April 2014 Archives

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Hello everyone! For anyone who hasn’t been there before you can’t imagine what a wonderful country Spain is! I just started exploring the northern coast after docking in Santander two days ago and can’t express with words how beautiful the landscape is. I hope my upcoming journey’s to Bilbao and San Sebastian are as eventful. Outside of MNO my own favorite hobbies are hiking and climbing mountains (anything outdoors really) and with the breathtaking scenery in the mountains around this fairy-tale city and drinking Rioja wine in the local taverns every evening I almost keep forgetting about work. Well, don’t worry – I said almost and that’s all that matters, as despite my busy schedule I still have the latest on GramStock during their first weeks online, the daily results from BTCArbs, find out about the recent interest miscalculations for the members of FinMutual and social network activity from VaBank, and read the latest newsletter from AdShareCycler. So put your feet up and read all about the most important events from the HYIP industry over the last 48 hours!


I’m not sure what Alex, the admin of GramStock is trying to say in his latest newsletter about the first month online, but from my records his program went public only three weeks ago. That was enough though to see the first members in profits from GramStock‘s investment plans paying 8%-8.6% for 15 business on a $20 plus deposit via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and BitCoin. Although not announced in the first very long newsletter such payment processors as Payeer and OkPay were just recently implemented in the script and are available now too. One major development the admin Alex did mention in his newsletter is the introduction of multi-lingual support available in four languages other than English. This will surely be welcomed by international members of GramStock and will bring new clients just like the multi-lingual versions of the site itself. Also addressed were some frequently asked questions about his program, BitCoin withdrawals which unlike other payment systems are not processed instantly, and covers the five day per week interest accrual order. In addition to that, the mystery behind the Custom investment plan was unveiled where large investors who do not like the current plan may enquire about the special terms and conditions privately and discuss the investment terms and amounts that suit their own needs. The full newsletter from GramStock (reviewed here) is below:

Our company has been successfully developing in the world of online investments for 30 days and every day it’s attracting more and more investors from the worldwide web. More than 34 representatives have applied to place their contacts on the company website, but be patient, the best candidates will be awarded and placed on the official GramStock website. I want to say big thanks to users from India, Russia and England for the demonstrated activity. The most active members have been awarded and we are always looking forward to financial freedom of our clients and representatives. We are very pleased to see that “Custom deposit” system has become popular within big investors, and now assets can be managed directly, based on investors’ wishes about profit, investment amount, terms and an option of preterm withdrawal.
The following news is dedicated to the tasks that have been completed or will be realized in the nearest future, which would not happen without your feedback.
We are glad to inform you that our support has become available in 4 languages: English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and German. Now you may address your questions and resolve any problems concerning your participation with GramStock in any of the four languages that our consultants speak. This news is only regarding the system tickets of the contacts page.
If you want to receive a quick respond to your questions via tickets system, please don’t put mail.ru and yandex.ru mail clients in your dashboard. These services work bad with system of tickets and in most cases, all the claims get to spam box. Don’t forget to check your inbox after you have created a ticket, also check spambox, maybe the respond has been filtered by your email service.
Attention the users who request a callback from our company. After creating a callback request, try to be in the active zone of your mobile operator. Otherwise we won’t be able to get in touch with you. If you want to make a call to the head office of our company, just dial one of the stationary numbers placed on our website.
We also want to inform you that a new version of our company promo materials pack that allows everyone to develop the system quickly and effectively and get money bonuses has been uploaded. New promo materials and banners have been added. We have also realised a function of fast integration of banners with your affiliate link into any of the websites or other web resources that you use, it is available in”My team” section of your dashboard. Use this service for effective promotion and earnings. Note that a function “invite a friend by email” is now available and ready for use. An invitation to register in your team will be sent to the user which email was entered.
– How do I apply for a representative and why didn’t I become one after I applied?
An application for a representative can be created via “contacts” page of the GramStock website. What needs to be done is to describe the reasons why you would like to become a representative of the company in your city or country. At this stage, you should have a minimum of 5 users in your team. If you are applying for a representative partner program as well, you should have at least 15 active investors in your team. Once the application was submitted, you just need to wait: our specialists will review your application and you will be contacted, if necessary.
– Why are BITCOIN withdrawals not processed momentary?
This system works differently from the rest payment systems supported by us. It may take up to 15 hours for Bitcoin merchant systems to process your payment, and only after that your investment will be displayed in your dashboard. Take your patience and don’t worry, Bitcoin is not the fastest system when it comes to automatization of transfers.
-I didn’t receive my profit on Saturday and Sunday, why?
Our company works and pays profit only on business days, Monday to Friday.
Note that the body of your deposit is included in everyday payouts. After the deposit period ends, you can make another investment if you wish to continue getting stable profit.
-Can I change the sponsor who invited me?
Unfortunately we don’t do it on regular basis, but we still consider every individual case. Make sure you make a good decision when choosing your sponsor.
-Can I address my question personally to the director, Alex Gram? Is it possible to meet personally?
Yes, absolutely. All the company representatives can meet me personally. Every investor can address his question to me (without promo), and I will create a detailed video answer regarding any of the questions that you’re interested in.
– I’ve sent a request via support form, but still didn’t get any reply.
Always check spam box. Your post service filters may block the replies from our technical support, so that you can’t read it and resolution of your question may delay. Don’t duplicate your questions from the same name, it may get considered as spam by our internal mail service. Approximate respond time is 24 hours. All the questions regarding promo materials will be get a respond in case if getting in touch with the sender is necessary.
– How do I invest in “Custom deposit”?
One of the most frequently asked questions and many users just can’t find the answer on the website. To invest in this kind of deposit, you should be an active investor with the total invested at least 500USD. Then you need to contact our financial department consultant, who will give you information about your investment details basing on answers on the questions regarding investment period, amount and other parameters.
Our continuous and smooth growth and development gives us confidence about the future of our company. All the users understand the perspectives of our company and I’m glad that this many investors are taking an active part in our company’s life. In the nearest 3 months we will realize the following functions:
– Internal company forum. While the company and its audience is growing, the company website will turn into a big resource. We are working on reorganization of the news block and systems of company/investor cooperation.
– Internal team chat. Due to many activists’ requests, we are planning to add a function of messaging within investors.
– Additional profile security. Now we are actively working on profile security policy. We are reviewing users’ data and money security protocols.
– Custom deposits. A team of GramStock specialists for managing big investments is being created. Very soon special clients will have an opportunity to communicate with a personal investment consultant.
We are strictly confident about the future of our company. We are actively working on the development and expansion of our services and audience of investors. We wish to thank you for the demonstrated activity and interest in our services, and our intention to create even more convenient conditions for our clients is greater than ever.
We wish you wonderful weeks and productive decisions!
Alex Gram, GramStock CEO.


