August 2014 Archives

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Hello everyone! For what’s been an overall quiet time in the HYIP industry it’s actually been a busy enough 24 hours for news stories, and I have plenty to catch up on tonight from the programs in my monitor. I’ll get to all of that as usual in the second half of today’s update, but the first thing I want to talk about is the newest addition to the MNO Premium list. You’ll have seen a brief introduction of it last night as MNO was the first major monitor the admin came to for listing just after launching. The program is called BTCLegacy, and it continues the recent trend in the industry of perpetual style programs that allow members to set their own investment term with the option to claim the principal back without any fees and leave when they wish. That allows you the freedom to treat BTCLegacy as a short, medium, or long term HYIP depending on what you prefer, and with a no-fee principal return walk away with a profit in as little as one day. So let’s see exactly what BTCLegacy have to offer and whether or not you think it might be worth taking a chance on and joining.

The minimum requirement for joining in the first place then is an above average but still very affordable $25. In exchange for this or anything up to a $1,000 maximum BTCLegacy are paying 5% interest per day for an unlimited period of time. So for example put $100 in today and you’ve got $105 tomorrow. That will continue for either how ever long you remain a member, or how ever long BTCLegacy remains online. I can’t really say anything else about the plan than that, because there’s as many strategies as there are investors. What you want or genuinely believe you can take from the program is up to you. You can leave after a day, a week, when you reach a certain financial goal, or, like me (though obviously I am speaking as a monitor now), remain a member until the very end whenever that happens to be. Maybe you have no strategy and will just go with your gut instinct from one day to the next. But for whatever length of time you choose, BTCLegacy will pay 5% interest per day. Remember also that you have the option of making a partial principal withdrawal as well, so you don’t have to take the whole thing. This is useful if you’re looking to “hedge your bets” so to speak, because if payments are continuing uninterrupted but you just don’t have the confidence to make a bigger commitment, you can always just leave a smaller amount in the program if let’s say you’ve already made a profit and can afford to continue playing with what some people might call gaming money. And why not? I mean as long as you’re definitely already in profit then what’s the worst thing that can happen.

Anyway, as that takes us up to the $1,000 mark I would imagine that covers most of the readers here. But for the bigger spenders let me just give a quick few lines on what BTCLegacy are offering you. For a deposit between $1,001 and $5,000 the interest rate goes to 6% per day, for how ever many days you chose to stay with the program. As you can see, a bigger reward requires a bigger risk, but at the same time it only takes a day to profit from the plan so the real risk is largely determined by you the investor.

And lastly for investments upwards of $5,001 and no stated maximum BTCLegacy offer 7% interest per day, no expiry date, and principal returned on request.

Interest payments are I believe credited to your account at the same time everyday, ie not necessarily a full 24 hours after you join the plan. When it comes to actually withdrawing this money to your payment processor account then, this is handled manually by the admin and will have to be requested from inside your private account area. According to the FAQ you should allow anything up to 48 hours for the transaction to be completed, though in reality I’d be surprised if such a lengthy wait ever becomes a regular occurrence while the program is running smoothly. The list of payment options is as good as we can expect from any new program starting up at the moment. BTCLegacy are using PerfectMoney, EgoPay. Payeer, and BitCoin. With STP seemingly not expressing much interest in working with anything connected with online investments at the moment then it’s fair to say that BTCLegacy have all the major players already and are unlikely to add any others. Incidentally, just one other quick point I want to make about BTCLegacy‘s investment plans is that compounding is specifically mentioned as not being allowed. Personally I wouldn’t usually encourage the practice anyway so that’s fine by me.

Before we move on I just want to make a quick point about the investment process that I hope will speed things up a bit for you should you decide to join. Because of the script BTCLegacy runs off it’s required that first you need to deposit money into your account’s wallet area. Once you’ve done that you will then need to re-direct that money in the quantities you want into the plans you want. I know of course that experienced readers will all know this, sounding as obvious as it does, but you’d be surprised at how many people can forget this – if you do not move the money from your account balance to the actual investment plan then you have not completed your investment. It just sits there doing nothing, so the faster you move it the faster BTCLegacy will start paying you. So from inside your members area then you will see a number of buttons related to the various features in your account. The first of these is labeled “Fund e-Wallet”. I think that’s self-explanatory really, and this is what you should click to put money into your account balance. The next button is labeled “Make New Purchase” and this is where you now move the money you just deposited from your balance to an active investment plan in order to start earning.

