May 2014 Archives

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Beware! OilRigContractors has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! It’s a day late but I couldn’t post last night due to some other issues, but there isn’t much news to talk about anyway. The main feature I wanted to discuss for today was the addition of OilRigContractors to the MNO monitors Premium List. It’s not a new program by any means, and I know that from the feedback I’ve been getting that many of you are either familiar with the program or are already actual members of it. It’s a short term program that’s three weeks online today, and seemingly quite popular. It’s at least encouraging to see a program like this one going against the recent trend in short term HYIPs and delivering some really good results for a change. I hope the admin can keep it up for a lot longer. He’s getting a lot of support from the members and I think he did well to add MNO to his list of monitors. So let’s see what OilRigContractors are all about and whether you think they might still be worth taking a chance on.

We’ll get started then as always with the investment plans. OilRigContractors have six of them in total. I know it’s typical to describe programs like this as short term, which is unusual because many of their plans would lean a lot closer to medium or even longer term in some cases, but experienced players are well aware that the genuine money making opportunities with programs such as OilRigContractors are in the shorter term options.

The first of these plans, called The Regular Oil Plan, will then run for a term of just 1 single calendar day. Investors are then paid once on expiry, with their interest and principal combined in one transaction. So in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. You can join for a minimum deposit of just $5 (the same minimum requirement for all the program’s investment plans) and for anything up to $250 sees members get a payout of 105% on expiry. That’s your own money back plus 5% net profit. Larger investors are offered the following rates:
107% for $251 to $500, 112% for $501 to $1,000, and 117% on deposits from $1,001 to $5,000. See your OilRigContractors members area for any info on amounts beyond that.

The program changes direction somewhat for the second plan in comparison to the others. It’s called The Premium Fuel Plan, runs for 2 calendar days, and makes daily payments to members. These will also factor your own principal into the return. OilRigContractors minimum deposit is $5, and for anything up to $250 will pay you 56% interest per day. That’s 112% in total, which was your initial deposit plus an extra 12% for yourself for joining. Higher rates are available as follows:
58% per day on amounts from $251 to $500 (116% total), 61% per day on anything between $501 and $1,000 (122% total), and 65% per day on amounts from $1,001 to $5,000 (130% total). Check the members area for info on anything bigger than that if interested.

All remaining plans offer just one single payment on expiry, continuing with The Extra Premium Fuel Plan which runs for 5 calendar days. Anything from a $5 minimum deposit here up to a top level of $250 sees OilRigContractors pay their members back 130% on expiry, or 30% net profit. If you’d care to risk something a bit bigger, then the following rates are listed:
150% on amounts between $251 and $500, 180% on amounts from $501 to $1,000, and 220% on larger deposits up to $5,000. OilRigContractors do take bigger investments than that, so see your members area if you want the numbers.

Next up is The Racing Fuel Plan which pays members once on expiry of a term running for 10 calendar days. $5 is the minimum spend, and all deposits up to $250 are offered a return of 180% on expiry. With your principal included that’s your own money back plus 80% net profit for yourself. You can avail of higher rates by taking a much higher risk, and rates available are as follows:
230% on amounts from $251 to $500, 300% on $501 to $1,000, and 380% on amounts from $1,001 to $10,000. See your OilRigContractors members account area to see what might be offered to figures bigger than that.

As you can see the plans and the returns get progressively riskier and unlikely respectively, though with three weeks online maybe some of the smaller investors may yet see a return from the longer term OilRigContractors plans. The Extra Racing Fuel Plan comes next then, running for a term of 20 calendar days. $5 is still the minimum spend, and members can potentially get a 300% return on expiry, principal included on deposits up to $250, though obviously the smaller the deposit the more likely the success. Larger figures include:
400% on amounts from $251 to $500, 500% on $501 to $1,000, and 600% on $1,001 to $10,000. See the OilRigContractors members area for figures bigger than that.

The plans are then completed by The High Octane Plan, which has a term of 30 calendar days. I’ll include it as much for information purposes as anything else, with OilRigContractors offering 500% interest on expiry, principal included, on deposits from $5 to $250. Other offers include:
650% on deposits from $251 to $500, and 800% for amounts between $501 to $1,000. See your OilRigContractors account area if you want to see what they offer on larger sums.

