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23/08/2014. TraderWays Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! TraderWays has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good start to the weekend. There’s only a couple of news stories to get through today, and a couple of them are really more to do with payment processors rather than any of the HYIPs I monitor. I’m also pleased to say that as the autumn inches ever closer there are some improving signs of light on the horizon that the industry is getting closer to a revival. Partially, and I do want to emphasize the word partially, this is to do with the program I’m looking at in the first half of today’s update which is called TraderWays. It’s another of the hugely popular perpetual style “no expiry” programs that allows member to determine when they would like to take their money back and leave. It can be a day, a week, a month, a year, or whatever you want. There’s a slight twist on how TraderWays organize this however as we shall see, because they have their own ways to encourage members to treat them as a longer term program and ultimately something that might just be more profitable for you in the long run.

I mean I have to be fair to the other programs on my list, there are some good ones and whose admins have worked damn hard to make a success of them and pair their members at a time when there wasn’t a lot of money floating around. But having said that, out of the new programs I’ve seen starting up recently around the industry in general TraderWays looks the most likely and the most poised to become the first real big hit of the autumn. If you read my introduction of the program in the last news update then you’ll know I do admit I’m positive about it. And now that I’ve had a better chance to explore it in more detail and gain some experience in how it works I have to tell you that nothing has changed – TraderWays is by far one of the most extensively and professionally planned and organized HYIPs I’ve seen in a while. A lot of time was invested in this, as was a lot of money and a lot of planning. And all of that’s before they ever take in a cent from investors. So it’s going to take a lot of work for the admin to get that back, which is partially why I think there’s a committed and ambitions professional behind TraderWays who knows exactly what he’s doing. But you don’t have to take my word for it of course, I only want to talk you through the main features of the program and you can decide for yourselves if TraderWays is suitably for you or not.

There really is a lot to talk about in this program, as almost every single facet of TraderWays sets it apart from their main competitors. So much so that it’s almost difficult to find a place to start, but I guess the best place as always will be the investment plans. It’s the first thing most of you will want to hear about anyway, and it’s nice to see that TraderWays have managed to combine profitability with sustainability. It’s also very affordable to join, costing just a $10 minimum to sign up. What really separates TraderWays from a lot of other programs however is the level of freedom and flexibility that’s afforded to investors while still protecting the wider interests of the program itself.

At first glance you might think it’s slightly more complicated than the more traditional HYIP investment plans, but trust me, it isn’t. I’ll try and give you a simplified version here anyway, without leaving out any of the important points. So what do you get in return for your deposit? Well, first of all there’s no fixed expiry date for your deposit. TraderWays will let you decide how long you want to remain a member, so whether you prefer to treat the program as a short, mid, or long term project is entirely up to you. Just be aware that there are certain measures in place to make it more lucrative for you to stay a bit longer. I’ll get to that in a moment, but as for the actual interest payments, these will vary from day to day depending on the program’s performance. They can be anything from a low of 1% per day to as much as 3.5% per day.

However to describe your earnings as being made “per day” is something of a misnomer. In actual fact once you have an active account with TraderWays you can log in and see your money grow in real time right before your eyes. Interest payments which eventually add up to something between 1% and 3.5% over the course of 24 hours are made in tiny increments literally by the second. The money just clicks up like a stopwatch, and you are free to withdraw it when it reaches either a minimum of $0.10 (which is TraderWays‘ policy), or whatever the minimum your chosen payment processor allows if $0.10 is too small for them.

The rates I have described above apply to all investors, regardless of the size of your deposit but subject to the $10 minimum of course. However for larger investors there are some extra bonus rates added to this. For instance, let’s say the TraderWays admin announces that today’s profit will be 2%. Fine, everyone gets that no matter how much you invested. But if you have a deposit between $500 and $1,000 then TraderWays will add an extra 0.1% onto whatever the rate of the day turns out to be, such as in this example 2.1%. OK, 0.1% may not sound like a lot at first, but you add that up on a daily basis and you can see it’s a decent enough incentive to stay with the program just a little bit longer, and that I think is the whole point of this incentive.

