Jun 28th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! ResortFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all having a good weekend so far, wherever you are and whatever you’re getting up to. I’ll probably take a day off from publishing tomorrow. The world cup is hotting up (thank you Brazil and Chile for one of the best games of a great tournament so far!) and I have some plans of my own. But it’s just as well because the program I’m looking at today is probably worth leaving up a little bit longer. It’s a longer term HYIP called ResortFinance which has been online for around six weeks now. I guess a lot of you may well have heard of it by now if not actually joined it, but the admin has been rolling out the promotion of the site a bit more slowly. But it’s a very unusual and uniquely organized program so it does take some explanation.

In a time when the industry tends to slow down when there are less really serious programs starting up I’m kinda pleased to see the good ones that do open will still come to MNO. There are probably no fewer cheap scams out there than any other time of the year, they just stand out a bit more around now, but for the most part they stay away from MNO and go for cheaper monitors. Some will always slip the net, that’s inevitable I’m afraid, but at least the large majority of new programs getting listed on MNO more often than not offer a fair and equal opportunity for investors to profit. I sincerely hope ResortFinance won’t let me down and become yet another good performer on my monitor. I’ll have all the day’s news stories for you as usual in the second half so keep reading for that, but first let’s see what ResortFinance have to offer and whether you think they’re still worth joining.

The first thing I want to explain about ResortFinance and the actual mechanics of how their investment plans work is that if you decide to join, your deposit will not become active immediately. It will sit there until midnight GMT on the day you join. ResortFinance makes daily interest payments to its members, however the rate will vary from day to day. Once the rate of the day has been determined, which is at midnight GMT, you can then see your account growing in real time in tiny increments by the second (depending on whatever the rate of the day was). Then, at midnight, 24 hours after the process started, you can withdraw your interest and the new rate of the day starts clocking up. But it’s just on that first day that nothing happens between the time you join and the time the rate of your first payment is determined.

So if that’s clear, then we’ll continue with the numbers. ResortFinance only have the one investment plan. It works along the premise of buying shares, each of which cost $20. So in other words it will cost you a $20 minimum to join, and you can only invest in multiples of $20. So you can spend $20, $40, $60, $80, and so on like that. There’s no upper limit to how many shares you can buy.

The term runs for 60 calendar days, during which like I said ResortFinance will make daily interest payments of varying rates. It’s pretty much impossible to determine in advance what you might earn from your time with the program, that largely depends on the luck of the day you join. But you are assured the rate shouldn’t fall below 0.7% on any given day, or any higher higher than 3.5%. I can’t really give an example of how this works, but we’ll say if you buy five shares (invest $100) ResortFinance could return anything from $0.70 to $3.50 per calendar day. It would probably be rare enough to receive a payment at either extreme, and the average will likely fall somewhere in the middle. Looking back at the past performance of ResortFinance returns over the last month or so have brought a 46% return, and that’s not bad at all for a long term HYIP like this one. I mean sure, the next month could be just as good, a lot better, or possibly, a lot worse. That’s all part of the gamble you have to take if you want to play with HYIPs, so just go into this with your eyes open and expect the unexpected.

A really interesting feature though it the return of your principal. The 60 day term is divided into four 15 day sections. Sort of like a “financial quarter” if you prefer to think of it like that. At the end of each quarter investors have the option to sell 25% of their shares, or to put it another way you can withdraw 25% of your principal. This is just an option by the way, you don’t have to take the offer if you don’t want. Obviously there’s the security of getting part of your own money back that little bit faster, but it comes with a price of reduced earnings for the remaining quarters. So you really need to decide what your strategy is before joining. If you do decide that you’d like ResortFinance to return part of your principal early then smaller investors please take note that you can’t have less that $20 in the program at any one time, so this option will not apply to anyone who doesn’t have enough to request. But one way or another ResortFinance will at least return your principal in full at the end of the completed term of 60 calendar days.

