Sep 8th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! 2FXLtd has stopped paying! Do not invest there!


Hi everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend and are looking forward to what the new week might bring us. Since not posting yesterday I have a couple of items to catch up with for you coming as usual in the news section, so keep reading for more information on that. There’s no real news stories as such, just a couple of other things about MNO to let you know about. One of them is a new addition to my monitor’s Premium List which you may want to know about. It’s a program from the Basic List where the admin has decided that right about now is the right time to upgrade his program and start a more concentrated promotional campaign. It’s a short term program but one which has been kept very much below the radar up to now. The other item is the results from the latest opinion poll that just closed on the MNO TalkBack page.

But the main point of today’s article is a more detailed look at the latest addition to the MNO Premium List – a medium term project called 2FXLtd. You should be aware that strictly speaking 2FXLtd isn’t an entirely new program in itself. It’s been online for a month now and is only new to MNO. During that time investors have had ample opportunity to profit from the program with everyone who joined during the first couple of weeks seeing an excellent return. So it looks as if the admin is ready to take his program to the next level, now that any initial start-up issues (if there were any) will have been ironed out, a decent payments record established, and a wider more enthusiastic audience returning to the HYIP industry after the summer. In fact I can also see that just prior to listing with MNO the 2FXLtd admin had the website completely redesigned, so clearly he has some plans in mind for the future of his program. It’s quite a simple and straight forward program by the way, which isn’t a bad thing or anything, so it’s not going to take long either for me to describe or for you to decide whether you like 2FXLtd enough to add it to your portfolios or not. So let’s get started and see what it’s all about.

I’ll begin then as usual with the investment plans – the reason 2FXLtd is here in the first place. This is what makes 2FXLtd so simple in the first place because there’s only one plan offering the same fixed rate of interest for the same length of term, no matter how big or how small your deposit. Subject to the usual minimum/maximum level rules that is. It will set you back a minimum deposit of just $5 to join which will keep the program affordable to everyone, and the only way you can possibly lose more money than you could afford to lose is by freely spending it yourself. The investment term runs for 25 calendar days, during which 2FXLtd are paying their members a daily interest rate of 8%. During the course of the term these payments should eventually add up to 200%, or double your money. Your principal is factored into those payments and so will not be returned on expiry in a separate payment, leaving you with 100% net profit.

So how would that look in practical terms? Let’s say you invested $100 in 2FXLtd. You should then expect a daily interest payment of $8 every day for the following 25 days. That adds up to $200 in total, double your money back, or with 2FXLtd including your initial hundred with that you’re getting your own money back plus an extra $100 net profit for yourself. You reach the break-even point, that is to say you earn back an amount equivalent to your original investment and therefore can’t possibly lose money no matter what happens next, after thirteen days. Maximum deposit is capped at $10,000 by the way.

If that appeals to you and you’d like to have a go at it yourself, then the next thing you might need to know is what exactly are your payment options. 2FXLtd are taking most of the popular industry processors, so most probably you’ll find something in there you might like. Currently you can use any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin to join the program. Withdrawal requests are handled manually by the admin and so will have to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once this has been done the rules state that you really need to allow anything up to a 24 hour maximum for the admin to complete your transaction. From my own admittedly brief experience with them though I can say it’s usually fair to expect them quite a bit faster. Earnings are credited to your account every 24 hours at exactly the same time you joined 2FXLtd in the first place. After that you’re free to make the actual withdrawal at what ever time suits you or you get around to it.

On the more technical, design, and security side of things, 2FXLtd is a fairly standard program here as well, with most of the features easily recognizable by most regular players and commonly used by plenty of well known HYIPs. For example, the program is powered off a script under license from GoldCoders which makes them instantly familiar to most members. For an extra layer of security 2FXLtd has an SSL secured connection by Comodo in both the public and the private members account areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks by DDoSGuard.

If you have any further questions about the program you don’t think were addressed here or any account related issues you need to have the 2FXLtd admin deal with for you, then there’s a couple of different methods you can use to get in touch. You can fill in your details online support form and submit it through the contacts page. 2FXLtd also have a Live Chat feature built-in to the website, so you might want to give a quick check and see if there’s any operators online and if they are capable of helping you before sending any mails off. You can also try their telephone support if you would like to speak with someone directly (and expect someone might actually answer if you call). Working hours for both Live Chat and phone support can be found on the program’s website, however one other thing you might wish to look into with 2FXLtd is their regional representatives group. There’s a short list of individual members of the program who double-up as support operators. You can find their contact details on the 2FXLtd website, and if there happens to be one located in your vicinity you’re free to get in touch with them.