VaBank (reviewed here) is now a rapidly growing program, rising in popularity due to its instantly processed payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Deposits start from a $10 minimum and a wide variety of investment plans are available. These include 4.33%-6% for 30 days (principal included), 1.33%-3% for 30 days (principal back), 1%-2% daily forever (principal back after 7-day lock-in period), 15%-16.43% for 7 days (principal included). After the review of VaBank was published on MNO last week the admin also promised to answer questions for the interview I sent to him shortly afterwards so hopefully this week I’ll have it back. For now the admin is trying to concentrate with promotion of VaBank on various social networking sites popular among both the English speaking (Facebook and Twitter) and Russian speaking (Vkontakte) audiences of this bi-lingual program. The program’s support is also working around the clock and you can find the answers to your questions by contacting it via many different methods via the website. More on the latest developments from VaBank can be read below:

Social networks!
Welcome our dear friends, respected partners and also all those who are just watching the stable work and the rapid development of our company. We actively work to maximize the quality of our services and operations and so we always welcome any criticism and also any suggestions to improve our service. Today we have another great news for you. Due to numerous requests and offers now our company is in the best social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte). Just wanted to remind that there is special qualified day and night support on the website of our company with different ways to communicate and there is no question which is ignored or unanswered. Thank you for attention! Wish you good luck and success in the business.


As you know from my original review of FinMutual (click here to read) the program is paying only on business days which is Monday to Friday for an investment plan promising 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days. This costs a $25 minimum via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, OkPay, PexPay, BitCoin, LiteCoin, or Payeer. The addition of the last one forced the admin to revamp the whole website and some occasional bugs might occur including the one that affected about a third of FinMutual investors on Sunday when an extra interest payment was credited to their accounts. Yesterday in the short newsletter the admin said that the issue had been corrected and any accounts that received an extra payment on Sunday will not now be paid for Tuesday in lieu of this error. More from FinMutual is included below:

FinMutual Sunday Interest
About 30% of our investors received an interest payment on Sunday, April the 6th. As we do not pay interest on Sundays, it was corrected for today April the 8th. For those investors who received interest on the 6th, will not receive an interest payment for today, April the 8th.
This was a minor bug that has been fixed. We have expected to encounter some bugs since we revamped our entire system in adding PAYEER as a new processor for FinMutual.