That’s quite a unique way of organizing the investment plans I must say, and certainly makes ResortFinance a lot more memorable for investors coming across them for the first time. Competition for investors attention (not to mention their money!) is fierce in the industry now, so I hope this helps the program expand on their already established name. But if you like the plans enough to join, then the next thing to talk about is what the payment options are. ResortFinance are using PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, and are the latest program to start using BitCoin and Payeer as well. Though this last point is barely newsworthy at all anymore, given how widespread BitCoin and Payeer have become in the HYIP industry this last year. Payouts to members are usually instant but still need to be requested from inside your ResortFinance private account area. Just log in and wake the withdrawal request and you should have the money in under a minute. This is by no means explicitly guaranteed by the way, as there are numerous reasons why they might need to be switched off from time to time, such as account replenishment, API issues, etc. Keeping in mind that $20 (one share) must remain your minimum balance at all times, the admin requires a maximum waiting time of 48 hours in the event of instant payouts not being possible at the time of request.

If you’re interested (and you should be) in the more technical side of the program, the most intriguing thing about the design if ResortFinance is of course the script. It’s under license from H-Script, which although I know is becoming increasingly popular in the industry and I know a lot of readers will be getting more familiar with, I still think it’s worth a few words just to clarify how you go about participating in the program. The script has a few peculiarities shall we say, and not everyone will figure it out as easily as others. If it helps by the way ResortFinance has also been translated into Russian. Oddly enough it’s the Russian version that’s the stronger of the two, clearly indicating the origins of the program (which is not the serviced office listed in the USA). But anyway, upon joining ResortFinance you will be assigned a four digit PIN code. This is to be used as a secondary password, so I cannot overstate the importance of keeping this safe. Don’t just store it on your computer, keep a hand written copy of it in a safe place as well.

Once you have joined then making a deposit is a very simple matter of just clicking the “buy shares” button inside your ResortFinance account area. Enter the number of shares you wish to buy, select your preferred payment processor, and from there you are redirected to the API to complete your purchase. Likewise with taking your earnings back out of the program, you just click the “withdraw funds” button to be shown how much you can withdraw, to what payment processor, and how much is still tied up in the program.

ResortFinance is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by DDoSGuard. For an extra layer protection and more secure transactions the ResortFinance website is also SSL encrypted by RapidSSL from GeoTrust. If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues you need him to deal with then ResortFinance can be contacted through a variety of means. Mainly this can be by filling out the online support form and submitting it via the contacts page, or if you prefer just write directly to the e-mail address listed. For Live Chat support there is a built-in feature allowing for this, though I myself have not noticed online anytime I was in my own account. For that you might want to try their Skype account, details of which can also be found on the contacts page, or, if you expect an answer, try phoning ResortFinance at the number they’ve provided there too. For something a bit closer to home (depending on what “home” means to you exactly) ResortFinance include a list of regional representatives. If there’s one in your area then you can use to contact details which in most cases include Skype, e-mail, or telephone to speak directly with someone in your own language.

Website content seems original, even if I can’t say the same for the claims made about the alleged business activities we’re supposed to believe are backing the program up and financing the payouts. ResortFinance claim to be involved with all sorts of things from construction to car hire. Nothing that you can independently check out and verify for yourself of course, and I don’t suggest you waste your time by trying. Online HYIPs are not there to be taken seriously after all. Well, maybe sometimes they are but that’s usually when people find themselves in trouble. It’s got the potential to be the next big industry hit, we just never know these things for sure until after they happen. Just remember to keep your expectations realistic, spend money according to what you can afford to lose and not based on what you dream of earning, and of course if you do join ResortFinance then at least try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Just after the review of SolidSharePro was published on MNO (click here to read it) the admin updated the news section on his website, sharing the link with his readers:

Review from MNO
Review from MNO has been published, read here.

As you may remember, SolidSharePro offers the ever popular investment plan giving investors more control of their finances by increasing or decreasing their principals anytime they wish according to their own investment strategies and goals. No fees are charged on withdrawals, and combined with instant payouts this has resulted in huge popularity for SolidSharePro among readers, propelling it to the #7 position on the MNO Premium List after just three days of monitoring. You can earn from 2.4%-6% per day for an indefinite period of time for a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer. Many have already joined, made good profits, and left again. As the withdrawals are instant, one of the last updates posted on the website’s news section sees the admin remind us of the importance of entering your payment processor details correctly to ensure you get paid. Because if there’s no information about your accounts there your withdrawal stays on pending status until such a point as you add this information:

Save your e-currency account before you request withdrawal
We find some withdrawals go to pending often. After we checked,the members don’t save their e-currency account. You must save your e-currency account in “PAY.DETAILS” before you request withdrawal, otherwise the system can’t pay you as null account.
For Perfectmoney and Egopay, the account will be saved automatically after you deposited successfully, but for Payeer and Bitcoin, you need save them manually.