As for the return of your principal, this as I said can be done anytime. The only catch if you want to call it that is that there is a lock-in period lasting from the time you join BTCLegacy until the time you get your first interest payment. Why exactly anyone would possibly want to leave before getting so much as their first payment I can’t say, but there you go. When it does come time for asking for your principal back, it just sort of goes in reverse order to the deposit process. In other words it first goes from an active investment to your account balance. From there you can either request all of it to your payment processor account, or else just take part of it out and re-invest the remainder. Like I said, there really is as many strategies as there are investors so you need to think about what course of action suits your own needs best.

So here’s what you need to do when you’re ready to leave. In your account area on the left hand side of the page you will see a link “My Plans”. Click on this first. Then, at the bottom of the next page you will see details of any plans you are currently in, such as how much is there, date you joined, whet you’ve earned, etc. Please pay very close attention to this as it’s very very easy to miss – next to these details you will see a small circular shaped arrow, shaped a bit like the “refresh” button on some web browsers. To withdraw your principal from BTCLegacy this is the button you need to hit. You’ll get a pop-up box asking you if this is definitely what you mean to do (it makes things tricky if you did it by accident after all) so either click “ok” or “cancel” according to how you would like to proceed.

If it’s not entirely clear from reading that then don’t worry, when you get into your BTCLegacy account it’s a lot easier than I’m making it sound, and you can always just refer back to is review anyway for tips. So let’s see the numbers then and what you should expect from your investment. BTCLegacy officially have three plans to choose from, though in reality it’s essentially just one plan with three sub-sections that pay you higher interest rates based on how much you spend. Like I said in the introduction, BTCLegacy is a perpetual HYIP, no expiry dates, and it’s totally up to you when to get in and get out. The longer you stay, the bigger your earnings and the bigger the risk you take. But it only takes one single day to profit so your chances are as good as anyone’s really, even if you’re late in coming to the program.

Looking at the more technical, design, and security features of the program, this was really one of the first things that caught my eye about the program and impressed me enormously. There are certain things that you’d expect a serious program not to cut corners on, and I’m kinda pleased to see the BTCLegacy admin would appear to agree. No point in “false economies” you know, they only end up costing you more in the long run and he’s gone straight for pretty much the best of everything right from day one.

It’s not just the monitoring on MNO, the BTCLegacy website is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of BlockDos. Whoever the number two provider is when it comes to serving the HYIP industry, they don’t even come close to BlockDos so any downtime which is unlikely in the first place will be no more than negligible at worst. For an extra layer of protection the BTCLegacy website also has an extended Green Bar SSL encryption certificate from Comodo, which is of course far more professional and reliable compared to the regular version you might notice on other programs. The script is also probably the best available on the open market at the moment as well, being under license from ShadowScript. I haven’t seen them used for a while now – then again it has been a quiet summer so that’s not exactly unusual – but as more and more serious programs start launching as the autumn draws ever closer I do hope we’ll see it in more widespread use again. (Just to sidestep for a moment I did have an interview with the script’s developer some time back which you can read here). Short of getting a completely custom made script built from scratch, out of the “off-the-peg” style scripts available this one is comfortably the best and most secure, and easily comparable to the better custom made models. And it’s still quite easy to navigate and user friendly throughout.

Should you have any further comments, questions for the admin, or account related issues then the best way to get in touch with the admin is by filling out your details on the online support ticketing form and submitting it through BTCLegacy‘s contacts page. That’s how it looks to the general public anyway, where anyone can get in touch. From within your actual members area however, this is a bit more elaborate though no less easy to use after you join. For example there’s a tracking and archive system where you can trace and record previous and outstanding support tickets. In my admittedly brief experience with him the admin does seem quite responsive and quick to deal with any questions you throw him. An admin doesn’t ordinarily deserve any praise for this, after all it’s your money here and a decent level of communication is the bare minimum one should expect, but it needs to be pointed out that this is nevertheless something sorely under-appreciated by too many other programs. Compared to some of the competition then this at least gives BTCLegacy an edge over much of them. Also, fans of social networking sites will be able to find BTCLegacy keeping profiles of the ever popular Facebook and Twitter. There’s not much to say about either profile at this stage, keep in mind that the program is still brand new, hot off the presses as they say, but I hope the admin will prove smart enough to know how to make better use of these things than so many others.