As far as the alleged business activities of the program are concerned, 2FXLtd describe themselves as an “independent investment platform”, which is a pretty broad term open to as many interpretations as you like. Supposedly also it’s Forex trading that finances the payments to members. There’s a company registration certificate from the UK, however I happen to know these (yes, the genuine ones) are quite easily and cheaply bought online with no questions asked. I mean at least the admin made the effort which is always good to see, but I wouldn’t take that particular aspect of 2FXLtd too seriously. There’s nothing going on there you can independently verify for yourself, so better treat them the same as any other online HYIP. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose and will commit to stay under at all times, and if you do sign up for 2FXLtd then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse investment portfolio.



It’s time now to analyze the results of the latest polls that ran on the MNO TalkBack page over the last week or so. The first poll was important to me because I see such increased interest in programs coming to MNO already accepting SolidTrustPay or Payza (the latest example being LinumFund, enjoying overwhelming success now). So I was wondering whether people are more inclined to join programs that already have an STP or Payza account (meaning the admin has undergone an extensive verification process that may have taken weeks). I knew that the final results would favor such programs, but I didn’t expect it to be so one-sided. So programs that accept SolidTrustPay or Payza have an advantage over those not accepting them according to more that 70% of MNO readers, while only about 30% don’t think it has much influence on them. I think the message being sent to HYIP admins is loud and clear on this – a lot of people, including some serious investors from the US and Canada, will skip your program unless you make an effort to accommodate them. There’s always someone else prepared to make the extra effort, and they’ll be only too happy to see your customers drop you in favor of them. An article on the advantages of using SolidTrustPay in the HYIP industry was posted on MNO here, and for an article focusing on Payza I’ll get to work on that soon.

The second question of the poll asks – “What programs do you currently prefer investing with?” The results were no surprise I have to say and I think gave an accurate reflection of what’s been going on in the industry and what investors want to see. And once again, the most successful admins will be the ones who give it to them. “Perpetual” programs then, the ones that pay you every day for an unlimited term until you ask for your principal back and decide to leave, are the clear winer. Of course there are some variations on this strategy and sometimes the admins have early withdrawal fees (like in TraderWays) or impose a short lock-in period (see LinumFund for that), but it’s all done to prevent hit-n-runners damaging the program in the short term and make it more stable and secure. Although sometimes even perpetual programs with higher than average returns and no restrictions on leaving enjoy long-lasting success (see BTCLegacy that paid for nearly a month on the 5% to 7% daily plans as a fine example). Anyway, it looks like the supply is meeting the demand here as there is an increasing number of such “perpetual” programs are growing now like the mushroom after the rain. Surely not all of them are worthy of your attention, but if such a “perpetual” program comes to MNO you can be sure it has a huge advertising budget which can make it harder to fall over fast. The no-expiry principal back anytime type of programs are actually preferred now by 60% of MNO readers while the “traditional” programs offering a fixed rate of interest over a fixed investment term are only favored by 28%. And finally, last in the ranking are “short-term” programs offering plans like 103%-105% after one day for which only 12% of readers have voted. I believe these results are also clearly indicative of the shift that happened in the HYIP industry over the last twelve months and should give the HYIP admins food for thought as well in terms of what investment plans they have to offer investors to become popular and profitable ventures.

To continue analyzing the current trends for the new investment season I’d like to ask the opinion of MNO readers on other important subjects. The first question is about the level of final profits you see as a realistic target and usually look for in HYIPs when investing. I know that some experienced investors are satisfied with lower profits and join safer programs overall, while others prefer to compound and double and triple their money with a much higher degree of risk involved. So, please think about the following and vote:

What is the level of profit you see as your ultimate goal when investing in HYIPs?

1) 1%-25%
2) 25%-60%
3) 60%-200%
4) over 200%

For the second question on MNO TalkBack I want to stay on the topic of hit-n-runners as some admins keep blaming them for the premature collapse of their programs. But I was wondering how MNO readers would characterize themselves in that regard and to what extent they are keen on supporting the programs they like. So please vote for one of the following three options that best describe your investment strategy in HYIPs.

Would you describe yourself as a hit-n-runner?

1) Yes, I always try to get fast profits and leave the program as soon as possible.
2) No, I always support the program until the end and re-invest part of my profits.
3) Depending on the program I mix different strategies to achieve the best results.