Bigger investors than that receive an even more generous bonus. As well as the published interest rate of the day, members with between $1,001 and $3,000 receive the same 0.1% bonus. Only this time however (as a deterrent to withdrawing too early I’m guessing) this bonus will increase everyday until it reaches and extra 0.4% on top of whatever daily interest rate you were going to get. You then continue to receive the bonus of 0.4% until you decide to leave.

And that’s more or less how it continues for larger investors. If you have between $3,001 and $5,000 you get paid the rate of the day, and a daily bonus of 0.1% gradually increasing to 0.6% which TraderWays will continue to pay until you decide to leave.

Those with amounts from $5,001 up to $10,000 earn the daily rate, plus the bonus of 0.1% which increases until reaching 0.9%. You then keep the additional 0.9% every day until finally withdrawing your principal from TraderWays.

Finally just for informational purposes the 0.1% bonus increase until reaching an extra 1.2% per day for deposits of $10,000 to $25,000. Anyone feeling brave/lucky/reckless enough to invest more than $25,000 is simply offered a flat daily interest rate of 5% which doesn’t fluctuate and without any of the additional bonuses (which is still higher than the most you might make from any other plan).

Trying to determine how this works out for each individual investor is as difficult as it is pointless – the thing about programs like TraderWays is that there are literally as many strategies as there are investors. For one thing the interest rate itself is quite a big variable, however if it helps there is a section on the TraderWays website that allows you to view their previous payment records. Obviously what you get paid today in no way guarantees what you get paid tomorrow, but looking at the averages as they stand at the time of writing I’d have to say that at the moment something hovering between the 2% to 3% mark might be expected. After that it’s just a simple matter of deciding how long you wish to remain a member. You may have a particular timetable in mind, like a month or two for example, or perhaps you have a certain financial target that you hope to achieve before leaving. To keep the hit-and-runners in check though and to make sure you think twice before leaving after a couple of days there is a system of withdrawal fees to make that a less attractive option. Don’t worry, this does not apply to your interest payments, they will always be completed in full. The withdrawal fee only applies to your principal, and is charged if you try to leave too early. However the longer you remain a member, the lower the withdrawal fee for getting your principal back. Eventually this is abolished completely and you can ask for the full amount back free of charge.

For example, TraderWays charge a 10% fee on your principal if you try to withdraw it anytime during the first ten days. This is reduced to 5% after that until you’ve stayed a member for twenty days. This then drops to 3% until thirty days have passed, and 1.5% between that and day sixty. Once you remain a member for longer than that TraderWays will charge you nothing for leaving and return your principal in full.

You should also be aware that compounding is available in the form of re-depositing from your balance. Just note that if you decide to take this option you can only do it with a $5 minimum.

If all that makes sense then let’s have a look at your payment options. TraderWays accepts deposits via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and OkPay. The FAQ mentions adding SolidTrustPay in the future, however no timetable is given for this and personally I wouldn’t be holding out much hope for STP approving this at all if recent experience is anything to go by. You can also fund your account straight from your balance once you see your first profit. Payouts to individual members need to be requested from inside your private members account area, however once done as you might expect from a program like TraderWays (with live real time interest accruals) payments are instant. You just log-on, make the request, and the money should be in your account in under a minute.

Even here TraderWays manage to distinguish themselves from most of their competitors with some extra features that will benefit a lot of members. They are you see one of the only programs online that will allow you to join via one payment processor and withdraw to another. However please note that this will only apply to your profit payments. Your principal must be returned to the processor from which it was made. So for example, you can join TraderWays using (let’s say) PerfectMoney, withdraw your interest payments to EgoPay (or whatever processor you prefer), but when you’re finally ready to leave your principal can only go back to PM again.

So far as you can see TraderWays have everything you would expect to see in every other online HYIP, and then add a little extra of their own. The same applies to the design and security features, particularly in the members account area which is notably superior to many other programs. The website itself is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoS-Guard. For an added layer of security TraderWays have an SSL encryption certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

It’s with the script however that TraderWays really stands out, though without ever signing up you’ll be able to see a demo version to give you a general idea of how things look. It’s entirely custom made and uniquely designed specially for the program. When you do join you’ll have to select your own username, then a randomly generated password will be assigned to you in addition to a five digit PIN code. So remember to keep this information safe! Save the mail, print it, and write it all down somewhere offline because you’re going to be needing it. Along with your password by the way you’ll also be sent some promotional materials, though this is probably of a lot more interest to monitors, advertisers, and the like.

