April 2014 Archives

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Hi guys. After a few days in Bilbao I’ll be leaving for La Rioja tomorrow where hopefully I’ll be tasting even more of their famously excellent wines and enjoying the beauty of some of the more rural areas of Spanish countryside. As for MNO, I’m still managing to comfortably stay on top of my monitor and there are still new programs to tell you about along with news from the more established names. So tonight I want to introduce TradersPoll plus give you the latest from RockwellPartners, AssuredAssets, VaBank, ApexBinary, AdShareCycler, and XAxisInc. So, keep reading and stay informed!


A very original new program called TradersPoll was added to the Premium List on the MNO monitor last night. From the name one can guess that it has something to do with opinion polls and trading. How can that happen in one program you might ask? Well, in TradersPoll it’s all via a unique and fascinating combination of trading in the growing BitCoin market and participating in online surveys conducted daily by the admin on the subject of crypto-currencies. By taking part in TradersPoll you will have complete the surveys each calendar day in order to get paid. But don’t worry, it won’t take much of your time because it’s something similar to surfing websites. In other words just a simple task with no real effort. In this case you simply click “yes”, “no”, or “I don’t know” in answer to five questions per day. And it’s not a quiz, so there are no “wrong answers”. TradersPoll can pay as much as 400% within a 60-calendar day period. Sounds tempting, isn’t it? So, what’s the catch? Well, you start with creating an account in TradersPoll by signing-up and then funding your wallet in the program with either Payeer or PerfectMoney. Sadly these are the only two payment processors accepted for now. Every survey you buy will cost you $60 (think of it as similar to purchasing ad packs in surfing programs) so you can only spend in multiples of $60 (remember then to add the right amount). After that just click on “Buy Questionnaires” tab in your account and then enter the quantity of “profiles” (surveys) you choose to buy using your balance. After that is done click on “Take The Survey” and answer the five questions as I just described. Each survey costs $60 and will take you a couple of minutes every day to answer. After that you will see an amount of $4 credited for each completed survey which you can immediately request for withdrawal. Please note that although you can make a withdrawal request at any time you like, withdrawals will only be verified by the admin manually and processed at specific times every three days. So while you “earn” $4 per day, in practical terms you are “paid” $12 (20%) every three days. This can potentially bring you 400% by the term’s completion. You can see the payments calendar on the TradersPoll website on which the active payment days are marked, so you won’t miss one. Of course the concept of paid surveys and the need to answer them might put some investors off as will the high $60 minimum to invest and the limited payment options, but overall I believe TradersPoll is quite an original program certainly deserving a closer look which Ill have in the upcoming review tomorrow. For now I’ll just say that the program runs off a very original script, obviously has a Russian speaking admin (as the English version of the website is simply auto-translated from Russian), the site is also SSL secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoS-Guard. The first impression of TradersPoll I got was quite good, however an overly complicated concept could be seen as both an advantage or a drawback depending on which angle we look at it. Anyway, I’ll try to make a more detailed analysis of TradersPoll in tomorrow’s review, so stay tuned for that.


RockwellPartners (reviewed here) has become so popular among my readers with 188 referrals now that after only five weeks online it looks like taking over the second position on the MNO Premium List from FinMutual soon. It’s no wonder why the program has caught everyone’s attention. First, it’s all about the anytime principal withdrawal rule. Anyone who deposits at least a $20 minimum may withdraw their money at any time they like and be paid within a 24-hour period to their payment processor account. Everyone seems to love the flexibility while the US investors might be tempted to join via SolidTrustPay though RockwellPartners also welcome PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin. Finally, the investment plans offer a sustainable fixed 1% daily return on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) when traditionally activity in the HYIP industry is at its lowest compared to the rest of the week. Following the admin’s smart approach in constructing investment plans RockwellPartners offer from 1% to 3.5% variable daily returns from Monday to Friday. Such a combination of fixed and variable returns also contributed to the indisputable success of RockwellPartners which even the original critics no longer deny. According to the latest second newsletter from the admin issued yesterday RockwellPartners has already reached 6,000 members while the admin also reported acquiring DDoS protection from BlockDos (I can see that the site is still hosted on CloudFlare dedicated servers, so thin is purely about the protection upgrade now that wouldn’t require the site to go offline):

RockwellPartners 2nd Newsletter
Dear clients, friends and fans,
We are proud to inform you that we are celebrating today the successful completion of our 5th week online and currently we have 6000 members which entrust their funds to be managed by RockwellPartners S.A. During this period, we have proved our efficiency, and our members can witness that RWP is just doing great with very fast payments and proper members support. This is just the beginning, and RWP still have a very long way to travel along with the members who trust us.
Also, we would like to let you know that our servers are now protected by BlockDos – the Global Leader in DDoS Protection and Mitigation. Distributed Denial of Service attack is a silent destructive force that can destroy our presence and our image – that’s why we are now equipped with the best solution around – BlockDos.
Have a nice weekend and enjoy intelligent investing with RockwellPartners!
RockwellPartners Team,
RockwellPartners S.A.