I find it quite shameful that the admin of StpayBitcoin (reviewed here) continues try and deliberately deceive people by saying investments in his program are 100% secure and that by investing via SolidTrustPay and PayPal you will make a fortune. Well, a program promising to pay you 2.6%-3.2% for 150 business days (principal back), 107%-125% after 24 hours, 4.5%-12% hourly for 24 hours to your PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer accounts cannot be considered safe by default. It’s just a regular ponzi-game like so many others, and although StpayBitcoin is still paying fine, I believe it’s a very disturbing sign that the admin is apparently desperate for new funds for his program by issuing such nonsensical updates on a daily basis. Maybe it’s a sign of the coming cash flow issues? I really can’t say, but it’s certainly one conclusion a smart investor can draw from reading between the lines of the following emails sent by StpayBitcoin over the last 48 hours:

Investment is 100% secure
Valued Members,
It is a pity that many investors due to greed and over anxiety tends to invest with wrong companies who swindle their hard earn incomes. It is better to choose company which great vision and strong capital base like ours. Although the profit may be small but it is slow and steady win the race as all your investment is 100% secure. Anyway in order to rescue most people from getting astray and loosing their funds,members can communicate their friends and family about our effeciency and honesty. Apart from the fact that you will also earn some referral bonuses, you will also safe alot of souls and improve their economy.
The minimum amount that can be withdraw from our system is $0.2 and the maximum amount any investors can withdraw on a daily basis is $500,000.This is done to prevent money laundering and Protect the money policy of various membership countries.
Now we also accept okpay,western union and paypal. You can contact us on the procedure of investing through any of it. Like us on facbook and rate us in monitors if you are satisfy with our services.
Weekly News and Addendum to Policy
StpayBitcoin – Most Reliable Online Investment!

Solidtrustpay Payment
Esteemed Members,
Our STP account is (kwarap) but do not invest until your have got your special personal identification number from us. Using this medium to inform some members who invested with PAYEER but entered their PM account in the column of payeer. Kindly login and edit the information from your member area.
Now we also accept okpay,western union and paypal. You can contact us on the procedure of investing through any of it. Like us on facbook and rate us in monitors if you are satisfy with our services.
In Plan 1 – 3,You Principal is not part of the profit and which can be withdraw anytime but for Plan 4-6 Your Principal is inclusive in your Profit and Once the Profit is accumulated your need to Understand that you trading capital is exhausted.
Weekly News and Addendum to Policy
StpayBitcoin – Most Reliable Online Investment!


Finally, after weeks of waiting, investments via BitCoin are accepted in GenialStockExchange starting from $10 into the 6%-7.5% for 20 days plan on which the program has been paying for two investment cycles already. Those who spotted GenialStockExchange on MNO straight after its review was posted (click here to read) should be in good profit by now and I’m really glad that the program continues developing. The much anticipated addition of BitCoin to the original list of payment processors, joining PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, and Payeer – will certainly attract more investors to this brilliantly performing entry on the MNO Premium List. Here’s the short email from the admin on the BitCoin addition (unfortunately, the promised addition of SolidTrustPay remains in progress):

We added Bitcoin currency option
Mike Anderson, Admin


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list:  –
From MNO Premium list: CryptoryUniroyalChemical, RemiTradeFortunesUp, OneAdClick, GenialStockExchange, SolidSharePro, AssuredAssets, WazaTrade, StpayBitcoin, GepardAlliance, ResortFinance.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: SYMTLTD, ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, SuccessRoadToWealth, OgdenOrganization, TrustForexTrade, ClearInvestment (the first instant payment received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. I just want to finish by warning you to stay away from the cheap scams this summer. It will only hurt your wallet. Try and pick from the programs listed on Premium Status with MNO monitor. You know that quality is always better than quantity and the overwhelming majority are experienced admins who know exactly how to promote their programs and achieve the best possible results. Thanks for reading and for your all your support. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and I’ll see you next week with the latest news from the most popular programs in the HYIP industry!

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