April 2014 Archives

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Beware! StrongHoldings has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! I hope the weekend has been going well for you all so far. Apologies if you were expecting an update last night, I know I said I’d have a news update for you on Friday but was a little preoccupied with other matters. I can’t believe I almost forgot about this but I needed to prepare for my annual springtime/Easter vacation. By far my favorite way to travel is by sea, so I’m getting ready now for a boat trip to Santander in Spain. I’ll be taking a road trip over the next four weeks along the north coast, Bay of Biscay, and Basque region there as it’s one of the few remaining corners of Europe I have yet to explore. Especially though I’m looking forward to visiting the Rioja area which is home to my favorite red wines so excuse me in advance if some of my news updates during that time get a bit silly! I’ll be finishing up in Andorra which is another first time visit for me so I’ll be looking forward to that too in the next month or so.

Back to the business at hand for today however, I wand to start with a closer look at a program just added to the MNO monitor’s Standard List called StrongHoldings. This is a short term HYIP which has only just completed its first investment cycle, so you should be hearing about the very first members reporting seeing a profit some time about now. It’s quite an unusual domain name actually, as when you look at the address of the program’s website it’s actually got “.holdings” where you would normally find “.com” for instance. So if shorter term games are something of interest to you then and you think StrongHoldings might be good for another round then let’s take a look at the program’s main features and see if you feels it’s worth adding to your portfolios.

There’s only two plans to choose from in StrongHoldings, both of which run for the same length term. The main difference is that one makes daily interest payouts while the other only pays you once on expiry. Typical of most online HYIPs the admin tries to coax you into spending more and more money on the program by offering higher rates to bigger spenders, however you only need a $15 minimum to join. A bit more than the industry average, but still affordable to most regular players I’m sure. Your first option then is to join StrongHoldings daily payments plan. It runs for 5 calendar days, and offers anyone depositing from the $15 minimum up to a maximum value of $1,000 a daily payment of 24%. This includes your initial principal, so the total return which comes to 120% is your own money back plus 20% profit. To put that in monetary terms then we’ll say a $100 deposit should see you earn $24 per day until $120 has been returned.

I think that pretty much covers the budget of the overwhelming majority of those thinking about joining this particular program, but if you would like to take a bit more of a risk then StrongHoldings offer 27% per day for 5 calendar days on deposits ranging from $1,001 up to $5,000 which eventually comes to 135% in total, and 30% per day on amounts from $5,001 up to $25,000 which adds up to 150% by the end of the five day term.

For a slightly better return but be warned it comes at a significantly higher risk, StrongHoldings have an alternative plan that still runs for 5 calendar days, but pays you only once on expiry. The payment includes your principal and your profit together and should be 130% on deposits which start from a $15 minimum up to a top value of $1,000. Or else for a bigger spend the offer stretches to 135% on expiry for amounts between $1,001 and $5,000, and 144% on expiry for anything above that to a maximum value of $25,000.

I think you’ll all notice some glaring discrepancies in these plans then, because even though the admin explicitly states, and this is a direct quote now, “with the benefits of higher earnings after waiting 5 days, this plan is for those who want to earn more”. But it doesn’t. Not for bigger deposits anyway which was supposed to be the point of offering the plan in the first place, and in the case of really big deposits it actually pays you less. So honestly speaking, I can genuinely see nothing here to justify taking the bigger risk.

If any of those plans appeal to you then and you think you might like to join, then the next thing you might like to hear about is what your payment options are. StrongHoldings have a reasonably decent enough list of accepted payment partners, and allow money to be moved in and out of the program via Payeer, EgoPay, BitCoin, and PerfectMoney. You will need to log into your private StrongHoldings members account area to make a request for a payout. Generally speaking these do tend to be processed instantly so you can expect to see the money in your preferred payment processor account in under a minute. There are several perfectly valid reasons for these to be switched off from time to time and also keep in mind that StrongHoldings by no means guarantee that payments will ever be instant. You are therefore asked to allow anything up to 15 hours for transactions to be completed manually, so if they’re any faster than that just accept it as a bonus but don’t be surprised if there is eventually an occasional waiting period involved. Mostly though this should only really apply to BitCoin withdrawals.