Another relatively new program rapidly growing in popularity on the MNO Premium List is VaBank. Although the admin hasn’t answered his interview yet, it looks like he’s still working hard on creating more promotional resources for investors to use in advertising VaBank while also ensuring the program maintains steady growth. The video presentation is about two minutes long and is available on the main page of VaBank. It’s made like an introduction to the new world of start-ups where VaBank is allegedly investing your money while also describing its other main features. Unfortunately the mention of STP, OkPay and EgoPay in the list of the accepted payment processors is far from accurate as at the moment VaBank still only works with PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. But you can at least choose from a huge variety of investment plans which in most cases pay instantly. These are better described in my detailed review which can be found here, though I can just briefly mention 4.33%-6% for 30 days (principal included), 1.33%-3% for 30 days (principal back), 1%-2% daily forever (principal back after 7-day lock-in period), 15%-16.43% for 7 days (principal included). So, please tune in for the new video presentation on the main page of VaBank site to find out more on the company and its investment products:

Video presentation
Dear friends, respected clients and partners of our company we welcome you again. For a long time and since the founding of our company our motto is: “to take care of our customers and of their stable and highest possible income!”. Thats why we take extreme care to ensure that all our clients and partners were pleasantly surprised with our care and stable work and also constant and rapid development of our company. Today we have another great news for a small contribution to the development of our company. There was developed an advertising promo video which has been already published on our website on the main page. Thank you for attention! Wish all of you good luck and success in business.


Some of my readers might not have even noticed that AssuredAssets website (reviewed here) was offline for a few hours last night. On contacting the admin I received the following reply from him after the site’s return and the instant payouts resumed as usual:

The unscheduled maintenance is caused by mail server outage/instability issue.
Additionally, we applied the current security updates to improve stability and security of our server software.
During the maintenance period, there was a possibility that our users has experienced problems accessing AssuredAssets website.
We sincerely apologise for this interruption in service.
AssuredAssets IT Department.

It’s great to see AssuredAssets still paying promptly and, just as importantly, the admin responds to all issues in a timely manner which shows his experience and professionalism. As reported on my blog yesterday, recently AssuredAssets added Payeer and BitCoin to the list of the payment processors, joining PerfectMoney and EgoPay. The investment plan you can join for a $50 minimum gives you a chance to earn from 0.8%-1.4% for 190 business days with the original principal back on expiry. Payouts are mostly processed instantly. AssuredAssets runs off an original script and with less than three weeks online it can still be safely considered a very new long-term program and one to watch in the coming months.


Without any official announcement posted on its website I noticed recently that ApexBinary (reviewed here) silently added BitCoin to their list accepted payment processors, joining SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and PexPay. ApexBinary has been running for an impressive period of 130 days now while processing instant payouts to satisfied investors on the 1.2%-2.4% for 180 business days plan with the principal back on expiry. While the first investment cycle is yet to be completed the first investors in ApexBinary are already in profit and keep receiving payouts instantly. Of course with BitCoin deposits and withdrawals the situation will be different as ApexBinary had to use the services of CoinBase – a US based BitCoin exchanger service so you first need an account there in order to move money in and out of ApexBinary via BitCoin. Anyway, I expect to hear more details on that process from the admin of ApexBinary Mark (interviewed here) himself when the time comes and will of course let you know right here on MNO as soon as that happens.


Apart from the usual promotional newsletter containing just a reminder of the program’s features re-posted below, I discovered two important things about AdShareCycler not covered in the original review of the program (click here to read it). First of all you cannot request a withdrawal on Sundays as the feature is for some reason disabled by the script. That is NOT specified anywhere on the site and I find it a huge drawback as members will still earn their reduced level of interest of 2% on Saturdays and Sundays (while 5% is credited on business days until your adshare expires at 150%) but they can’t withdraw it on that day. That sounds really weird and the admin neither explained why this is the case nor is he willing to disable it in the near future, which is I believe very dishonest of him. In today’s email sent to members while describing how wonderful AdShareCycler is he conveniently (for himself!) forgot to mention the whopping 8% fee automatically slapped on every withdrawal request and 75%/25% re-purchase rule which only allows 75% payment of your interest while further eating in to your profits. Of course, all these measures can be actually in place to maintain the longevity of AdShareCycler and discourage hit-n-runners while I see withdrawals to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and Payeer are still processed quickly within an eight hour timeframe. A recent change to AdShareCycler which used to allow you to withdraw twice every 24 hours now allows just one withdrawal, regardless of how many payment processors you may be using. I honestly can’t believe the admin is inundated with cashout requests, as AdShareCycler still has very few members. Instead of imposing such restrictions on the few members he has, in my honest opinion the admin should instead encourage people to join instead of saddling them with restrictions if they have adshares bought via different methods. In light of these new features and withdrawal restrictionsI would advise everyone thinking of joining AdShareCycler to make deposits (buy adshares) using only one payment processor and no more, otherwise you will not be able to withdraw your interest daily and will face a greater risk of losing your money. The recent newsletter from AdShareCycler, emphasizing the good features of course, can be found below:

Update from Admin AdShareCycler
Hello Paul Just a quick Stats update for you so you can Trust this program. * In the past ten days we are growing as plan (And we have not even hit admins huge list) * 100% of withdraws have been paid every 8 hours like promised. * Emails answered in minutes by a staff members who can help and care about you. You can see recent pays right on home page and we pay those daily! * Remember we are brand new those stats will sky rocket and grow huge fast. Things you will love… * You get back your funds and you get paid as you go. * You can remove up to $5000.00 a day 7 days a week. * You can Compound your earnings for even more cash. * You can run ads for any program you want . * You get paid even if you do nothing, No surfing, No sponsoring to cash out. * If you do sponsor we pay out 3 levels for over 12% and you can remove that daily. AdShareCycler is run right and run by a trusted admin that will be here with swift answers and payouts. AdShareCycler spent thousands on this site and next week is spending thousands more on ADS so there is no way we wont be here for a long time and that can only mean one thing for you… MONEY! To become active just login and ADD FUNDS TO YOUR E WALLET and you will be making cash right away starting in the next minute. Admin hopes you have a great day and a wonderful weekend. Jump on board now because here come the Big Players.
Thank you Alan Kimpel Admin : AdShareCycler


I’m afraid the hopes of the admin of XAxisInc Elizabeth that everyone will be flocking into her program now that the 50% deposit bonus is offered for a very limited time should be very slim. In reality I am of course pleased that none of my readers invested in the program after a suspicious bonus was introduced a couple of days ago and only proves that MNO is read mostly by savvy and experienced investors who are not easily fooled. Meanwhile, the admin didn’t completely abandon attempts to get more of your money before a possible disappearance (as usually happens with such programs) and issued yet another newsletter reminding you of next Monday’s deadline for a 50% deposit bonus which now applies to both new deposits and the re-investments into the following plans offered by XAxisInc (all with the original principal back on expiry) – 1% for 15 business days, 2% for 30 business days, 3% for 45 business days, 4% for 60 business days. Payment processors accepted by XAxisInc are SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney and I must admit that for now the withdrawals are still processed quickly, however that’s not an indication of good financial health. More likely it’s an attempt to keep your confidence and get more new deposits over the next few days. Anyway, everything will be clear regarding the status of XAxisInc on my monitor by the next business week when the bonus offer expires (I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s going to be extended by the way), but for now I would strictly advise staying away from XAxisInc and not to encourage the admin’s attempt to save an obviously sinking ship. Elizabeth is also allegedly going to improve the site soon, but as actions speak louder than words we’ll soon see if such a bold claim is genuinely possible. I’m re-posting the latest from XAxisInv purely for your informational purposes below:

Hi everyone, Just a short email to all our members,
The 50% deposit bonus ends MONDAY NIGHT.
That is on reinvested and new deposits.
IE: $100 would get you an extra $50.
IE: A $500 deposit would get you $250 extra.
MIN IS $50 to qualify for this bonus.
Withdrawals have been done for those waiting.
Have a good weekend. Remember Monday is the last day for the 50% deposit bonus,
As it stand, a 300% return is going to be made on these trade and you have my guarantee any profit i make from your money will be used for the better of the site that is a promise. IE: New design, live chat, More Monitors and so on…
Admin Lizzy. XAXISINC


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, RockwellPartners, InvGlobal, GramStock, ApexBinary, RemiTradeVaBank, Eblone, ForexStructure, AssuredAssets, TradersPoll (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: XAxisInc, AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ForexShare, ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, OdgenOrganization.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Thanks as always for reading. I’d like to thank everyone who voted in the currently running poll on the MNO TalkBack page about programs monitored exclusively on MNO and nowhere else. Already 43.5% of readers share the opinion that too many monitors for a single program is not absolutely necessary to succeed, perhaps remembering the golden age of GNI and NewGNI on MNO which were both huge hits without ever using any other monitor other than this one. I hope those days will return (as I’m sure everyone does) and will certainly welcome your own opinion on the subject. I’ll see you again tomorrow with a full review of TradersPoll plus all the major events in the HYIP industry over the next 24 hours. Bye for now and see you all then!

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