Every time you sign in to your account area after that you’ll even notice a little pop-up area in the bottom left corner giving you a brief overview of any recent account activities. This includes your last log-in information (date, IP address, activities of your downline if there were any). Once you get past that everything is more or less self explanatory, as the script is very easy to navigate. You’ll see everything you need there right in front of you, including the previous interest rates and how they’ve fluctuated on an easy to read graph since TraderWays started. To make a deposit you simply click the button marked “Make Deposit”, and to withdraw you click “Withdraw Funds”. The money you make from interest payments and the money you make from ref commissions are also displayed separately so you can keep more accurate records of how the program itself has been performing. To withdraw your principal when you eventually feel the time is right to leave TraderWays you simply click the button in your account area marked “Close position”. This will give you a choice to either confirm this or change your mind if you hit it accidentally, as well as outlining whatever fees might be deducted if you leave before sixty days.

Should you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues that you need to have dealt with then there are several channels of communication open to you. First of all you can fill out your details on the online customer support form and submit it through the contacts page. There’s a couple of different e-mail addresses you can write to directly, depending on what you’re looking for (admin or tech support), and fans of social networking sites will be able to find TraderWays on Facebook as well as Google Plus. Also, in making TraderWays available to as wide an audience as possible, the admin has the site professionally translated into a number of different languages. Apart from English you’ll be able to check them out in Russian, Spanish, German and Italian which will help bring in a lot more investors one would hope, though I am not aware of customer support being available in any other language. Live chat is available through Skype seven days per week, so check the website’s contacts page for their working hours. There’s a postal address listed as well, though most experienced HYIP players will know by now to dismiss this as more likely to be simply a virtual hosted office and not where you find anyone connected with running TraderWays physically located.

As for the alleged business interests of the program we are told are supporting the payments to investors, supposedly TraderWays are involved with all sorts of activities claimed by any number of HYIPs, such as real estate, pharmaceuticals, etc. Unfortunately the texts are copy/pasted, and in one instance the admin (or designer, it doesn’t matter who) forgot to remove the name of the real company where the texts were copied from. That’s a bit sloppy to be honest, because otherwise a lot of good work was done to make the TraderWays website so original but then this is the most obvious and lazy mistake to make. But then again hopefully this will underline to less experienced HYIP players that this is all really just a game anyway. At the end of the day no matter how much you might like TraderWays it’s always going to be a form of high risk gambling, so remember to behave sensibly. Set yourself an affordable spending limit based on what you can afford to lose, not what you dream of winning, and if you do decide to join TraderWays then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I don’t know the reason why the admin decided to do so, but BTCLegacy is now accepting SolidTrustPay. Well, they don’t really have permission from the STP administration to do so. It’s in manual mode you see, and the admin promises to add your deposit himself after you pay to his SolidTrustPay account if you follow the instructions in last night’s newsletter. I can see indeed SolidTrustPay implemented for withdrawals in the script BTCLegacy uses which you can also see for yourself in your member’s area, so there won’t be a problem in requesting payouts there. The real problem is BTCLegacy has no official sanction from SolidTrustPay and from my conversations with other admins, STP take a dim view of new programs accepting it without prior approval. A recent example was that of Sparbs and SafeProfitsLtd, both of which had to remove STP from the list of accepted payment methods even though claiming to have verified accounts. So it might be better to wait a few days and see how the situation develops there if you are thinking of using STP. This doesn’t apply to any other deposits to be made in BTCLegacy of course. Their performance after 17 days online is still superb with all payouts processed within a 48 hour maximum (usually much faster). All this has helped keep the program at the very top position of the list of the most popular programs on MNO (read the latest article on that here). For more information on BTCLegacy you can read my review, but in a nutshell you can invest starting from $25 and earn from 5% to 7% daily depending on the size of your deposit with the option to request your principal back at any time you like with absolutely no fees involved. BTCLegacy accepts deposits via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, Payeer, plus the recently added STP manual deposits as described by the admin himself below:

SolidTrust Pay now accepted
BTCLegacy has added the ability to deposit and withdraw via SolidTrust Pay. Currently deposits are manual, but withdrawals operate as any other e-currency with BTCLegacy.
To invest via SolidTrust Pay, please login to your SolidTrust Pay account at
From there, you can make a transfer of any amount $25 and above to our Verified Business SolidTrust Pay account ID: kakala
NOTE: Please put your BTCLegacy username in the “note” of the transaction. “kakala” without the parentheses is our verified STP account ID.
Our team will then add this balance to your SolidTrust Pay balance in your BTCLegacy account dashboard. Please allow a maximum of 12 hours for your SolidTrust Pay balance to be updated in your BTCLegacy dashboard, although it is likely to be much quicker.
Thank You, BTCLegacy.


Speaking of SolidTrustPay, perhaps you have heard this on the MNO ShoutBox already, but if you haven’t I’ll repeat that I recently heard from one admin who had his STP account approved even before the official launch of his program. Exactly how he managed to pull this of is a secret I’m not able to reveal as this is an almost unbelievable achievement for HYIPs recently. I just only say that his program will soon be listed on MNO as I believe he’s going to officially launch sometime within the next couple of weeks. So keep an eye on MNO to find out more as it happens, as many readers keep asking me when we might see some good programs accepting SolidTrustPay. Fingers crossed one is coming very soon.

For now though, if you have some spare funds in STP and are a loyal customer you can get rewarded for a randomly selected transaction made during the so-called “member appreciation week” to start on the 1st of September, of which an official newsletter was posted on the STP blog. Well, I’m not really sure how it works, but SolidTrustPay promises some fun and mystery cash prizes within that week and also promises some additional rewards for those following them on Twitter and liking them on Facebook. Please read more on the upcoming week of surprises from STP below:

Announcing Member Appreciation Week!
SolidTrust Pay is excited to announce an up-coming event open to all of our valued Members!
Starting on the 1st of September, and running until the 7th, we will be holding our very first annual Member Appreciation Week!
What is Member Appreciation Week?
Member Appreciation Week is all about showing how much we appreciate you, our extended STPay family! We will be holding a series of contests and draws throughout the week for some great cash rewards and prizes.
What are the prizes?
With a total of 25 Mystery Cash Prizes daily, 5 daily draws to win the total value of your week’s fees, and a chance to win 1 of 3 Grand Prizes, there are many opportunities to win!
But how do you enter?
Simply do what you do best; use your SolidTrust Pay account for all of your daily Ewallet needs. It’s that easy! Every day during the first week of September we will be drawing random transactions to WIN INSTANTLY.
Want to increase your chances?
Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for additional chances to win! All of our Social Media followers will be kept up-to-date on the prizes, in addition to the useful content we already post.
Keep an eye on the blog for more updates as we get closer to September. With so many chances to win, Member Appreciation Week is sure to be a lot of fun.
SolidTrust Pay, where you matter.

Another important update from SolidTrustPay is an updated list of the verified exchangers – the only ones members should use to buy and sell STP funds to other e-currencies. The renewed list posted on the official STP blog is the definitive one and any transactions with unauthorized third parties not listed there are not recommended. You can’t use and exchanger services with SolidTrustPay unless your account is verified or if you’re a US resident. From the list of STP exchangers two are included on the MNO approved exchangers list which I can recommend personally from experience – MagneticExhange and PaymentBase. The full list of approved exchangers on MNO can be found on this page and for the latest update on the list of verified STP exchangers please read below:

SolidTrustPay Verified Exchangers
Looking at using an E-Currency Exchanger to transfer funds in or out of SoildTrust Pay? To keep your account and money safe, we require all E-Currency Exchangers to be pre-approved by us before they can do business.
Here is an up-to-date list of SolidTrust Pay approved and Verified Exchangers who are ready to assist you with exchanges from STPay to other E-Currencies:
Rchange, Ecurrencyzone, Magnetic Exchange, ExchangesPlus, PaymentBase, EraChange,
For your safety, never exchange funds with an unknown individual or company who has not been pre-approved by SolidTrust Pay. If you are offered the services of an exchanger who does not appear on the list above, please contact our Customer Support Staff and we will be happy to confirm if they have been approved to operate as a Verified Exchanger.
Please note: US citizens are not eligible to use Verified Exchangers/or send e-currency exchanges via their STPay account.
For further information on using Exchangers, please read this article on Exchanging E-Currencies Safely.
SolidTrust Pay is always here to help!


