During its lifetime the program has grown tremendously and it can be safely considered now as the biggest and the most popular online. It’s a really spectacular achievement and no wonder that the admin announced in the newsletter that RockwellPartners had reached 9000 members recently. Under other circumstances I might be skeptical about this figure, but in the case of RockwellPartners I tend to believe the stats are genuine as I myself have over 240 referrals there. Now a promotional video in English has been released, two-and-a-half minute long, and can be seen on YouTube. You may even be able to use it in your own promotional efforts to take advantage of the lucrative referral program paying 10% per day from the income of your referrer. That’s an unusual system in itself as you only get rewarded for as long your downline stays a member of RockwellPartners with an active deposit, because you are allowed to withdraw your principal and leave at any time you like. That in itself was the major advertising point for RockwellPartners since the beginning and that is, along with the timely payouts, of course, what brought the program to the #1 spot on the MNO Premium List. If you haven’t read my review of RockwellPartners published here I would really recommend you do so, as the program is kind of unique in many ways. In a nutshell though, you can invest from a $20 minimum via all the popular payment gateways including SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer. In exchange you get a fixed 1% daily income for Saturdays and Sundays and then a variable 1% to 3.5% rate on business days from Monday to Friday. That’s just one of the original features covered in the new promotional video the link to which was given in the latest newsletter from RockwellPartners below:

RockwellPartners 3rd Newsletter
Dear clients, friends and fans,
We have some great news for you to report today:
50 days online…
We are proud to inform our valued members that we are celebrating today the successful completion of 50 days online; During this period, we have proved our efficiency, and our investors can witness that RockwellPartners is just doing great with very fast payments, proper members support and without any major complain. This is just the beginning, and RP still have a very long way to travel along with the investors who trust us.
9000 members…
Today we have reached the 9000 members mark. We are glad to see you all among our members and thank you for being a part of RockwellPartners!
YouTube promo video…
Please check out our new presentation video using the link below:
Have a great weekend and enjoy intelligent investing with RockwellPartners.
RockwellPartners Team


Given the enormous success of RockwellPartners among MNO readers and seeing that the current top four programs from my list of the most popular programs all have an STP account properly verified and approved I started to question whether it’s just a pure coincidence. Prompted by the recent discussion of SolidTrustPay’s role in the HYIP industry started by the admin of FinMutual (another program from my Top Five – read the article on that here) and the resulting conversation on the MNO ShoutBox we can see a pattern that the success of a particular program can be determined by the level of professionalism shown by the admin. You might ask me how this level of professionalism is determined by MNO readers which makes them join a particular program while avoiding others. I have a theory that it has something to do with the HYIP admins who take so much time and effort to properly verify their accounts with SolidTrustPay known for its strict requirements for accepting new merchants and get their payment button approved for automated deposits and withdrawals even BEFORE launching their programs. The admins of all the programs from the current MNO Top Four programs from the Premium List seem to have done so, and therefore have shown their ability to overcome difficulties and be patient and reach their goals. And you can actually see the result for yourself – their programs are on top of the pile now. I’m talking about such gems as RockwellPartners (reviewed here), DublinCryptoriumLimited (reviewed here), FinMutual (reviewed here) and BitcoFinancial (reviewed here). That’s what I’m asking in the first new question for another MNO TalkBack poll – Do you think prior STP account verification and approval increase a programs chances of success? The answers are simple – yes or no, as I only need your honest opinion on this theory. Thanks in advance for your active participation.

You might remember that a couple of days ago I published an article on the MNO Top Five most popular programs listed on my monitor which can be viewed here. Although the running order has changed a bit, the five biggest programs remain the same and include the #1 ranked RockwellPartners (reviewed here), #2 ranked DublinCryptoriumLimited (reviewed here), #3 ranked FinMutual (reviewed here), #4 ranked BitcoFinancial (reviewed here), and #5 ranked InvGlobal (reviewed here). So, I would like to ask you the second question for MNO TalkBackWhat is your favorite program out of the current top five? The possible answers are already listed above, so please take some time and choose your favorite from the list here. The results of the both polls will be drawn sometime next week, so please keep your votes flowing, guys.

Finally, I wanted to look at the results of the last week’s poll when I asked an important question the answer to which might seriously affect your earnings online – When do you make a definite decision to join a HYIP? I was pleased to see that at least 50% of my readers choose the most reasonable answer of all – “Depends on the program and varies from short to long term”. This is really the best choice because the timing on where to join a program will depend on so many factors to consider that it’s very important to analyze them all to minimize risk but not missing opportunities. 28% of all the voters really don’t want to wait and said “I always join as soon as possible” – an approach that might be best in the case of many short term programs and a few medium term ones as well. The problem with this is that you never know what’s on the admin’s mind and if he’s going to scam straight after receiving the first deposits, so it’s a gamble. A more cautious approach taken by the 11% of voter is “I join after others confirm the first payments” and the same number who voted” and “I only join after others confirm they are already in profit”. The point of that poll was not to enforce any particular point of view, but just encourage you to think about it. If you have any other ideas for the future MNO polls please share them with me.


Unfortunately I have to close with a warning against investing in RainbowInvest. For some bizarre reason the admin decided that he collected enough money to scam everyone after only one day online. I posted the review on my blog last night, which I wouldn’t have done had I known his intentions. I know that no one of my readers deposited really big amounts in RainbowInvest, but someone else probably did, because I don’t see any reason for him to close after such a short period online. Sorry for those who lost money in it and I was the first monitor to move them to Problem status today after the complaints started piling up. As for RainbowInvest itself, it’s a proven scam now, so stop investing there please!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, DublinCryptoriumLimited, BitcoFinancialVaBank, 5DailyPro, AssuredAssets, StrongholdFinance, OneAdClick.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic listZeusInvest, OgdenOrganization, VictorCoins.

That’s about all for this evening, guys. Unless there’s something really big happening I would say there’s every chance I’ll take a day of to explore Andorra tomorrow, though I’ll be around the ShoutBox at some point and my monitor will still be updated. Thanks for reading, don’t forget to vote in the MNO TalkBack opinion polls, and see you all again soon!

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