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31/08/2014. LinumFund Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! LinumFund has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying the weekend, and what is probably the last weekend of the summer for many. In fact in HYIP terms the summer is pretty much behind all of us now as we look forward to some good opportunities opening up over the coming months. Before we get to the news section today I want to take a more detailed look at one such potential opportunity, and probably one of the most eagerly anticipated HYIPs for a number of months. I’m talking about LinumFund of course, which you may have seen introduced on the MNO blog just a couple of days ago. It’s a brand new program which follows the ever popular “perpetual payments” style model, therefore allowing members to determine their own investment terms and leave the program when they wish to ask for their money back. So you can treat LinumFund as a short, medium, or long term HYIP as how ever you see fit. Something that I hope might protect LinumFund from any sudden unexpected drain on the program’s funds is an interesting set of measures to guard against hit-and-runners without making it less effective as a profitable HYIP. I’ll get to that shortly after I explain the plans, and then in the news section by the way I also have quite a lot to get through. In fact there’s a bit more to report on than is usual for a Sunday, which I suppose is as good a sign as any that the HYIP industry is definitely heating up now for the autumn. All that and more in the news section, but first let’s talk about LinumFund and see if there’s anything there you might like.

To start with it’s quite an affordable program, requiring just a $20 minimum deposit to join. LinumFund make interest payments on calendar days at a fixed rate determined by the size of your investment. However if you are prepared to make a commitment not to withdraw your principal too early (as is your right) LinumFund will reward you with an improved rate.

Here’s how it works. As I said there’s no fixed expiry date, that much is up to the individual investor to decide, but you have two groups of plans you can join under. The first of these is called The Professional Plan Group. You can join for the above mentioned $20 deposit, with the only condition being your money is subject to a five day lock-in period. You still get paid during these five days of course, you just can’t leave until it’s over. So for the $20 minimum up to a maximum amount of $999 LinumFund offer members a daily payment of 3.4% interest. As is always the case when I’m describing programs like this there isn’t really a great deal else I can say here due to the fact there’s as many different strategies as there are investors. You just need to think about what you are hoping to gain from joining the program and over what kind of term, and then do your own calculations from there.

That probably covers most investors I suppose, but for bigger spenders prepared to spend from $1,000 up to $4,999 LinumFund will pay 3.6% interest per calendar day. And for the biggest deposits from $5,000 to the $50,000 maximum allowed by the program the rate goes to 3.8% per calendar day, both of course with principal returned on request anytime after the five day waiting period. Remember just because LinumFund give you the option of withdrawing all your money doesn’t mean you’ve either got to take everything or nothing. You can make a partial withdrawal if you prefer and continue earning on the balance indefinitely. “Indefinitely” means how ever long the program remains online by the way, not “forever”.

If like many investors you join programs like LinumFund not with the rather pointless intention of leaving as soon as possible but with the idea that you would like to make some real money, LinumFund have The Advanced Plan Group. This is just as affordable with a basic $20 and offers more generous interest rates. All that’s required is that you be prepared to commit your money to a ten day lock-in period. Again you will get paid during the lock-in as you would on any other regular day, but it’s only after that you can ask for your money back and leave.

So for this group of plans then LinumFund offer members a daily interest payment of 4.4% for all investments falling between the range of $20 up to $999. What you ultimately take from this plan is left entirely up to you once again as once the first ten days are up you can stay or leave as you please, with either a full withdrawal if you wish to leave, or a partial one if you’d like to keep earning.

For the bigger spenders in this plan LinumFund offer a daily interest rate of 4.6% on deposits between $1,000 and $4,999, and 4.8% on the largest amounts allowed in the program from $5,000 and $50,000.

The benefit of the various lock-in periods here though is not just the obvious of limiting the impact of hit-and-runners, but also to make it a bit more logical to stay with the program for longer. The thing is once the lock-in period expires, if you make a full withdrawal of your principal but decide at some point in the future you’d like to try another investment you’re back to another lock-in period. However if you only make a partial withdrawal then you can continue as normal, free to get the rest of your money out immediately at any time but still earning a profit while you’re there.

