Apr 29th, 2014 Archives

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Hi guys! As sad as it might sound my time in Andorra is over and tomorrow I’m leaving for Barcelona to finish my four week adventure. I must say that being in Andorra was one of the biggest highlights of the whole journey and three days here was really nowhere near enough to enjoy the almost overwhelming beauty of this country. So I’ve decided to come back to Andorra sometime in the future for a longer visit, and if you wish to see something really exotic in Europe I would heartily recommend a trip to this wonderful and ancient country.

Back to business now though, and as you can see the last update was the long-awaited interview with the admin of BitcoFinancial Jocelyn. The program is quickly becoming one of the most popular among my readers and I believe Jocelyn managed to answer everything brilliantly and in much detail. So if you wish, please click here to read more.

There wasn’t much going on in the HYIP industry for the last couple of days, but I still have something new from VaBank which I’ll tell you about in a moment and will also look at the preliminary results of the opinion polls currently running on the MNO TalkBack page. But first the introduction of a newcomer to MNO called Eazzy.


Eazzy is a brand-new program that joined the Premium listing on MNO tonight just hours after its official launch today. Eazzy is a promising project built with great designer skill and running off a highly modified licensed script from GoldCoders, however, I believe the program will only become popular after the first principals are returned to the first investors which will take a few weeks. Eazzy offers the following investment plans with the original deposit returned on expiry of each – 2% for 15 business days, 2.5% for 30 business days, 3% for 60 business days. The minimum to invest is quite high, so don’t even think about joining if you don’t have at least $50 in your PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, or Payeer accounts. Eazzy has an SSL-secured website with a Green bar which is an improvement over the traditional SSL and are hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoS-Guard. According to their background story, the program invests in four different fields – ForEx, Stocks and Bonds, Commodities, and BitCoin mining. Company documents are also available for viewing and the site itself is very well equipped with comprehensive texts explaining the whole investment process and all possible questions properly answered. If you still have any difficulties please check out my blog tomorrow for the most detailed review of Eazzy you’ll find online. This is the first welcome newsletter issued by the admin just earlier:

Welcome to Eazzy Business Limited!
It is a great and pleasing day for all of us at Eazzy Business Limited! Today, April the 29th, 2014., we are moving our investment ventures online! Eazzy – it’s a group of highly successful traders grouped together with the most advanced IT specialists with one aim – to provide the best online investing experience!


All the programs on my monitor have been stable and paying fine without any major obstacles, but the only active admin for the last couple of days was VaBank‘s who managed to send out two newsletters within that short period of time. I wonder why this activity was so intense, as the only thing the admin had to say that everyone wishing to request the company’s full documentation could do so by private request. We must remember that obtaining any legal documentation for HYIPs is not that hard, as the process is cheap and totally anonymous which can be done by multiple companies offering the service online (read more on this process in my original article posted here). The second newsletter also reminds us of the communication channels via popular social networking sites and Skype chats. VaBank is currently offering 7.8% for 15 days (principal included), 1.67% for 15 days (principal back) Please disregard my original review of VaBank posted here (insofar as the plans are concerned) as the admin drastically changed them since. It looks like it worked wonders for the program which still pays investors (mostly instantly) to withdrawal requests made via Payeer, BitCoin, and PerfectMoney. The latest news from VaBank can be read in full below:

Official documents of the company
Hello, dear investors and guests of our project. We have prepared for you some good news. If you want to see certificates and documents on the company, confirming our official in the investment field you should add Skype of the company (username vabank.ws) and ask to send You that documents. Documents would be sent in a moment, our employees will be glad to work for You. Thank you for your attention! Wish you good luck and success in business.

Investment offer
Dear friends, clients and guests of our website. Yesterday we posted news that our company is registrated officially and if you want to see certificates of the company you should add our Skype. Also we want to tell you that a lot of clients, investors, and simple guests of our website have added Skype and asked to show them certificates. Communicating with you, we have understood that not everyone knows where to find our investment proposal, or the description of the deposits. So administration decided to send you an email with a direct link to investment proposals https://vabank.ws/investments Also want to remind you that we have group on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/wabankws/), VKontakte (https://vk.com/vabankws), twitter (https://twitter.com/vabankws), Skype chats (https://vabank.ws/support) where clients communicate with each other, help each other, as well as learn about company news. Adds, we will be glad to see you there. Sincerely, team of VaBank!


Just to finish things up for today, I want to have a quick look at the latest results of the two current opinion polls on the MNO TalkBack page. These aren’t the final results by the way, the poll will stay open for a while longer, probably into next weekend at least, so you still have plenty of time to cast your own vote. For now I just want to see what the general trend is.

The two polls were basically made as a result of a recent article I wrote on my blog to give an overview of what the top five most popular programs are among MNO readers. (You can read it here). A couple of people commented that despite SolidTrustPay being used by a lot less programs than just one year ago, four of the top five programs on my monitor all feature them very prominently. Personally I don’t really think this is any coincidence, as over the last number of years all of the very biggest and most successful programs have used STP. Well, most of them did anyway. And speaking as a monitor I can see where a lot of the money passing in an out of programs is coming from (via referral commissions) and can tell you a lot of the big spenders would definitely favor STP. But do you guys agree? So the first question is a straight Yes/No choice to the question:
Do you think prior STP account verification and approval increase a programs chances of success?
So it’s still close enough, but the Yes Vote is clearly in front with 58% of readers agreeing. The remaining 42% are so far voting No, and don’t think STP does anything to boost a program’s chances of success.