With very few programs currently accepting SolidTrustPay the recent return to the HYIP industry of Payza seems a good alternative, especially when it comes to US investors prohibited from using PerfectMoney or EgoPay. Payza, on the other hand, is accepting US members with open arms so in my opinion it’s really strange that at the moment only one program from my Premium List – Sparbs (reviewed here) – offers accepts it. Formerly known as AlertPay, Payza is not a newbie to the HYIP industry but it had been away from it for almost two years. Funding and withdrawal options can include bank transfers, credit cards, and BitCoin. Strange then that most admins are still neglecting such a powerful tool that could bring them many American investors and improve their performance. With a prior verification process also required from HYIP admins before being allowed to accept Payza deposits, investors would also have more confidence in them. Many investors are anticipating more HYIPs to start using Payza in the coming months due to its convenience and ease of use. Most recently the official Payza blog announced a new feature for verified account verified holders, allowing them to accept deposits via a credit card even from investors who don’t have an account with Payza itself. This is tremendous news, I must say, that could revolutionize things for HYIP admins ambitious enough to start using it. So far, only Sparbs are doing that, but who will be next? Keep reading MNO and you will find out soon! For now here’s the official statement from Payza on merchants accepting payments from non-Payza members directly from their Visa credit and debit cards:

New Feature Allows Payza Merchants to Process Guest Checkouts
Payza, a global leader in online payment processing, has released a new checkout feature that gives its merchants a streamlined option to receive payments from non-members.
As with most online wallet and online payment processing services, Payza merchants were previously only able to accept payments from current Payza members. With the new checkout option, non-members can now sign up and pay by credit card without ever leaving the merchant website.
“With this new checkout option enabled, Payza merchants can instantly accept payments from anyone with a Visa credit or debit card in the more than 190 countries that Payza serves,” said Ali Nizameddine, EVP Product and Technology. “One of our main focuses this year has been finding ways to refine Payza’s checkout process to make it faster and easier to complete, with the ultimate goal of increasing conversions for our merchants. This new checkout option for non-members is another step in that direction.”
Nizameddine noted that Payza first redesigned its checkout page in August of last year. The project opened up a larger conversation within the company as to how Payza could improve the checkout flow to help merchants convert more customers. “We had improved the look and feel of the checkout process last year, but that was just the beginning of our journey.”
Recently, Payza unveiled other checkout features to further improve the experience for customers. “We released a Balance Top-Up option in June to give customers a way to load their accounts and complete their purchases in one simple step. In July, we launched In-Page Checkout, which opens the Payza checkout module inside a merchant’s website. At the same time we incorporated responsive design to the checkout page for better usability on tablets and smartphones,” Nizameddine added. “With today’s release, we’re giving non-members access to the Payza network of merchants and we’re giving our merchants a way to instantly process payments from almost anyone around the world.”
The new checkout option is available immediately for all merchants that use Payza to process online payments.
About Payza
Payza is a leading online payments technology platform used by licensed entities around the world. Payza’s highly secure platform provides businesses and consumers with convenient and flexible solutions for sending and receiving payments worldwide. The company offers access to payment services in both traditional and emerging markets, as well as a host of tools and services including: fraud screening, dispute resolution, currency exchange, global payouts and disbursement services. With millions of members, Payza offers its services around the world in 21 currencies, and is proud to provide its merchants around the globe with a complete solution for accepting payments and managing their businesses. More information is available about Payza on its website,, Facebook, Twitter and the company’s blog.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky listSafeProfitsLtd.
From MNO Premium list: BTCLegacy,RemiTrade, AssuredAssets, SparbsLaxoTradeCryptoFarm, GlobalBuildingGroup, TraderWays.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, SuccessRoadToWealth,VioletStockOgdenOrganizationBaikalsTours, FinAlianza.

That’s all the news for today, guys. Stay tuned for more updates on MNO where only elite programs are welcome. See you all soon!

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