August 2014 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi everybody! Industry activity is still at a low point with a lot of readers waiting to see how things shape up in the coming weeks. Perhaps that’s a justifiable and even wise decision. My own ultimate goal here is to build something truly unique and by the beginning of new investment season in September to totally get rid of the lower grade programs and list only the best. For that reason starting from the 1st of September the prices on MNO monitor will increase significantly in order to weed out all the weaker programs run by inexperienced admins. And I believe many readers are in full agreement with this policy with 80% of you so far saying this is a positive move. Remember that unlike many other so-called monitors MNO is totally different as I’m not financially dependent on the income from my website and so can afford less programs but of much higher quality. The new season will be even more exciting for HYIPs as my intention is to have 5 to 10 programs maximum on the Premium listing, so I could concentrate better on their promotion and not waste any time on cheap scams like AuGoldPartners who should really stay away from the industry. Remember that voting on these subjects is still open on the MNO TalkBack page as the final results will be drawn in the next post along with the renewed Top Five Popular Programs on my monitor.


The number of HYIP admins from Russia and Russian-speaking countries now is just incredible. Unfortunately language skills are not always their strong point and have sometimes struggled to understand fully the terms and conditions of listing which are posted on the MNO advertising page. Although I do speak Russian myself I still believe that my time would be spent more efficiently if I didn’t have to explain everything twice. So from now my advertising page is bi-lingual and is available in both English and Russian. My programmer has developed an easy-to-switch link when you have to just click on the appropriate flag (UK or Russian) to view the page in either language. Hopefully this will be useful for HYIP admins in Russia, Ukraine and other former CIS countries. That is just part of the exciting new developments on MNO, and hopefully by September my site will see a totally new direction to accommodate only the most elite programs. Premium services will remain premium, but only for fewer programs, so get ready for some changes soon and wait for more announcements.


I’m glad to report today that the admin of Sparbs has processed the first principal and profit withdrawal requests last night on the expiry of the shortest 120% after 15 days plan. I myself was paid within literally minutes of the request being submitted, and I believe other investors who were fortunate enough to join Sparbs on day one didn’t have to wait for long either. Sparbs is surely one of the best set-ups in the industry I have seen for a long time now, running off a totally unique script with lots of interesting features. I must say that the admin fully lived up to my high expectations from his program in my detailed review of Sparbs you can read here. Even before the first cycle was completed he had already added two more payment options to an already impressive selection that included PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, BitCoin, and LiteCoin. Payza and OkPay were then introduced. Last night the admin also made an attempt to add SolidTrustPay, and indeed it was there for a very short while in manual mode. That was since removed though as the admin explained he had been asked to provide some additional documentation to SolidTrustPay in order to have his payment button approved for new deposits. Unfortunately, before that happens (if that ever happens) STP is not even on the table, so please do not be confused if you see the SolidTrustPay logo inside of your Sparbs account area. All in all, I’m pleased that Sparbs proved the skeptics wrong and, fingers crossed, it will also pay fine to those who in the longer, more lucrative plans like 160% after 30 days and 210% after 45 days. I’ll let you know on MNO when it happens and hopefully, we will see Sparbs among the leaders in the industry by September, with or without STP.


By the way, if you like STP and the flexibility and convenience of their deposit and withdrawal options, but are not satisfied with the diminishing number of HYIPs, I would suggest an alternative. I’m talking about Payza, of course, which recently re-entered the HYIP market. Sparbs for one is already accepting Payza and many more programs will follow if there is demand. They announced their policy regarding the acceptance of HYIPs, or income earning opportunities, as they like to call them, has changed. A recent poll on the MNO TakBack page a month or so ago showed a very high demand both from US investors no longer allowed to use PerfectMoney and EgoPay and from other investors remembering a more stable time in the industry when both Payza (formerly known as AlertPay) and SolidTrustPay were the top choices for serious admins and investors alike. Anyway, Payza is now taking pro-active measures to provide more new services for the convenience of its clients. Just recently it was announced you can withdraw Payza funds directly to BitCoin wallets. Just remember that Payza can be used by everyone and funded via Bank wire and Bank transfer (within days) and via credit cards (immediate funding) and then withdrawn to your BitCoin account for 2% fee. Although withdrawals to BitCoin take a couple of days to be approved by Payza, the exchange rate is fixed and you will receive exactly the amount you requested. Or you may also withdraw via bank or a credit card. BitCoin withdrawals are surely welcome sight, and so I believe it’s only a matter of time now before we see more programs using Payza. The latest announcement containing the step-by-step guide on how to withdraw funds from a Payza account can be found either on their official blog or read below:

Buy Bitcoin with Payza: Introducing Withdrawal by Bitcoin
Payza is excited to announce the release of our newest feature Withdraw Funds by Bitcoin!
With the addition of our newest feature, Payza members can now withdraw funds from their Payza account directly to their Bitcoin wallet. Essentially, this feature gives our members an easy way to buy bitcoins using Payza. This is our first step into the exciting space of cryptocurrency, currency that exists solely in the digital world. At Payza, we’re very interested in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, and we have big plans to expand the way Bitcoin can be used on our platform.
Using Payza to Buy Bitcoin
With a verified Payza account, you can buy Bitcoin in just three simple steps. If your account is not yet verified, this blog post can help you with the verification process: Payza Account Verification: International Members.
Here’s how you buy Bitcoin with Payza:
1. In your Payza account select “Withdraw Funds” on the top navigation bar and then select “Bitcoin”.
2. Select the currency (Balance) you wish to use, enter the Bitcoin address for your wallet, and enter the amount you wish to withdraw, then click “Next”.
3. Verify the details, enter your Payza Transaction PIN and click “Withdraw” to complete the transaction.
Even though a Bitcoin withdrawal takes 1-3 business days to process, your exchange rate will be locked in at the moment your transaction is created so you don’t need to worry about price fluctuations changing the amount of bitcoins you’ll receive. Note that currently you cannot buy Bitcoin with funds added directly to your Payza account by credit card.
If you are new to Bitcoin, the Coinapult Bitcoin wallet let’s you easily store, send and receive bitcoins using your email address making it a good choice for a first wallet. You can also visit for a great tool to help you choose the right Bitcoin wallet.


In another attempt to get more customers the former AlertPay spin-off EgoPay announced the option to fund accounts via direct Bank wires and avoid the necessity to pay to multiple exchangers for it. Note that such an option can be only used by verified members of EgoPay (which in itself is not compulsory for account holders but gives you certain advantages). The latest news from them along with a full step-by-step guide plus some questions you need to know about for the account verification process can be found below:

New deposit option – Bank Wire
Great news from EgoPay – deposit via bank wire
Taking into consideration all wishes and requests from our Personal and Business customers we have added a bank wire deposit option. It is done through our financial partner Mayzus FS.
How to deposit via bank wire
Step 1: Login to your EgoPay account
Step 2: Go to Deposit options
Step 3: Select bank wire USD/EUR
Step 4: Type in the amount of money and click „Next“
Step 5 : Confirm your payment request and go the 3rd stage
You will get the explanation how to do bank wire:
Step 1: Go to your local bank or financial institution
Step 2: Request to send a bank wire in the amount of $ ***.00
Step 3: Send bank wire to: (write Reference number)
In order to deposit via bank wire, it is mandatory to verify your account. First, you have to provide one of government issued documents: ID card, passport or driving license in order to verify your identity. Second, address will be verified when you submit one of your utility bills where your name, surname, address are present. Please note that the submitted document must be no older than 3 months. In order to verify your business you need to submit Company registration documents, Director’s authority for representation, Share certificate and Documents of shareholders. Documents must be in Latin letters or certified translation must be provided.
Important to know
Verification is NOT mandatory; however, it opens you wider opportunities when using EgoPay.
The verification process can take up to 1 – 5 business days
Do not hesitate and verify your account. Get all the benefits and ensure even more trust as well as security!