Moving on then to the more technical, design, and security features of the program, StrongHoldings is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided courtesy of BlackLotus. The program is running off a script under license from GoldCoders so without even visiting the site at all most of the experienced industry players will find it instantly recognizable and easy to navigate. For an extra layer of security the StrongHoldings website has SSL encryption from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Naturally all of this is only to guard against outside, external attacks and hacking attempts, but does nothing for the security of your actual deposit as regards the normal risk you take by gambling (which is what the entire HYIP industry really is anyway) in the program. If you have any further questions for the admin on anything you feel wasn’t explained in this review or have any account related issues you need to have dealt with then the StrongHoldings support can be reached by filling in your details in the online e-mail support form and submitting it via the contacts page. Any fans of social media sites might notice buttons for Facebook and Twitter, however neither of them will actually lead you anywhere.

That’s pretty much about it really. Other than some strange claims made in the homepage about how StrongHoldings doesn’t have any business activities (ok, I never thought they did) but only that it “owns assets”. How simply owning something allows you to make money from it isn’t explained, but never mind. You should all know to treat StrongHoldings as you would any other high risk HYIP. That means staying well under a strictly followed spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining StrongHoldings at all then try to keep it as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The first investors of the above reviewed StrongHoldings are already in good profit on completion of the first five day investment cycle. This sees the admin optimistically looking forward to what the future holds for his program, issuing the first newsletter last night congratulating members. The admin also was also kind enough to mention the upcoming (at the time) review of StrongHoldings on MNO which was expected last night but postponed for reasons outlined earlier. Anyway, it’s really great to see that StrongHoldings getting off to a strong start, as the name should imply. The marketing campaign has rolled out gradually and I believe that the admins (there’ two of them – George and Sam) are true industry professionals. The newsletter in full from StrongHoldings is below:

StrongHoldings successful launch
Dear Investor, It was a successful launch! Around 446 investors are already registered in StrongHoldings after our launch.
Invest-Tracing was our first monitor added, and he started our forums thread where is important to post your payment proof because we want to have all the possible proofs in forums so any time a new investor desire to see if StrongHoldings is paying instantly he will just check forums and see all our payment proofs.
With over $ 20,746.27 total deposited in 6 days plus massive profits generated by our business model, we decided to allocate more “advertising funds” in our marketing campaign, you can see more monitors added and banners placed in premium websites.
One of the most important places where we advertised is Money-news-online with Standard Listing and Allmonitors with the 728×90 Static Banner.
A review from MNO should be announced soon in another newsletter so stay tuned for that.
Hope you are enjoying our instant payments combined with an amazing daily plan or with the more serious after expiry plan.
Please see the bottom of our homepage you will find useful links strictly related to StrongHoldings.
George & Sam

Following that newsletter there was earlier today a brief DDoS attack on the StrongHoldings servers. Brief as I said because it was successfully mitigated by their hosting provider BlackLotus, but it was still enough to knock StrongHoldings out for a couple of hours which seemed to panic some users. The website is back up and runing again now and payouts to members have resumed. The StrongHoldings admin has just a short time before I’m writing this sent another update to keep members informed of what’s going on, however due to the nature of the mitigation process it’s possible that the website might still be down for some of the members. Just in case you are affected by this I can confirm myself that StrongHoldings is definitely back online and paying, so just be patient and give them a few more hours. You should almost certainly be able to access them then. For your information I’m including the second update for you below:

Site is UP and downtime explanation
As many of our investors noticed our website was not accessible for few hours today, the reason of this downtime is we were target of a DDoS attack, we have a strong dedicated server with the DDoS protection of Black Lotus, but the nature of these attacks are always changing and even VISA, Paypal and those sites that spend millions of dollars in website security are target of DDoS attack.
The asked us a very small amount of 100$ to stop the attack and we decided to not pay and better wait for the mitigation of BlackLotus for 2 reasons:
1. We made a decision not to negotiate with blackmailers.
2. Payment could make us (and all companies like us) a target for further extortion higher demands as word spreads in the criminal world.
Please note that maybe for some members the website still not loading just please be patient.


Straight after joining the MNO Premium List a few days ago and especially after the review was published (click here to read it) VaBank got lots more supporters and became a very popular choice among readers. I imagine it has something to do with the wide range of investment plans to suit all tastes. The plans in VaBank are available for with a $10 minimum to spare in their PerfectMoney, BitCoin, or Payeer accounts. Plans include – 4.33%-6% for 30 days (principal included), 1.33%-3% for 30 days (principal back), 1%-2% daily forever (principal back after 7-day lock-in period), 15%-16.43% for 7 days (principal included). As you see, investors can really be spoilt for choice in VaBank and payouts are usually instant. An additional batch of promo materials was released by the program’s administration yesterday which will help you better promote it and get paid a little extra on the lucrative three level referral commissions system. A link to this was included in the latest newsletter from VaBank below:

Promotional materials.
Dear friends, investors and partners of our company!
First, we would like to thank all of you who are with us, who believe and trust us your funds. In turn, our company proves it is deeds, not only words and we and our partners confidently and steadily keep moving forward and fully control our company’s investment strategy. We unconditionally fulfill our liabilities and prove it with stable and regulated interest payments each day. Our team always make updates and improve the operations and that’s why we hasten to inform you about the small updates in the section “Promotional materials”. There was developed and published additional set of promotional materials which gives you and even greater opportunity to earn money with the partner program. Thank you for your attention! Wish you good luck and success in business!


A previously unheard of iPhone Application for a HYIP has been made by Eblone. Sounds fantastic and almost surreal, doesn’t it? But it’s now a reality for the members there, giving a clear advantage over other programs to those using mobile devices. The application is already available for free download in the Apple iTunes store and active investors of Eblone will be surely interested in doing so. That was already the second newsletter on the subject in the last couple of days, and it seems the team behind developing the app are really excited to finally release it. This is unique for the HYIP industry I must admit and Eblone have my congratulations. Eblone has been a very strong performer in the HYIP industry for quite some time, paying successfully for over four months now on the following investment plans that return your deposit on expiry – 1.3% for 60 business days, 1.5% for 90 business days, 1.7% for 120 business days. The recent addition of SolidTrustPay and Eblone‘s listing on MNO (click here for a detailed review) certainly increased public interest. Apart from STP, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, Payeer, BitCoin, Skrill, direct Bank Wires, and Western Union transfers are also fine. Investments in Eblone start from $50 and the withdrawals are usually instant. With the Apple iPhone app securing the program’s stand-alone position in the HYIP industry, the future looks especially bright:

Eblone iPhone App
The most beautiful Investment app on iOS is finally here.
Download Application Here https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/eblone-wealth-investments/id834977599?ls=1&mt=8
Add the free Eblone mobile app to your list of habits. You can manage all your investment just on your phone. Available now in the Apple App Store and currently in development for Android devices.
Thank you for choosing Eblone.
Eblone Team


Moving on to BTCArbs (reviewed here) now, as they are allegedly involved in BitCoin trading I can’t help but remind you of the currently running polls on the MNO TalkBack page about BitCoin and its future in the HYIP industry. At the moment though due to the price of BitCoin recently dropping below the $450 mark it doesn’t seem like a viable alternative to traditional HYIP related payment handlers. The recent news from the BitCoin markets and its price volatility was covered last night by the admin of BTCArbs who posted his usual daily trading report announcing a profit level at 0.63%. Despite the recent dip in profits BTCArbs still seems an attractive option among readers, many of whom already made great profits on the investment plan offering from 0.1% to 10% variable daily returns and allowing them to leave at any time and without any fees. BTCArbs takes a $50 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, or SolidTrustPay and allows members decide their own investment terms. Over the first six and a half weeks online BTCArbs certainly did well and hope that in the future it will set an example for how successful programs should be run:

Friday 4th April 2014 – 0.63%
After quite a bit of excitement on the global Bitcoin markets, things seem to have slowed down today, with a significant drop in global trade volume. We seem to have levelled out at approximately $450, and it doesn’t look like we’ll continue to see further drops due to China. However, many users have been saying that for months, as far back as the end of December when the initial news of Chinese regulation coming to light.
Other than the news out of China (or rather, lack of official news), there hasn’t been much happening in the Bitcoin industry over the past few days. A steady stream of new innovation dominates the news, further solidifying Bitcoin as a global currency of the future. Through a limited number of arbitrage opportunities that were available today, the result is 0.63%.


The admin of FinMutual claimed that adding Payeer to the already very extensive list of payment methods, including PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, OkPay, BitCoin, andLiteCoin, there was a huge influx of new members. He mentioned over 500 active members which I seriously doubt even such a big program like FinMutual can have in just a couple of days due simply to Payeer. Most likely he exaggerates to make the figures more impressive, but we can’t blame him for wishful thinking, can we? Anyway, due many new investors joining FinMutual‘s 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days plan the admin was flooded with emails asking why withdrawals were not processed fast enough. Well, if you read my original review of FinMutual (published here) you would know that withdrawals can take as long as 48 hours and was explicitly stated in their terms and conditions. Read more about this below:

FinMutual Withdrawal Periods
We have received an influx, more so than usual, of support tickets flooding our support ticket system asking questions along the lines of “When will my withdrawal be processed? It has been 8 hours”. We welcomed over 500 new active investors with the addition of our PAYEER system and we understand many may not be aware of our withdrawal periods. First, in our terms, we have always stated within 48 hours is our time frame for withdrawals, but on a usual day, we process withdrawals twice per 24 hour period. The time of day is subject to change each day. You may receive a processed withdrawal within minutes one day or you may receive one after 8 hours the next day. Please do not flood our support system with these type of withdrawal questions, as it slows down our response time to actual needs for support.