The admin of AdShareCycler keeps sending promotional emails reminding everyone about the existence of his program and its advantages quite regularly. Yesterday was no exception and saw yet another mass email containing no updates or anything newsworthy, but rather creating the hype obviously urgently needed to keep the promotional efforts of the members at high levels. If you haven’t read my detailed review of AdShareCycler posted here I will remind you that the program positions itself as an advertising platform where everyone can purchase $5 adpacks via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or Payeer for a chance to get paid from 5% daily on weekdays and 2% daily on weekends until their adpack reaches 150% at which it expires. The longevity and sustainability of AdShareCycler are supposedly protected by including measures as a 25% compulsory re-purchase rule and an 8% fee slapped on every withdrawals. Read the latest promo email from the admin below to see what it’s all about:

Update from Admin { Working for our wealth and success, } pls read
Welcome to all our new members!
The most important thing for members to realize is that you can earn a great deal with AdShareCycler.
It’s very easy to make money with AdShareCycler:
The AdShareCycler System is working well. All members who create an account and fund their e wallet can immediately buy Ad share and start earning up to 2%-5% per day!
Please tell your prospects that if they create their new AdShareCycler accounts, they should add money to their e wallet to get started. (Note these is the only way they can benefit from the system)
We also continue to promote AdShareCycler on HYIP monitoring sites. By voting for AdShareCycler you can improve our degree of success. Please vote here:
Yes, AdShareCycler appears to have features of an HYIP — but it’s much different, as most of you know by now! Advertising on HYIP monitoring sites gives us easy access to the millions of HYIP participants, and provides them with something they really were not expecting — a sustainable system!
There are over 600 HYIP monitoring sites. This suggests that there could be tens of millions of HYIP participants. AdShareCycler may be the best opportunity they can find!
Working for our wealth and success, Alan Kimpel
AdShareCycler is likely to become “the program everyone in the know joins.”
If you join immediately, you can tell your friends and contacts about it… before they join under someone else.


BTCArbs (reviewed here) managed to deliver 2% overall profits to investors over the course of the last two days, made up of 1.49% for Monday and 0.51% for Tuesday. Both profit trading reports can be seen below:

Monday 7th April 2014 – 1.49%
After one of the slowest weekends that we’ve seen in a long time, things picked up on the Bitcoin markets today, with a bit more movement. Although there wasn’t quite as much movement as we’ve become accustomed to, movement within a 3% range over the opening price is welcome in the overly stable markets that we’ve been experiencing for the past couple weeks. At one point, the price between BTCe and Bitstamp was more than $10, leaving more than a 2% discrepancy for us to pick up. Unfortunately the number of coins involved was relatively low, however it still contributed to our overall profits. We also found some great deals on ItBit and Vault of Satoshi. Today’s total results is 1.49%.

Tuesday 8th April 2014 – 0.51%
Today’s result is being posted a little bit later than usual tonight, due to the fact that most of the major exchanges have been offline or inaccessible for a portion of the day due to the Heartbleed bug that is believed to be impacting approximately 50% of the entire internet. This limit access resulted in the markets remaining nearly stagnant for the entirety of the day. We did manage to achieve a 0.51% result in the time that trading was possible.

BTCArbs is still paying fine as always during their first 50 days online. During this time BTCArbs proved to all the sceptics that it’s possible to be a sustainable and stable program despite giving the option to leave the program at a moment’s notice and withdraw any part of your principal or profit at any time you like. Utilizing a unique script with daily variable returns that might be as low as 0.1% or as high as 10% BTCArbs accepts deposits starting from $50 through PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, BitCoin, and bank wires, while processing withdrawal requests in 36 hours or less. I hope the program runs for a lot longer and that even more investors can profit. Anyway, it’s mostly up to you what cap you place on your potential profits with BTCArbs.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, RockwellPartners, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, GramStock, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, VaBank, Eblone, ForexStructure, AssuredAssets.
From MNO Standard listGrandForexLimited, AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ThaiMonetaryFund, WisesTrade, ZeusInvest, OdgenOrganization.

That’s all for today, guys. I just need to mention briefly I can’t access the XAxisInc website at the moment due to which I had to move it to Waiting status on MNO. Hopefully this will only be a temporary measure but I’ll update you on their status in the next post anyway. I’ll also be drawing the results of the latest opinion poll on the MNO TalkBack page, so anyone still interested in voting has one final opportunity to do so. It only takes a second by the way and is totally anonymous. See you all tomorrow and good luck with all your investment activities in the HYIP world!

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