When you eventually do feel the time is right to leave then, the process of asking for your principal back is pretty simple. You first of all log in to your LinumFund members area, and then click the tab which says “Deposits”. That will then take you to the list of all the active deposits you currently hold in the program (as you can have more than one at a time). At the right hand side of this list you will see the word “active”. This will bring up the details of the deposit, how much is there, etc, and how long before the lock-in period expires. This is expressed in the number of accruals that need to be made before you can leave – remember this will either be five or ten depending on what investment group you have joined. Once the minimum requirement has been completed LinumFund will then make the release button available where you can ask for a full or partial refund of your deposit when you’re ready.

It’s only when we get to the payment options that we see the real major talking point for LinumFund. All the regular HYIP industry service providers are there of course, namely PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. But it’s the presence of SolidTrustPay that’s really captured the attention of investors and the real reason why LinumFund was so eagerly anticipated before it launched and so enthusiastically welcomed by investors when it eventually did come online. For the first time in several months now we have a program which has actually gotten a pre-approved payments button for automated SolidTrustPay transactions. Sure, a couple of programs have tried manual transfers without the approval and one presumes without the knowledge of STP’s administration. With the officially sanctioned payments button however investors can once again avail of that certain extra layer of security and peace of mind that using STP to play with HYIPs can bring. I mean I don’t want to exaggerate this, and it certainly brings no guarantee of profitability, but traditionally STP deposits have always been the safest for investors due to the difficulties they place in the path of HYIP admins who try to scam. Just as important for the longer term financial health of LinumFund is, to bring things down to the lowest common denominator, the popularity of STP among the bigger and wealthier investors. Particularly in the American market which may or may not be the biggest in terms of the number of investors but is definitely the biggest in terms of money. Anyway, no matter what payment method you favor, all payouts to members are made instantly. You still need to log in to your private members account area and make the request, but once done you should see the money in your payment processor account in under a minute. This isn’t explicitly guaranteed to be the case 100% of the time of course, indeed there are many valid reasons for switching instant payouts off from time to time (account replenishment, security, etc) and in these circumstances the LinumFund admin asks for 24 hours to make sure any manual payments can be completed.

Moving on finally to the more technical, design and security side of things the LinumFund website itself looks to be very professionally planned out and organized. And even though there’s nothing really overly complicated or difficult for any regular HYIP investor to follow everything seems to be clearly and succinctly explained in plain talking English throughout. LinumFund is running off a licensed H-Script which is probably familiar to the majority of experienced investors by now, as it’s been around for a while now, is fairly dependable, and was becoming increasingly popular in the HYIP industry anyway before the industry began its annual slowdown during the summer. For hosting the admin has opted to place LinumFund on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by DDoSGuard, also a solid enough provider. Something that’s a little better than most other HYIPs though is LinumFund‘s SSL certificate for safer browsing and more secure transactions. It’s not the standard version used by most programs but rather the superior and more expensive extended validation, or Green Bar version.

If you have any further questions for the LinumFund admin or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there’s a couple of different methods of contact. To start with you can write directly to the admin at the e-mail address listed on the LinumFund contacts page. Alternatively you can also just fill in your details on the online support form and submit it through the same page. For Live Chat support LinumFund have a Skype account as well as a built-in chat feature in the script. Unfortunately the admin has been forced to temporarily switch this off over the weekend due to the regrettably expected and all too predictable flood of begging letters from monitors pleading for money. This just gets in the way of the admin providing real support to the people who deserve it – ie you, the genuine investor. But then that’s monitors all over for you. But still, you should check out the Live Chat anyway just to see if it’s online before composing any lengthy mails. Not up and running just yet, but as far as I can see LinumFund would also appear to be planning a regional representative program. No doubt you’ll have seen this in operation in several highly successful programs in the past. Obviously I can’t say exactly how this particular one will be organized, but generally speaking it tends to consist of a number of active investors working as online promotors and support agents in exchange for improved ref com payments. Still, it’s better you ask the LinumFund admin about it yourself personally if you have any experience and interest in participating. And lastly LinumFund include a telephone number which you can try if you expect someone to answer, and a postal address which I suggest you ignore as being more likely to be just a virtual, serviced office and not where anyone connected with the program is actually working from.