Despite being so new AdShareCycler is on fire. Well, at least the admin is pretty much convinced of it though to be honest it’s kind of disputable. The only thing obvious to me is that the admin can really create some hype and make his program sound bigger than it actually is. As AdShareCycler positions itself as an advertising platform rather than an investment program it managed to get approved by SolidTrustPay which is accepted along with Payeer, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. The minimum to invest in AdShareCycler starts from $5 which is the price of one adshare and you can earn up to 5% daily on weekdays and 2% on weekends until your share expires at the 150% target. To make the program more sustainable in the long run AdShareCycler has a 25% compulsory redeposit rule with only the remaining 75% of your earnings available for withdrawal. That’s not all though as you then need to pay a whopping 8% withdrawal fee which further eats into your profits. That might be loved by some investors/advertisers in AdShareCycler who were looking for a sustainable model. Just remember that with AdShareCycler you buy advertising credits and the possible return is only a bonus to what you can earn from that. Sounds complicated? Then read my detailed review posted here for an explanation. For the latest promotional efforts please refer to the most recent newsletter from AdShareCycler below:

Hurrrrrah!!! ADSHARECYCLER Is LIVE Online
AdShareCycler is now LIVE !!!!!! online
We expect every member to start promoting AdShareCycler because we are the big thing online now, go to money making forums where our program thread has been created to make the post active. Promote with your mailing list, traffic exchangers, HYIP programs that accept banner advert placements because we have advert banners in your member area, Safelist Advertising sites, use Promotional Tool in your member area to post to your friends
Go viral, use serveral means because you will be rewarded back in three levels which you can withdraw anytime you wish.
Remember if you don’t do it, others are already doing it which means they may get to your prospets before you do and start reaping a 3 tire referal bonus from us. The choice is yours
* Be rest assured that we really do care about our members.
* With the huge list we have due to our experince and with our partners effort we will be one of the big thing online very soon from launch date
* Withdraws will be paid every 8 hours as promised.
* We accept Egopay,Perfect, Solidtrustpay and Payeer as at now
* Emails and support ticket will be answered in minutes by staff members who can help and care about you.
For those of you who wants to earn more kindly add fund to your wallet and make purchase with it then sit back and see your money grow Daily by the minutes make sure you enter your correct detail as per your payment processor.
Things you will love…
* You get back your funds and you get paid as you go.
* You can remove up to $5000.00 a day 7 days a week.
* You can Compound your earnings for even more cash.
* You can run ads for any program you want with your ad credit, as AdShareCycler will
be having huge hits every single day.
* You get paid even if you do nothing, No surfing, No sponsoring to cash out.
* If you do sponsor we pay out 3 levels for over 10% and you can remove that daily.
AdShareCycler is runing right and run by a trusted admin that will be here with swift answers and payouts.
AdShareCycler spent thousands on this site and as we are starting we will be spending thousands more on ADS Grants and investment so there is no way we wont be here for a long time and that can only mean one thing for you… MORE MONEY!
Working of our collective progress
Thanks. Alan Kimpel
Admin AdShareCycler


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, RockwellPartners, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, GramStock, Eblone, ForexStructure, VaBank, AssuredAssets.
From MNO Standard list: XAxisInc, GrandForexLimited, StrongHoldings, AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, WisesTrade, OdgenOrganization (the first instant payments received).

That’s all for today, guys. As I’m going to be busy on the ship tomorrow I’ll probably only post on Monday. In any case there should still be internet access so I’ll try my best to answer your support queries within 24 hours and will still update my monitoring page, so do keep coming back. In order not to miss anything important from MNO please follow me on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to a daily newsletter delivered straight to your mailbox (you will find the form to fill on top of my blog page). I’m also looking forward to your votes on the MNO TalkBack poll and will draw the results over the next week. Stay tuned and always be on the money with Money-News-Online. See you soon and enjoy your weekend!

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