Thanks in advance for voting, guys. I know how precious your time can be and so appreciate your contribution. Together we can better understand the current state of the HYIP world and probably even draw some useful conclusions to help us make more profits in the long term.


Five months online for a short-term program? Is that even possible? It appears so, as the newly upgraded TradingAllianceLimited tries to break this stereotype with a long track record. The program started back in March 2014 which can be independently verified on the threads on various investment forums but the admin preferred to keep a low profile up until now, when I believe the much more aggressive advertising campaign will be employed to showcase his much improved website. The upgrade to Premium listing on MNO after over three weeks on Basic listing proves that I might just be getting the admin’s intentions right and that TradingAllianceLimited is maybe a so-called “sleeper” program that aims at very gradual promotion and stable and steady growth over a longer period of time. The program offers very low-return plans which, I suppose, will help ensure a long paying status as well. The plans which are going to be fully described and analyzed in the upcoming review of TradingAllianceLimited on MNO tomorrow include 102.4%-120% after 1 day, 114%-230% after 5 days, 145%-720% after 15 days, 200%-1650% after 30 days, 350%-2800% after 45 days, 600%-4500% after 60 days, 1100% after 11 days, 2300% after 21 days. Of course not all the plans in programs like TradingAllianceLimited can be taken seriously. One should avoid plans with unusually high and unsustainable returns for higher minimums to invest, however, I do not see that preventing you from making money in the others. Especially that is true considering the program only requires an affordable $10 minimum to join. Payment options include PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. As TradingAllianceLimited is running off a licensed version of the GoldCoders script, you should remember that all the profits are collected into your account and are available for withdrawal on expiry of your chosen plan. Maximum waiting time for withdrawals is 28 hours. TradingAllianceLimited features a nice to look at and professional design, although using ridiculously fake stats so typical of this type of a program. On the technical side, the program has DDoS-protection from Koddos and hosted on a dedicated server, with an SSL-certificate from Comodo and domain registration for five years. Of course if thinking of investing in TradingAllianceLimited we should dismiss both their claims of being a legitimate limited registered company and their very long term online as the program looked totally different over the first months on the Net while paying different rates. It’s pretty clear that the admin hopes to get more investors now that the program has become much more appealing. I’m sure he will keep developing TradingAllianceLimited further with the latest improvements outlined in the most recent newsletter which was issued last Friday reposted for you below:

Hello Dear Clients and Guests,
Our program still working within a more than five months online,
So, today I would like to introduce some updates:
As many of you know, our email based support is really fast.
But for some long/complicated/urgent questions, emails just aren’t as convenient as talking to someone on the phone or live chat in real time. We still prefer handling most of your questions through email (it is much easier to refer to a previous email, than a previous phone call), but when you have the need to speak to someone live, feel free to give us call or try to use our Live Chat option. The professional people will be answering to your question in real time mode, so you can be sure that you will be getting a well-informed answer.
The phone support hours from 8 AM to 7 PM (GMT+1 Hour)
The new support number is +44 20 3695 4202
We are trying to provide excellent services for our clients and partners.
Thank you for staying with us.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RemiTradeLinumFund, TraderWaysWeTradeWePayAssuredAssets, SparbsCryptcoMinerGlobalBuildingGroupPurpleWealthCryptoFarm2FXLtd.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list:  20DayGoldVioletStockOgdenOrganization.

Please note that I have decided not to re-post or comment on the latest newsletter from WeTradeWePay as I noticed that the payouts from them are taking longer than usual today. Perhaps there’s nothing to worry about, but I still prefer to receive my payment before posting any news. A high-risk program like WeTradeWePay that barely reached the break-even point for its first investors yet will always be treated with caution. I hope that there is nothing to worry and it’s too early to say anyway as the processing time clearly states 72 hours, but any delays from the regular schedule will be unwelcome by investors used to faster payouts up to now and could possibly affect the program’s lifecycle. Plus, GoldLoanFinancing seems to be having some script issues at the moment as my account was not credited with daily earnings for yesterday and today. It’s too early to say anything else regarding that as the admin promised to look into the issue and fix it within the next few hours, so I’ll keep you updated in the next post tomorrow.

Apart from those two short updates I don’t think there’s anything left to report. See you all on MNO tomorrow for a more detailed review of TradingAllianceLimited plus regular daily updates from the HYIP industry’s most elite programs featured on my monitor. Please keep voting in the new polls on the MNO TalkBack page as the results will be drawn sometime next week. And don’t forget to follow MNO on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to the daily news delivered straight to your email every day. Bye for now!

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