As for the alleged business interests backing the whole thing up, it’s become almost a fashionable claim in the HYIP industry now to name BitCoin mining as a source of income and this is what BTCLegacy are doing. Claiming to do I mean, I don’t know about actually doing. While I am aware that such a thing exists as a source of money, I wouldn’t be convinced it can be anything remotely profitable as this and as with most (all) HYIPs there isn’t a great deal of evidence (none) that you can independently research and verify. Never mind, experienced readers already know not to waste their time by even trying, and will be able to assess BTCLegacy‘s likely ability to deliver a decent profit by other means. There’s definitely no doubt over the admin’s start-up budget though, and he’s gotten the best possible service from everything in his effort to push BTCLegacy to the top of the HYIP industry as fast and efficiently as he can. Whether he actually succeeds in this or not isn’t a question I can answer, though for the general well-being of the industry and the investors that comprise it I sincerely hope that he does.

The only other thing I can think of adding is to leave you with the usual warning about using some common sense. Not to sound like a broken record or anything but it is something that needs to be repeated for the newbies. Playing with HYIPs should be fun, and if you’re lucky bring in an extra couple of bucks without having to work for it, but not something you should depend on. Invest a sum of money you would be comfortable in losing if things don’t work out, and if you do join BTCLegacy then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. There is a risk involved in joining this one as there is with every other HYIP, but remember BTCLegacy only takes a day to put you into profit so consider that as well when deciding how best you want to play it.



And speaking of BTCLegacy, the program is barely online a couple of days and is already making waves in the industry. The admin is also implementing some extra security measures that will definitely be welcomed by anyone concerned about possible security breaches like those suffered by some other programs very recently. The admin described how to use the newly introduced Google Authenticator for tougher security and I guess I have nothing more to add but to praise BTCLegacy‘s administration for taking these precautionary measures. This could well contribute to greatly extending its lifetime. Here is how Google Authenticator works in relation to BTCLegacy:

Google Authenticator (2FA) Now Available
BTCLegacy has now enabled Google Authenticator (2FA) for those looking for extra account security. You must have the Google Authenticator App for it to work. If you wish to enable Google Authenticator (2FA) for second level security, press “Preferences” or the “Edit Preferences” button from your account dashboard. From there, you can press “Enable Google Authenticator” to begin using Google Authenticator (2FA). You can also find a link to the Google Authenticator App from the “Preferences” section of your account dashboard.
We strongly recommend everyone to use 2 Factor Authentication through Google Authenticator to ensure no one can access your account without the right access code. Please open a support ticket if you would like to use Google Authenticator (2FA) for an extra level of account security and need assistance in setting it up.


I would like to say a huge thanks to the admin of LaxoTrade Milenko (click here if you haven’t read my interview with him yet) who was the source of some huge traffic today by sharing the link to the MNO interview with hundreds of his program’s members by issuing a newsletter on it:

LaxoTrade: Interview
Money News Online, one of the leading investment blogs, published an interview with the CEO of LaxoTrade.
You can read it on:
Thank you.
Best Regards. LaxoTrade Support

All in all, I believe LaxoTrade is doing really well and has been running for an amazing term of 110 days while paying to all investors on deposits made into either of their two plans (both returning the original investment on expiry) – 2% per business day for 365 days, and 11% weekly for 55 weeks. As you can probably work out, the first investors of LaxoTrade already saw their money almost doubled and the longer the program lasts the more opportunity it brings them. The best thing about LaxoTrade is maybe the very low investment threshold as you can invest from just $1 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, or Payeer which are all taken. The withdrawals have been also processed during a reasonable time frame and the admin seems to be in the know on how to create a successful project. For more information on LaxoTrade don’t forget to check the full review on MNO posted here.


I would like to thank everyone who so far participated in the MNO poll. I’ll briefly remind you about the questions and the preliminary results, as I believe the polls will be going on for a few more days to gather more information from a wider audience.

Anyway, the first question asked – What are you doing in the HYIP industry for the month of August? As the industry seems to be at its lowest ebb, it came as no surprise that 33% replied that they wouldn’t invest at all until September when we should definitely see the surge in the good programs usually starting over that period of time marking the end of summer holidays. 50% of the readers replied that they keep investing in August but to the much lesser extent than the rest of the year preferring mostly to take a wait and see approach. And the remaining 17% are still investing as usual despite of the slowdown. That explains the dip in the HYIP industry at the moment if so few of the regular investors still participate as usual. That also explains why some admins prefer to wait until things stabilize or at least return to the previous level, so we see less programs operating in the summer as well as less people looking to join.