If any of those plans grabs your attention enough to join it then the next thing we need to be looking at is what are your payment options. The list is probably as good as it’s likely to get for a program like OilRigContractors in the sense that any of the popular payment processors (the big ones I mean) that deal with HYIPs without too many questions are already there. You can join using PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin. In the case of BitCoin it’s worth noting that as we approach the 12 month anniversary of the US authorities seizure of LibertyReserve that their acceptance in the HYIP industry is quite a common occurrence now. In line with this trend the OilRigContractors admin has included a handy step-by-step guide to using BitCoin to invest, and contains a lot of graphics. I only point this out because longer term it might also prove useful for HYIP players in general, regardless of whether you join OilRigContractors or not, if using BitCoin is something you’d like to get more involved in but still aren’t really familiar with. Anyway, payouts to members are processed manually by the admin and need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once this is done you’ll be asked to allow anything up to 48 hours for transactions to be completed. That of course is according to the OilRigContractors FAQ page. In reality it should be emphasized that their payouts have actually been handled very very fast up to now, and is kinda something the program has become noted for. Smaller investors please note that there’s a minimum withdrawal request of $0.50 regardless of what payment gateway you are using.

Moving on to the more technical side of OilRigContractors and their design and security features now, we can see the program is running off a script that’s under license from GoldCoders so most of the regular industry players will find it instantly recognizable and easy to navigate. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks by BlackLotus, themselves a leading service provider for HYIPs. For an extra layer of security the OilRigContractors website has a green bar SSL encryption certificate from Comodo which is a big step up from the regular version most HYIPs would use and provide even safer browsing and more secure transactions. There’s some introductory videos uploaded to youtube if you’d like to check them out by the way. These are available in a number of languages with, according to the OilRigContractors admin, more to follow. You’ll find the links in the website’s news section.

If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online contacts form and submitting it through the support page. There’s also a couple of telephone numbers you can try, however no working hours listed for the operators assuming the numbers even work at all. The admin has also been quite active on Facebook where OilRigContractors have a profile. He also takes a dim view of referral cheaters by the way (creating multiple accounts to make smaller deposits under your own ref link), and has no hesitation in naming them on public forums and banning them from his program. And rightly so in my opinion as it’s important an admin do what’s right for the greatest possible number of his members looking for a fair and equal game.

The thing that most of the experienced HYIP players would rarely comment on is the program’s alleged business interests. Not specifically OilRigContractors now, just any online HYI program in general. I don’t think the claims made in the texts on the OilRigContractors website will exactly be the topic for much debate, which for the record is the construction of oil rigs and related business. No point in wasting any time in researching this, you won’t find much, so if you do think it’s a good idea to join then I only remind you all to do so with your eyes open. OilRigContractors is no less of a risk than you’ll find anywhere else in the industry, so remember to set yourself a sensible spending limit that it won’t bother you to lose, and try and keep the program as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



GramStock (reviewed here) definitely remains one of MNO readers’ favorites when it comes to stability, as most of the time the payouts on the 8%-8.6% for 15 business days plan are processed instantly. Plus the program has recently successfully finished the second investment cycle. Before upgrading to Sticky listing on MNO yesterday GramStock had occupied the #6 position on the MNO Premium List, just short of my Top Five programs (read the article on them here) which was a really good result for such a program with conservative returns like that. I guess the main reason for popularity was not only the perfect website running off a unique script and many useful features but also instantly processed payouts. In the last newsletter the admin mentioned that due to some exchange issues his PerfectMoney account is not fully replenished now, so those who withdraw to PerfectMoney might expect delays which nevertheless should not exceed the promised 48 hour maximum timeframe. All my withdrawal requests from GramStock are still processed instantly, but just keep this new information in mind, and remember that delays should not occur if you invested via other payment methods accepted by GramStock – EgoPay, BitCoin, OkPay, or Payeer. The admin told that he was also considering accepting Western Union transfers in the near future, as his STP account is unlikely to get fully verified due to STP’s strict policies, but we’ll see what happens there soon enough.