That was followed by a question relating to five programs who are all undoubted success stories, i.e. the top five most popular programs listed on my monitor. Positions on the MNO monitor are not handed out at random, nor are they decided on by me personally. They are based on the activities of my referrals there, my downline in those programs who will of course only find my ref links on my own website and so therefore are obviously MNO readers. Positions go up and down and are updated every 24 hours, and if something is listed at Number One it doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be my personal favorite, just the most popular among readers. Nine times out of ten I do tend to agree, however.

The exact question being asked is pretty simple:
What is your favorite program out of the current top five?

It’s probably best to recap on each individual program as we progress through the current votes, which again I remind you is still open so please feel free to visit the MNO TalkBack page and vote for your own. The runaway leader at this early stage then is RockwellPartners. They have well over half the total vote all to themselves already, so even if some of the other four options gain some ground on them it’s still hard to see them not finishing number one. RockwellPartners have 64% of the vote from readers so far, and by no coincidence it’s also firmly the number one program in terms of its position on my monitor. I think that statistic alone tells you what you need to know about the program, they really are that good. Then again, with that size of the vote what am I telling you guys for? You already know this! But for anyone coming to the online HYIP industry for the first time, RockwellPartners is part of a new breed of programs that hands control over the accounts back to investors themselves. It’s neither a long term nor a short term program, as it’s entirely up to you how long you wish to stay a member. But as long as you do stay a member RockwellPartners have a kinda unique payment schedule. They pay members a basic fixed rate of 1% per day over the weekend, and then from Monday to Friday, i.e. the business week, offer variable payments that could reach as high as 3.5% per day. Everything about the program is exceptional, not just the cosmetic features like the design but also the actual planning and organization. An impressive list of payment options has also played a part I’m sure in bringing RockwellPartners to the top, and includes SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. Further information can be read in the review of RockwellPartners first published on MNO here.

A distant second but it has to be said very very much the rising star in the HYIP industry is BitcoFinancial. So far they’ve taken 16% of the vote and entered the top five programs on my monitor in what was a very fast time after launching. I expect it will climb higher as well due to the level of enthusiasm being shown for them among readers and just online investors in general. BitcoFinancial was first reviewed on MNO here, but since then the admin made some minor adjustments to the plans which actually improved them. Their two plans now offer a choice between 5% for 30 days (principal included), or 2.5% daily with no expiry date and your principal returned anytime you’d like to leave. As it happens the BitcoFinancial admin is still the only one from the top five to be interviewed on the MNO blog (you can read that here) where she explains the program and the alterations made to the plans in her own words. She can also sometimes be found on the MNO ShoutBox, so you can ask your own questions there if you have any when you see her online. BitcoFinancial is another program with an excellent choice of payment options, and in addition to STP count PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and PexPay among the list.

Following them in third place is the much more established DublinCryptoriumLimited. They’ve taken 12% of the vote so far, which of course may very well change between now and when I eventually decide to close the poll. DublinCryptoriumLimited was first reviewed on MNO back in November (click here to read the review), and even then I saw its full potential and expected them to rise to the number one spot on my monitor which they eventually did before being de-throned by RockwellPartners. It’s still a great performer though, and rose to the top in part I’m sure by the great level of flexibility afforded to members. You can use your account in DublinCryptoriumLimited in much the same way as a bank account you see, with investors allowed to deposit and withdraw as much or as little as they like at any time. Interest is credited by the day, and if you don’t withdraw it then it simply gets added to your principal and gets you a slightly better payment on the next day. You can take your money back and leave whenever you want, but must always keep a $50 minimum account balance if you wish to continue earning interest (in other words you can of course have $30 or $40 in your account, but unless you have $50 or more then DublinCryptoriumLimited won’t pay any interest). The deposits in DublinCryptoriumLimited are accepted via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, OkPay, and direct Bank Wires.

In joint fourth (or is it fifth?) place with 4% of the vote each is FinMutual and InvGlobal. InvGlobal (listed fifth on my monitor and reviewed here) is the only one of the top five not to accept SolidTrustPay. They offer investors 1.2%-2.5% interest for 120 business days and your principal back on expiry via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and PexPay. They haven’t been online as long as FinMutual, though I have in fact been monitoring them for longer and in that time they’ve never failed to perform. Neither has FinMutual for that matter, who offer a similar but longer term investment plan of 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days. It’s FinMutual who by far have the better list of payment options for you though, listing SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, Payeer, PexPay, and not just one but two crypto-currencies in BitCoin and LiteCoin. Since launching in July of 2013 FinMutual has always been a strong performer, and has been hovering around the top positions on my monitor for most of that time. They were first reviewed on MNO here.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, BitcoFinancial, InvGlobal, GramStock, ApexBinary, RemiTrade, VaBank, 5DailyPro, AssuredAssets, StrongholdFinance, OneAdClick.
From MNO Standard list: AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, OgdenOrganization, VictorCoins.

That’s all for today guys. Not much news but the important thing is no bad news, so that’s a reason to be happy I suppose. The next update as I said will focus on a more detailed look at Eazzy and be the first thing I do from Barcelona. Well, it’ll be written on the bus and published from there anyway. Thanks as ever for reading, I hope you liked it, and if you have five seconds to spare then please cast your vote in the opinion polls running on the MNO TalkBack page. See you all tomorrow, everyone!

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