Although in terms of the numbers of programs launching every day I don’t think we see a shortage. The problem is when it comes to quality. Let’s be honest here, 90% of them are shockingly bad. Fortunately, you will simply not see such programs on MNO as the admins are priced out of my monitor completely. If they prefer to run fast scams and are here only for fly-by-night scams and easy money, they prefer to stay away from MNO as it won’t benefit them. That brings me to the subject of the second poll – Are you satisfied with the efforts made by MNO to avoid listing fast/cheap scams? By that I obviously meant maintaining high prices on my monitor and not wasting my (and ultimately yours!) time for the non serious programs run by admins with the deliberate intention to scam. 73% of those who so far voted in the second poll answered yes to the question, while only 27% say they suffer from a lack of choice. Well, I believe MNO is a unique monitor in that case and I truly believe that my readers (and also advertisers) deserve the best. I deliver the best results in advertising as was proven many times, but this mostly applies to high-quality programs offering something unique. Cheap and unoriginal programs will not get much attention anyway and the admins know that. That’s why I truly believe I’m on the verge of making MNO into something exclusive, offering an elite service for elite programs. Every time a program gets a Premium Listing on MNO it gets talked about and I don’t know any other monitor that would create such a buzz simply because a program becomes a part of their monitoring service.

That again shows that I’m completely on the right track on that and will keep this policy even if sometimes it goes against the general flow – it’s what made MNO so famous in the HYIP industry in the first place. Since the vast majority of readers also believe that it’s very important to keep only quality programs on my monitor and will not waste time on fly-by-night scams I’m implementing another price increase starting from the 1st of September. I’m still considering my options and there will be more information in due course, however it could be between 5% to 20% depending on the listing type. All the info on the further plans for MNO you will be able to find in future articles from the MNO development series and for now I would like to thank you for voting and encourage everyone who hasn’t done so yet to please do so.


Please note that another program has just been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor is UnoBanc. No further investments there are recommended and if you still have money in your account it’s better to withdraw everything now as the program still allows the withdrawal of principals at any time. This is likely to change soon so don’t wait around just thinking about it. Blocking members accounts gave rise to a wave of negativity which quickly spread all over the forums and monitoring sites. This in turn saw people rushing in to withdraw everything which makes the further survival of UnoBanc simply impossible. The program can’t be seen as any kind of a success story because it managed to survive for only three weeks. That was enough only to make profits for the most cautious investors with the possible maximum profit margin of about 40% on your investment. Many investors lost their money though if they trusted UnoBanc too much and didn’t withdraw at all or only withdrawing daily profits without touching the deposit. The admin behaved in a really lazy manner, and after purchasing his listing on MNO didn’t even send any newsletter to members. This rather unimpressive result is the logical conclusion. Well I suppose we shouldn’t expect much from a GoldCoders operated program launched in the midst of the slow season in the HYIP industry, and I never really thought we’d see much from UnoBanc to impress us anyway. Please note that while UnoBanc is still accepting new deposits from members but withdrawals are not processed anymore, so do not even attempt to deposit anything there. You have been warned!


Unfortunately, there is one more scam to report for today, ChampionsLeague which was actually moved to Problem status already a couple of days ago. Already when writing the last Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article (click here for the latest version) I noticed that ChampionsLeague was getting a lot of negative feedback on forums because of alleged selective payouts. The program was still paying OK for me at the time and I had no verified complaints from my referrals either. That all sounded suspicious though and I’m glad that I chose to omit the program from my Top Five list for that reason. There was no smoke without fire and the program did have some issues. In the middle of the new business week the admin probably decided that he had collected enough money for his summer vacation and pulled the plug by simply abandoning the ChampionsLeague website and stopped posting daily earnings. What could otherwise have become a very successful program fell victim to another amateur admin. His main mistakes in my opinion were the very high deposit minimum of $100 and very high withdrawal minimum of $50 as well (which was totally unnecessary and simply harmful for the program in my opinion) and a total lock of choice when it came to payment processors. It was either PerfectMoney or else you didn’t join. That really led to the program’s failure in the eyes of many investors and I hope its a very valuable lesson for the admin himself. Please do not invest in ChampionsLeague anymore as the program is totally inactive and is a scam as listed on the MNO monitor.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky listSafeProfitsLtd.
From MNO Premium list: RemiTrade, OneAdClickGenialStockExchange,
AssuredAssetsGepardAllianceAuGoldPartners, LaxoTradeCryptoFarmSparbs, BTCLegacy (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, OgdenOrganization, FlasHyip (the first payments received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. I know it wasn’t all positive, but it’s better to know harsh truth and be aware of what’s really going on out there. That is just one of many advantages of reading MNO and in the new HYIP season it will be even more exciting for sure. Stay with the best and reap the rewards of your smart decisions!

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