From other news from GramStock. The admin is working on filling the website with more useful content and features adding more pages to browse and even a demo account for potential investors to see how the member’s area works. From the exciting plans for the future the admin also mentioned developing the program’s own iOS application that would hopefully be ready in a few weeks. MNO will keep you updates on all the latest developments from GramStock and for the full version of the newsletter please see below:

GramStock good monthly news and updates
First of all, as you might saw, we’ve updated our website navigation panel on our home page, it will certainly attracts more investors in our company, also we rebuild the GramStock Investment page, instantly you can navigate using 3 forms in it, our designer Alexandra spent some work hours with affiliate page as well. So we hope that new pages are handy and nice for your eyes. You also can find a DEMO PROFILE area now. Using this feature you can try our GramStock personal account, see how it works and understand the benefits of our services.
We’ve got nice plans for the near future, and we are working on team chat feature now as well as an IOS app for you to use. After 1 month or so, we hope our application will be at the app store and this feature will allow you to earn fast, earn anywhere, and make the whole process, from making a deposit up to receiving your profit and sharing, much faster.
Speaking of financial side. As you might see now Perfect Money site is down from time to time. Currently we have to make some updates and security features, also we have to make new exchanges to our PM wallets (Russians are celebrating we guess), so your transaction will be proceeded not like for 2 milliseconds like it was during 2 months straight. This process will take some time, please read information on our site that all of the requests can be proceed within 48 hours. It doesn’t matter if request small or a big one. Just wait and enjoy your time with us. Speaking of all of the rest payment systems everything is still nice, fast and clean. Use them, don’t hesitate. And sure you can see that now we have no more issues with Bitcoin. Many people ask about Solid Trust Pay, but the best option will be Western Union, what do you think?
Have a nice weekends and stay in tune
GramStock Trading company
Investing is a fun thing to do
We are making our world easier, or at least more profitable.


The admin of VaBank issued an update yesterday where he invited everyone to have a closer look at the “About Our Company” page with the Certificate of Incorporation and the Certificate of Collation regarding VaBank Ltd. Company is available for public viewing. Now, I don’t really know how easy it is to obtain such documents or whether they have anything to do with the real VaBank website (nor that they prove anything), but apparently it was made to impress the newbie investors who still believe that they could find genuinely legal programs in the HYIP industry. Sorry to disappoint you but I have to repeat that all online investment programs accepting e-currencies are ponzi-games which nevertheless can be extremely profitable if you follow the rules. The most important of which are diversification of your investment portfolio and reasonable and sensible investment amount which you’re not afraid to lose. Of course, VaBank is no exception from that rule and it will end sooner or later, but for now it’s still paying fine on the two remaining investment plans – 7.8% for 15 days (principal included), and 1.67% for 15 days (principal back). Please note that the deposits in both are accepted from a $10 minimum and the withdrawals are usually instant to PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and Payeer accounts. Although the old investment plans VaBank started with are now obsolete you’re still welcome to read more on the program in my detailed review posted here. And below you will find the short newsletter containing the link to see the above-mentioned documents on VaBank‘s incorporation:

About our company
Hello our dear clients, partners and guests of our website. Great news! To see the certificates of our company now you dont need to add our Skype, you just need to visit the section of the website ABOUT COMPANY ( Wish all of you success and prosperity with the company VaBank.


Unfortunately AdShareCycler was more hype than a decent HYIP as the admin promoted it quite heavily at the launch but has all but forgotten to update members completely over the last couple of weeks. It looks both admin and investors have lost interest to that so-called “big thing everyone in the know was talking about” and moved elsewhere. It’s a shame really because AdShareCycler only lived for five weeks and that alone with the complicated repurchase investment process and whopping withdrawal fees buried any chance of success. I must say I was quite skeptical regarding their chances anyway, and said as much from the beginning. Sadly this was just another rubbish program not worth the attention of serious investors. Please do not invest in AdShareCycler any longer as all payouts have stopped and the admin stopped replying to emails too. As of today AdShareCycler has been moved to Scam status on the MNO monitor.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: GramStock.
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, BitcoFinancial, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, VaBank, 5DailyPro, StrongholdFinance, AssuredAssets, OneAdClick, Eazzy, OilRigContractors (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare, ThaiMonetaryFund, OgdenOrganization, VictorCoins.

That’s all for today, guys. Please support MNO by voting for your favorites on my monitor and subscribing to the daily news using the easy form on top of the blog page. MNO is also maintaining Facebook and Twitter accounts, so you can check them out from time to time and get the links to the most popular articles. And don’t forget to vote for your favorite program on the polls available on the MNO TalkBack page. See you all tomorrow with the latest news from the biggest programs online!

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