Just for the record for anyone interested, for a business plan supposedly backing the whole thing up, LinumFund are claiming to be involved with the financing of new businesses via start-up loans, crowd surfing, and the like. Not really the first time we’ve heard this particular story being alleged in the HYIP industry, and of course even if anyone was able to prove it you still can’t say it guarantees a profit. Nothing does, so for the benefit of HYIP industry newbies it’s best to follow the example of the more experienced players and ignore any claims about programs runing actual businesses. But as far as online HYIPs go, LinumFund should be assessed for what it is, and personally I think it’s in as good a position as most of the new programs starting up these days to generate a profit for its members. It’s just the addition of STP alone which I know the admin had such a protracted and time consuming battle to achieve is why I he’s no fly-by-night scammer and has every intention of at least trying to run the program for as long as possible. I hope he can meet the enthusiasm and high expectations shown by investors with the results they deserve. That being said, joining LinumFund is still a gamble so remember to stay well under a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, and if you do join then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Staying on the topic of the above reviewed LinumFund, despite only two days online the program’s admin Marcus already sent the very first newsletter addressing some questions from investors and gave the first stats of the program’s early growth which showed over 750 new investors joining over the last 48 hours. Some subjects touched upon include the regional representatives page which will be updated with names and contact details in a few days, OkPay will not be accepted, and Payza might be added soon subject to a successful conclusion to the approval process which started a couple of weeks ago. I would also appear that a glitch was detected in the script yesterday and it took the admin and team some time to fix it during which no one was able to login to their accounts. It seems that all deposits intended for the 10-day plan were going to the 5-day plan instead. If you were affected by this mistake then please contact the admin at the email address listed in the newsletter. Everything else in LinumFund seems to be running perfectly, especially when it comes to payments which have all been processed instantly so far. I do believe that the program will be able to run for quite some time, and will meet and even exceed the expectations and hopes investors have in this, one of the most promising investment projects of the last week. Here’s the first newsletter from LinumFund in full:

LinumFund – 1st Newsletter
Hello dear investors.
Our project was launched only recently, but we already have some important news.
1. Start of the project turned out really grandiose, I admit honestly – we didn’t expect to get such success. For the first two days 750 new members already joined us, from them 550 have active deposits. Total amount of deposits is about $65,000. We are very glad that our project was pleasant to you and we will make everything not to betray your trust and expectations.
2. Many requests for receiving the status of “Regional Representatives” arrived to us. All your requests will be considered soon. Members, whose requests will be approved, will receive the corresponding confirmation on the email at the beginning of the next week. Respectively the “Regional Representatives” page will start replenishing on Tuesday-Wednesday.
3. A lot of investors ask us about addition of new payment systems. Concerning new payment systems I can tell the following:
– OkPay – we aren’t going to add this system. We don’t think that many investors will use it, and the blocking of accounts is sometimes observed in this system.
– PayPal – we too aren’t going to work with this system. PayPal doesn’t work with such projects, and the beginning of work with them can lead us to blocking of our account. And we don’t want to risk yours (and ours) money.
– Payza – we hope to connect soon. Merchant department promised that procedure of verification will take from 2 to 5 days. We undergo this procedure two weeks already. A problem that support of Payza responds to messages too long. Therefore we won’t speak about any concrete terms. As soon as we undergo verification procedure – we will report about it in news.
4. After registration of an account don’t forget to specify details of your payment processors in the section “Payment details”. Also be attentive at a deposit conclusion, check to what payment account you withdraw the means. Especially it concerns BitCoin because often you withdraw funds for that address from which deposit was made (and it can be not that address which you planned to use).
5. Unfortunately, the start of the project took place not so smoothly. Yesterday the mistake connected with a choice of investment plans was revealed. An error was corrected during yesterday’s technical works.
If your deposit was made in wrong plan (not one that has been chosen by you) just send us request to and we will fix it. Also 10-15 investors at change of the investment plan could have a doubling of the deposit or you could not receive daily charges; in such case write us on and we will correct everything quickly.
We apologize for inconveniences. We will try to avoid similar problems further.
Warmest Regards, Marcus Jordan
Admin LinumFund


I’ve already received my first withdrawal from SafeBetIncome, moved it to Paying status on the MNO monitor, and will review it in more detail tomorrow. I remind you that the program has been online for over a month now, paying everyone like clockwork on the following plans – 103%-120% after 1 day, 53.5%-75% for 2 days, 123%-230% after 5 days, 180%-500% after 10 days, 300%-1000% after 20 days, 500%-1600% after 30 days. SafeBetIncome accepts deposits from a $5 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer. Today the admin sent a message addressed mostly to monitors quoting an email from from one angry admin whose account was deleted due to his attempts to cheat by setting up multiple accounts. It seems like the admin of SafeBetIncome Charles is a man of principle, and he pledged to fight such activity by warning that anyone trying to pull this stunt again should be aware of the consequences. I myself do not approve of such practices as I know it can damage short-term programs as SafeBetIncome tremendously and be a real drain on funds that should otherwise be paid to real investors, and not cheaters. But do not worry – the voting system on the MNO monitor is quite different and does not allow automated voting. All the bad votes regarding any program are subject to checks and require proof before getting approved on my monitor. This is how I keep my monitor free of the blackmailers and extortionists trying to steal investors money from programs like like SafeBetIncome, paying perfectly well to honest members but removing the cheaters. Here’s the email I received from Charles today just to let you know the scope of the issue he has been successfully dealing with:

Hello Monitor Admins,
We would like to inform you about a threat from a banned user in our program.
Please do not allow this cheater to perpetuate his wrong doings.
SafeBetIncome Ltd Support request from Sunday 31st 2014 of August 2014
hello admin! you deleted my account.. i asked you to restore it now and let me withdraw. otherwise i would be forced to post bad comment and votes on all blogs and forums.. it is a small amount of 10.3 . a small amount to pay in return to destruction of program.. think over it…. reply me as soon as possible..
User Additional Info :
User Name : asghar
E-Mail :
Not Registered/Logged user
IP Address:
Language : en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6,ur;q=0.4″
We have made it a point in our rules that we do not tolerate multiple accounts whether they are big or small depositors.
Should you encounter invalid complaints, please check this page containing the suspended/banned members for your immediate reference.
We positively hope for your objective handling of the matter..
Best regards, CHARLES CUYLER
President & CEO. SafeBetIncome Ltd


Please note that there will be no daily interest credited to accounts in RemiTrade for September the 1st, due to the Labor Day holiday in the US and Canada. This was also announced on the main page of the RemiTrade website where a list of monthly holidays when profits are not credited to members’ accounts is posted regularly:

Holidays Schedule in September
Due to the holidays we have the following official non-trading days.
1 September 2014
All deposits and withdrawals are processed instantly as usual In accordance with our Terms of Service no interest is paid on these days.

Actually if you read my detailed review of RemiTrade posted here you might remember that the profits are credited to accounts on the day following the business day the profits are reported from. So for the profits obtained by RemiTrade on Monday you will see the account credited on Tuesday, for the profits earned on Tuesday your account is credited on Wednesday, etc. So next week RemiTrade will only start paying interest on Wednesday, as the first profits of the week are generated on on Tuesday and Monday is a non trading day, so please keep this in mind.

RemiTrade is currently the #2 ranked out of the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO (click here to read the latest article on that). The program has seen a tremendous success since it was first introduced on my monitor back in November 2013, thus making it the oldest paying program on the Premium List. Members there enjoy instantly processed payouts to PerfectMoney while the program also takes deposits via BitCoin and direct bank wires (the minimum to invest starts at $10). The complicated system of returns credited from Tuesday to Saturday only represents the percentage of the profit RemiTrade reports on the website for the previous day and can be as low as 0.3% or as high as 4% on any given business day. The original investment is returned at the end of the 240 business day term, which nobody has achieved yet as RemiTrade hasn’t been online that long. I surely hope that in a few weeks we will see the first reports returned deposits and meanwhile, you should really check out that wonderful program which I believe can run for a very long time to come.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BTCLegacy, TraderWays, SparbsPurpleWealthWeTradeWePayGlobalBuildingGroup, CryptcoMinerLaxoTradeLinumFund, GoldLoanFinancing.
From MNO Standard list: SafeBetIncome (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTradeOgdenOrganizationBaikalsTours, TradingAllianceLimited20DayGold.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Hope you’re enjoying reading the daily news on MNO and if so – don’t forget to subscribe using the form on top of the blog page so as not to miss anything important. You may also follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter where links to all the important articles can be found. Remember that I strive to deliver the most up-to-date news possible from the HYIP industry, so in the new season which has already started I intend to update my blog on a daily basis, so keep coming back for more – it will be interesting I can promise you. Don’t forget that the new listing prices are coming into effect tomorrow, so in September you will find even more elite programs on the MNO monitor! By the way tomorrow I’ll be posting the results of the latest poll still running on the MNO TalkBack page, so you have one last chance to vote there if you haven’t done so yet. Thanks for your active participation on MNO and see you all tomorrow with a full review of SafeBetIncome and, of course, the latest events from the most elite investment programs online. Bye for now!

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