Apparently, PexPay is rapidly turning into another scam payment processor, with almost no chance to exchange funds to any other e-currency anymore. I myself dropped PexPay from the accepted list of payment methods for advertising on MNO some time ago, and I advise everyone else to follow suit. It’s not only me having problems with them as the admin of the only Sticky listed program on MNO SafeProfitsLtd announced that the withdrawals to PexPay had to be delayed. He even advised investors who deposited via PexPay to request converting their withdrawals from the program to any other accepted payment processor in SafeProfitsLtd – PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or Payeer. More on that is in the latest news update posted on the website:

Pexpay Withdrawals
Sorry for all members using Pexpay
All the Pending withdrawals will be processed in maximum the next week
Please let us know if you want to cancel your withdrawal request or want your money with any other processor we dealing with, we can complete the withdrawals to any of this payment processors immediately (Perfectmoney, Egopay and Payeer)
We apologize again for any inconvenience happened, and thanks for your understanding.

Overall SafeProfitsLtd is a really good program, although quite underestimated by some. It’s been paying instantly to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer for nearly three months now and residing on the MNO Sticky List for the last few weeks. The deposits into SafeProfitsLtd start from a $10 minimum and plans include – 11.2% for 10 business days, 4% for 35 business days, 3% for 75 business days, 1.4% per business day forever (on the last plan the principal can be handed back anytime after a 3 day lock-in period). The full review of SafeProfitsLtd can be found here, so check it out and see if the program is for you or not.


GepardAlliance (reviewed here) recently reported the opening of an physical office in St.Petersburg, Russia and went so far as to post images and where to find them on the website. The admin also announced a representatives program with some tough rules of application when you need to have a significant amount in GepardAlliance and be an active investor to qualify for the position. I guess that’s the main reason why only two representatives are listed on the site at the moment and the admin is also sending a reminder. He even encourages visits to the office under some special conditions. Investment plans include 0.35% daily forever (optional principal after 22 days available), 0.56% for 62 days, and 0.75% for 93 days starting from $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Qiwi, or directly from selected banks. If you’re interested in becoming an official representative for GepardAlliance please read the latest newsletter below:

Please pay attention
Attention please the “GepardAlliance“LTD, due the fact that the Office is open, offered all customers perspective opportunity to become a representatives of our company.
If you want to become a representative, you will need to apply for section:
After approval, you will have an icon in the Personal Area, by the link of “Affiliate Program”.
GepardAlliance” LTD will help to everyone who wants to open an office in their own city. Please contact us via the feedback form to discuss the terms.
IMPORTANT! Everyone who visit our office in August 2014, expect surprises, gifts and special conditions by deposits.


After over four months of stable payments which helped hundreds of investors to profit from OneAdClick the program is apparently on the way out. Trouble with some payments getting delayed were first reported yesterday, but the admin managed to smooth things over temporarily by pointing out that no one was past the deadline which was 72 hours. Today though the complaints were still pouring in and many readers reported that they still weren’t paid despite the promises. I have to conclude that the program is on the brink of collapse, and ask readers not to make any further investments in OneAdClick. Sadly, one of the best programs in the industry has been demoted to Problem status on MNO monitor!


Another admin who tried to convince us yesterday that he was about to pay to everyone is that of GenialStockExchange. But complaints started piling up today, and in my honest opinion, there shouldn’t be any justifiable reason for this. Funding a PerfectMoney account is not rocket science and certainly doesn’t take anything like as long as the admin is pretending. Anyway, who needs excuses as the only thing investors should get is the fast payouts as they are entitled to. It looks like this is not going to happen now, so I had to move GenialStockExchange to Problem status on the MNO monitor and advise you not to invest there anymore. Even if you’re still getting paid via different payment processors with such a reckless attitude from the admin the days of GenialStockExchange are numbered. So only withdraw your money without making any new deposits, guys. GenialStockExchange was yet another great program paying for eighty days (four investment cycles) that nevertheless was not able to survive the summer slowdown.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky listSafeProfitsLtd.
From MNO Premium list: RemiTradeBTCLegacy,
AssuredAssets, SparbsGepardAllianceLaxoTradeCryptoFarm.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, ZeusInvestSuccessRoadToWealthOgdenOrganization, ArbitrageTop (the first payment received), BaikalsTours (the first payments received).

That’s all for today, guys. Hope you’re enjoying the daily updates from MNO and see you all very soon! Please don’t forget to vote on the MNO TalkBack page, as it’s your last chance to contribute to polls there. The results are to be drawn in the next news post. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the MNO daily news bulletin so as not to miss anything important – you can find the link on the top of the blog page – just enter your email address, confirm and you’re done!

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